Combo whiffing (video attached) [Fix in Next Update]

World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
edited June 2024 in Bugs and Known Issues
Video speaks for itself. Around hit 96, I feel the game messing up and back off. Next combo, my 4th hit misses and I eat an enemy combo, killing almost half my health.

This happens a lot with Captain Marvel and Scarlet Witch, usually missing on their 4th hit of a combo.

iOS 10.3.3 (latest iOS for this device)
Post edited by Kabam Jax on


  • Anonymous346Anonymous346 Member Posts: 661 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    I've experienced this quite a lot too over the past few months, it happens with magik too and it's even more annoying when you end up hitting the SP2 for the power lock before you can stop and register the fact that the 4th hit missed, which results in the opponent blocking the 5th hit and special attack and ruins the stun lock chain.
    I think it happens with all champs who have that move set (SW, ms/cap marvel, magik, BW)
  • Ayushk12Ayushk12 Member Posts: 153
    It's not just those champs. I've faced that issue with star lord, x23, gr and phoenix.
  • AfflictionAffliction Member Posts: 382 ★★
    Outch! Yeah I get that sometimes too. As well as champs just standing after going in for 2 or 3 hits while I'm clearly sitting there still tapping then the enemy slams into me just like that... As well as my characters hands coming up when I'm holding for a block and dropping immediately forcing me to tap 2 or even 3 times till they'll even keep their hands up. 2 years of playing and never have I seen such garbage and lack of resposivness in the game and on here.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Happened again to me today. No video but it was vs Dormmamu in 5.3.1. 4th hit from Cap Marvel missed. Quality and vision for the future of this game has gone down the tubes in 2017
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    THANK YOU! Perfect proof bro.
    Seen this happen with magik, DD, iceman.
    This is on both android and ios too.
  • Barry_Allen007Barry_Allen007 Member Posts: 147
    I don't think I've ever watched anyone's thumbs as they play before. You're a professional.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    I don't think I've ever watched anyone's thumbs as they play before. You're a professional.

    My Ipad4 doesn't have screen recording so this is the best I can do. Y'all get to deal with my white thumb vids, sorry.
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    MikeHock wrote: »
    I don't think I've ever watched anyone's thumbs as they play before. You're a professional.

    My Ipad4 doesn't have screen recording so this is the best I can do. Y'all get to deal with my white thumb vids, sorry.

    It's actually better like this, it completely shows your tapping and gives a better view tbh.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    edited November 2017
    Today’s fight vs Howard the Duck... Captain Marvel misses her 4th hit again at the 1:16-1:17 mark.

    How about someone from Kabam acknowledge this?
  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    edited November 2017
    Happens quit often, buttttt have seen ai wiff on me too and have interrupted thier combos before. Have to look at it both ways. Now the heavy bug is a nuisance. And the dashing
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Kocheese wrote: »
    Happens quit often, buttttt have seen ai wiff on me too and have interrupted thier combos before. Have to look at it both ways. Now the heavy bug is a nuisance. And the dashing

    I haven't seen the AI whiff much, but the game has been such utter cr@pola over the last month or so. Terrible lag; freezing frames. There isn't a day where the game performs up to the Collectors lofty standards anymore. Wish he would come back.
  • MisterNiceGuyMisterNiceGuy Member Posts: 184
    Your right thumb is insane lol. Dude you're going to get carpal tunnel playing this game...
  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    MikeHock wrote: »
    Kocheese wrote: »
    Happens quit often, buttttt have seen ai wiff on me too and have interrupted thier combos before. Have to look at it both ways. Now the heavy bug is a nuisance. And the dashing

    I haven't seen the AI whiff much, but the game has been such utter cr@pola over the last month or so. Terrible lag; freezing frames. There isn't a day where the game performs up to the Collectors lofty standards anymore. Wish he would come back.

    I would agree, and kabam won't say a word about it. But we will get deals tho!! Smh
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Your right thumb is insane lol. Dude you're going to get carpal tunnel playing this game...

    My right thumb is now upset that you called it insane :'( It just does what the brain tells it to do.
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    Any formal response yet? Or is this low priority because it doesn’t cost you money
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    They don't seem to care, missing hits has been going on for a long time now ( even on the old forums) with them still not fully repairing it ignoring all the evidence, all the videos, all the images, all of our threads and posts.

    Its been affecting many champions over the many many months that this has been an ongoing issue, yet they seem to sweep it under the rug and hope it goes away but it won't people will continue to post about it, people will continue to post images and videos about it on hops that you will address and fix it.

    The only question is can you fix them and all the other bugs and issues that are growing and evetaully will snowball out of control before the game collpases on itself or people just up and quit the game or another boycott happens.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Tough enough fighting 18000 PI enemies, but we also have to fight unbearable lag, freeze frames and like my 2 videos show, combo whiffing.

  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Happens to me with any champs using that basic female fighting style, but not with any other champ. Have never gotten a response about it here, or in Bug forums.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    Amonthir wrote: »
    Happens to me with any champs using that basic female fighting style, but not with any other champ. Have never gotten a response about it here, or in Bug forums.

