Cyber Weekend Sales Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • zaspacerzaspacer Member Posts: 116

    @zaspacer I disagree, you can 100% pay your way through any fight in the game, if you really wanted you could do AOL or indeed 6.2.6 champion with anyone, it would take a lot of units, time and effort but you can get through them regardless.

    I think what he’s saying is that because of the way the 6.2.6 boss worked, having to survive and dex 5 specials to win. It’s literally impossible for someone that doesn’t have some level of skill to complete. Maybe it’s different now, I don’t really know as I’ve not been back to chapter 2 since the changes as I’d already decided I wanted to 100% chapter 3 first.

    Pretty much what Mr_Platypus said.

    Basically, if you want to get detailed, what you do is put the playerbase into different conceptual pie charts. With each pie chart breaking down and dividing up the playerbase for different relevant factors needed in that fight. Things like dexterity, patience, interest, etc. All the different things that could result in a player not getting through the fight.

    Then you just tally up all the non-overlapping players from each pie that don't make the cut. Maybe some just don't have the dexterity. Maybe some don't have the patience. Maybe some lose interest during the process and never return. Etc., etc., etc.

    I'm sure we can all reference games where we just stopped playing. Maybe it we felt we'd never have the skills to hit a certain mark, or get past a certain level or level difficulty. Maybe we just didn't want to train up the skills. Maybe we got stuck and couldn't figure it out. Maybe we didn't have the patience to get through it. Maybe we just lost interest in playing the game. But you'll often find when you review this data across many players, that you start to see a pattern in the reasons for the failure: players quitting around the same time period, players quitting at a specific point in the progression, etc.

    Lots of players never bowl a 300 or never dunk. Lots of players stop playing a game when its sequel comes out, or if it was a fad and the popularity dies out.

    I'm not trying to be a jerk here. I'm not saying that given infinite in-game resources that most players who ever hit The Champion boss couldn't just brute force him. I'm just saying that in game design you can tally up the projected value and impact of content to players, and adjust accordingly (or note the observed impact in testing or live, and then adjust then).

    It can get really hard for some game developer staff to do there job really well, because many of them don't really play the game (or care to), or they have access to the game in god-mode, or they know how to beat a puzzle going in, or they are trying a new mechanic and don't know how players will react or how it will stack with other variables in the game, or they don't know what the game feels like for someone at a different level of ability than them and have weak play empathy, etc.
  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 591 ★★
    So in July 4th they offered players the opportunity to get T5CC but now that they have Thronebreaker title, they don't want to give T5CC to Cav players. Makes absolutely no sense and is a joke. I had saved 15K units for this weekend but didnt get the offer. Gonna use these units for gifting event.
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,408 ★★★★★
    They least they could do was put about 30k t5 catalyst shards in the 1k bundle
    But no it would 'break the game'
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★
    One of the reasons that the Thronebreaker rollout is such a scam is that without warning, they flipped the desirability of a first 3/45 on its head. Sure, we’d all like a better champ, but 3/45 isn’t that big of a leap over 2/35, and 6-stars are hard to dupe and boost sig levels without spending big.

    Prior to the title being announced, my plan was to just piddle along accruing t5cc in all classes then choose my best from each class to rank, going from no 3/45 champs to having 4-5 in a short window of time after a very long wait.

    Now we’ve got deals, glory store benefits, and crystals to incentivize making the otherwise-irrational decision to rank up a substandard champ.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    TyEdge said:

    One of the reasons that the Thronebreaker rollout is such a scam is that without warning, they flipped the desirability of a first 3/45 on its head. Sure, we’d all like a better champ, but 3/45 isn’t that big of a leap over 2/35, and 6-stars are hard to dupe and boost sig levels without spending big.

    Prior to the title being announced, my plan was to just piddle along accruing t5cc in all classes then choose my best from each class to rank, going from no 3/45 champs to having 4-5 in a short window of time after a very long wait.

    Now we’ve got deals, glory store benefits, and crystals to incentivize making the otherwise-irrational decision to rank up a substandard champ.

