Introducing the next Campaign Progression Level: Paragon!



  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    H3t3r said:

    Per the new post re enabling the 7.4 offer was very much needed. Thank you kabam.

    This I'm absolutely a fan of though. I'm fine with all the temporary content being included in what they looked at. The announcement coming after people already chose to pass on the offer bothered me however.
  • ZeiramMRZeiramMR Member Posts: 101
    edited April 2022
    I'm a player who has only gotten a handful of R4 fragments from actual money (last year's July 4th/Cyber Weekend sales), and just checked how much that was from old YouTube streams covering the sales. If I ignore those T6B and T3A fragments, I'm still only one of each catalyst short of the three R4s* once I do the rest of Act7 (+ 10K exploration bundle) and Carina's.

    But here's the thing: I only did the short path of Grandmaster's Gauntlet, one path in the SoP Finale, am not in high-tier alliances, and skipped 50% of each catalyst on July 4th by buying the other 10K unit bundle (the one with the 6* 2020 Nexus with 10 choices) with the units I had been saving up. So the missing fragments were there for me if I wanted them and had the will to grind revives/potions/units. Hint: I don't.

    I don't intend to have Paragon at launch, or even by 4th of July. I do expect the opportunity to get there to be better for F2P players than is being made out in this thread, and I suspect that is a combination of both not knowing how much Kabam is opening those materials up outside of bundles over the next few months and ignoring the unit bundles from July 4/Cyber Weekend 2020 in their math. We have 20% of a T3A this month in the side quest... I don't think it is out-of-line to expect an average 10-20% of an R4 catalyst to start showing up each month going forward, plus whatever we can get from Eternity of Pain. It is still a steep mark to reach Paragon progression and sucks if you skipped the 10K exploration pack, no question.

    * To be fair, I have one outlier in my fragment counts in that a Prime Ascendant bundle bought with units on Cyber Monday gave me R4 fragments in one crystal. That helped my personal fragment counts but I don't think that was enough to put me over the needed catalysts.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★

    Mackey said:

    Bottom line is no matter how they set the bar, someone is going to be offended. This isn't something that a great number of people are meant to have the day it comes out. It was the same for Thronebreaker.

    Clearly you are missing the point here... it shouldn't be available to everyone, I agree there BUT when they introduced thronebreaker title they had TWO pieces of content that gave the rewards to make 1x r3 6*, meaning people was able to obtain TB on day 1 with some hard work.

    That is not the same case as this new title.
    If it was set at 2 rank 4s people who had 100%ed act 7 but only have 1 rank 4 would complain about not having done gauntlet, SoP etc. People on the wrong side of it will always complain, it’s just human nature
    So how come KT1 and myself are complaining and we'll qualify for Paragon? Maybe people just actually have a difference of opinion and it has nothing to do with our personal accounts.
    Lol you are lumping yourself with someone with different reasons completely. You just dont wanna lose your aq spot, your interest is nothing more than that.
    Give him another 30min and I'm sure he'll remind everyone where his alliance places in AQ.
    Also didn't you quit? Or let me guess you were saving yourself for Battlegrounds gtfoh lol.
    I mean that's literally what I said when I stepped back last year 🤷🏻‍♂️.
    It would do us a favor it that was permanent but hey keep on the cape for Kabam. Your displeasure for the game have been exposed through action so you should be the last one crying about people complaining.
    Lmao what kind of nonsense logic is this
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,757 ★★★★★

    RicoShay said:

    RicoShay said:

    RicoShay said:

    RicoShay said:

    I didn't mention them because they're permanent content. Alliances aren't permanent for all players. Some don't make the cut. SOP and Gauntlet aren't permanent either. Nor is the final offer of act 7
    . That's the point I was making and again you're overlooking it completely

    But Act 7, Carinas are part of that path. Act 8 has been announced and beta is about to start. EoP has been announced so both of those things exist. Someone who doesn't have any r4's hasn't done 7.4 so that offer is still valid to them as well as anyone that hasn't touched act 7.

    Y'all said there's no path, there is an obvious one. The you move the goal posts again.
    What part of SOP and Gauntlet being limited didn't catch your keen eye? They're limited content so if you want to get in your time machine and come over here to do them for me I won't oblige. Never moved any goal posts.
    Exactly, not everyone was Thronebreaker when those things were around.
    If you weren't, you would expect to be Paragon on day one because what?
    That's not what's at hand. It's that the seed for paragon was planted 10 months ago unannounced and if you developed a lot in that time you have no way to go back and qualify for paragon because time travel is a touchy subject. If we had known that a new title was on the roadmap then we'd be able to anticipate that the content was worth going for but with undeveloped rosters, I speak for new TB players that SOP was very had to clear initially let alone explore. Since then I've developed a lot, so I speak from experience but because I didn't plant the seed back 10 months ago or save an absurd amount of units for an "exploration" offer I cannot qualify for it. That's the issue. If the entire 3 r4's could be achieved through permanent content then I wouldn't kick up dust about it because it's set in stone and I can realistically get it but for now that isn't how it is.
    Should someone who couldn't do SOP just 10 months ago be paragon on day 1? I feel like the target is for people who breezed through SOP.....
    The target audience from the looks of things is players who have completed all content in game and to say that temporary events should count towards this is an oversight in my opinion. If the title was achievable by today's standards then I'd say that they're justified in putting that into their calculations but to say that something you didn't 100% finish (I still got out 7 lanes + 100% gauntlet) 10 months ago and is no longer available shouldn't count towards the progression of this title. A lot of highly skilled and developed players haven't been playing for 5 and 6 years to have their rosters developed in hopes of getting a title that got surprised announced. Not everyone has enough champions to grind arenas for the 10k unit deal. As I said, should have made the cut for the roadmap because a title is literally the single biggest game-changer for an account in terms of what it brings to the table
    Maybe the target audience is actually players who were already doing all these things regularly without having to be goaded/bribed into it with the promise of a new title.
    This exactly.
  • PapaMidnite007PapaMidnite007 Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    I'm cavalier and I'm in no rush to get Paragon and will do so at my pace.... I can instead get Paragon office slippers easy and comfortable to wear plus affordable... I can't believe Kabam named a progression title after office slippers.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,911 ★★★★★

