So..... is the Gamora buff final, or...?



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    You can minimize it all you want but your opinion on it doesn't change its usefulness. You personally don't use an L3 in that instance. Doesn't mean people can't use it themselves. Which is more than she had before. At the very basic level, that's the point of these. More than they had. Not "the best" counter. Not what makes sense to your personal way of playing. More than they had before the adjustment. You can say it was so little it makes no difference TO YOU, but she still has more than she had before the adjustment. It just isn't as much as you want.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,172 ★★★★★
    Look, I’m not thrilled either. I am gonna mention this one small thing, because I like the synergy but seldom use it:

    25% buff duration got all cosmic champs with Cap Infinity War. It’s…something I guess.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Who said the goal was to make her "great"? Also, as I said before, it has very little to do with making her better than others. I'm seriously over the subject. The expectations are just not in sync with reality.
  • edited August 2021
    This content has been removed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    Funny, I don't recall people complaining about Gamora before they buffed her.

    "gamora could be great if she Can keep her buff like black bolt or x2 her durations.. it's so hard to play with her and kept buff"
    "Gamora's not the easiest champ to master in the whole game as her buffs fall off quite quickly"

    "I hope Gamora gets an increase to her buff and armor break duration"
    "Any predictions? I see Gamora getting easier access to keep up buffs besides heavy."
    "she needs more practical utility instead of sp3's true strike"
    "I hope very much that she becomes more practical "
    "raise the duration of her cruelty, true strike, and fury buffs. Maybe even just make it so the fury and cruelty buffs fall off 1 at a time"
    "Gamora needs access to True Strike much easier"

    "it seems to me that there are a lot of fights where it is going to be a lot harder to ramp up with Gamora [than SpiderGwen] since it can be really hard to squeeze in those heavies."

    "She got a half hearted buff. She is even more impractical than proxima."
    (In regards to what her buff needs this month) "Gamora: Easier/Safer ramp-up? More utility?"

    "Gamora makes total sense for me. She has 0 utility except an 11 second true strike, she has a stressful playstyle for decent damage."
    (Referring to her march 2019 buff) "Well, Gamora sucks even post-buff, so she might be on par with KG and Venompool before their buffs."

    "Gamora has almost no utility, and she isn't really the best. If we look at the situation honestly, she needs a buff."
    " Gamora on the other hand currently has potent damage however as mentioned above, she really doesn't have a lot of utility"

    This is what I could find on the first few pages of searching just the forum. But yeah, nobody thought Gamora was lacking in utility or a good playstyle.
    If you do enough searches, you can find people complain about anything here. You new?
    "No one complained about Gamora, she was already decent to begin with."

    *numerous examples of people complaining*

    "UhM aCtUaLlY pEoPlE cOmPlAiN aBoUt EvErYtHiNg ThAt DoEsNt CoUnT"

    " said no one complains about her, and-"

    "No YoUrE jUsT cOmPlAiNiNg fOr No ReAsOn StOp WhInInG REEEEEE"

    See this? This is how we feel about you. That's how stupid your answers look like.
    I'm talking about people complaining about the buff. It doesn't even make logical sense unless people are being poor sports. How is giving a Champ more ever a negative? I'm talking about the toxic dogging on every addition that isn't exactly what people want, or somehow novel.
    You have a game team that's already doing their best to improve Champs and keep up with the demands of people who are dissatisfied with Champions (blind to the fact that their worship of some Champs over others is what causes a great deal of that discontent), and now they've been slowed down because it's not enough. Now people are not satisfied with these changes. Every reaction shapes the time and effort they put into it, and when people complain for very little reason, it irks me.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021

    Funny, I don't recall people complaining about Gamora before they buffed her.

    "gamora could be great if she Can keep her buff like black bolt or x2 her durations.. it's so hard to play with her and kept buff"
    "Gamora's not the easiest champ to master in the whole game as her buffs fall off quite quickly"

    "I hope Gamora gets an increase to her buff and armor break duration"
    "Any predictions? I see Gamora getting easier access to keep up buffs besides heavy."
    "she needs more practical utility instead of sp3's true strike"
    "I hope very much that she becomes more practical "
    "raise the duration of her cruelty, true strike, and fury buffs. Maybe even just make it so the fury and cruelty buffs fall off 1 at a time"
    "Gamora needs access to True Strike much easier"

    "it seems to me that there are a lot of fights where it is going to be a lot harder to ramp up with Gamora [than SpiderGwen] since it can be really hard to squeeze in those heavies."

    "She got a half hearted buff. She is even more impractical than proxima."
    (In regards to what her buff needs this month) "Gamora: Easier/Safer ramp-up? More utility?"

    "Gamora makes total sense for me. She has 0 utility except an 11 second true strike, she has a stressful playstyle for decent damage."
    (Referring to her march 2019 buff) "Well, Gamora sucks even post-buff, so she might be on par with KG and Venompool before their buffs."

