Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.




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    jereesjerees Posts: 246
    Crcrcrc said:

    RU11011 said:

    Crcrcrc said:

    RU11011 said:

    jerees said:


    Quick question: Did you... Did you sell your 4 stars for 5 star champions?
    I doubt it. Progression is getting very easy especially with the GGCs
    I just automatically assume someone's selling champs if I see a 2* in the same picture as a 6*. Although I do see your point, it could have been some major GGC luck on OPs part.
    Goldpool event was in about a month ago, and the 6* is barely leveled. I'm just guessing he got crazy lucky
    one i got the goldpool 2 years ago when he was first a thing
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    jereesjerees Posts: 246
    i was level 20
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    jereesjerees Posts: 246
    but it is easy to grind out 4*
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    jereesjerees Posts: 246
    I KNOW I KNOW i never sell 4* or 3* but i was stupid but at least i got modok and he is ok
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    jereesjerees Posts: 246
    i do not have to bad
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    jereesjerees Posts: 246
    i really need to get a doup of goldpool or something he good
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    jereesjerees Posts: 246
    jerees said:

    i do not have to bad

    meaning it to bad i do not have him
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    gannicus0830gannicus0830 Posts: 616 ★★★★
    Dude.....really? Please tell me this is a troll post.
    I use realm of legends to farm potions....
    When I first completed it I did it with 3* starlord and 3* guillotine.
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    NewlinstheoryNewlinstheory Posts: 1,012 ★★★★
    Im sorry, im late.........is someone complaining about Realm of legends?
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    Odinson9Odinson9 Posts: 116
    jerees said:

    i did not post that and the damage they do is so high that it would only take a couple mess ups and the you are dead or have no health

    Bro the damage is like a rank 3 5 star lol
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    WOLF_LINKWOLF_LINK Posts: 1,366 ★★★★
    1) When Opener was talking about Labyrinth, he pretty much meant that Path to the Labyrinth (you had to complete in the past to unluck the real Labyrinth).

    2) His fresh Account is just too new and inexperienced to do any kind of Legend Stuff.

    3) Don‘t feed the troll.
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    TP33TP33 Posts: 1,643 ★★★★

    Skip to 3:40 R1 lvl 10 3* Guilly 2099 did WS in under 600 hits. Not impossible just get gud
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    Dart1981Dart1981 Posts: 224 ★★★

    This thread has been so painful to read through

    How?! This is a gem.
    I agree, best thread i've read on the forums for ages!
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    Dart1981Dart1981 Posts: 224 ★★★
    jerees said:

    Crcrcrc said:

    RU11011 said:

    Crcrcrc said:

    RU11011 said:

    jerees said:


    Quick question: Did you... Did you sell your 4 stars for 5 star champions?
    I doubt it. Progression is getting very easy especially with the GGCs
    I just automatically assume someone's selling champs if I see a 2* in the same picture as a 6*. Although I do see your point, it could have been some major GGC luck on OPs part.
    Goldpool event was in about a month ago, and the 6* is barely leveled. I'm just guessing he got crazy lucky
    one i got the goldpool 2 years ago when he was first a thing
    2 years!!!!!
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    EdeuinkEdeuink Posts: 1,263 ★★★★
    I think the op is talking about RttL chapter 3 with safeguard because of these comments:
    jerees said:

    jerees said:

    but the labyrinth is hard i got tho half of it but the enemy only take 190 damage

    That’s possibly because you tried out against Rhulk who has massive physical resistance.

    no that was all of them chapter 3
    jerees said:

    jerees said:

    jerees said:

    but the labyrinth is hard i got tho half of it but the enemy only take 190 damage

    That’s possibly because you tried out against Rhulk who has massive physical resistance.

    no that was all of them chapter 3

    all of chap three every one only took 100 to 200 damage including my third better attack
    jerees said:

    i did it but it took like 200 hits

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    YoMovesYoMoves Posts: 1,281 ★★★★
    I remember fondly using 2* Guillotine to kill Wolverine....and this man complains about 5*s...
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    LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Posts: 8,650 ★★★★★
    jerees said:

    its not impossible if you have a ton of revives and heals and you want to go insane.

    Adok said:

    jerees said:

    what is the point of the legend quest it is impossible and you do not even get good rewards so why is it a thing

    it's not impossible?
    Crcrcrc said:

    It's actually pretty easy for 3 4*s as a reward

    its not impossible if you have a ton of revives and heals and you want to go insane.
    It can be done itemless easily now. When I did it the first time I farmed revives and did it with no units spent. The rewards were actually good at the time. They were going to remove it when LOL came out but decided to leave it. It's used for practice now and for farming healing potions. For newer players it's kind of a rite of passage.
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