    I'm cavalier and I'm in no rush to get Paragon and will do so at my pace.... I can instead get Paragon office slippers easy and comfortable to wear plus affordable... I can't believe Kabam named a progression title after office slippers.

    Paragon is also used in other games like Diablo 3, where you collect Paragon Points after Max Level.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,425 ★★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    So looks like this is still going forward, without any change ... Its pathetic really

    Then quit. All you do is complain about people paying. You’ll never catch up to the top regardless of what you do either way, so what does it really matter.
    Jep I’m always though there a way to catch op but to put it simple u don’t even try even though ben playing for 7 year but didn’t spending hug at that time it impossible. For me. To even catch I’m but with this new tille I’m can hav goal I’m didn’t had before
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,106 ★★★
    Hey @kabam is there anything to tell about Paragon
    glorystore improvements?
    Inventory capacity increase?
    Crystal Discounts?
    New Crystals (PG Arena Crystals)?
    New eq dificulty?

    Thx in advance!

    For me, when a new Title is Released, its time to for the second next one. TB Here i come...
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,757 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    There’s no foul play in lowering the requirement to 2 since most would still have to do tough content to formulate the 2nd one. Honestly bringing up top tier alliance content as a factor is just wrong because not everyone eats , sleeps, and breathes MCOC to the extent that is required to be in a top end alliance.

    The fact remains that countless end game players who Paragon was intended for to begin with, have came forward on the requirement of 3 not making sense and to have it lowered.

    Who are the countless end gamers that have come towards?
  • Herry435Herry435 Member Posts: 26
    Please Add Some Small amount of rank 4 in Book 2 Act 1 Completion . Some players need to motivate they doesn't have a single r4 item in inventory .As we know it related to act 7 we need something at completion like Act 6.
  • HdhjssvvHdhjssvv Member Posts: 55
    Polygon said:

    Polygon said:

    There’s no foul play in lowering the requirement to 2 since most would still have to do tough content to formulate the 2nd one. Honestly bringing up top tier alliance content as a factor is just wrong because not everyone eats , sleeps, and breathes MCOC to the extent that is required to be in a top end alliance.

    The fact remains that countless end game players who Paragon was intended for to begin with, have came forward on the requirement of 3 not making sense and to have it lowered.

    Who are the countless end gamers that have come towards?
    Maybe actually read the thread instead of criticizing every post and attacking everyone who has a different opinion than you.
    Tough luck on those who can’t get paragon for July 4 now that the unit deal is returning I’ll be ready by July 👌👌

  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    The fact remains that countless end game players who Paragon was intended for to begin with, have came forward on the requirement of 3 not making sense and to have it lowered.

    You're joking right?
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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,757 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Polygon said:

    There’s no foul play in lowering the requirement to 2 since most would still have to do tough content to formulate the 2nd one. Honestly bringing up top tier alliance content as a factor is just wrong because not everyone eats , sleeps, and breathes MCOC to the extent that is required to be in a top end alliance.

    The fact remains that countless end game players who Paragon was intended for to begin with, have came forward on the requirement of 3 not making sense and to have it lowered.

    Who are the countless end gamers that have come towards?
    Maybe actually read the thread instead of criticizing every post and attacking everyone who has a different opinion than you.
    I've read the thread. I haven't seen countless end gamers who this title is aimed at here and since when is asking a question attacking someone? You said there are countless end gamers coming forward, who are they?
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,757 ★★★★★

    "When we said that this is for those that have done everything, we meant it!"

    Funny how not-endgame players, that haven't completed everything, will be able to achieve the title. While people who literally completed every single content, not.

    Just saying. People with more ingame PROGRESSION don't qualify for a PROGRESSION TITLE, while the others with less PROGRESSION do qualify for it.

    "Meant for" doesn't mean "only for" 🤷
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,425 ★★★★★

    "When we said that this is for those that have done everything, we meant it!"

    Funny how not-endgame players, that haven't completed everything, will be able to achieve the title. While people who literally completed every single content, not.

