I hate to say this, but SoP’s Rewards to Difficulty ratio is way too high

I love SoP so far, I think it’s been a wonderful event, and the rewards are awesome.
A bit too awesome at the moment
As of right now any cav players with mediocre skills or some unitd, even ones on 6.2, are going to receive 50% t5cc in selectors at the end. If the next 2 fights are close to the same difficulty, that will be 75% t5cc.
We are going to be having cav players working through 6.2 and beyond with a r3 6*, which are usually so difficult to obtain that it’s quickest to get abyss done. Nearly every cav player that has 6.4 done is guaranteed tb, and anyone before that is getting tb right with 6.4 completion.
Now, this sounds great for cavs, but in all reality it’s going to make late game progression even easier, which means that the next time we get hard content, there’ll be a lot more players who haven’t improved their skills enough and were carried through act 6 with a r3.
Tb is also going to no longer be a very rare title, because most cavs are going to be getting it after SoP.
There’s not really a solution other than a nerf, which would be a HORRIBLE decision, so there’s not really any options left here.
I just wanted to do a quick explanation of why I think content like this needs either higher difficulty by a lot or less rewards, because it’s bad for the game as a whole.
A bit too awesome at the moment
As of right now any cav players with mediocre skills or some unitd, even ones on 6.2, are going to receive 50% t5cc in selectors at the end. If the next 2 fights are close to the same difficulty, that will be 75% t5cc.
We are going to be having cav players working through 6.2 and beyond with a r3 6*, which are usually so difficult to obtain that it’s quickest to get abyss done. Nearly every cav player that has 6.4 done is guaranteed tb, and anyone before that is getting tb right with 6.4 completion.
Now, this sounds great for cavs, but in all reality it’s going to make late game progression even easier, which means that the next time we get hard content, there’ll be a lot more players who haven’t improved their skills enough and were carried through act 6 with a r3.
Tb is also going to no longer be a very rare title, because most cavs are going to be getting it after SoP.
There’s not really a solution other than a nerf, which would be a HORRIBLE decision, so there’s not really any options left here.
I just wanted to do a quick explanation of why I think content like this needs either higher difficulty by a lot or less rewards, because it’s bad for the game as a whole.
But once SoP is gone (and technically, in terms of T5CC it is already at the point where newly minted Cavs can't get high enough anymore) every player that reaches Cav afterwards will have the same hurdle as Cav players had before SoP. SoP's Cav2TB benefits are temporary.
Personally I think this is the best event we have had by far. Majority of the players can participate, no energy needed, one week to try the fights and practice.
Challenge is decent and what is even better, you can tweak it for yourself if you think its too easy or too hard.
Too hard? Farm some revives, use boosts and practice til you get it done, there's time.
Too easy? You have objectives. Still too easy? You can do it like MSD with 3 stars and flex.
As OP said, rewards are awesome and I for one appreciate this event a lot.
All things considered I really don't know how could they make it any better and I am not bothered by the fact that cavalier players will get some nice rewards out of it too.
Good for them.
It is possible there was a big pile up of Cavalier players who had completed Act 6 and were stuck without their first R3 when TB first arrived, but in all the time since TB was released the majority of such players should have gotten enough T5CC to form their first R3 by now. The vast majority of Cavalier players today cannot be a part of that group: they'd be TB by now. Most Cavalier players today would have to be either recently Cavalier and still working through Act 6, or would have to be not aggressively pushing for TB which makes it unlikely they've pushed through Act 6 quickly.
There's never going to be a progression title that only elite players can achieve. If the only players who could qualify for it were the tiny wedge of players at the very top, there would not be enough players to justify the work to create that progression title.
It’s pretty sure the next progress tier will be locked behind the 6* r4 requirement.
It worked great in the near past, as a monetising tool, and it will work again, and that’s not necessarily bad for either sides, both Kabam and players.
Only thing the devs need to be careful, is for ftp to have access to all materials needed to r4 a character through content, by the time the requirement goes live.
but I do tend to agree with this assessment .. I've managed to clear/solo almost every boss in SoP .. I deliberately skipped Mysterio ... tried him once or twice, and just said "Nope!".
So I'm sitting on a nice T5CC 25% selector coming up (maybe 2 if the next fight is doable - fingers crossed).
And yes, that'll mean I'll have a 6* R3 soon, and I'm currently working on 6.4.3
I don't see it as a bit "issue" ... what's funny, is it was mentioned before the 6* R3 barrier was "dumb" .. and I agreed .. it's the main reason, I never really pushed to complete Act 6 .. why bother ? I'm not going to throw all my resources away for that .. just wasn't worth it "to me". (might be worth it to others ... but each their own!! )
I'm glad I have the chance of getting a 6* R3 first, and get that (dumb) barrier out of the way ... now I just have to focus on the story mode, and the grandmaster ... it's still gonna be hard for me ... but now it's at least got some prize at the end of it to make it worth while.
So yeah, I gotta agree with DNA here, I don't see it being that significant, really, to Cavs to get to thronebreaker as far as skill cap goes ... we gonna have it or not .. we're gonna clear things at our pace, or not .. or throw units at things ... or not.
In my honest opinion, the whole argument of "skill progression" in this game is a bit overshadowed by the fact, you can literally get through almost all content (1 or 2 exceptions for sure) by simply using something silly like Juggernaut and throwing a butt-load of units/revives at the problem .. :P (so much for your skill progression .. LOL )
I thought it was. I don't think Cav or TB are meant to be something to flex with.
All the items, catalyst, daily crystals and what have you depreciate in value over time. If you achieved TB 6 months ago, you will be way ahead of those who just gonna get the title anyway. So why care?