Day of the Deadpool [Master Thread]



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    There's also a Piggy Bank that gives you a guaranteed Deadpool, a couple Plat Crystals, and 500k Gold.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    Everyone also gets a guaranteed Mil Gold just for doing one Fight with DP. They're not all going to look like amazing Offers for Gold.
  • TeufelHundenTeufelHunden Member Posts: 117
    how 'bout them Kansas City Chiefs!
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★

    There's also a Piggy Bank that gives you a guaranteed Deadpool, a couple Plat Crystals, and 500k Gold.

    If we're talking about what's different, then it still falls under that.
    The whole topic of what's new has become a Red Herring, but if someone wants to be pedantic then everything must be looked at. Further to that, there's a reason the comment about Gold Offers came after that, accompanied by "Also". They weren't related.
    As for the topic of paying, that's always been the main focus of OG DP. It's disappointing for people who don't spend, sure. It isn't an insult and a travesty when there isn't something for free. As much as that offends people, that's as much a part of life as it is the game. People will be able to buy things I can't have for free.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,775 ★★★★★
    Kiptonade said:

    Not sure what all that is about, but I have one Account. Never had any other. One Forum Account, one in-game Account.
    I also have a pseudonym, but it's not appropriate for the Forum. 😜

    It has more to do with them not having an actual rebuttal to the conversation. It's the typical, I can't counter back or back up my claim so here's a personal insult.
    I think it’s more to do with the fact that people find it difficult to believe that people can be so pro-kabam and never seem to find flaw in any of the decisions which naturally makes people think the motivation is just to troll the forums.

    As always this issue comes down to poor communication and I think Kabam made a mistake using a known troll account (thrillson) to try and convey what has turned out to be a rather important message. Additionally while I don’t think kabam will or should have to post details of their offers/sales I do think people expected this to be an “event” rather than a unit sale and offer store. We didn’t even see a 2* arena or even something like the dubloons type thing from previous events.

    I’ll repeat what I said earlier about the community manager who, to my knowledge also play this game on private accounts. They will be expected to defend the company decisions whether agreeing with them personally or not - so those waiting for some kind of an apology reply I think will be sorely disappointed with what actually comes. Will they pass on the feedback? I’ve no doubt they will. Is that going to have any impact on future offers or corporate decisions? Highly unlikely.

    I personally think the gold offers would have gone a long way to placate some players who feel the game has skyrocketed this year into monetisation but clearly kabam leadership are taking a different view on the future of the game and their profit strategy. For kabam having one player who buys units and spends on offers I’d better than have 100 players who spend nothing.

    The Thrillson account is not a troll account. You not liking what they said or how they said it, doesn't make it a troll account. His posts in the past were always well received and you can see that by looking at the comment history. The problem is that they put something that you didn't like and now all the sudden, its a troll account.

    I've also already stated numerous times that excluding the gold offers was stupid. They should have brought those back because they were greatly received by the community (that had spare gold).

    The only thing that is different this year from last is the missing offers for gold. Lat year wasn't an event either. It ran for the same time and there wasn't any arena or anything with it. There was one special objective and that's all from what I can get from the videos out there.
  • KienRack123KienRack123 Member Posts: 19
    Really enjoying the motivation this event gave me to not login
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,775 ★★★★★
    Wozzle007 said:

    It’s fine that Demon guy and wisdom boy are not be bothered by all this. It’s good that every opinion is heard.

    I genuinely wish my opinion of all this was “hmmm I see there’s no gold deals. That’s a little disappointing, oh well time for a little bit of Alliance war.”

    This event and direction of the game as whole just isn’t sitting right with me. I’ve been playing the games for years and after Seatin’s rant a few years ago, we got what felt like some really positive pro player moves or at least road maps for positive changes. And now it’s disappointing because it feels like the games core values is shifting so much and we’ve gone backwards.
    There isn’t enough of a mirror back to Kabam where they might stop and think before something is released and decide actually this direction might not be the best decision.

    The event is symptomatic of the whole games current direction which is to take anything that all players like and benefit from and try and put it behind a paywall so now they only benefit the minority who will open there wallets. I personally spend a money on this game, but not for events like this.

    And does anyone really think being able to get 1m in gold is a good alternative to what we had? 1m is nothing in this game.

    When people are constantly complaining about not having enough gold, 1 mil for 1 fight is phenomenal.

    Stop putting words in my mouth. I wanted the gold offers back. I was disappointed in not getting them. But the difference is I didn't come running here accusing Kabam of not communicating, calling a MOD a troll and demanding they apologize and tell me what I want to hear so I feel better.

    It's a god damn mobile game.
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,095 ★★★★★

    Wozzle007 said:

    It’s fine that Demon guy and wisdom boy are not be bothered by all this. It’s good that every opinion is heard.

