Alliance War Feedback [Merged Threads]

JazzyJeff1981JazzyJeff1981 Member Posts: 218
edited September 2017 in General Discussion
What a sad time. Wars used to be my favorite part of this game, now they are just boring. Placement doesn't seem to matter, and defenders hardly matter anymore either. Nothing gets kills, its become so easy to walk all the way up to that mini boss cluster without even a scratch. I used to really enjoy sitting back and watching my defense lay waste to an opponent, now we don't even get points for kills anymore so this doesn't even matter... If one of my defenders does do a really good job and stop several people, it doesn't matter cause there are no more points for placing a quality defense...

This is so boring, its just a rush to 100% and then wait and see who had the most unique defender team... How is this a war? There is no spirit of competition between the alliances anymore, no one cares what the other team is going to do, because they are almost certainly just going to hit 100% exploration with ease....

What's the point of this? It seems like you guys just decided you were tired of listening to un-talented players complain about Nightcrawler so you made wars super easy and washed your hands of it...

So boring now....
Post edited by Kabam Vydious on


  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    Luke Cage, Ant man, Colossus... all take a back seat in this new format due to no thorns node. They weren't that useful before, now they are completely useless. What was wrong with a Thorns node? It made these champs somewhat useful
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    MSRDLD wrote: »
    Luke Cage, Ant man, Colossus... all take a back seat in this new format due to no thorns node. They weren't that useful before, now they are completely useless. What was wrong with a Thorns node? It made these champs somewhat useful

    Thorns no matter what champions you brought made you take insane amounts of damage against 4/55 5* defenders, yes it made those champions useful but it was a mechanic that no matter how skilled you played even with the right champions you could die which shouldn't be how skill based content should work. At least with flare in this current AW map you can finish fights quickly and with the right champion finish the so quickly the damage back is negligible, regen the health back or use rogue to completely 100% counter the node.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    But at least with Thorns one could take BW, CB, Elektra, Karnak, etc and bypass it. It required a little bit more planning and coordination.

    I don't think that the auto damage from Thorns was a negative thing. If we are going to complain about that then we might as well complain about Electro altogether.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    The worse bug is that if you place less defenders then the opponents
    Get less points for kills
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Don't blame the user base and opponent. Blame the system that was created. Not well thought of.
  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    It more costly to do this war.
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  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,448 ★★★★★
    It esay.
  • MilkthewhalesMilkthewhales Member Posts: 81
    And you enjoyed them before? There was so much BS in the map before with lame ass rewards, tier 1 thorns with duped iceman on, yeah no thanks. Old map/method was stale and boring. Not saying this is perfect but reverting things doesn't seem like a solution
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    And you enjoyed them before? There was so much BS in the map before with lame ass rewards, tier 1 thorns with duped iceman on, yeah no thanks. Old map/method was stale and boring. Not saying this is perfect but reverting things doesn't seem like a solution

    War was my favorite part of the game, so yes, I enjoyed it a lot.
  • MilkthewhalesMilkthewhales Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2017
    Anonymous wrote: »
    And you enjoyed them before? There was so much BS in the map before with lame ass rewards, tier 1 thorns with duped iceman on, yeah no thanks. Old map/method was stale and boring. Not saying this is perfect but reverting things doesn't seem like a solution

    War was my favorite part of the game, so yes, I enjoyed it a lot.

    It's my favourite too, partly due to all the other modes being ****. That doesn't change the fact the old map had gotten really stale and had obvious BS on it that needed removing.

    There are some very simple tweaks to this that would resolve a lot of the problems.
  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    It's was well thoughgt of. We all know the purpose. Kabam won't change it. Need the big boys to set up another BC. Only way to get things done with kabam
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    Anonymous wrote: »
    And you enjoyed them before? There was so much BS in the map before with lame ass rewards, tier 1 thorns with duped iceman on, yeah no thanks. Old map/method was stale and boring. Not saying this is perfect but reverting things doesn't seem like a solution

    War was my favorite part of the game, so yes, I enjoyed it a lot.

