No Anniversary Gift? [Merged]



  • Joshi1516Joshi1516 Member Posts: 8
    Hi kabam .I am cavalier.My all alliance member recieved aniversary reward.But i didnt get reward .
    Can u please give me that reward.

    My detail:
    In game name : Josbrolin

  • Gkrocks_007Gkrocks_007 Member Posts: 1
    I also didn't received anniversary gift @kabam pls fix this bug
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  • mad9211mad9211 Member Posts: 2
    I got kamab anniversary Titlle mail two times but didn't got gift ( shards )
    In game name REXX2020
  • Kr8tosKr8tos Member Posts: 2
    Yeah I didn't get mine too
  • Kr8tosKr8tos Member Posts: 2
    Same I didn't get mine too
  • Homelander_456Homelander_456 Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2020
    I didn't get any 6 star shards or 5 star shards in 6 year anniversary celebration

  • N1ghtwolfN1ghtwolf Member Posts: 33
    IMMI27 said:

    Hi there in my Alliance everyone got the rewards except me. Some said it might be the glitch but after half an hour i got a new text which says Anniversary title which i already obtained few hours ago but no rewards. Can you help me out!!

    the same issue is here also , im getting title mail 2-3 times but no **** shards seems like a anoth bug now
  • xKillxKill Member Posts: 6
    Same here man. Only the title.
  • xKillxKill Member Posts: 6
    Same here @Kabam Miike . My ign is ×Kill
    Please help.
  • FutFreakFutFreak Member Posts: 0
    I am cavalier in my other account and I have not received my Christmas gift
  • Joshi1516Joshi1516 Member Posts: 8
    HI kabam , I didnt recieved shards from aniversary gift .I am cavalier.My all allaince member recieved that reward but i didnt please fix it asap.

    IN GAME NAME : Josbrolin

    thank u.
  • WarBros23WarBros23 Member Posts: 73
    Same I didn't receive mine either.
  • Gogeta91199Gogeta91199 Member Posts: 990 ★★★★
    Etm34 said:

    I run 2 accounts on 2 devices. I log into my secondary account today to see that I didn’t receive an anniversary gift? I got the title and profile pic, yet no anniversary shard gift. It’s a Cav account, so I find that a bit weird.

    Am I the only one this happened to?

    Same didn't recieve mine either! Got the title thrice but no shards
  • jacksparrow1jacksparrow1 Member Posts: 60
    Even I did not get my reward!!!!! I refreshed the game twice! And still no rewards, but for some reason, I got the title twice😫😫
  • IMMI27IMMI27 Member Posts: 7

    Hi there in my Alliance everyone got the rewards except me. Some said it might be the glitch but after half an hour i got a new text which says Anniversary title which i already obtained few hours ago but no rewards. Can you help me out!!
  • Sanyam1234Sanyam1234 Member Posts: 1
    9:36AM in Bugs and Known Issues
    So we all were supposed to get a our 6th anniversary title and profile picture today along with a pretty nice handful of 5* shards and 6* I believe, my friends have all received theirs in the mail, but I still wait for mine. Also, the message that the profile picture and title come in won’t go away no matter what, and when I exit the game and come back in, it’s full of the profile picture and title again. It’s been a seriously buggy morning and I would love to get my 6th anniversary rewards.
    Thanks all. Same problem is here I had received title 3 or 4 times but no shards which is much better than that **** title please help asap.
  • IMMI27IMMI27 Member Posts: 7

    Hi there in my Alliance everyone got the rewards except me. Some said it might be the glitch but after half an hour i got a new text which says Anniversary title which i already obtained few hours ago but no rewards. Can you help me out!!
  • bobbyvishnu_2002bobbyvishnu_2002 Member Posts: 10

  • bobbyvishnu_2002bobbyvishnu_2002 Member Posts: 10
    You are sending me only the titles not the shards
  • NablockNablock Member Posts: 46
    I didn’t get mine either. Submitted a ticket. Hopefully mods chime in.
  • jacksparrow1jacksparrow1 Member Posts: 60
    The anniversary message is undeletable!!!!!!!!
  • VVEED_VVEED_ Member Posts: 35
    Same here
    I haven't got 6th anniversary rewards
  • jacksparrow1jacksparrow1 Member Posts: 60
    This is ourageos
  • Joshi1516Joshi1516 Member Posts: 8
    hey kabam.I am all alliance member get that shards reward i didnt get that reward.
    U gave me 2 aniversary title but didnt give shards gift.PLEASE fix it.I hope u can solve this.

    IN GAME NAME: josbrolin

  • jacksparrow1jacksparrow1 Member Posts: 60
    First the champion boss bug and then not giving rewards
  • N1ghtwolfN1ghtwolf Member Posts: 33
    it doesn matter whether u have 1 or multiple accounts point is every account is a indiviual entity and all should gets rewards, hope kabam give mutiple shards like his giving multiple titles to everyone in the last couple of hours lol!!!
  • SangramSangram Member Posts: 13
    I don't have my anniversary rewards please help
  • JhJamieJhJamie Member Posts: 4
    I didn't get any gift either, only the title
  • B4yigaulB4yigaul Member Posts: 11
    its seem to me...i dont got it..pls check it.
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