I hate to say this, but SoP’s Rewards to Difficulty ratio is way too high



  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★
    Ercarret said:

    I don't really see too much of an issue here. These fights aren't an easier source of t5cc fragments than other content available to Cavs, save for stuff like Abyss. It is amount-wise, but not skill-wise. If you can consistently beat the bosses, you can clear the variants, meaning you still have the skills to earn t5cc the "normal way" anyway. I guess I could agree that maybe the fourth milestone would have been a better cut-off point for cavs, but it's not a hill I'm willing to die on. If cav players can beat all of these bosses and the Grandmaster, I have absolutely no problem with them becoming TB.

    With that being said, I think it could be a good thing to not be able to r3 6* champions until after they've beaten the Grandmaster. I have absolutely no problems with cavs having increased avenues of earning t5cc but actually r3'ing champs should be an Act 6 Completion privilege, I feel.

    I grew an extra hair on my chest, but lost a few on my head during that fight, lol.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★

    xNig said:

    The ironic part about this thread is, not too long ago, we’ve had people complaining that A6 is too hard and needed a nerf.

    Kabam rethought their design direction and now we have people complaining that content is too easy and are asking for harder ones.


    Content advertised as "for those who did Abyss in their vacation" and all didn't need to be too easy.
    That’s true. How I wished it was the case.. but think of the possible magnitude of complaining.. 😂
  • AntzRodzAntzRodz Member Posts: 257 ★★
    _wasabi_ said:

    It seems to me that whatever Kabam does, its never good enough one way or the other.
    Personally I think this is the best event we have had by far. Majority of the players can participate, no energy needed, one week to try the fights and practice.
    Challenge is decent and what is even better, you can tweak it for yourself if you think its too easy or too hard.
    Too hard? Farm some revives, use boosts and practice til you get it done, there's time.
    Too easy? You have objectives. Still too easy? You can do it like MSD with 3 stars and flex.

    As OP said, rewards are awesome and I for one appreciate this event a lot.
    All things considered I really don't know how could they make it any better and I am not bothered by the fact that cavalier players will get some nice rewards out of it too.
    Good for them.

    Absolutely agree to you.. Kabam as clearly mentioned it that the event is for cavalier and higher title holder's... Being a TB I am glad that all the cavalier title holder will have an opportunity to r3 at least a Champ leaving them with just GM 6.4.6 To clear... Given them an opportunity to earn t5cc 25% class selector depending on points which is Very rare in the current game scenario... Kabam as done absolutely fantastic in this event in regards to difficulty and Rewards as well as solo objectives... People who spend or have extreme high skills or huge roster will complain about everything in the game.... If quest are easy why easy.. if quest are very hard then rewards are not worth it.... something or the other keeps coming up .... These people need to understand that not everyone is skilled enough or has a huge roster to beat SOP every week .. so let's enjoy the game and let everyone enjoy it rather then baby cry and complain why so easy or why so much rewards bla bla bla.... Kabam has done well overall...
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    _Sham_ said:

    _wasabi_ said:

    It seems to me that whatever Kabam does, its never good enough one way or the other.
    Personally I think this is the best event we have had by far. Majority of the players can participate, no energy needed, one week to try the fights and practice.
    Challenge is decent and what is even better, you can tweak it for yourself if you think its too easy or too hard.
    Too hard? Farm some revives, use boosts and practice til you get it done, there's time.
    Too easy? You have objectives. Still too easy? You can do it like MSD with 3 stars and flex.

    As OP said, rewards are awesome and I for one appreciate this event a lot.
    All things considered I really don't know how could they make it any better and I am not bothered by the fact that cavalier players will get some nice rewards out of it too.
    Good for them.

    1000% agree with this.

    Only 1 fight to do, no energy cost, 1 week to practice and nodes are nice. Fight aren't easy, it look easy as it is just 1 fight.

    I love this event, finally I enjoy something without throwing my phone to the wall. It is helping me getting better against annoying champs and nodes as it is energy free and only 1 fight. I got so much better thanks to SOP.

    I wish they add something similar as permanent content for training purposes.

    Thanks Kabam and please don't listen to OP because no matter what you do the flexer like him will say it's easy.
    OP is a cav and isn't a flexer. Honestly, these types of posts just show how selfish the community is and how reading comprehension doesn't exist. Read and understand other people's points before making posts such as these.
  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    edited July 2021
    At the beginning of the event I thought asking for at least 5 points would be too much. And I’ve done all 7 fights till now as a cav. This really is too easy, far from how they described the fights. The Rogue fight was the perfect level for how they described they fight. Not like Mr Sinister which is restricted to only few champs, and definitely not like the past 4 weeks where I soloed each of them or took a maximum of only 1 revive.
  • edited July 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 7,987 ★★★★★
    edited July 2021
    xNig said:

    Crcrcrc said:

    I love SoP so far, I think it’s been a wonderful event, and the rewards are awesome.

    A bit too awesome at the moment

    As of right now any cav players with mediocre skills or some unitd, even ones on 6.2, are going to receive 50% t5cc in selectors at the end. If the next 2 fights are close to the same difficulty, that will be 75% t5cc.

    We are going to be having cav players working through 6.2 and beyond with a r3 6*, which are usually so difficult to obtain that it’s quickest to get abyss done. Nearly every cav player that has 6.4 done is guaranteed tb, and anyone before that is getting tb right with 6.4 completion.