    Or you could just you know, continue what you were doing and get to that rankup naturally instead of trying to rush and force it
  • Drax_ReflexologistDrax_Reflexologist Member Posts: 132 ★★
    I know I'm in the minority as I have chosen to not chase T5CC for now..... I was just planning on getting the 5* options if they offered a similar to the 4th deal. So I took the weekend off the game and revisited the offer this morning.
    If my back of the napkin notes are right, the general trade off is lose 3 5* Nexus and 3 T5B for a net gain of 5k 5* shards and 23k 6* shards?
    If they had left the T5B probably would have pulled the trigger. Now? Still on the sidelines and let my unit card expire.
    Oh well....
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★
    It’s also natural for the mind to extrapolate. We always saw progress in deals that reflected the evolving resource meta. We expected t5cc to feature prominently in the deals, and they didn’t.

    The fear now is that these deals serve as an announcement that this is what cavalier deals look like moving forward - a focus on 5-stars and t2a even though game progression requires t5b and title progression requires t5cc.
  • tkhan08tkhan08 Member Posts: 189 ★★
    The deals for TB weren't any good. Nothing for a progressing player.
  • BadPullsMarcoBadPullsMarco Member Posts: 418 ★★★
    I think that's exactly the nail on the head...If this is what cyber weekend deals look like for cavalier, what are just the run in the mill offers gonna look, I really don't think I've ever felt so disappointed with the game moving forward.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    I love how so many people love to take shots at those that blitz new content as soon as it comes out and then get frustrated bc they're bored. Just take your time, no need to rush through content like that, it's your own fault is what I see all the time.

    Now that there's a new title everyone that sits on content, which is a whole lot of those same people, is scrambling trying to rush to get a R3.

    I agree, a lot of people were crying because they stayed Cavalier and didn't do their rank up. I told people they should just rank 3 whoever they had so they can get access to better rewards but everyone thought Kabam would be fair and give great unit deals for Cavalier and free to play? Shocker that they didn't lol.

    My only fear is that the unit deals are too good. I went up in prestige almost 1,000 points and I had 2 people in my alliance go up 1400. I still want end game content to matter. That's my only issue.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    I love how so many people love to take shots at those that blitz new content as soon as it comes out and then get frustrated bc they're bored. Just take your time, no need to rush through content like that, it's your own fault is what I see all the time.

    Now that there's a new title everyone that sits on content, which is a whole lot of those same people, is scrambling trying to rush to get a R3.

    Also, I'm completely done with everything in the game now so for a week I'll see how you end gamers feel haha.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I love how so many people love to take shots at those that blitz new content as soon as it comes out and then get frustrated bc they're bored. Just take your time, no need to rush through content like that, it's your own fault is what I see all the time.

    Now that there's a new title everyone that sits on content, which is a whole lot of those same people, is scrambling trying to rush to get a R3.

    I agree, a lot of people were crying because they stayed Cavalier and didn't do their rank up. I told people they should just rank 3 whoever they had so they can get access to better rewards but everyone thought Kabam would be fair and give great unit deals for Cavalier and free to play? Shocker that they didn't lol.

    My only fear is that the unit deals are too good. I went up in prestige almost 1,000 points and I had 2 people in my alliance go up 1400. I still want end game content to matter. That's my only issue.
    The unit caches for both Cav and TB were actually pretty terrible this year. The f2p grinders that save for those really did get screwed this time around imo. Cash offers were a whole different story.

    Content is always going to matter more at the beginning of a cycle. Eventually offers show up, more high end resource trickles into things like AQ and side events, etc... The largest benefit people will always see from content is right after its release usually. Typically the longer people wait to do it, the less impact the rewards at the end have. It's always going to matter but it matters less as time goes on.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I love how so many people love to take shots at those that blitz new content as soon as it comes out and then get frustrated bc they're bored. Just take your time, no need to rush through content like that, it's your own fault is what I see all the time.

    Now that there's a new title everyone that sits on content, which is a whole lot of those same people, is scrambling trying to rush to get a R3.