    "Gamora has almost no utility, and she isn't really the best. If we look at the situation honestly, she needs a buff."
    " Gamora on the other hand currently has potent damage however as mentioned above, she really doesn't have a lot of utility"

    This is what I could find on the first few pages of searching just the forum. But yeah, nobody thought Gamora was lacking in utility or a good playstyle.
    If you do enough searches, you can find people complain about anything here. You new?
    "No one complained about Gamora, she was already decent to begin with."

    *numerous examples of people complaining*

    "UhM aCtUaLlY pEoPlE cOmPlAiN aBoUt EvErYtHiNg ThAt DoEsNt CoUnT"

    " said no one complains about her, and-"

    "No YoUrE jUsT cOmPlAiNiNg fOr No ReAsOn StOp WhInInG REEEEEE"

    See this? This is how we feel about you. That's how stupid your answers look like.
    I'm talking about people complaining about the buff. It doesn't even make logical sense unless people are being poor sports. How is giving a Champ more ever a negative?
    If you took drax and gave him 1% stronger furies. Would you say that’s giving a champion more so it’s not a negative?

    I know I’m being extreme here but would you just humour me with a yes or no? This isn’t aimed as a gotcha or anything, just to understand your point of view more
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Yes. They're not dedicated to it. The hours and months of work they've put into it were just for sport.
    People wonder why I say the complaining is needless.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Catmanndo said:

    We’re voicing our opinions for the betterment of our community and positive future growth of the game.
    What you call needles complaining, we call constructive brainstorming.
    Hood would’ve been released without his fate seal reapplied to his kit if it wasn’t for our input/needless complaining.
    I would strongly disagree.
    Positive change comes with open minds and ideas.

    That wasn't the same situation at all. They removed an aspect that people came to depend on. Nothing was removed here. They added benefit. The argument is it's "useless", which I don't agree with. The objections here are that the buff isn't dazzling enough to make people prefer her over others. So again, tell me how it's constructive to say the buff was useless?
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,457 ★★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    Gamora is a lot better now than she used to be before her first buff. We should be grateful Kabam did an easy buff so they can focus more time into overhauling the game to fix the parry bug.

    Swap out lot for barely and I agree with you. The buff is still a very wasted opportunity.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,307 Guardian

    Pikolu said:

    Gamora is a lot better now than she used to be before her first buff. We should be grateful Kabam did an easy buff so they can focus more time into overhauling the game to fix the parry bug.

    Swap out lot for barely and I agree with you. The buff is still a very wasted opportunity.
    Did you play her before they buffed her the first time? I'm talking about the buff they did to her years ago. She sucked back then and became a LOT better with a lot better damage output.
  • Diksh619Diksh619 Member Posts: 227 ★★

    Funny, I don't recall people complaining about Gamora before they buffed her.

    Funny! you stopped playing mcoc and are still here lol.
    The point of the buff was actually pointless. She did not need it but if they still gave it to her then at least it should have been of some impact else why care at all?
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    Funny, I don't recall people complaining about Gamora before they buffed her.

    "gamora could be great if she Can keep her buff like black bolt or x2 her durations.. it's so hard to play with her and kept buff"
    "Gamora's not the easiest champ to master in the whole game as her buffs fall off quite quickly"

    "I hope Gamora gets an increase to her buff and armor break duration"
    "Any predictions? I see Gamora getting easier access to keep up buffs besides heavy."
    "she needs more practical utility instead of sp3's true strike"
    "I hope very much that she becomes more practical "
    "raise the duration of her cruelty, true strike, and fury buffs. Maybe even just make it so the fury and cruelty buffs fall off 1 at a time"
    "Gamora needs access to True Strike much easier"

    "it seems to me that there are a lot of fights where it is going to be a lot harder to ramp up with Gamora [than SpiderGwen] since it can be really hard to squeeze in those heavies."

    "She got a half hearted buff. She is even more impractical than proxima."
    (In regards to what her buff needs this month) "Gamora: Easier/Safer ramp-up? More utility?"

    "Gamora makes total sense for me. She has 0 utility except an 11 second true strike, she has a stressful playstyle for decent damage."
    (Referring to her march 2019 buff) "Well, Gamora sucks even post-buff, so she might be on par with KG and Venompool before their buffs."

    "Gamora has almost no utility, and she isn't really the best. If we look at the situation honestly, she needs a buff."
    " Gamora on the other hand currently has potent damage however as mentioned above, she really doesn't have a lot of utility"

    This is what I could find on the first few pages of searching just the forum. But yeah, nobody thought Gamora was lacking in utility or a good playstyle.
    If you do enough searches, you can find people complain about anything here. You new?
    "No one complained about Gamora, she was already decent to begin with."

    *numerous examples of people complaining*

    "UhM aCtUaLlY pEoPlE cOmPlAiN aBoUt EvErYtHiNg ThAt DoEsNt CoUnT"

    " said no one complains about her, and-"

    "No YoUrE jUsT cOmPlAiNiNg fOr No ReAsOn StOp WhInInG REEEEEE"

    See this? This is how we feel about you. That's how stupid your answers look like.
    I'm talking about people complaining about the buff. It doesn't even make logical sense unless people are being poor sports. How is giving a Champ more ever a negative?
    If you took drax and gave him 1% stronger furies. Would you say that’s giving a champion more so it’s not a negative?

