The Upping of the Ranks

I'm looking for any advice on who I should r4 next. I usually wouldn't make a post on it because r4s aren't super hard, but I'm really not sure. I'm on 6.2.4 right now. I've had other stuff to do, but I could probably do it if I wanted.

The Upping of the Ranks 89 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Go havok, my dude. He's such an all-rounder. He handles niche matchups like a boss, and that special 3 damage is a fight wrecker! I use mine a lot, and he's always my go-to for annoyances like map 5 torch.
Of course, it wouldn't hurt to have 2 Guillys ranked, but I think you'll enjoy her more at rank 5 when you're in 6.3 and beyond.
For now, I mostly use her in cavalier difficulty, and to farm pots in RoL. I'm planning on doing labyrinth with her, but that's whenever these freezing issues are sorted out.
For now, I place her on defense.
Edit: By the way, I haven't used her in act 6 yet because I'm still stuck at Champion boss. I was there before I got her, and I'm still stuck there, lol.
I guess my rank 5 Claire can take him out, but I'm still being a little patient cuz I'd rather get revives first, instead of throwing units at him like I did in my first try, lol.
Pic 1: Guillotine 2099 casually demolishing the entirety of Path 1 of LoL. I used her for every fight in there except like 2 (where used Colossus) and I only had to revive her once (accidentally died). She is amazing
Pic 2: Acid Wash Mysterio. Yes, she’s that good. As you progress in Act 6, the health pools get bigger and bigger and her used skyrocket.
She slices through almost any content that you put her into
Guillotine 2099 is 100% worth the r5 no matter what.
She's a regular in my AQ team now,she does 90% of my AQ work,I reserve Nick fury for doom and sometimes mystic doombots,I bring killmonger along too but he hardly sees any work to do cos guilly takes care of it.
Try her out you will love her