    Also, I'm completely done with everything in the game now so for a week I'll see how you end gamers feel haha.
    It's been since March for me with the exception of V5 (which lasted all of one evening). I'm quite looking forward for some new stuff to dive into next month.

    Congrats on getting it all done though.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,487 ★★★★★

    I love how so many people love to take shots at those that blitz new content as soon as it comes out and then get frustrated bc they're bored. Just take your time, no need to rush through content like that, it's your own fault is what I see all the time.

    Now that there's a new title everyone that sits on content, which is a whole lot of those same people, is scrambling trying to rush to get a R3.

    Also, I'm completely done with everything in the game now so for a week I'll see how you end gamers feel haha.
    It's been since March for me with the exception of V5 (which lasted all of one evening). I'm quite looking forward for some new stuff to dive into next month.

    Congrats on getting it all done though.
    We've already seen Act 7, so I'm interested in seeing what's different, if anything.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    I love how so many people love to take shots at those that blitz new content as soon as it comes out and then get frustrated bc they're bored. Just take your time, no need to rush through content like that, it's your own fault is what I see all the time.

    Now that there's a new title everyone that sits on content, which is a whole lot of those same people, is scrambling trying to rush to get a R3.

    Also, I'm completely done with everything in the game now so for a week I'll see how you end gamers feel haha.
    It's been since March for me with the exception of V5 (which lasted all of one evening). I'm quite looking forward for some new stuff to dive into next month.

    Congrats on getting it all done though.
    Thanks bro, this is my first time having everything done since LOL came out like 4 years ago. I'm really happy. I actually pulled surfer and dupped my Thing this weekend. So I'm done with the prestige game too. I can sit back and just enjoy the new content as well.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    I love how so many people love to take shots at those that blitz new content as soon as it comes out and then get frustrated bc they're bored. Just take your time, no need to rush through content like that, it's your own fault is what I see all the time.

    Now that there's a new title everyone that sits on content, which is a whole lot of those same people, is scrambling trying to rush to get a R3.

    I agree, a lot of people were crying because they stayed Cavalier and didn't do their rank up. I told people they should just rank 3 whoever they had so they can get access to better rewards but everyone thought Kabam would be fair and give great unit deals for Cavalier and free to play? Shocker that they didn't lol.

    My only fear is that the unit deals are too good. I went up in prestige almost 1,000 points and I had 2 people in my alliance go up 1400. I still want end game content to matter. That's my only issue.
    The unit caches for both Cav and TB were actually pretty terrible this year. The f2p grinders that save for those really did get screwed this time around imo. Cash offers were a whole different story.

    Content is always going to matter more at the beginning of a cycle. Eventually offers show up, more high end resource trickles into things like AQ and side events, etc... The largest benefit people will always see from content is right after its release usually. Typically the longer people wait to do it, the less impact the rewards at the end have. It's always going to matter but it matters less as time goes on.
    Yeah you're right, the first r3 6 star was available over a year ago now so cash offers at this rate actually makes sense. I take that back, it is actually time for much more shards and access to t5cc. I have to understand that for the average player my account probably looks crazy with 5 r3 6 star champions now.

    Question though, I checked a lot of the top 20 alliance guys and their prestige didn't go anywhere near as much as us top 45 guys. Are the big whales waiting for featured 6 star crystals? Just curious.
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,638 ★★★★★
    Ebony_Naw said:

    zaspacer said:

    Game balance has nothing to do with allowing F2P to catch up to, or go head-to-head with, spenders. There is no F2P vs. P2P. You just can't keep up with them. Nor is there a race to compete with the people already at Thronebreaker. Anyone who is well into the Title and never even batted an eyelash when it came out is not competing with people struggling to get their first R3. I think people are overestimating their position.
    Game balance changes as the situation changes. It's not even a specific number tally so much as it is keeping an overall pace for growth. Even the whaliest of whales can't change the fact that there are limits on how much you can buy. The idea that game balance is a myth is just petulant.