    I know I’m being extreme here but would you just humour me with a yes or no? This isn’t aimed as a gotcha or anything, just to understand your point of view more
    @GroundedWisdom would you answer this please. I think it’s important to know where you stand on this so I can better explain our feelings around it.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,457 ★★★★★
    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:

    Gamora is a lot better now than she used to be before her first buff. We should be grateful Kabam did an easy buff so they can focus more time into overhauling the game to fix the parry bug.

    Swap out lot for barely and I agree with you. The buff is still a very wasted opportunity.
    Did you play her before they buffed her the first time? I'm talking about the buff they did to her years ago. She sucked back then and became a LOT better with a lot better damage output.
    Yeah I have, sorry I misread that. I was referring to the secondary buff she got.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    Catmanndo said:

    We’re voicing our opinions for the betterment of our community and positive future growth of the game.
    What you call needles complaining, we call constructive brainstorming.
    Hood would’ve been released without his fate seal reapplied to his kit if it wasn’t for our input/needless complaining.
    I would strongly disagree.
    Positive change comes with open minds and ideas.

    That wasn't the same situation at all. They removed an aspect that people came to depend on. Nothing was removed here. They added benefit. The argument is it's "useless", which I don't agree with. The objections here are that the buff isn't dazzling enough to make people prefer her over others. So again, tell me how it's constructive to say the buff was useless?
    You’re missing the point. Nobody is saying this is a Hood situation. Nobody is saying it’s useless, or if they are, then they mean it’s so close to nothing of value being added that the time is better spent elsewhere. You’re taking it too literally when someone says useless.

    The point is that community feedback can change the game for the better. We gave feedback on hood and Kabam listened and changed it for the better.

    Now, not to the same extent, but still similarly, we are giving our feedback on gamora and hopefully Kabam listen and change things for the better. I’m not expecting them to change gamora, but I’m hoping in the future we have fewer buffs that add very little of value to a champion.

    So do you agree or disagree that community feedback can change Kabams mind?
    I was responding to the comment that referenced Hood. You're trying too hard.
  • This content has been removed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    Funny, I don't recall people complaining about Gamora before they buffed her.

    "gamora could be great if she Can keep her buff like black bolt or x2 her durations.. it's so hard to play with her and kept buff"
    "Gamora's not the easiest champ to master in the whole game as her buffs fall off quite quickly"

    "I hope Gamora gets an increase to her buff and armor break duration"
    "Any predictions? I see Gamora getting easier access to keep up buffs besides heavy."
    "she needs more practical utility instead of sp3's true strike"
    "I hope very much that she becomes more practical "
    "raise the duration of her cruelty, true strike, and fury buffs. Maybe even just make it so the fury and cruelty buffs fall off 1 at a time"
    "Gamora needs access to True Strike much easier"

    "it seems to me that there are a lot of fights where it is going to be a lot harder to ramp up with Gamora [than SpiderGwen] since it can be really hard to squeeze in those heavies."

    "She got a half hearted buff. She is even more impractical than proxima."
    (In regards to what her buff needs this month) "Gamora: Easier/Safer ramp-up? More utility?"

    "Gamora makes total sense for me. She has 0 utility except an 11 second true strike, she has a stressful playstyle for decent damage."
    (Referring to her march 2019 buff) "Well, Gamora sucks even post-buff, so she might be on par with KG and Venompool before their buffs."

    "Gamora has almost no utility, and she isn't really the best. If we look at the situation honestly, she needs a buff."
    " Gamora on the other hand currently has potent damage however as mentioned above, she really doesn't have a lot of utility"

    This is what I could find on the first few pages of searching just the forum. But yeah, nobody thought Gamora was lacking in utility or a good playstyle.
    If you do enough searches, you can find people complain about anything here. You new?
    "No one complained about Gamora, she was already decent to begin with."

    *numerous examples of people complaining*

    "UhM aCtUaLlY pEoPlE cOmPlAiN aBoUt EvErYtHiNg ThAt DoEsNt CoUnT"

    " said no one complains about her, and-"

    "No YoUrE jUsT cOmPlAiNiNg fOr No ReAsOn StOp WhInInG REEEEEE"

    See this? This is how we feel about you. That's how stupid your answers look like.
    I'm talking about people complaining about the buff. It doesn't even make logical sense unless people are being poor sports. How is giving a Champ more ever a negative?
    If you took drax and gave him 1% stronger furies. Would you say that’s giving a champion more so it’s not a negative?

    I know I’m being extreme here but would you just humour me with a yes or no? This isn’t aimed as a gotcha or anything, just to understand your point of view more
    @GroundedWisdom would you answer this please. I think it’s important to know where you stand on this so I can better explain our feelings around it.
    In a technical sense, yes. 13% would be more than 12%. You don't need me to point that out.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    The argument here is it's not enough. Which is why I said it's expectations versus reality.
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