ISOs Issue!

When are Summoners going to raise voice of these criminally low amount of ISOs we get while duping champs?
Same amount of ISOs on 4* And 6* Dupe?
At this point majority of Summoners are facing ISOs problem and Kabam gives them *OUTDATED* Halls Of Glory!
ISOs situation must change!
Same amount of ISOs on 4* And 6* Dupe?
At this point majority of Summoners are facing ISOs problem and Kabam gives them *OUTDATED* Halls Of Glory!
ISOs situation must change!
I know this will break someone’s brain, but that new champ you just got doesn’t need to be 3/45 today. I have 1-2 champs per class that are on my to-do list.
SWitch and Rintrah (both new)
Knull and Herc (old but going to r4, new from CW)
Omega Sentinel and Ultron (CW and EOP)
Storm and Toad (new, November)
BWDO and Valkyrie (oldish, CW)
Titania and Spidey99 (CW, old but now going to r4)
How i will i raise voice?
I do pretty lot of content.
I'm ready to get bash, also i think many will disagree this post
Now I don’t disagree about the differences in iso given for dupes at the various star levels, but that has been talked about at length and I don’t really see it changing any time soon (surprises are welcome though!)
The glory store is a joke. I took 6* Overseer from r1 to r2. I had zero Science ISO. I bought all 10 ISO selectors from the glory store which got him up to a measly level 12. Its pretty laughable to think thats acceptable in the current state of the game. You should be getting 5x more ISO for 850 glory.
I dunno i haven't had any problems with gold or iso.. I do my arena milestones (gold, units, iso thru GM shards) and i auto run a bunch of content. I never do the iso proving ground.. Never run out of gold, got about 590k 5* shards, 280k 4* shards, 1.3 mill phc shards, 250k 3* shards and 180k GMC shards...
I used to had over 3k iso blocks permanently in my stash.
That isn’t an indicator that iso overflows in the game.
It’s rather an indicator of how low and outdated is the ISO cap.
Do you have any idea how much iso is needed to take a 6* r1 champ from level 1 to 25?
Let alone r2 or r3.
It’s several 4*/5*/6* dupes of class iso.
There is ISO shortage.
That’s a fact. It’s pure maths.
I need to spend glory, waste incursion artifacts on 4* crystals, instead of 6*s, and buy ISO offers to keep up with the 6*s demand.
But I guess that’s what the company want us to do, buy offers. Even for non high end resources, which is a lame move imo.
As for the do arena arguments, they are invalid.
Arena has enough iso to add very few levels on a 6*.
Couple of 4*/5* dupes won’t solve any serious ISO demands.
I’m a casual arena grinder so I know first hand what I’m saying.
Arena isn’t a main gold source either anymore.
Since the gold from there is enough for 4*s, or 5*s if you grind hard, but nowhere close to cover any 6*s demands.
But for gold you can currently do solo events and incursions to cover the needs.
For ISO outside buying offers or whale on Cav crystals there isn’t a lot you can do.
Also, for the “there isn’t an ISO shortage defenders”, they will still be able to sell their overflow for gold.
I can’t understand what’s their problem, on increasing the ISO availability in the game 🤔
Hope you got the joke 😉