Present when completing 6 years in the game

This month I completed 6 years in the game, this was the gift I received from kabam, this useless tree, the useless one from King Groot was my first 6 *, so let's spend resources on the kabam gift. King Groot and Groot the most useless champions of the Cosmic class.
My last 6 *: duplication of Sabretooth and Nebula, then Kamala, Abomination, Black Panther CW, Juggernaut, Ant-man and lastly, more duplication for King Groot.
>Has him r2.
He's average in all honesty, he's made out to be much worse than he actually is
That regen is nice and he hits decently with synergies. Good for AQ, I've heard.
Will be useful for whenI start map 7 acid wash path, alongside Man-thing and iBom
The synergy is still weak, 10 years from now, maybe he will receive a Buff.
If so, can I get a 6-year-plus-interest present?
Seriously, I wouldn’t be elated with KG, but he’s far, far from the worst 6* basic pulls.
Dr. Zola
I have a few good 6*, but they are few, the vast majority are not even worth ISO, the only way is to wait for Buff.
Hulk Immortal, Dormammu, Sentry, Odin and Cosmic Ghost Rider are the most powerful players in the game, only the CGR was very OP (I have 5 * R5), Odin deserved Buff, let’s see if the other three will have their turn .
When I see that a very powerful being is going to enter the game, I am already disappointed because in the game I am not strong.
Example: if you take Sentry in the crystal, you will be disappointed, but Nick, who is an ordinary human, is very happy.
King Groot with Ibom makes it less of an L