    "Competitive advantage is good. But, you can go overboard with it and have an unbalanced game. Which is, if it's too clearly pay-to-win, people will stop playing."
    source: Torulf Jernström, "Let’s go whaling"

    Part of what makes MCOC work is the integration of the playerbase with each other. It's not just a shared game experience, or even just a shared game space. Players are made to feel like they are competing directly with each other. And that specifically a combination of the "competitive factors" of spending, grinding, luck, and skill combine to matter in the outcomes of that competition.

    Players have learned, can understand, can appreciate, and can handle that huge differences between two players in their spending, grinding, luck, and skill will mean different outcomes for those two players. But these same players have a very, very hard time with a circumstance where only a very slight difference in "competitive factors", can lead to a massive difference in competitive outcome.

    Players are not angry they can't chase those who outperform them as Whales, Pros, Super Grinders, or Serial Luckers... in those distinct pillars of the game that favor those factors. But players can't stand, they can't handle, they can't deal with any surprise, universal, major progression gate that re-routes the whole game through a very small number of competitive factor or factors.

    Players can't handle a gate (especially a new surprise gate) to determine which of the people just like them can progress, and which can't... if they are the losers in that outcome (or if they have empathy, or if their wellbeing depends on the wellbeing of some number of the losers). Whether that progression gate is a Good 6-Star + T5CC match, or it's a major Unit vs. Cash deals disparity of a major yearly sale day, or a major TB vs. Cav deals disparity of a major yearly sale day, or a major July 4th Cav vs. Cyber Weekend Cav deals disparity of a major yearly sale day. And especially if you stack these things on top of each other, or the availability of a gate key becoming scarce in the game and impacting players without it.

    Even if you don't understand the above, or can't conceptualize it, or can't reconcile it with reality, or disagree with it, or just don't like it; look at the sizeable player response and how it conforms to the above behavioral model. And decide what the pattern of player behavior merits in terms of the importance of understanding it and addressing it.

    Duck Unlimited only works if you have both Duck and Hunters. If you drive off either, it fails.
    That was actually a great presentation by Jernström into the behavioral economics of gaming, but you're actually looking at the wrong gaming archetype. This game sells faster progress (better than any other game I've seen, might I add), not the ability to compete. If there were a competition in the game where the biggest account wins, then I would agree that it is pay to win. With the exception of AW (I dont play master wars, but I imagine most people need to spend or play Brian Grant amount of times in this game in order to compete there), this doesn't really hold up.

    Lastly, I would like to modify your statement on gates. Peoplr absolutely can handle an arbitrary gate. People handled the Cavalier gate just fine. The only issue with the current gate is that it is retroactive to existing content, thereby creating the perception of being wronged. I happen to disagree and think the gate is less of an issue than people here are saying.

    If you were to ask me, the real issue is that a certain class of the cavalier base got used to certain "treatment", and that treatment got worse because they're no longer the preferential group. But to say the cavalier players are upset about disparity in deals is disingenuous because they had no problem with the disparity when they were getting the best deals.
    Great explanations
  • GreanGrean Member Posts: 1,397 ★★★★
    Ngl I was extremely disappointed, but then I got bwdo, warlock, and 6* sorcerer supreme, so now I don't hate em as much
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I love how so many people love to take shots at those that blitz new content as soon as it comes out and then get frustrated bc they're bored. Just take your time, no need to rush through content like that, it's your own fault is what I see all the time.

    Now that there's a new title everyone that sits on content, which is a whole lot of those same people, is scrambling trying to rush to get a R3.

    I agree, a lot of people were crying because they stayed Cavalier and didn't do their rank up. I told people they should just rank 3 whoever they had so they can get access to better rewards but everyone thought Kabam would be fair and give great unit deals for Cavalier and free to play? Shocker that they didn't lol.

    My only fear is that the unit deals are too good. I went up in prestige almost 1,000 points and I had 2 people in my alliance go up 1400. I still want end game content to matter. That's my only issue.
    The unit caches for both Cav and TB were actually pretty terrible this year. The f2p grinders that save for those really did get screwed this time around imo. Cash offers were a whole different story.