    It's my favourite too, partly due to all the other modes being ****. That doesn't change the fact the old map had gotten really stale and had obvious BS on it that needed removing.

    There are some very simple tweaks to this that would resolve a lot of the problems.

    Simple tweaks, absolutely. What they did was not just some simple tweaks. I really enjoyed getting 100% with less deaths than the other team, that was an accomplishment because of the multiple difficulties throughout the map. The only thing they should have changed was the rewards system.
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    Guys, u are missing the forest for the trees. The new war map is easy. It doesn't cost as many health potions/revives if u are borderline decent. But kabam doesn't care.

    This war map is a moneymaker for kabam. How you ask? Because they make their money selling crystals and t4ccs/t2as/t4bs/t5bs to rank champs up. I have never been a believer that they made a ton of money selling units for health potions/revives. If they did, we would see way more deals that include alliance potions. We occasionally get the 25% off potion sales which I'm sure give them some money, but not as much as selling 1000 5* shards or a chance at some rare champion.

    So now, they have a war map set up which is geared toward two things: diversity and defender rating. Those directly correlate as moneymakers for kabam.

    First, it encourages people to buy the featured 4* crystal to get that new champ no one else has for extra diversity points (if u have a red deadpool or a thanos or a kang, your alliance is really loving u right now).

    Second, if both alliances max diversity, the next question will be defender rating. All of these tier 1 alliances with expiring t4ccs and unopened t4cc crystals will now need to be rushing to rank up crappy champs to get higher defender ratings. Then, when the r5 5*s and the 6*s come out, they will have to rush to grab those to increase their defender rating/diversity rating.

    I am in total agreement that this new war map is too easy and boring. But for kabam's target market (which are not people who mostly play this game for free), it does exactly what they want--rewards those people for spending money.

    I wouldn't say moneymaker, it's a game breaker. They have taken the spirit of competition away by way of skill and strategy. Those have been replaced by prestige and diversity essentially. The more different champs you have that are ranked up, the better your chances to win. This is very lame and boring.
  • Eos_Nano_XEos_Nano_X Member Posts: 304
    Guess what. To you and anyone else that agrees with you.
    No-one is forcing you to play the game or compete in AW. You dont like it... leave, stop playing.
    Either that or just shut up, nut up and deal with it.
    Nothing you do or say will change it.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Anonymous wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Guys, u are missing the forest for the trees. The new war map is easy. It doesn't cost as many health potions/revives if u are borderline decent. But kabam doesn't care.

    This war map is a moneymaker for kabam. How you ask? Because they make their money selling crystals and t4ccs/t2as/t4bs/t5bs to rank champs up. I have never been a believer that they made a ton of money selling units for health potions/revives. If they did, we would see way more deals that include alliance potions. We occasionally get the 25% off potion sales which I'm sure give them some money, but not as much as selling 1000 5* shards or a chance at some rare champion.

    So now, they have a war map set up which is geared toward two things: diversity and defender rating. Those directly correlate as moneymakers for kabam.

    First, it encourages people to buy the featured 4* crystal to get that new champ no one else has for extra diversity points (if u have a red deadpool or a thanos or a kang, your alliance is really loving u right now).

    Second, if both alliances max diversity, the next question will be defender rating. All of these tier 1 alliances with expiring t4ccs and unopened t4cc crystals will now need to be rushing to rank up crappy champs to get higher defender ratings. Then, when the r5 5*s and the 6*s come out, they will have to rush to grab those to increase their defender rating/diversity rating.

    I am in total agreement that this new war map is too easy and boring. But for kabam's target market (which are not people who mostly play this game for free), it does exactly what they want--rewards those people for spending money.

    I wouldn't say moneymaker, it's a game breaker. They have taken the spirit of competition away by way of skill and strategy. Those have been replaced by prestige and diversity essentially. The more different champs you have that are ranked up, the better your chances to win. This is very lame and boring.

