With the Magneto buff we need to fix the #metal situation

I mean come on kabam. Some champions aren’t listed as metal but very clearly use LOTS of metal.
For example
1. Blade (Swords and guns)
2. Corvus glaive (Glaive)
3. Black Panther CW. (Suit)
4. Domino (guns)
5. Magneto (his suit is definitely magnetised seeing as otherwise Magneto could not control it)
Those were just a few examples of champions that use metal weapons/have metal suits that aren’t classed as metal champions. Just saying. Magneto as of now has a much more limited use then maybe he should have.
For example
1. Blade (Swords and guns)
2. Corvus glaive (Glaive)
3. Black Panther CW. (Suit)
4. Domino (guns)
5. Magneto (his suit is definitely magnetised seeing as otherwise Magneto could not control it)
Those were just a few examples of champions that use metal weapons/have metal suits that aren’t classed as metal champions. Just saying. Magneto as of now has a much more limited use then maybe he should have.
He'll become too overpowered in a way
Unlike with blade where new dimensional beings don't get the tag (looking at you mojo)
There won't be many non metal options for him
For the sake of balance, let's just let him be as he (hopefully) soon will be. Is still gonna be a beast for so many matches
Hulk Buster (how could this iron wall not be magnetized screw that)
rocket raccoon
these 4 can not be magnetized and are counters for magneto
well, rocket's gun can be magnetized in some case...
I guess Blade uses a silver sword, since he slays vampires. I think a solid silver sword might be to brittle though... (correct me if I'm wrong) ...so he probably has a silver coated steel sword.
Anyway, I'm not sure what corvus´s glaive is made of. Could it be Uru (like stormbringer and Thanos´s sword)? In that case, do we know if it's a ferromagnetic metal?
And... I guess they have to draw the line somewhere. Most of the champs probably have some little thing made of metal on them, their weapon, belt buckle... or heck... their keys in their pocket.
Only iron, cobalt, nickel and some rare earth metals are ferromagnetic. Other metals respond so weakly to magnetism that it is only measurable in a lab. Titanium for instant is used for implants and is unaffected by the magnetic fields of an MRI. Why do you need to remove all metals? Because iron and iron-based alloys are the most commonly used metals, better be safe than sorry.
Theoretically, iron man and doom should be immune, as they use titanium armour. But in the comics the writers are physics illiterate and perpetuate the misconception all metals = magnetism.
But to return to OP: he's correct, a lot more Metal tags should be given to skill champions. Guns, swords: they are all made out of steel. Blade I am not sure: it should be a silver sword, or is it steel alloyed with silver?
When you have champs like gwenpool who are #metal because of her swords I guess we should think about being more specific for skill champs because class advantage but less picky for others.
I guess that's why also Captain America is not considered Metal Champ, his Shield is made of Vibranium too.
From what I can find most say it's actually Titanium, with acid etchings. If that is so it should not be ferromagnetic. Since you can get Titanium implants and still have an MRI without the titanium reacting to the strong magnetic field.
But then some claim it's forged with a special technique using a steel core, so in that case it should be sensitive to Magneto.
BPCW uses pure vibranium and cannot be magnetised.
Cap's shield used to be adamantium but I think it was retconned to pure vibranium.
All he needs is to hold a coin on his hand to crush you.