Cyber Weekend Sales Feedback [Merged Threads]



  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,171 ★★★★★
    You wanna know how bad this was? $30 got you 6000 t5b, 1000 6-star shards, and 30 sig stones on July 4 of LAST year. Two thousand and nineteen. 17 months ago.

    5000 units got you the same 3000 6-star shards, 80 sig stones instead of 50, and 18,000 t5b instead of none. The trade off was some extra RNG fiesta 5-star shards and some extra t2a.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    J_Sendero said:

    Wait, so 1-30 in the gifting even gets a RANK 2-3 RANK UP GEM.

    but cavalier got the garbage that were the cyber weekend deals this weekend? OK.

    Cavalier deals get worse while thronebreaker is a massive deal and gifting event is unprecedented.

    Bc someone who just spent $10k+ in a single event getting their 15th R3 makes any difference in the game.
  • BiggusOmegaBiggusOmega Member Posts: 43
    They'll be hoping everyone falls back in line when the deals expire tomorrow.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    DL864 said:

    DL864 said:

    How did I know this would come? Lol.

    @GroundedWisdom genuinely interested to hear what you think but correct me if I'm wrong.. you're not cav yet?
    I am.
    The Deals are pretty bomb considering what you get for what you spend. Not sure why people are comparing them to July 4th. Two different ball games. What I think the real issue is, is that people expected them to get them to Thronebreaker, and that was an assumption.
    Has to be a troll post. I can't even think you're being serious.
    What Cavalier player who's at 6.3+ needs T4b from a unit deal? Please check the deals first. Read them clearly and then come back.
    Let's look at this logically. They come out with a new bar to hit which separates Players based on progress. You have the biggest sale of the year coming up where loads of people spend, and the most rare Resource in the game is needed. Do you think they're going to add it so that many people can hit it all at once? Is it even a bar anymore?
    I mean they are a business which wants to make money and set an expectation with 4th of July. So if they had stuck with the 4th deals people would be happy but having 4tcc in the deals is just ridiculous. I have so many of those Crystal's I dont need that ****. So thier business will not be getting my 200 today
    They didn't set any expectation with 4th of July. That's what always happens. People look at one Sale and call it a norm. Black Friday is not the 4th of July.
    There are a bunch of people I would say probably about 99% of cav players and even mods that would disagree with you. You would have to be blind not to see what they are doing
    No, I'm not blind. If people have expectations that every Sale has to best the last one, then that's entirely unreasonable. Not to mention undoable in any semblance of game balance.
    Logic doesn’t hold up in the gifting event buddy. Or any other place for that matter

    How many people are going to get those Rewards in Gifting? Not nearly as many as people ready to R3 all at once for Thronebreaker.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    PCdawg63 said:

    I never want to hear about game balance ever again after looking at these gifting rewards. You can’t even give cavalier players decent offers to spend or use our units on. But spend to play? Sure why not. Unbelievable.

    So you're competing with the people that are willing to drop tens of thousands of dollars in a single event currently? Absolutely nothing on offer from gifting makes any difference whatsoever to the overall game.

    Last year they had t5cc on offer before you could even earn a full one in the game. THAT was a big deal. This year? Nothing in rank rewards changes a single thing overall honestly.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    PCdawg63 said:

    I never want to hear about game balance ever again after looking at these gifting rewards. You can’t even give cavalier players decent offers to spend or use our units on. But spend to play? Sure why not. Unbelievable.

    Spenders are having their best period this year 😉
    Free to play are doomed to fall far behind them, the longer they’ve been since the game started 😠
    You can see it from famous ftp YT players, how low they are compared to the whales, at least in terms of prestige. The difference is chaotic at this point.
    I ain’t ftp myself, but what is happening lately is not good for the game overall 🙁
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    PCdawg63 said:

    I never want to hear about game balance ever again after looking at these gifting rewards. You can’t even give cavalier players decent offers to spend or use our units on. But spend to play? Sure why not. Unbelievable.

    So you're competing with the people that are willing to drop tens of thousands of dollars in a single event currently? Absolutely nothing on offer from gifting makes any difference whatsoever to the overall game.

    Last year they had t5cc on offer before you could even earn a full one in the game. THAT was a big deal. This year? Nothing in rank rewards changes a single thing overall honestly.
    Not to mention the numbers. The number of people able to drop stacks is not the same as the number of people wanting to push through to TB. When that many people hit it all at once, it affects things.
  • saorpssaorps Member Posts: 85
    This was the worst cyber weekend ever! I am at the cavalier level and expected some T5cc promo. for the unit deal, nothing at all. I expected something at a 4k deal (maybe 5% or 10%) and something wow in the 10k deal (one random 25% and one 15% selector). but there was nothing!
    then, I jumped to the money deals and there was also nothing until Odin level and only 10%. that sucks!
    I felt like a message from Kabam to me saying: "if you want to become thronebreaker, you have to do the hard way! your money will not help you get there!
    @Kabam Miike please share this feedback with the people who created the deals - they lost the opportunity of getting some easy money from cavalier players.
  • Chrisco66Chrisco66 Member Posts: 66
    The game caters to the spenders period. Look at the previews for the upcoming gifting event. Who do u think is going to get those t5cc? The deepest wallets who prob don’t even “need” the t5cc
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    That person that just spent 10s of thousands of dollars and got their 15th R3 really changes things for those players trying to stretch to get their first R3... Sure
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Bahubali said:

    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
    Did you even see the rewards for gifting event..just go look at the solo rank rewards.. Doesn't matter if I'm conqueror, UC, CV or TB.. If I spend money, I can get the best rewards in the game.. Even Hardest of the quests(Abyss 100%/Act6 100%) wont give me those rewards. Game balance and your statement
    "Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales"
    are just jokes..