    Just saying. People with more ingame PROGRESSION don't qualify for a PROGRESSION TITLE, while the others with less PROGRESSION do qualify for it.

    "Meant for" doesn't mean "only for" 🤷
    Why even argument further it pretty much. The same a last time.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★

    "When we said that this is for those that have done everything, we meant it!"

    Funny how not-endgame players, that haven't completed everything, will be able to achieve the title. While people who literally completed every single content, not.

    Just saying. People with more ingame PROGRESSION don't qualify for a PROGRESSION TITLE, while the others with less PROGRESSION do qualify for it.

    "Meant for" doesn't mean "only for"
    No, it means "meant for". You know, those that have done everything.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,757 ★★★★★

    "When we said that this is for those that have done everything, we meant it!"

    Funny how not-endgame players, that haven't completed everything, will be able to achieve the title. While people who literally completed every single content, not.

    Just saying. People with more ingame PROGRESSION don't qualify for a PROGRESSION TITLE, while the others with less PROGRESSION do qualify for it.

    "Meant for" doesn't mean "only for"
    No, it means "meant for". You know, those that have done everything.
    The title is for the people that meet the requirements of the title itself. These requirements would include those that have done everything in the game to get to 3 R4's which is both people who have bought all the non cash offers, done all the content with R4 mats and played high tier AQ and AW.

    This also includes anyone who has payed their way to 3 R4's from cash offers and gifting. TB had this as well because T5CC was available in cash offers.

    The title requirements don't require you to have done everything in the game, it just requires you to have completed Act 7 and have 3 R4's. Kabam made sure there were several outlets for this to happen on day 1. You keep denying them with no real proof other than you said so.

    Stay mad bro.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,425 ★★★★★

    "When we said that this is for those that have done everything, we meant it!"

    Funny how not-endgame players, that haven't completed everything, will be able to achieve the title. While people who literally completed every single content, not.

    Just saying. People with more ingame PROGRESSION don't qualify for a PROGRESSION TITLE, while the others with less PROGRESSION do qualify for it.

    "Meant for" doesn't mean "only for"
    No, it means "meant for". You know, those that have done everything.
    The title is for the people that meet the requirements of the title itself. These requirements would include those that have done everything in the game to get to 3 R4's which is both people who have bought all the non cash offers, done all the content with R4 mats and played high tier AQ and AW.

    This also includes anyone who has payed their way to 3 R4's from cash offers and gifting. TB had this as well because T5CC was available in cash offers.

    The title requirements don't require you to have done everything in the game, it just requires you to have completed Act 7 and have 3 R4's. Kabam made sure there were several outlets for this to happen on day 1. You keep denying them with no real proof other than you said so.

    Stay mad bro.
    I’m can se he annoying over he isn’t there’s yet mostly because he won’t it day one even I’m won’t be it day 1 unless there bonker deal to days and I’m meant like 3 to 4 gem impossible thinking
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  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★

    "When we said that this is for those that have done everything, we meant it!"

    Funny how not-endgame players, that haven't completed everything, will be able to achieve the title. While people who literally completed every single content, not.

    Just saying. People with more ingame PROGRESSION don't qualify for a PROGRESSION TITLE, while the others with less PROGRESSION do qualify for it.

    "Meant for" doesn't mean "only for"
    No, it means "meant for". You know, those that have done everything.
    Kabam made sure there were several outlets for this to happen on day 1. You keep denying them with no real proof other than you said so.

    Stay mad bro.
    They did not. That has been pointed out, over and over again by now. The proof is all here. Kindly go back and read it.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,425 ★★★★★

    "When we said that this is for those that have done everything, we meant it!"

    Funny how not-endgame players, that haven't completed everything, will be able to achieve the title. While people who literally completed every single content, not.

    Just saying. People with more ingame PROGRESSION don't qualify for a PROGRESSION TITLE, while the others with less PROGRESSION do qualify for it.

    "Meant for" doesn't mean "only for"
    No, it means "meant for". You know, those that have done everything.
    Kabam made sure there were several outlets for this to happen on day 1. You keep denying them with no real proof other than you said so.

    Stay mad bro.
    They did not. That has been pointed out, over and over again by now. The proof is all here. Kindly go back and read it.
    But since you done everything and unfortunately doesn’t make the cut you annoying over u isn’t one day one. I’m won’t be it either the most I’m be with is 2. Now I’m can having new goals. To push for before I’m didn’t had much motivation to do carina.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,757 ★★★★★

    "When we said that this is for those that have done everything, we meant it!"

    Funny how not-endgame players, that haven't completed everything, will be able to achieve the title. While people who literally completed every single content, not.

    Just saying. People with more ingame PROGRESSION don't qualify for a PROGRESSION TITLE, while the others with less PROGRESSION do qualify for it.

    "Meant for" doesn't mean "only for"
    No, it means "meant for". You know, those that have done everything.
    Kabam made sure there were several outlets for this to happen on day 1. You keep denying them with no real proof other than you said so.

    Stay mad bro.
    They did not. That has been pointed out, over and over again by now. The proof is all here. Kindly go back and read it.
    You've said some things but you were proven wrong. Just because you believe it in your heart, doesn't make it true.
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