Anniversary calendar



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  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    :/ twas an attempt at humor my friend
  • ThatOneMasterGamerThatOneMasterGamer Member Posts: 813 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    I am a Cav player that is on act 7 and I'm going to complete it today and yet I still get this calendar that has no use to me. Kabam doesn't care about Cavs anymore because TB is a money making factory. How is this calendar supposed to help us that are even in 6.4/7.1? It's useless to us. Stop treating us like we're Uncollected.
  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    Or they got drunk on spiked Eggnog
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,491 ★★★★★

    Or they got drunk on spiked Eggnog

    I'm blaming deadpool or monke
  • DualityCopeDualityCope Member Posts: 436 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    Bluestone said:

    Again with this BS , and with it the don't complain on free stuff masochist narrative .
    I'm about 4500 t5cc to get thronebreaker ... which could be in a week or months
    I know for the most part that this game is not about fairness , mostly RNG , money ..
    Increasing the gap between cavalier and thronebreaker like this, why? what's your strategy or process of thinking kabam !!? , its absurd to think you will get people to pay or even stay .
    According to this, i expect ,the next calendar , arenas and the GGC or the whole gifting event rewards will be tailored again around thronebreaker and cavalier , which will be Achilles heel for the many of us .

    Again with this BS , and with it the don't complain on free stuff masochist narrative

    That's a great line
  • beaker1000beaker1000 Member Posts: 47
    Completed Abyss last weekend, got shafted wit a tech t5cc while my only tech 6* is Nebula, opened 6 crystals with shards i was planninf on using on the new featured, but notech champs so got shafted again, and now this... feels like Kabam just spat in my face tbh
  • Aziz5253Aziz5253 Member Posts: 495 ★★★
    xNig said:

    You can't separate the more advanced half of Cavs from the new ones...

    If Cavs are unhappy about it, then just R3 a champ for TB. It's just a T5CC.

    Like I said before, having TB awarded to 3x R3s instead of 1x R3s would have solved all these problems. lol

    "It's just a T5CC" lmao, would you look at this guy. If there were more ways to do that people wouldn't have been complaining.

    And increasing TB to 3 R3s does absolutely nothing for the complaints here, because they are about being grouped with UC, and not about being lesser than TB.

    Would've loved to see your comment if the TB anniversary calender was similar to Cav with the just the slight increase in the amount.

  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    Glad I’m not the only disappointed one, woke up and say 5k 5* shards and I was like holy bezinga if day one is like this then the other days much be spicy, and was I wrong lol. Then I saw what cavs got and I’m even madder, you make a title locked behind a rng based restriction if your F2P and tell us we shouldn’t be in a hurry to get it, but with the way you are rewarding TB players and spitting on Cav players, it’s clear you think otherwise. 6 star shards would have been much much better, or just a bigger chunk of 5 star shards to actually separate us from UC (another massive middle finger)
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    Or they got drunk on spiked Eggnog

    I'm blaming deadpool or monke
    It's clearly Diablo's fault.
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    xNig said:

    You can't separate the more advanced half of Cavs from the new ones...

    If Cavs are unhappy about it, then just R3 a champ for TB. It's just a T5CC.

    Like I said before, having TB awarded to 3x R3s instead of 1x R3s would have solved all these problems. lol

    So would have not having the r3 requirement at all. Lol
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    xNig said:

    You can't separate the more advanced half of Cavs from the new ones...

    If Cavs are unhappy about it, then just R3 a champ for TB. It's just a T5CC.

    Like I said before, having TB awarded to 3x R3s instead of 1x R3s would have solved all these problems. lol

    Why 3x R3s? Just curious fyi, what makes 3 the difference from having say 2?
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,491 ★★★★★
    edited December 2020

    Or they got drunk on spiked Eggnog

    I'm blaming deadpool or monke
    It's clearly Diablo's fault.
    Diablo died from alcohol poisoning after all those drinking jokes.

    @Xmas-Monke explain or I make all the champs shock immune
  • BiggusOmegaBiggusOmega Member Posts: 43
    Let's be honest Cav players have been screwed again. Very insensitive given the Cyber Weekend fiasco.
  • UnDEADGamerUnDEADGamer Member Posts: 58
    xNig said:

    You can't separate the more advanced half of Cavs from the new ones...

    If Cavs are unhappy about it, then just R3 a champ for TB. It's just a T5CC.