    Money >>>>>>>> Skill
    You're not competing with those people. You're not even playing the same game honestly. The only reason any of you even have the ability to still continue to play this game for free is the absurd amount of money it continues to make.

    Nothing anyone is getting from gifting changes a single thing for 99.99% of players. I certainly won't be partaking this year past whatever milestones are in the event and could not possibly care less what people are getting in rank rewards bc it doesn't effect me in the slightest.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    edited November 2020
    Bahubali said:

    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
    Did you even see the rewards for gifting event..just go look at the solo rank rewards.. Doesn't matter if I'm conqueror, UC, CV or TB.. If I spend money, I can get the best rewards in the game.. Even Hardest of the quests(Abyss 100%/Act6 100%) wont give me those rewards. Game balance and your statement
    "Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales"
    are just jokes..

    Money >>>>>>>> Skill
    120 people will get significant Rewards in terms of T5CCs from Solo. 120, who will be spending tens of thousands of dollars to get it. The amount alone means they'll be earning it, but stop and think. 120 people, versus how many would have jumped to TB this weekend. I can assure you the number would have been much higher. There are always limitations to these things. Not even money can get past the game balance.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    Bahubali said:

    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
    Did you even see the rewards for gifting event..just go look at the solo rank rewards.. Doesn't matter if I'm conqueror, UC, CV or TB.. If I spend money, I can get the best rewards in the game.. Even Hardest of the quests(Abyss 100%/Act6 100%) wont give me those rewards. Game balance and your statement
    "Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales"
    are just jokes..

    Money >>>>>>>> Skill
    120 people will get significant Rewards from Solo. 120, who will be spending tens of thousands of dollars to get it. The amount alone means they'll be earning it, but stop and think. 120 people, versus how many would have jumped to TB this weekend. I can assure you the number would have been much higher. There are always limitations to these things. Not even money can get past the game balance.
    Sir, game balance is a joke. See my post for more clarity.
    I've seen your Post. It lacks information.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    Bahubali said:

    Bahubali said:

    Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales for Class Cats. The game balance is also something that needs to be taken into consideration.

    Gifting event says hi
    People keep bringing up Gifting, but they don't stop to consider the numbers. How many people would have hit TB with CM versus how many people are going to actually benefit from Gifting? Think.
    Did you even see the rewards for gifting event..just go look at the solo rank rewards.. Doesn't matter if I'm conqueror, UC, CV or TB.. If I spend money, I can get the best rewards in the game.. Even Hardest of the quests(Abyss 100%/Act6 100%) wont give me those rewards. Game balance and your statement
    "Spending is only one aspect. If it was all just about money, they'd likely pollute the game with Sales"
    are just jokes..

    Money >>>>>>>> Skill
    120 people will get significant Rewards from Solo. 120, who will be spending tens of thousands of dollars to get it. The amount alone means they'll be earning it, but stop and think. 120 people, versus how many would have jumped to TB this weekend. I can assure you the number would have been much higher. There are always limitations to these things. Not even money can get past the game balance.
    Sir, game balance is a joke. See my post for more clarity.
    I've seen your Post. It lacks information.
    Gifting. Event. Cyber. Weekend. If you've seen these rewards and think that game balance is still in tact, you are braindead or don't play the game. Don't even get me started on beginner progression neither my guy
    I see. So you think because there are a limited amount available because of spending, game balance isn't a thing. You would be wrong. If game balance wasn't a thing, there would be no limitations on Resources. Everyone would be Thronebreaker, no one would have to wait for any Resource, no one would be able to play for free, and the Devs would work one day a week.
    Beginner progression is a) not the same as it used to be, and b) very different for someone learning to play the game and not starting an Alt. By all means, get started. Just have some substance to your conjecture.
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,639 ★★★★★
    Snizzbar said:

    What is the immediate and game changing effect of reaching Thronebreaker, and why exactly would it have been so terrible to have a flood of new TB summoners? Is there a secret quest with amazing account progressing rewards that I'm unaware of that is locked behind the title?

    This here is what I would like to know as well. A few people are harping about flood of TB and game balance being upset. What’s the drawback of people who are on the verge of hitting TB actually progressing all at once a couple of weeks earlier then normal by buying either cash or unit deals?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Snizzbar said:

    What is the immediate and game changing effect of reaching Thronebreaker, and why exactly would it have been so terrible to have a flood of new TB summoners? Is there a secret quest with amazing account progressing rewards that I'm unaware of that is locked behind the title?

    You really need me to outline the effects? Besides the fact that these things are meant for a certain amount of progress (Thronebreaker alone was originally meant for people with multiple R3s in Act 7), you have the same problem we saw with too many people lumped into the same demographic like UC to Cav. It puts strain on designing content to meet the needs of as many as possible. Not to mention the Rewards which bypass months and years of work developing their Accounts.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    Snizzbar said:

    What is the immediate and game changing effect of reaching Thronebreaker, and why exactly would it have been so terrible to have a flood of new TB summoners? Is there a secret quest with amazing account progressing rewards that I'm unaware of that is locked behind the title?

    All you have to do is look at the complaints with Cav EQ and people struggling to find options for something as simple as buffed up or disstrack to see the problem with having overly watered down progression titles capturing too broad a range of players
    They actually made it easier to reach Thronebreaker and people are still arguing it.
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