Lifecycle does not belong to Uncollected EQ (at least in my opinion)

Lifecycle node requires very specific champs which are high rank and most uncollected players do not have a roaster big enough to deal with it. I read in another post to use the AA, Apocalypse, White mag but I don’t have Apocalypse (any star), White Mag I only have as a 3* and my 4* AA is not awakened.
Uncollected difficultly was always (at least from what I can remember) a difficulty which did not require a very niche champs (most niche node which I can remember is that you need to have 3 buffs to make damage).
If Lifecycle was not enough you included unblocked SP, power rotation (or however it’s called) we’re your power bar is drained) and you used Blade which can be very annoying when he decides to Regenerate instead of using a SP. Plus I probably forgot one or two more annoying nodes.
You want players to progress faster and then you add such big roadblocks at only a 3rd quest which means that a player can only explore first chapter. Seeing this node a a 3rd quest I’m honestly scared to even see which nodes you included in the remaining 3 quests.
Uncollected difficultly was always (at least from what I can remember) a difficulty which did not require a very niche champs (most niche node which I can remember is that you need to have 3 buffs to make damage).
If Lifecycle was not enough you included unblocked SP, power rotation (or however it’s called) we’re your power bar is drained) and you used Blade which can be very annoying when he decides to Regenerate instead of using a SP. Plus I probably forgot one or two more annoying nodes.
You want players to progress faster and then you add such big roadblocks at only a 3rd quest which means that a player can only explore first chapter. Seeing this node a a 3rd quest I’m honestly scared to even see which nodes you included in the remaining 3 quests.
I thought there was but I forget) and throw special attacks. People with DOT and power gain do well. I found that at 4 star r4, Aegon worked, guilly 2099, mags, prof x, wasp. You need to be throwing special ones when you get them to avoid blade gaining power.
Baiting his L1 can occasionally be tricky but he is not a defensive champion. Hard fight? Absolutely. But nothing near impossible, I wouldn't consider it bs.
I will probably need a few revives and potions to get past this but I don't think needing specific champ is a requirement. I actually think this is skill based, no?
The boss is easy unless you are using r3 4-Star Champions, it isn't champion specific at all.
It's literally just heavy then sp1 or sp2. The boss is easy and Lifecycle is generally a breeze.
I suggest you attempt exploring master EQ instead of doing Uncollected EQ because if you are unable or find difficulty then you shouldn't stress yourself that much
Have a good day.
- Intensity108
I get both sides
Void also works on lifecycle node.
Take the combination of Flux, Power Shield, and Lifecycle. Flux basically forces you to use heavies to remove flux charges or your damage goes to zero. Power Shield requires you to hit with specials to deal damage. So Flux and PS are priming the player to fight this fight by landing hevies to build power and then land special attacks. And that's exactly what you need to do to get past Lifecycle: getting past Lifecycle is not that much harder than getting past Flux+PS. If you can get past Flux+PS during the first 90% of the fight, you have what it takes to get past the last 10% - if you understand what you need to do.
And on top of that we have Perforate and Power Alternator. Perforate makes all specials unblockable. It is much easier to avoid Blade's SP1 than SP2, so that node tells players to bait SP1. Power Alternator switches power if the player has more than the opponent, which tells players to let their specials go quickly. So your best bet is to build to SP1 and throw it, and meanwhile bait SP1. And this has a side effect beneficial to the player: it bleeds power from Blade which reduces his ability to reduce the duration of stuns. If you do what these two nodes tell you to do, you will automatically make it easier to do what the first three nodes tell you to do above.
So: if you read the nodes and think through them, the fight is asking players to land heavies to extend Lifecycle's cooldown and keep Flux charges from building up, throw SP1 as soon as you have enough power, bait SP1 so Blade doesn't have too much power which will make it harder to stun him and make openings for heavy attacks, and when you get to the very end, you keep your power and land one heavy to deactivate lifecycle and immediately use your special attack to kill him during the cooldown.
It is a lot, but it is also all straight forward and none of it requires any player tactics that an Uncollected player wouldn't already know how to do. It is as *complex* as many Cavalier-caliber node combination, but it is not as *difficult* as many Cavalier-caliber node combinations. It actively steers players into the easy path to beat the fight.
The full breakdown of nodes that you went into isn't something that a casual UC player would go into. This isn't an exam or something where casual players who aren't at that level are going to dissect the node combination and play.
I didn't have an issue with it, but I can definitely see newer players having it.
IMO, the lifecycle is not the main problem, it's power shield in combination with lifecycle(and also power alternator), beacuse it requires specific counters who put damaging debuffs after specials to kill him in one specials or someone who can throw back to back 2 specials while the lifecycle is down.
Human Torch with prefight
Can do this fight easily.
Please suggest some other counters...