    Never and it happens with my Scarlet Witch a lot also. Was posted here previously, but like most issues.... silence from Kabam
  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    @MikeHock I'm glad that you actually recorded a POV version of this so that we see how you are clearly inputting the hits with your thumb. I'm also glad that you are pressing the hit constantly to reinforce that this is definitely not an input problem but a MCOC problem not registering the inputs properly.

    This is clear evidence of so many of the complaints and problems that countless players in the community have been experiencing. This defect also happens to me too frequently and is the most common reason why I ever get hit.
  • MSRDLDMSRDLD Member Posts: 915 ★★★
    MikeHock wrote: »
    Your right thumb is insane lol. Dude you're going to get carpal tunnel playing this game...

    My right thumb is now upset that you called it insane :'( It just does what the brain tells it to do.

    You do tap attack a LOT more than I do. I space mine out and tap once per hit.
  • thanks4playingthanks4playing Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    MSRDLD wrote: »
    MikeHock wrote: »
    Your right thumb is insane lol. Dude you're going to get carpal tunnel playing this game...

    My right thumb is now upset that you called it insane :'( It just does what the brain tells it to do.

    You do tap attack a LOT more than I do. I space mine out and tap once per hit.

    But tapping constantly makes it clearer that it is not an input issue (i.e., user error). I space mine out too, which makes me second guess if it's me or the game.
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    @Kabam Wolf ——If you can check for this as well that would be great , why AI is exploiting the Lag in the animation, when using special attack. The video is in Slo mo, but the recovered distance by dormammu was amazing, before SW touched her feet on the ground and I get back the control of my champ , dormammu hits.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,839 ★★★★★
    ^ I know you want some attention to your issue, but it has nothing to do with Combo Whiffing.
  • Xthea9Xthea9 Member Posts: 829 ★★
    MikeHock wrote: »
    ^ I know you want some attention to your issue, but it has nothing to do with Combo Whiffing.

    Oh not at all, not against ur post, it’s good that now we got videos to prove, I shared the video pointing another issue , but if it hurts you, then my apologies
  • xoRIVALoxxoRIVALox Member Posts: 247
    MikeHock wrote: »
    My right thumb is now upset that you called it insane :'( It just does what the brain tells it to do.

    I bet your thumbs, wrists and grip get quite the workout with a username "Mike Hock". Everyone say it loud and proud

  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited November 2017
    Pedrobarra wrote: »
    Kabam Wolf wrote: »
    Hey guys. I am taking this to the team, and I'll let you know once we've had the chance to do some testing. Thanks for the information and videos!

    Why do you always act like it's news or that you don't know about it ?

    The truth is that we have been telling you all for months if not a year or more to actually fix the missing hit issues in general but a lot of times doesn't make sense to me or other people.

    I'm bored now, this was just from a quick search honestly kabam it seems that you either don't want to fix it or you have no idea how to fix it and there's tons of others to especially on the old forums.

    Missing hits, missing hits during a combo, missing hits from a power attack have gone on for far too long it's time to fix it use everything we've given you over the years and fix it and test it because as it stands now it seems like you either don't care or you can't actually fix it and are hoping that the missing hits just go away but they've been here for a long time when is enough enough.

    We've sumbitted more than enough information for this and will continue to do so in hopes that you actually use them and listen to us and activily fix them once and for all.

    You think that’s a lot? You should have seen the old forums bro. 10 threads a day on missed hits because these degenerates just ignored it until people stopped complaining. This bug is over 2 years old. Try beating realm of legends w a 2 or 3* starlord that whiffs hits constantly. Needing. 1k-1500 hit combo to kill wolverine.

    The game didn’t have any of these bugs for over a year. Little things yea. But nothing this bad and this consistent. The simultaneous evade/attack bug, combo whiffing, constant missed evades and parries; all these bugs have existed more often than not

    How were they just all of a sudden there and not able to be fixed? For the better part of 2 years? KABAM IS CAPITALIZING OFF OF THESE BUGS. And the worst part is we allow them to

    Eh ? I never said that those were a lot and I definitely I know that it's not a lot if them, these are only a small selection of them that I found in a few minutes doing a really quick search and could have just kept going but i just got bored.

    Yea i know there was tons of posts on the old forums as well going back years ( I was pretty active on them talking about the same issue that we're still going over now near the end of 2017) which I referenced in my post but sadly we can't do anything with that anymore and I agree that they are capitalizing off us.

    Also i've experienced them to over the years just not the lol part, and I've been very critical of them on and off these forum's and the old ones when I joined them and before that in game and on line.

    I've had problems with missing hits, dropped blocks, inputs not registering, blocks being torn through, parry not working, specials firing off randomly, power attacks firing off randomly, them charging forward, them fighting by themselves in aq and aw, them doing a block special mumbo, specials being blocked or missfiring or just not doing anything to the enemy, combos whiffing or being interrupted when it seemed like it was successful to name some of them but this is more about the missing hits than those.

    People haven't stopped complaing about it they were and still are complaing about it all the time but a lot of threads get lost in the shuffle or closed by kabam.

    There still there and getting worse because I don't quite think they know what they're doing anymore or at least it seems that way, I've cut my playtime down a lot and my speending to and so has other people but what exactly can a few people do they make so much money and like to silence us to it would take another movement bigger than post 12.0 to get them to acknowledge everything and us.

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