Suicides for current meta



  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    I’m running them at the moment as it’s off season so I tend to do a bit more arena and it makes OR and Ghost a little bit more fun.

    I don’t run them during the season for defence purposes and I use far more than just OR and Ghost during season and suicides hurt far more than they help in my opinion.
  • Wolviman1Wolviman1 Member Posts: 81
    Only 1 point in double edge, 3 in MD

  • IceBroIceBro Member Posts: 179 ★★
    Suicides are for suckers. I have much more fun enjoying any champion I please rather than worrying about recoil or bleed damage.
  • VendemiaireVendemiaire Member Posts: 2,188 ★★★★★
    I just recently turned Suicides on right after defeating the Grandmaster and transferring from a Silver III/235 alliance that I've been with since the start to a Gold I/666. This was two weeks ago. It made my transition easier both in AQ and AW since I use Corvus/G2099 for lane clearing in AQ and Quake is my main for AW.

    I also did my 7.1 completion right after with it turned on, and there's definitely a path for each quest fit for suicides. For exploration, on the other hand, there are definitely some non-suicides friendly paths or bosses, like that heal reversal Night Carnage, Advanced Heal Block one, and the Special Delivery one.

    But among these you can get around some using Quake or Archangel, or even take the toil of the recoil damage, which is not really bad if you only need to fire one or two specials. Right now, I'm currently at 70% exploration without turning suicides off. I'm skipping the paths where it is really necessary to turn it off and I'll run through them with it turned off.

    I also recommend maxing out Coagulate to make non-suicide friendly champions viable. I maxed it for Quake and AA. They only take 5% damage per fight from the bleed but it also made me able to use Doom a lot. (Fire two SP2s to maximize the Fury). I even soloed some bosses with him on suicides like that Hela.

    But the real issue here is we should normalize turning suicides on and off outside of War. There are a lot of champs that are really efficient with it turned off and we must plan our progression with our masteries. Potion farming is also faster if you're going to deal with recoil and Arena is tons better for those who wants to units. You can complete or explore content with it turned on and off as scheduled. I'm ranking 5 Professor X as a preparation for the Abyss and exploration of some permanent content and I need it turned off for that while timing my Arena grind.

    But I really I hope Kabam make changes to the mastery system because it's too primitive in its current state compared to mastery systems existing in other games. Removing the costs between switching 'might' break the game but at least make mastery presets to make switching easier and let us use other resources like gold or battlechips for switching them. Running suicides shouldn't hinder us from enjoying some of the champs we pulled from grinding this game.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    H3t3r said:

    Thats okay mastery if you dont have units at the moment. Needs some work in the future tho
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,952 ★★★★★
    I’ve been going back and forth about unlocking suicides and the thing that’s been keeping me from it even though all most all of my top champions are suicide friendly is what you’ve asked about and that it cost a bunch of units.
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    It was 50/50 until I voted no
  • dark_king_hyperiondark_king_hyperion Member Posts: 296
    edited February 2021
    yes I think they are they help for damage and some of the champs are immune
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,360 ★★★★★
    The only reason imo to not run suicides is AW Def. If you're not playing high tier AW or are fine switching constantly, suicides are the way to go.
  • PalanthraxPalanthrax Member Posts: 918 ★★★★
    IKON said:

    The only reason imo to not run suicides is AW Def. If you're not playing high tier AW or are fine switching constantly, suicides are the way to go.

    I never take them off, purposely playing in lower tier AW for an easy life.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    I have never unlocked suicides and am doing fine. Currently on 6.3.4. There's never been anywhere where I have been like 'Gosh, I really need suicides' or anything. Sure some fights are longer especially in 6.3 but I would rather take that than limit my options. This is just my perspective.
  • LemoNotLemoNot Member Posts: 186
    I don't like having a limit on how many times I get to use my special attacks. That's about it, really.
  • DefenestratedDefenestrated Member Posts: 304 ★★★
    Suicides are too limiting. I want to use my entire roster to their fullest potential, not limit them to what specials they can use.
  • GMAX77GMAX77 Member Posts: 512 ★★★
    Yesterday was my first time turning them off in in several months...actually the first time I've turned them off since I've had them (both LC & DE). I wanted to see how characters who I've picked up since then or who were buffed played with them turned off. I was cool being able to spam SP1 with champs like Hyperion, Night Thrasher, and Hawkeye again, and Daredevil HK really isn't that bad without the health drain.

    Then I stepped into AQ. :s I am normally the final boss attacker in my alliance. My AQ team consists of 5/65 Corvus, 6 star Rank 1 Proxima, and a champ that I rotate such as Colossus, Ghost, Human Torch, etc. Whoa!!! I had not noticed it during a few arena fights that I tried to test the characters, but the power drop was very noticeable. I can usually 1 shot him with Corvus, even when he is still noded up. This time around it took 4 tries. I turned them back on, immediately after that.

    I of course use willpower, and also put 2 points in coagulate. The droop in health can be irritating, but the fights do end much quicker, and for me shorter fights are the way to go. There are definitely where they need to be turned off though (Abyss, parts of act 6 (and potentially 7), and other content like that.

    All in all, I can say that in my personal opinion, they are worth it.

    (Though it would certainly be a welcomed change for us to get a mastery set up selector)
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    edited February 2021
    IKON said:

    The only reason imo to not run suicides is AW Def. If you're not playing high tier AW or are fine switching constantly, suicides are the way to go.

    I disagree tbh. I mean I can see your argument but aside from an R3 Thing boss I’ve not come close to timing out without running suicides and I prefer the flexibility of my whole roster rather than a roided up Omega/CG/Ghost. Especially as I end up taking a lot of random paths across a season and I’ve found my item use far higher with suicides than without.

    Not gonna argue about how beastly a few champs can become, it is pretty satisfying. If anything it just shows how much free mastery switching needs to be out in the game.
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  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Switched them on 3 days ago to wreck some content with warlock, corvus, ghost, bwcv and omega bit need other champs for certain areas like NF, doom x2, torch x2 falcon and even quake who just bleed out so fast, even with a point in coagulate. Also, I've never had an issue with NF charge, but as soon as I turned on full suicides, both he and Corvus lost them!

    I turned them off by the end of the day as the benefits were less than the issues. I personally like keeping my health and being able to spam specials with a lot of different characters than being tied to just 5 of the same ones, even if they go much harder. Quake may take longer without suicides, but she has the extra health as a cushion just in case I slip up. BWCV is still great without them, especially if you keep Willpower active. Again, a little slower, but basically always full health and can spam all specials. Doom, Colossus, NF, SymSupreme , Void, Falcon all work better without them and get the willpower healing, unlike robots who can do better with suicides if you don't use specials.
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