So..... is the Gamora buff final, or...?

YungLampshade69V2YungLampshade69V2 Member Posts: 50
edited August 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
I don't think it's really going to surprise anyone if I said that the Gamora tune-up is incredibly underwhelming. Of course, she is a good champ now, and still will be a good champ after the overhaul, but the point of a buff isn't to make a good champ good. I think there are a few key areas in the Gamora buff that could still be changed before the release of the update that will not only make her a better champion, but will also make her a lot less stressful/difficult to play, which this buff doesn't do enough to address.

First and foremost: Her cruelties, furies, and true strike need more duration. The +60% duration over the course of 30 seconds is kinda pointless. Just add that extra 60% duration onto the buffs from the start. Having those 3 buffs last for 15 seconds (rounding up) rather than the standard 9 would do a lot to make her damage accessible and a lot less stressful to maintain.

Second: Her new miss countering mechanic is definitely a step in the right direction, but I think 10 buffs is a bit too much. Even with the +5% chance to gain a fury/cruelty this buff is giving her, I think this ability would still take too long to activate to be practical. I think instead the ability should allow her to completely bypass miss after she has 5 buffs, or if instead every buff gave her a flat +10% to bypass miss, maxing at 100%.

Third, and lastly: Godslayer Strike (GsS) still feels incredibly pointless to me. Sure it has served and will always serve to raise your overall damage output, but it doesn't feel like it does that much now, and this buff doesn't do much to change that. I think GsS should make the sp1 bleed into a crit bleed, or into a degen/shock/something if the opponent is immune. Bleed gets countered so easily in the current metagame, and it's not like you're throwing the sp1 because it's the best special on Gamora's kit. For the sp2, I think keeping the nerf to the armor break potency increase is okay (65% potency to 50%), but the duration increase should be replaced. Instead of increasing the duration of the armor breaks by 60%, I think that line should be removed and any armor break activated by GsS should be able to be refreshed or reapplied by the heavy (Max: 2 Stacks). That way she gains a bit of utility in the form of consistent armor break uptime. The SP3 GsS is fine as it is imo. Maybe add an ability accuracy reduction to the degen when placed on a robot?

Just some small tweaks to the buff that would serve to actually make this buff a real buff, rather than a little "side upgrade" that doesn't fix the main problems that plague this champ.

Oh also, are GOTG unique synergies too much to ask for? Those champs should be meant to be put on a team together.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    We are not owed anything with these buffs. We don’t have to spend units or cash, finish any content, complete any objectives, etc. This champ will one day soon have some additional whatever.
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  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    Unfortunately it would seem gamora is the new ebony maw with her buffs. Hits hard but is very impractical with little utility, and being able to counter miss won’t really add to that. She should place an infuriate debuff to make it easier to parry, and maybe true sense or true strike. That would probably be enough.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Funny, I don't recall people complaining about Gamora before they buffed her.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★

    Funny, I don't recall people complaining about Gamora before they buffed her.

    that's because at least i had always seen her as a bad champ, and if she was ever buffed, then it would be an overhaul
    She hits really hard that’s the thing, but keeping up her buffs is a hassle. I think kabam added duration to her buffs for every second that passed by the fight so perhaps that could twist our view on her. Would have to wait and see, seems a bit underwhelming on paper but who knows, we might be surprised.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★

    Funny, I don't recall people complaining about Gamora before they buffed her.

    that's because at least i had always seen her as a bad champ, and if she was ever buffed, then it would be an overhaul
    That's not the general consensus I've seen. Most people thought she was decent after the buff.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,124 ★★★★★
    All I know is ever since they released the spotlight, I have been getting flashbacks to when they announced Angela.

    Everybody was criticizing the buff back then cuz apparently on paper it looks like they didn't do anything and then all of a sudden after it went life all of these rave reviews started falling out of thin air, so I'm going to be patient and wait for the buff to go live because at least then if I do have any criticisms, I'll know where they are.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★

    Funny, I don't recall people complaining about Gamora before they buffed her.

    "gamora could be great if she Can keep her buff like black bolt or x2 her durations.. it's so hard to play with her and kept buff"
    "Gamora's not the easiest champ to master in the whole game as her buffs fall off quite quickly"

    "I hope Gamora gets an increase to her buff and armor break duration"
    "Any predictions? I see Gamora getting easier access to keep up buffs besides heavy."
    "she needs more practical utility instead of sp3's true strike"
    "I hope very much that she becomes more practical "
    "raise the duration of her cruelty, true strike, and fury buffs. Maybe even just make it so the fury and cruelty buffs fall off 1 at a time"
    "Gamora needs access to True Strike much easier"

    "it seems to me that there are a lot of fights where it is going to be a lot harder to ramp up with Gamora [than SpiderGwen] since it can be really hard to squeeze in those heavies."

    "She got a half hearted buff. She is even more impractical than proxima."
    (In regards to what her buff needs this month) "Gamora: Easier/Safer ramp-up? More utility?"

    "Gamora makes total sense for me. She has 0 utility except an 11 second true strike, she has a stressful playstyle for decent damage."
    (Referring to her march 2019 buff) "Well, Gamora sucks even post-buff, so she might be on par with KG and Venompool before their buffs."

    "Gamora has almost no utility, and she isn't really the best. If we look at the situation honestly, she needs a buff."
    " Gamora on the other hand currently has potent damage however as mentioned above, she really doesn't have a lot of utility"

    This is what I could find on the first few pages of searching just the forum. But yeah, nobody thought Gamora was lacking in utility or a good playstyle.
    If you do enough searches, you can find people complain about anything here. You new?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    It wasn't literal. Which is a weak resort to an argument to begin with. Gamora wasn't even a hot topic until the buff was announced, and people started complaining it was lackluster.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    There are many Champs that people point out on a regular basis. She ain't on the list. Now that it's not a mind-blowing buff, people are upset. Sorry, but who's quantifying the impact of the buffs?
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Challenge what? She was a values change. Some may end up with a significant change, while others will result in a small boost to their kit. They will almost always be less significant than the reworks because they're just a values change. None of that involves implementing exactly what changes people request all the time.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    So what you're saying is the same thing I said in more words. I'm not interested in arguing semantics because you're not happy with the buff. I'm making the point that they're not all going to be significant.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    So what you're saying is the same thing I said in more words. I'm not interested in arguing semantics because you're not happy with the buff. I'm making the point that they're not all going to be significant.

    No, I'm correcting you that tune ups are not always less significant than overhauls as you claimed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★

    So what you're saying is the same thing I said in more words. I'm not interested in arguing semantics because you're not happy with the buff. I'm making the point that they're not all going to be significant.

    No, I'm correcting you that tune ups are not always less significant than overhauls as you claimed.
    When you're talking about people saying things like they never changed anything at all, and what's the point, then I'm going to make the point that the work and changes aren't going to be as significant. Not the outcome. That much is just subjective, and people have to compare everything for some odd reason.
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