    Now, this sounds great for cavs, but in all reality it’s going to make late game progression even easier, which means that the next time we get hard content, there’ll be a lot more players who haven’t improved their skills enough and were carried through act 6 with a r3.

    Tb is also going to no longer be a very rare title, because most cavs are going to be getting it after SoP.

    There’s not really a solution other than a nerf, which would be a HORRIBLE decision, so there’s not really any options left here.

    I just wanted to do a quick explanation of why I think content like this needs either higher difficulty by a lot or less rewards, because it’s bad for the game as a whole.

    4-5 year veterans have been feeling that way since 3 years ago…
    _Sham_ said:

    _wasabi_ said:

    It seems to me that whatever Kabam does, its never good enough one way or the other.
    Personally I think this is the best event we have had by far. Majority of the players can participate, no energy needed, one week to try the fights and practice.
    Challenge is decent and what is even better, you can tweak it for yourself if you think its too easy or too hard.
    Too hard? Farm some revives, use boosts and practice til you get it done, there's time.
    Too easy? You have objectives. Still too easy? You can do it like MSD with 3 stars and flex.

    As OP said, rewards are awesome and I for one appreciate this event a lot.
    All things considered I really don't know how could they make it any better and I am not bothered by the fact that cavalier players will get some nice rewards out of it too.
    Good for them.

    1000% agree with this.

    Only 1 fight to do, no energy cost, 1 week to practice and nodes are nice. Fight aren't easy, it look easy as it is just 1 fight.

    I love this event, finally I enjoy something without throwing my phone to the wall. It is helping me getting better against annoying champs and nodes as it is energy free and only 1 fight. I got so much better thanks to SOP.

    I wish they add something similar as permanent content for training purposes.

    Thanks Kabam and please don't listen to OP because no matter what you do the flexer like him will say it's easy.
    What? I'm cav, with mediocre skills at best. It's just too easy. I had so much more difficulty with literally variants, because those I couldn't solo after 2 tries. The rewards are just way too insane for the difficulty
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 7,987 ★★★★★

    At the beginning of the event I thought asking for at least 5 points would be too much. And I’ve done all 7 fights till now as a cav. This really is too easy, far from how they described the fights. The Rogue fight was the perfect level for how they described they fight. Not like Mr Sinister which is restricted to only few champs, and definitely not like the past 4 weeks where I soloed each of them or took a maximum of only 1 revive.

    I wasn't even expecting to beat a single fight with how they talked it up as making even people who breezed through abyss suffer.

    Definitely not 7 and definitely not for the rewards given lol
  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Crcrcrc said:

    At the beginning of the event I thought asking for at least 5 points would be too much. And I’ve done all 7 fights till now as a cav. This really is too easy, far from how they described the fights. The Rogue fight was the perfect level for how they described they fight. Not like Mr Sinister which is restricted to only few champs, and definitely not like the past 4 weeks where I soloed each of them or took a maximum of only 1 revive.

    I wasn't even expecting to beat a single fight with how they talked it up as making even people who breezed through abyss suffer.

    Definitely not 7 and definitely not for the rewards given lol
    Exactly. When the rogue fight came out, I thought I would get only 2 points, 3 at best. When Mysterio came out and I used all my available units to beat his, which was about 400, I thought I’m just gonna settle for 3. Then they decided to make the rest of fights around uncollected level, when they literally said the first 3 were “warm up” fights. And I’ve used a total of 2 revives since week 4 was released. Heck, I’ve died more times against Hercules in the SQ than I have the past 4 SoP weeks totally. And imma be honest, my skill is less than average for a cav player. So imagine how Swedeah, MSD, Bero Man and all the other skilled players are feeling. Maybe the boss rush might finally bring back something challenging to them, because SoP definitely wasn’t.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,146 ★★★★★

    Easy for you, difficult for others ^_^ I'm TB and still found these fights to be really really difficult (only exception was Darkhawk vs. red mags), pushing my skills to a point that i thought it couldn't be possible ^_^ So i dsagree with you, the effort required to get those rewards is more then enough to justify them in my opinion ^_^

    Had trouble with venom? Sinister? Adaptoid?
  • te_dua_shumte_dua_shum Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    @ChaosMax1012 Venom fought with a 6* R1 spider-gwen was probably the hardest fight for me, being able to fully dex Venom's SP2 four times in a row was something that i didn't know i was able to do *_* All other fights weren't that much exhausting but they were equally difficult ^_^
  • IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Member Posts: 1,728 ★★★★
    I as a cav have to kind of agree. Hasn’t kabam always been about the game economy? This dosnt seem very economic. If they meant for it to be harder, or for the rewards to be worse, I believe it’s too late for that now. It feels like a tipping of the scales. Half the cavs turn into throne breakers. Perfectly balanced, as alll things should be
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★

    Wait a minute, Is this thread, a thread complaining about easy rewards??

    Yes because gamelife and valuing pre-existing content and effort is required.
  • King_SternyKing_Sterny Member Posts: 58
    Ebony_Naw said:

    Thine composition is elastic, thou art sticky adhesive. Whatever thou shalt speaketh eludes me and doth returneth to you.

    So close, but "thine" means "your." You said, "You're rubber, you're glue."

  • DiplodocusDiplodocus Member Posts: 234 ★★★

    “This content will be difficult for summoners who do the abyss on vacation”

    Not gated to thronebreaker ✅
    A fight that can be soloed by a 3* ✅
    Attack and health values lower than the average zone 10 incursion fight ✅

    Yeah, this was definitely worth waiting a whole year for.

    On the auto mode.
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