Root Feedback (New Mechanic)



  • ThedancingkidThedancingkid Member Posts: 274 ★★
    I thought it was pretty fun. It’s always nice to have something that shakes up the routine.

    It would be great though if we could be freed just a fraction of a second earlier to be able to punish reliably.

    And it certainly made for a much easier gauntlet quest than the Squirrel Girl version.
  • Crimson8399Crimson8399 Member Posts: 767 ★★★
    It reminds me of encroaching stun. Just a way to throw off the rhythm of the fight. If everything lines up right it's not bad but sometimes it seems like if u do a 5 hit combo and go to back up before they use a special, it will actually pull u back in a little. Maybe a frame rate thing, maybe a glitch, maybe intended.
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388
    Personally I don’t like this mechanism. Unless this would be an extra ability for some of the champs (like buff they need to activate in certain way to use during SP)
  • miracle_mufflermiracle_muffler Member Posts: 158 ★★
    edited November 2020
    I don't mind the node if it is a niche node that can appear once in a blue moon. If it becomes common, then you need to introduce a way to disable or counter it, same as with any other node in the game. If it stays as it is now, it basically kills champs like Omega, who rely on being close to the opponent and makes any opponent with unblockable or a very complex special basically impossible to fight. Also champs like Sunspot, who do a lot of damage even though a block, will become an absolute nightmare. So, overall, if you put it in some context (giving a way to disable it and rewarding for being caught in it) and make it a niche node, it can work, but just making it mainstream as it is now will make a lot of people think twice about continuing to play the game.
  • Silver_SagaSilver_Saga Member Posts: 372 ★★★
    Feedback on the first day (rooted during the defender's specials) :
    I didn't hate it. Which surprises me a lot.
    But didn't like it either.
    It felt mostly unecessary, and sometimes annoying. Most of the time it didn't change anything to how I would have dealt with their specials, but it became a little bit of a pain when the Defender didn't want to launch their specials, baiting was like playing russian roulette... if they chose to launch it the millisecond right after you initiated a dex, most of the time you're screwed.

    Also, reading back the Dev Diary, and I quote :

    Both will first come in the form of Event Quest or special event before becoming the kit of a new Champion in the future.

    “Root” – Imagine locking a Champion to a spot, but still allowing them to attack, block, parry, and dex – well this is the concept behind “Root”. “Rooting” a Champion makes melee Champions’ Special Attacks incredibly dangerous, makes Dexterity a powerful tool in standard gameplay, and offers up some unique attacking options. We’re excited by the potential of this quirky mechanic.

    From this, I understood this would be a new ability for future champions (after testing in a side quest like this month), something that would be beneficial for us, something we would want to do and initiate ourselves for the benefit it would bring, not apparently what is going to become yet another punishing node.

    I also agree that it would have been far more judicious to introduce this new node/mechanic in a freely accessible side quest, not one like this month where you can only enter one difficulty, once per day. Fortunately, I have a mini account where I could get the hang of it before going in on my main...

    And to be a little more controversial, I know like Miike said this thread is supposed to be about the root mechanic and nothing else, but, I feel the timing of its introduction isn't the best : I find it a little bit annoying that you would spend precious dev time on this when there are many bugs that need fixing yesterday, like we've seen for the past two months. Anyway, your game, your company, your rules, but it had to be said.

    Granted it was only the first day... let's see how that root thing evolve in the next week(s), with the various conditions. But so far... not a fan. Hopefully you can still turn this into a winner !
  • Jazzy011Jazzy011 Member Posts: 81
    edited November 2020
    Root was fun at first, until I realized that you are basically just fighting in the corner during specials. It is not bad on most champs, but some champs together with root make for a really fun & interactive experience. You are forced to block specials that you simply can't evade, and if it's unblockable or they get beefed up with attack nodes then it's gg.

    Hoping to never see it back again, or at least very controlled with specific champs that make it not complete bs.
  • samalasravansamalasravan Member Posts: 163
    Best champ is tigra with her heavy machanic misses all specials and you can hit after specials easily
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  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    qartweli said:

    1. unstop guys must be root immune
    2. hard to evade specials become nightmare
    3. non contacters become nightmare

    its ok mechanic but offsets the difficulty

    A node changes the difficulty of a battle? Are you sure? Sounds like bs to me honestly
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  • PoupPoup Member Posts: 41
    Just tried it in legendary mode. Maybe i need to get used to this new mechanic, but right now i dont like it at all 😅
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,002 ★★★★★
    Satomi said:

    To add on, and sorry if this has been mentioned before, the way they introduced this is bad. It's a new mechanic that's been added to a quest where there's a time and resource limitation, you fail, you lose. Simple as that, the gauntlet, the radiation and the potential items you would purchase with said radiation. It feels like, if you're confused, well too bad mate, give me those gauntlets, better luck tomorrow I guess. The event is great and the way it works, but root inside all of that is just a bit frustrating and gimmicky.
    Also, I'm not against a challenge and I'm not a parry hit kinda player, actually have been working towards using parry as little as possible because in some match-ups (Act 6) even parry took a couple percent off of me,BUT, I don't think we should rate mechanics/nodes as bearable and unbearable but fun and challenging and... Well not fun. This, in some fights, is bearable and fine, but that's not really what we should be striving for to be added in the game.

    I agree, they should have introduced it in a mode that doesn't have an important entry cost.
  • Aykut_TAykut_T Member Posts: 39
    Denedim ve beğenmedim. Rakipten uzak durmak istiyorum, ne zaman onun yanına gideceğime ben karar veririm.
  • spiderknight616spiderknight616 Member Posts: 690 ★★★
    I think it's quite fun learning to get used to it
  • ImperiusCImperiusC Member Posts: 34
    I do not like it Sam-I-Am
    I do not like Root
    I would not like it here or there
    I would not like it anywhere...

    Anyways, you get the picture. I have tried it with two quests and find the timing difficult. You are messing with my motor memory. Can't wait to see the other creative ways you have decided to implement this to make fights more difficult.
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  • InbanjemInbanjem Member Posts: 3
    Not a fan at all. Never had a mechanic in this game make me angry before, but this one did. If this game ran perfectly, like other fighting games, at a locked 60 fps and no issues, then maybe this mechanic could work. But this game is too inconsistent with frame rate and dropped inputs for this idea.

    Introducing it in a timed event with limited entry also the worst possible introduction to it. My enjoyment of the event is going to be non-existent because of root.
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  • Nix2222Nix2222 Member Posts: 121 ★★★
    Absolutely hate this mechanic, and hate that it was introduced in a side event quest without Being able to try it out before.
  • Iron_Patriot_is_litIron_Patriot_is_lit Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    I really hope this node doesn’t get scrapped as a result of all this undeserved hate. No people, challenging your automatic motor functions and switching things up a bit is not a “cash grab”. Adapt and get used to it. It may need a few timing touch ups and changes on when it goes down, but overall I found it to be a fun twist and I give my kudos to kabam for this. Made the shadow raids quite fun.
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  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,521 ★★★★★

    I really hope this node doesn’t get scrapped as a result of all this undeserved hate. No people, challenging your automatic motor functions and switching things up a bit is not a “cash grab”. Adapt and get used to it. It may need a few timing touch ups and changes on when it goes down, but overall I found it to be a fun twist and I give my kudos to kabam for this. Made the shadow raids quite fun.

    There’s still need a more practice with it and hav to time evade because for me I’m ghost most so I’m don’t hav to deal with it do try it with offers. Since. Need to learn but the more the fight go one the more mistakes I’m do
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