    Who do you think kabam makes the most money off of? Skilled players that occasionally buy health potions or the people who are essentially gambling addicts that buy crystals every week? Maybe this destroys war maybe it doesn't. But what does kabam care if people who don't spend money quit, as long as the ones who do spend money keep spending?
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    Anonymous wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Guys, u are missing the forest for the trees. The new war map is easy. It doesn't cost as many health potions/revives if u are borderline decent. But kabam doesn't care.

    This war map is a moneymaker for kabam. How you ask? Because they make their money selling crystals and t4ccs/t2as/t4bs/t5bs to rank champs up. I have never been a believer that they made a ton of money selling units for health potions/revives. If they did, we would see way more deals that include alliance potions. We occasionally get the 25% off potion sales which I'm sure give them some money, but not as much as selling 1000 5* shards or a chance at some rare champion.

    So now, they have a war map set up which is geared toward two things: diversity and defender rating. Those directly correlate as moneymakers for kabam.

    First, it encourages people to buy the featured 4* crystal to get that new champ no one else has for extra diversity points (if u have a red deadpool or a thanos or a kang, your alliance is really loving u right now).

    Second, if both alliances max diversity, the next question will be defender rating. All of these tier 1 alliances with expiring t4ccs and unopened t4cc crystals will now need to be rushing to rank up crappy champs to get higher defender ratings. Then, when the r5 5*s and the 6*s come out, they will have to rush to grab those to increase their defender rating/diversity rating.

    I am in total agreement that this new war map is too easy and boring. But for kabam's target market (which are not people who mostly play this game for free), it does exactly what they want--rewards those people for spending money.

    I wouldn't say moneymaker, it's a game breaker. They have taken the spirit of competition away by way of skill and strategy. Those have been replaced by prestige and diversity essentially. The more different champs you have that are ranked up, the better your chances to win. This is very lame and boring.

    Who do you think kabam makes the most money off of? Skilled players that occasionally buy health potions or the people who are essentially gambling addicts that buy crystals every week? Maybe this destroys war maybe it doesn't. But what does kabam care if people who don't spend money quit, as long as the ones who do spend money keep spending?

    You do have a valid point. But those skilled players do buy signature stone deals and many of them have done multiple paths of LoL.
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Make it difficult and people cry saying it's a cash grab
    Make it easier and people cry that it's boring
    Make up your mind! Wtf do you want?
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    What are u talking about? Those defenders were terrible and should have never been ranked in the first place last r3 for arena (r2 5*).

    The new war map actually makes them way more "useful" bc they give diversity points.
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    GbSarkar wrote: »
    Make it difficult and people cry saying it's a cash grab
    Make it easier and people cry that it's boring
    Make up your mind! Wtf do you want?

    The only complaint about war that I had was rewards, and I used to take path 9 with 2 thorns nodes, power gain, slashed tires, and right mini boss. It wasn't worth the effort I put into it, so saying it's a cash grab would be correct if I'm only getting 600 red shards for all my efforts.
  • GbSarkarGbSarkar Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    Cedriccc wrote: »
    Did you know most top teams in tier 1 AW are putting literally every single champ they have in their rosters, even 3 stars, just to max out diversity points? They then use their strongest team on offence and proceed to wreck the opposing team. The winner? Whoever has the more diversified team. Hahaha who came up with this ****? Many ppl ranked up dormammu, nightcrawler, bpcw... etc solely for war and now we don't get to use it because if we do, we let the other team win. And people also max mystic dispersion solely for a mystic Defence team which, again, cannot be used in top tier wars.

    "No rank down tickets will be issued because no champs were altered" I mean that's true . Kabam you're not wrong, you're just an ****. You clearly know people are affected by this but u choose the easy way out

    So why aren't you doing what "most top teams in tier 1 AW" are doing as well? The "top teams in tier 1 AW" ranked up the same champs as you did for defence but they are not using them either. Since they are placing 3*s, shouldn't the war be easier for you?
  • dmadge11dmadge11 Member Posts: 28
    Im guessing people commenting on here have never cried its too difficult. There is a huge fundamental difference between difficult and cheap. Thorns is cheap unless you have Yondu and maxed out pacify, infinity blast is unavoidable damage, the collector fight is cheap. There are plenty of ways to make this game mode difficult and still reward the player and teams for playing well, i.e not dying and make it have a competitive edge. Im guessing most players have stopped taking AW seriously at this point.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Anonymous wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Anonymous wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    Guys, u are missing the forest for the trees. The new war map is easy. It doesn't cost as many health potions/revives if u are borderline decent. But kabam doesn't care.