    I genuinely wish my opinion of all this was “hmmm I see there’s no gold deals. That’s a little disappointing, oh well time for a little bit of Alliance war.”

    This event and direction of the game as whole just isn’t sitting right with me. I’ve been playing the games for years and after Seatin’s rant a few years ago, we got what felt like some really positive pro player moves or at least road maps for positive changes. And now it’s disappointing because it feels like the games core values is shifting so much and we’ve gone backwards.
    There isn’t enough of a mirror back to Kabam where they might stop and think before something is released and decide actually this direction might not be the best decision.

    The event is symptomatic of the whole games current direction which is to take anything that all players like and benefit from and try and put it behind a paywall so now they only benefit the minority who will open there wallets. I personally spend a money on this game, but not for events like this.

    And does anyone really think being able to get 1m in gold is a good alternative to what we had? 1m is nothing in this game.

    When people are constantly complaining about not having enough gold, 1 mil for 1 fight is phenomenal.

    Stop putting words in my mouth. I wanted the gold offers back. I was disappointed in not getting them. But the difference is I didn't come running here accusing Kabam of not communicating, calling a MOD a troll and demanding they apologize and tell me what I want to hear so I feel better.

    It's a god damn mobile game.
    Well I meant not bothered enough to get all ragey with Kabam. Not that you were happy with the event change. But it’s good for Kabam to hear another person is in the disappointed column. He may not have pitchforks out but he’s disappointed none the less.

    When it comes to gold players who can’t manage there resources or won’t do arena/incursions when gold is low it may very well be phenomenon for them. But if the discussion point is this is event is still great or in anyway comparable because you can get 1m for 1 fight, well I disagree. I think the event is rubbish and has gone backwards.

    The Thrillson thing is not an issue for me. I thought it was clear the offers we had last year wouldn’t be repeated this year from the message. My issue is the fact the event was changed at all, or that what it was changed to isn’t in anyway comparable to what we’ve had. This seems like most areas of the game at the moment. I’m not a fan of its current direction.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,430 ★★★★★

    There's also a Piggy Bank that gives you a guaranteed Deadpool, a couple Plat Crystals, and 500k Gold.

    If we're talking about what's different, then it still falls under that.
    The whole topic of what's new has become a Red Herring, but if someone wants to be pedantic then everything must be looked at. Further to that, there's a reason the comment about Gold Offers came after that, accompanied by "Also". They weren't related.
    As for the topic of paying, that's always been the main focus of OG DP. It's disappointing for people who don't spend, sure. It isn't an insult and a travesty when there isn't something for free. As much as that offends people, that's as much a part of life as it is the game. People will be able to buy things I can't have for free.
    Honestly, I was only asking for someone to refresh my memory on the previous DotDP events. I wasn’t looking for a breakdown of the rationale for this year’s event.

    It’s fine if some people like it. It is finally over—which is a good thing.

    Dr. Zola
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    Yes, but it was part of a larger conversation people were having about what was different, so I circled back.
  • AntzRodzAntzRodz Member Posts: 257 ★★

    I didn't realize it ended lol. What was the "something new?"

    Cash Grab Unit Offer's... Was the new stuff.

  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    I am guessing this is the end of the road for this thread!! So long Deadpool!!
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,095 ★★★★★
    Graves_3 said:

    I am guessing this is the end of the road for this thread!! So long Deadpool!!

    Although we've come, to the end of the road. Still I can't let go it's unnatural. You belong to me, I belong to you.
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,095 ★★★★★
    Graves_3 said:

    I am guessing this is the end of the road for this thread!! So long Deadpool!!

    Well we’re 20 pages deep and nothing from Kabam. I’m confident that if we keep the conversation going they will chip in at some point. To anyone whose actually purchased any of the deals I hope you had good some good luck and the money spent was a worthwhile investment for you.
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    Some kind of record maybe...
    A thread that has 46k views and no moderator input 🤔
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    What exactly do you want them to say?
  • KennyPLKennyPL Member Posts: 114 ★★
    edited October 2022
    I want to believe this was a huge "flop " money wise. Can't imagine people buying these bs offers.
    BTW, this thread will dissapear by morning LOL
  • AmaadAkiraAmaadAkira Member Posts: 391 ★★★
    edited October 2022

    What exactly do you want them to say?

    They have Customer Relations/PR departments for this, if they want my input, they're going to have to hire me. :)
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,927 ★★★★★
    The point is, there was no guarantee or announcement that it would be returning. In fact, they confirmed twice that it wouldn't. I get that people feel somehow misled about this, but what seems to be the ask is an explanation for something that was never a thing to begin with.
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