What a **** policy Kabam has.

Guy in our alliance let his kid play on his phone, kid sold almost everything. Contacts Kabam almost immediately to try to have account restored and they say he can only give him the last 5 sold at level 1 / 1.
Dude spent real money on the content and gets some gold and **** champs as a warrently on said content. Don’t let your kids touch you phone folks, you could be out everything you’ve spent for.
Dude spent real money on the content and gets some gold and **** champs as a warrently on said content. Don’t let your kids touch you phone folks, you could be out everything you’ve spent for.
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What does it cost them to give him his full roster back? Its not like somone can gain anything by selling them.
Do not give your account credentials to anyone else for any reason. Do not let someone else play your account. You are responsible. Treat your MCOC account like your Etrade account. Don't presume you can let someone else play with it and then call them to reverse the activity.
I sympathize with your losses, but there is a very specific policy that prohibits this activity and Kabam keeps repeating that policy over and over again, and yet people keep doing it and complaining when Kabam doesn't undo the damage that can be done. My only suggestion is you can try to contact one of the community reps (aka the forum mods) privately (they generally do not discuss support matters publicly) with your support ticket information and see if there is anything they can do. But in this situation I do not know if there is anything they can do under the governing policies of the game. Good luck.
But you guys need a password lock for MCoC
Is it Kabam’s fault, no, but they are happy to take our money, but not happy to provide a service when something goes wrong. It would be a few key strokes to fix and they would be out nothing. Instead they make the guy start over or quit.
Good customer service is good business.
On a serious note, that stinks. It's a bad policy and should be a one-time only reset of all champs. Kids love superheroes and usually want to see what mom or dad are playing. And companies that profit off a game based on superheroes should have a little more heart.
Dr. Zola
It's not but most companies value customers and try to work with them. It's not Wal-Mart's fault if you bought the wrong size pants but they refund or exchange them. Just an example of service not meant as a exact comparison.
How do you password lock an app on IPhone? This is a great idea. It would definitely save me future paranoia.
Except instead of Walmart we are talking about a jewellery shop. And instead of pants, we are talking about diamonds.
No we are talking about digital content... diamonds appreciate in value, which is why you can insure your diamonds.
If you think digital cartoon characters and diamonds hold the same value then I don’t know what to tell you.
There are apps for it I believe
It's more like if you buy something and your kid breaks it, will the store refund it or give you a new one
Again, comparing digital content to physical is apples and oranges. The cost of customer satisfaction is minimal to restore digital content. Physical content is different.
agreed, he should get his account back imo
You don't know that. First of all, it is almost certainly not just a couple keystrokes to restore someone's game account. It is almost certainly a fairly expensive operation that involves people doing things they normally do not do. To do this they are either doing it manually which could take a significant amount of time, or someone had to build a system to allow someone else to do it which itself would be expensive.
But it is not just the literal cost of doing the operation. There are operational controls and auditing that have to be built to manage and operationally govern the process. You don't want to put people in the position of having friends and relatives try to abuse the system. The actual total cost to do this could be substantial, and if they implemented a policy to allow this the cost to do it once is not the question: the cost to do it as many times per day as the number of requests they are likely to get is the actual cost, and that number is likely to be extremely high.
Google is a thousand times larger than Kabam, and might have tens of thousands of times more technical support resources. Try and call them one day and ask them to undelete a bunch of pictures you deleted from Google Photos after emptying the trash folder. It is certainly possible, and anyone that would like to have a debate with me about how clouds actually work is welcome to initiate one. I'm ready to discuss distributed object stores with you. But the difference between technically possible and operationally possible is the difference between getting your pictures back and not getting them back. I'm pretty sure you aren't getting them back.
I agree with this. I also sympathize. However, that policy is pretty unilateral for recovery, as far as I have seen. I can imagine that they empathized and offered that, but that's all they're allowed to do as Support. Aside from the legality of it, people assume responsibility when they allow their children to use their devices. I can understand that many people do, and I would never tell a parent what to do, or say not to. Just stating the fact that what happens as a result of that is on the parent.
I think this is a mistake and the policy should be changed to a 1-time only restoration of champs sold at their original rank. If it happens twice, you're SOL. The only abuse a player could do from this is purposely sell their champs for shards to open another crystal. A simple fix would be whatever champion you opened from the shards for selling your champs would be removed. You might lose more shards then you started with but that's a compromise I'm sure most players would accept over the current policy. Other than that, it would help prevent situations that the OP (and many others before) may have gone through with all their champs being sold. Some account sharers might get a bigger safety net, but it would show a bigger "trust" from Kabam that they understand **** just happens in life and they won't punish harshly for that.
Firstly, we're operating under the premise that it was actually his kid that sold the champs. Sorry, I don't trust any one at face value as a general rule, but these forums are crawling with people who lie and twist stories to try and get ahead. So whether it's true or not, I simply don't have much sympathy, and don't expect Kabam to sift through the layers to determine which cases are valid or not.
That’s why you create an account with kabam I thought?
And yes, they very well should have snapshots of accounts and be able to roll them back to the last known save. You may lose progress since that point, but it beats the alternative. But we all know Kabam has terrible support.
You have to watch out for yourself because they seem to care less about the players.
Technically i buy apples and oranges from the same store, and the refund policy for my kid accidentally buying 5,000 dollars worth of them from the fruit stall is the same: No Refund.
Maybe Kabam should actually do this refund or restoration thing, and then blame the slow progress of bug fixes and poor update quality on these manual operations.
Funny how people want Kabam to go out of their way to look at individual player-induced issues, and then proceed to blame Kabam to not fixinf the bugs quick enough.
Actual scenario:
Player: Screw this **** Kabam! I'm quitting this **** game
*player sells of all champs and rage quits*
3 days later...
Player: Hello Kabam support? Yea 3 days ago my kid logged into my account and....