Spinning Crystals vs Popping Crystals? (Which has been luckier for you?)

Alright this has been interesting to me for a bit but I mean I feel like popping them has given me better luck (I mean there is no way of really saying that's true since it is still reliant on RNG lol).....regardless what do ya'll think?
Spinning Crystals vs Popping Crystals? (Which has been luckier for you?) 114 votes
also....Well how about for 5* or 6*? Pop those?
Im always anxious when I spin crystals, so I never know if I wanna pop'em or spin'em
Also there’s a lot more disappointment when the reel’s facade disillusions you
: )
: O
: )
IM NERVOUS AS HELL ALREADY just thinking about the next featured crystal opening hahaha
im 30k away (or technically 28k since im gonna buy one from black-iso store)
Probably the best luck I've had.
I spin 6*s. The only one I popped was a machine duck.
5*s depend on whether I'm feeling strong to see the rollovers.
Should not rank up on champs that are like Abyss focused or needed for ally def.
Otherwise just isn't fun ranking up someone you don't want to
I change the other way if I feel I get too many bad pulls so yeah no real preference.