    Like I said before, having TB awarded to 3x R3s instead of 1x R3s would have solved all these problems. lol

    woot woot we got an elitist here! No increasing the r3 requirement wouldve done nothing but increase the already frustrating gap to get to tb. Peoples issues arent with just the reward differnces between cav, but the entirely way to difficult and arbitrary rules to get tb, look if kabam gave us all the resources to get a full t5cc just from completing act 6 that requirement wouldnt be so hated, but someone that has the roster to complete act 6 and then do act 7 and still not get tb is absurd. Yes ik there is a t5cc crystal for 100% act 6, but lets face it act 6 is some of the most painful content in the game, you need a diverse roster to 100% it and if you mess up, even with the reduced attack its still likely youll die and spend units, and yea someone could do abyss but on short runs thats 6 hours of just playing the game in long painful fights, and on th long end its 10+ hours, spending your entire free time on one thing isnt fun or what players want to do with their days. Even excluding the fact that tb is the only title with an arbitrary rank up requirement the difference between cav and uncollected rewards are minuscule, and some cav players woulda rathered the uc rewards since it had things like t1a and energy, where cav to tb is like 2 different worlds, Im not saying cav needed 6 star shards, what i am saying is there shoulda been a meaningul difference between cav and uc, bc progression wise in the game there is. A lot of uc players dont even have r5 4 stars or any/many 5 stars where almost all cav players have r5 5 stars and a couple 6 stars on the lower end and on high end countless r5 and and 20+ six stars, so tell me why should someone who created an account a few months ago get the same rewards as someone who created it a year ago? (and yess ik you can make the argument that someone who made an account 2 weeks ago could be cav look at brain grants 7 day challenge for reference, but thats the exception not the rule)
  • AstroGamer110AstroGamer110 Member Posts: 40

    Or they got drunk on spiked Eggnog

    I'm blaming deadpool or monke
    It's clearly Diablo's fault.
    I agree, it has to be diablo
  • DwightrowleyDwightrowley Member Posts: 24
    So Kabam Miike said they would take all the Cavalier complaints into consideration, and they come back with this steaming pile of underwhelming monkey droppings. It’s like cyber weekend didn’t happen at all. Thanks again for nothing.
  • DualityCopeDualityCope Member Posts: 436 ★★★
    edited December 2020
    This is the turning point, if you have to r3 a Rhino do it, if you have to r3 an Iron Man do it, if you have to r3 Kingpin do it. There is no choice anymore. If you have the option to become thronebreaker, and aren't taking it you are biting yourself in the foot very bad. It was fine to hold off when we knew it was just better daily crystals, 4 hour crystals ect. BUT it started to take a turn with black friday, the glory store and now its full throttle. Get thronebreaker or your progression will be halted significantly, its mandatory now. So go out, r3 your Joe Fixit, and get out of the cavalier hole as soon as you can before you get left behind.
    Post edited by Kabam Valiant on
  • the_eradicatorthe_eradicator Member Posts: 416 ★★★
    Was525 said:

    Their is not a huge difference between UC and cav. I’m TB on my main and just got cav on a 2nd account I play every couple months and it is so easy to get cav now it’s not even funny. Blame the community for all their whining and getting act 6 nerfed. If you can get UC you can easily get cavalier now

    Hey @Was525 and @HI_guys from which parallel dimension is your logic originating from ? It sure ain't this one cos your arguments are wack.
    We ain't talking about asking for more free stuff.
    Cavalier is not just finishing act 6.1, there are people who have finished act 6 and still not got a rank 3 6* cos they don't have a good rank up choice available.
    If they are giving free stuff, do it right or don't do it at all. Simple.
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,117 ★★★★★
    Or just play the game to enjoy it and progress at your own pace. Unless you're in a super competitive alliance which if you aren't already thronebreaker you're probably not there's nothing wrong with slowing down your progression a little bit. I didn't play in an alliance for a long time because I didn't want to commit to daily AQ and AW. Did it hurt my progression? Absolutely. Did I enjoy the game more because of it? Again absolutely. In fact not being in an alliance for 6 months+ probably hurt my progression in terms of resources loss far more than if I had say not become Thronebreaker for six more months. You're not going to be able to enjoy the game as much with a rank 3 rhino vs a champion you actually enjoy playing.

    If you stop comparing what you get vs everyone else and be satisfied with your own journey with the game you'll have a lot more actual fun playing.
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  • Hera1d_of_Ga1actusHera1d_of_Ga1actus Member Posts: 2,441 ★★★★★
    Whatever it takes
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