    This war map is a moneymaker for kabam. How you ask? Because they make their money selling crystals and t4ccs/t2as/t4bs/t5bs to rank champs up. I have never been a believer that they made a ton of money selling units for health potions/revives. If they did, we would see way more deals that include alliance potions. We occasionally get the 25% off potion sales which I'm sure give them some money, but not as much as selling 1000 5* shards or a chance at some rare champion.

    So now, they have a war map set up which is geared toward two things: diversity and defender rating. Those directly correlate as moneymakers for kabam.

    First, it encourages people to buy the featured 4* crystal to get that new champ no one else has for extra diversity points (if u have a red deadpool or a thanos or a kang, your alliance is really loving u right now).

    Second, if both alliances max diversity, the next question will be defender rating. All of these tier 1 alliances with expiring t4ccs and unopened t4cc crystals will now need to be rushing to rank up crappy champs to get higher defender ratings. Then, when the r5 5*s and the 6*s come out, they will have to rush to grab those to increase their defender rating/diversity rating.

    I am in total agreement that this new war map is too easy and boring. But for kabam's target market (which are not people who mostly play this game for free), it does exactly what they want--rewards those people for spending money.

    I wouldn't say moneymaker, it's a game breaker. They have taken the spirit of competition away by way of skill and strategy. Those have been replaced by prestige and diversity essentially. The more different champs you have that are ranked up, the better your chances to win. This is very lame and boring.

    Who do you think kabam makes the most money off of? Skilled players that occasionally buy health potions or the people who are essentially gambling addicts that buy crystals every week? Maybe this destroys war maybe it doesn't. But what does kabam care if people who don't spend money quit, as long as the ones who do spend money keep spending?

    You do have a valid point. But those skilled players do buy signature stone deals and many of them have done multiple paths of LoL.

    That may be true. But the guys that I know with skill aren't big spenders and just save units from arena before doing LOL.

    But again, they are going to spend for LOL and sig crystal deals regardless unless they totally quit the game. Maybe it will happen. Maybe it won't.

    But again, my assumption based on the most common deals I see are kabam makes money from (1) crystal deals and (2) deals to rank up champs. If champs aren't being ranked up bc they are useless (like spider Gwen or Luke cage or oml for instance), kabam not having potential to make money off those champs. If the only champs worth spending money on are mystics and a few god tier champs, kabam ain't making as much money off of crystals if the champs are undesirable.

    Somewhere, there had to be a marketing research done that alliance wars based on which allies had the most different champs would be the bigger payday
  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    Im currently up against and alliance who chose to put a very little amount of defense in. If all bosses drop on both ends than they will probably get the win
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    That's also a valid point. I do think they are taking the fun out of the game though. Foing that might be more detrimental to the bottom line if so many people quit playing, but that's only an assumption. I guess we will see how that works out. It's sad to have come to this point.
  • RockandrollinaDRockandrollinaD Member Posts: 22
    I used to love wars but now it's just pointless. The only thing they have to do is get rid of the cheap nodes like thorns and slashed tires and put some of the new nodes like the degen 100% but regen while attacking just for example. The new system it's broken, the no defence points it's plain bad. The new map design it's horrendous.
    And why people should be rewarded for fighting one mini boss like 5 times and win like it's the same thing killing the mini boss in one try. There is no skill involved just throw revives and potions and put luke cage, spider gwen and joe fixit for defence diversity or never mind don't put defenders and the other alliance would get less attack points because there is no one to attack.
    IMO They need to remake AW and focus on skill and teamplay than anything else. That's all...
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