    Content is always going to matter more at the beginning of a cycle. Eventually offers show up, more high end resource trickles into things like AQ and side events, etc... The largest benefit people will always see from content is right after its release usually. Typically the longer people wait to do it, the less impact the rewards at the end have. It's always going to matter but it matters less as time goes on.
    Yeah you're right, the first r3 6 star was available over a year ago now so cash offers at this rate actually makes sense. I take that back, it is actually time for much more shards and access to t5cc. I have to understand that for the average player my account probably looks crazy with 5 r3 6 star champions now.

    Question though, I checked a lot of the top 20 alliance guys and their prestige didn't go anywhere near as much as us top 45 guys. Are the big whales waiting for featured 6 star crystals? Just curious.
    Much harder to make big gains once you already have those 5 R3s. At that point it's just sig stone allocation or the off chance of getting a new high prestige R3 and actually having the stones to put in them. I think I jumped like 100pts maybe this weekend
  • DaileyDailey Member Posts: 283 ★★
    I gave it one more shot and bought a deal to try to find a 6 star r3 worthy. Two days ago it was green goblin dupe and today it was Joe Fixit. Just sent Kabam support a ticket to close my account. I would rather quit than watch everyone get better rewards than me because they have basically better RNG. I had fun in this game and AW was fun back in the day but I never had luck and maybe I did not buy enough crystals to help me get the right 6 star to R3. Good luck to the cavalier class of players!
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    I love how so many people love to take shots at those that blitz new content as soon as it comes out and then get frustrated bc they're bored. Just take your time, no need to rush through content like that, it's your own fault is what I see all the time.

    Now that there's a new title everyone that sits on content, which is a whole lot of those same people, is scrambling trying to rush to get a R3.

    I agree, a lot of people were crying because they stayed Cavalier and didn't do their rank up. I told people they should just rank 3 whoever they had so they can get access to better rewards but everyone thought Kabam would be fair and give great unit deals for Cavalier and free to play? Shocker that they didn't lol.

    My only fear is that the unit deals are too good. I went up in prestige almost 1,000 points and I had 2 people in my alliance go up 1400. I still want end game content to matter. That's my only issue.
    The unit caches for both Cav and TB were actually pretty terrible this year. The f2p grinders that save for those really did get screwed this time around imo. Cash offers were a whole different story.

    Content is always going to matter more at the beginning of a cycle. Eventually offers show up, more high end resource trickles into things like AQ and side events, etc... The largest benefit people will always see from content is right after its release usually. Typically the longer people wait to do it, the less impact the rewards at the end have. It's always going to matter but it matters less as time goes on.
    Yeah you're right, the first r3 6 star was available over a year ago now so cash offers at this rate actually makes sense. I take that back, it is actually time for much more shards and access to t5cc. I have to understand that for the average player my account probably looks crazy with 5 r3 6 star champions now.

    Question though, I checked a lot of the top 20 alliance guys and their prestige didn't go anywhere near as much as us top 45 guys. Are the big whales waiting for featured 6 star crystals? Just curious.
    Much harder to make big gains once you already have those 5 R3s. At that point it's just sig stone allocation or the off chance of getting a new high prestige R3 and actually having the stones to put in them. I think I jumped like 100pts maybe this weekend
    Oh I see its basically sig stones or bust. Gotcha.
  • DaileyDailey Member Posts: 283 ★★

    annihilus said:

    So one response from Kabam after three days other than Miike's cut/paste? This is the biggest revenue weekend of the year and there is no way Kabam higher-ups were OFF during this time period regardless of how many mods were manning the forums. They have to know how many people are bummed out by the shafting they got this'd think they'd want to, you know, come out and say something to keep those customers.


    Totally agree. It’s very strange there’s radio silence on this for so long. The mcoc YouTube folks are talking about it now too. They’ve got to say something more than the generic post from @Kabam Miike
    Youtubers do not represent the masses. These guys get a lot of special attention and special treatment from Kabam. They are salesman for their own channels and pump up offers for Kabam. As players leave the game they lose views and thumbs up. Not sure Lagacy or KT1 or any of these guys are losing sleep over Cav offers.
This discussion has been closed.