
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    jerees said:

    Have u heard about Abyss of Legends??!! @jerees

    no i have not what is it also sorry that i am just responding i was on lunch break
    Let's say RoL is a 3 in difficulty. Abyss is a 10
  • MainzelMainzel Member Posts: 50
    jerees said:

    it depends but they can also get crits and then it oh my what the

    At what level are you at exactly?
    This quest is designed for 4* r5 champs. Those and anything above don't take too much damage.
    Btw, do you know about the labyrinth and abyss of legends? If not look them up on youtube and then say again that rol is difficult
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    jerees said:

    Rbk19 said:

    jerees said:

    jerees said:

    you say you can do it but 6* champs can never get as high as the enemy and the rewords are bad i could get three 4* in less than a week

    You dont need 6*s. Just 3*s.

    yes you could do it if you time all your attacks and not get hit but if you slip up once than you are dead
    Is this your first day in the game, then please check some YouTube videos. People did this with 3 star champions when it came out and your are complaining it as impossible.
    i have bin playing for 3 years i tried to do years ago but failed and i just never tried again because i thou because of there power scour that it was impossible but i will tried again but i am in a alliance war so i will have to wait
    No you created your account 3 years ago, but you have absolutely not been playing for 3 years, probably closer to a couple months.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    jerees said:

    I think there are several reasons why you are having issues here from masteries, to selling champs and playing casually this all points to a lack of understanding how the game works.

    We have all gone through this at one point, as people have said the PI on ROL is not really anything to worry about its only their large health pools, although you will need a counter for Wolverines regeneration otherwise you will get stuck.

    You will notice that people have said they have completed this with no items and using 3/4 stars, but also they are using the right champs ones that build combos or can do high damage and or regenerate health (Star Lord, Aegon, G2099, Scarlet Witch) you also don't know what their masteries are or the synergy champs they may be bringing, yes you have a 6 star and invisible women is great but she won't get you past Wolverine and M.O.D.O.K, Elecktra, Surfer and Goldpool are all pretty average.

    I'd suggest you do a bit of research check out you tube and watch some of them, it may be that you had good counters but sold them, a 3 or 4 star Guillotine is going to be of more use to you than any of your current 5 stars in ROL and the Despair mastery is a must otherwise you will have to out pace Wolverines regen and from what I have seen you have no one that can do that.

    My personal advise would be to stick to the monthly quests and the Story mode build up your skill set and get use to the nodes, earn more champs and learn what they do.

    thanks i do have a 3* of Star Lord, Aegon, G2099
    3* SL will work (if he is awakened). I did the entire quest with a 3* SL including wolverine. Back then we had no damage block teams though. I'd wait until you have a better option. In the meantime. Practice on Winter Soldier and make sure you can get past him and Captain Marvel without using items or losing much health.
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  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    jerees said:

    you say you can do it but 6* champs can never get as high as the enemy and the rewords are bad i could get three 4* in less than a week

    Tip for you buddy, the Big Power Index numbers mean NOTHING. Seriously never let them scare you, RoL is Faaar from impossible and can be done with 3 Star Gods like Colossus or Nick Fury and so on...

    Also those are "Exclusive 4 Stars", the 4 Star Rhino is actually insanely good for Cheesing a Quest Variant 6 if you don't have or sold an earlier version.
  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246
    ok thanks
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  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246
    does anyone else have something else to say
  • Thebombsquad1Thebombsquad1 Member Posts: 755 ★★★
    jerees said:

    does anyone else have something else to say

  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246

    jerees said:

    does anyone else have something else to say

    what is it
  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246
    hi you there
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    I recommend you watch the dork lessons how to series
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  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246
    ok thanks
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  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246
    rol still takes a while to kill them
  • Mars_UltorMars_Ultor Member Posts: 159
    Reading this thread made me feel bad... Not like everyone else feels bad because this guy can't do ROL, bad because I haven't... I have 4* Max Doctor Doom, 4* max Warlock, 4* max Blade, 4* Void and Aegon, and I still haven't... For the record, I haven't done a really serious attempt in a while, but still... I feel like a bit of a noob.
  • SEALteam6SEALteam6 Member Posts: 91
    I’ve done it itemless so many time with a r2 colossus
  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246
    SEALteam6 said:

    I’ve done it itemless so many time with a r2 colossus

    what *
  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246
    the problem is that i get them to 80% but the kill all my champs and i keep messing up and the they kill me
  • 007md92007md92 Member Posts: 1,381 ★★★★
    Don't say this...
    Do not...
    All of us love relm of legends.
    I think all of us on the same page.
    Best practice ground.
    Champion tasting.

    & If i ought to say i would have loved to reset ROL every 6 month.
    With new champs.
  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246
    007md92 said:

    Don't say this...
    Do not...
    All of us love relm of legends.
    I think all of us on the same page.
    Best practice ground.
    Champion tasting.

    & If i ought to say i would have loved to reset ROL every 6 month.
    With new champs.

    you make no sense but ok
  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246
    thanks for everyone feed back
  • jereesjerees Member Posts: 246
    This leval is so bad
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    jerees said:

    This leval is so bad

    you do realize this is 7 months old right
  • Negative_100Negative_100 Member Posts: 1,650 ★★★★
    jerees said:

    This leval is so bad

  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Appreciate you paying respects to your dead thread but don’t attempt to revive it.
  • Avengers320Avengers320 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    Bro I just use my CGR to finish ROL in 10-15 minutes just for some potions
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