What's your opinion about this Summoner Vote?

What's your opinion about this Summoner Vote? Spider-Punk will (most likely) win from what it seems. A lot of people are saying that it's rigged.
My take:
1) A lot of people love Spider-Man in general. I don't mean in MCOC but in general.
2) A lot of people playing this game have absolutely no clue who are the champs in this vote and vote randomly.
I spent 2 hours doing some basic research about all the champs (including those already eliminated). I never heard about any champs in this voting. I watched every Movie/Show in the MCU but I never read a Marvel Comic.
My take:
1) A lot of people love Spider-Man in general. I don't mean in MCOC but in general.
2) A lot of people playing this game have absolutely no clue who are the champs in this vote and vote randomly.
I spent 2 hours doing some basic research about all the champs (including those already eliminated). I never heard about any champs in this voting. I watched every Movie/Show in the MCU but I never read a Marvel Comic.
I’m the future, I hope they do 2 things:
1. Do not put classes until the champ is decided. We shouldn’t be voting because “we need more tech champs” or whatever the case may be.
2. Avoid “fan favorites”. This would include any X Men, Spider Verse or generally popular characters.
But, Kabam going to be Kabam and will include Mystique or Lizard (or a popular Spidey villian) next year and it will be just as lame this year.
Voted Deathlok in first round, for no real reason other than I feel the game needs more tech champs.
Now I am voting Spider-punk because someone on the forum was freaking out about people voting for Spider-punk.
Honestly do not really care who wins. Who knows if the champ will be that good, and who knows when I will acquire that champ?
(Go White Tiger btw)
However, out of the 4, the only one i hope it does NOT win is Spiderpunk, any of the other 3 would be pretty cool
Who was in Daredevil season 3.
Also doesn't know Echo.
Who was in Hawkeye AND is getting her own series.
Not to mention Deathlok was in Agents of SHIELD....
mother hubbard!
I think most people don’t care. They probably just tap something to clear the window. Notice how ALL of the champs not visible in the window did not make it to the next round via in-game voting (Spider Punk added via twitter).
I think Bullseye is the favorite. Yet, it’s odd that Bullseye was added to the vote and Beta Ray Bill, who beat out Bullseye last year, wasn’t added.
After all this, we may end up with Spider Punk solely because of meme status and not because the majority actually want the champ.
I’m still hoping they add Morgan, and since the picture they put up for Agatha was a illustration, it looks like they’re planning on putting her anyway, so
From stats spiderpunk actually had the least votes in previous rounds (so yes obviously can still rack up from ppl voting him after their favorite were eliminated etc), won the twitter wildcard vote by coming 4th since the 3 above him won already by the ingame vote and thats said as well he didnt come 4th in the ingame voting (kabam miike said he came in very close 5th in a different thread).
Simple Man with simple choices.
The result for me is what amounts to an “anyone but Spider-Punk” vote across main and alt and disinterested ally mates who play but haven’t really paid attention to the voting. I’ve thrown my votes and any I can coax behind Bullseye because it’s way past time to put him in the game, there’s a chance to improve DD vis synergy and his abilities and mechanics could be very interesting.
Even so—I’m not sure this is what the team intended by creating a Community Choice, but it is what it is.
Dr. Zola
It should be a fair vote in whatever way they choose to deliver it.
It’s not a fair vote if you have caveats and fabricated situations that alters the candidates and results.
I’m not a fan of a “vote” that involves hoops to jump through to get extra votes with different hoops to save one candidate from losing fairly in another medium of voting.
First year, I wanted Herc, Dazzler and Blue Marvel. Second I wanted Armor, Dani, Crystal and both times I split votes. Not this year.
Summoner's choice is not intended to be a "fair vote." Summoner's choice is intended to be an engagement tool, to allow players who actually want to be involved with the process of picking a future champ addition to get involved and influence that choice.
Summoner's Choice is about a fair poll of opinions in the same sense that the Pepsi Challenge was a scientific market research project.
Or to put that another way: if you want to choose the champion, you have to play the game.
If every player got just one vote regardless of how much they played, that would be 'fair', but it wouldn't actually encourage anyone to play the game. Which is ultimately the point 🙂