Most overrated champion



  • SHIELD4AGENTSHIELD4AGENT Member Posts: 915 ★★★★
  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★
    Most effective disagree farm

    Anly said:

    Anly said:

    Typhoon said:

    Anly said:

    Typhoon said:

    Anly said:

    Typhoon said:

    Anly said:

    Typhoon said:

    Anly said:

    Typhoon said:

    For the record, hypes full list of utility includes:

    Fury (lots of them)
    Power gain
    Armor break
    Stun (separate from parry mastery)
    Poison immunity

    Yes, there’s lots he can’t do. Just like every other single champ in the game.

    So a pretty generic cosmic... almost every cosmic has those abilities so remind me again why im using the rng fiesta one

    I suppose you think Domino is overrated too then?
    She's properly rated
    But there’s so many mutants that can do what she does… and she is the rngfiesta one!

    Using your Hyperion logic, she should be meme tier.
    different utilities having aa reduction is different from having fury buffs and she can also be a good defendee

    she isnt overrated because people dont exaggerate what she can do but she also isnt down played
    You werent doing whatever you thought you were doing
    You are doing exactly what everyone thinks you’re doing. How’s the weather under the bridge?
    You still don't get it. Domino doesn't have different abilities from other mutants and she is and RNG fiesta. That doesn't make her bad, the same way it doesn't make hype bad.

    You mention domino is different because she has ability accuracy reduction and can also be a good defender. Lot's of mutants have AAR and hype is also good on def (power gain). If you say just counter his power gain then same goes for domino - just counter her AAR, lots of ability accuracy reduction immune champs are in the game now.

    If you mean AAR is better than fury well you're comparing apples to oranges, you can't really say one is better than the other. In some scenarios fury is going to be better and in other AAR.

    Hype is good and in no way overrated, I'm actually curious about the damage a r5 hype could do. In your own words: he isnt overrated because people dont exaggerate what he can do but he also isnt down played (even though he is a 2016 champion - which is amazing)
    I never said she had different abilities from other mutants i was saying aa reduction is different from furies. Aa reduction being one of the best utilities in the game you cant compare that to a champion who has furies maybe furies will be better than aa reduction like 5% of the time

    Hype isnt good on defense unless theres a seperate power gain node in place he can be taken with any champ not usually worth bringing a counter for

    If you dont think he's overrated you are very out of touch
    hyperion's power gain is really annoying because he waits until special 3. (at least for me)
    You are welcome to have your own opinions (as is everyone else), but calling people "very out of touch" for what they think doesn't help
    If you have no idea whats going on outside you are out of touch if i said social media isnt popular that would make me out of touch

    Hype can go wrong on defense but not worth bringing a counter for since he can be taken with any champ and there are more threatning champs
  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★


    How is herc overrated please explain or anyone else please explain i dont get it
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,815 ★★★★★
    Just say you don't have a claire/donno how to play her. Claire is such an amazing and simple champ to play, say you have a vision aarkus or annihilius or other annoying buff champs on nullify immune+aar immune node,The only mystic you can use is claire.. You can almost use her everywhere,no one is immune to her buff immunity unless they are debuff immune (technically she works against everyone except Taskmaster and debuff immune champs), she has insane power gain,and her dmg is decent. Trash damage is what you get from despite having a dozen of cruelty buffs
    Top of everything,her regen is insane,she is the one of few champs who can finish flare node with 100% health.Yes it takes a lot of time to complete fights,but she can save a lot of units.
    Guess you can have a little patience to save some units.
    While your trash tigra does almost nothing. She has unique utility of missing opponents special,but she is very tough to play,you have to master technique to miss for every champ special attk.. you can rather bring a high block prof champ,and if opponent spl is unblockable,bring miles or power control champ and play slowly. I can rather use claire,play slowly and stay at 100% health until i reach the boss,lol.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,720 ★★★★★
    edited April 2023
    Ansh_A said:

    I was going to go for Ghost or Valkyrie but neither made the list.

    Valk can take a lot of fights without touching the opponent directly (meaning through block). Don’t really think she’s overrated since she can ignore a lot of things this way and her unstoppable counter is probably the best in the game
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 715 ★★★★
    Spidey (2099)
    BigBuster said:

    Anly said:

    Example: Hype has 0 utility and is rng reliant, Rintrah is way too easy to fight and gets shredded by a couple champs and is a pretty mid attacker, Claire has terrible damage for the amount of utility she has, and bishop is a mid defender and on attack he's pretty slow. And all of these champs are hypes quite a bit

    Hyperion has incredible utility alongside amazing damage. Poison immune + buffs. Lot of special attacks w/o needing to hit. Ability to do almost only noncontact attacks (sp1 spam). Tons of pretty potent incinerates. Armor break w/o any hits needed on sp2. etc. One of the most flexible champs out there.

    Every champ can get shredded by their counters so you can't really say that is what makes Rintrah overrated. Very few champs can take him down quickly and efficiently (important in BGs for example). He also has neutralize which is one of the most valuable effects in the game rn. and very tanky and reliable on offense (hard to die in war and stuff)

    I agree with Claire. Just having immunities + buff immunity on opponent isn't really enough for the current meta.

    Bishop is a great defender idk what you're talking abt. Also he's meant more for BGs/war level fights.

    Power drain? Heal? Direct damage? Death inmune? Come on.
  • SidDDragonSidDDragon Member Posts: 1,183 ★★★
    Anly said:

    Anly said:

    Adding Claire to the list is disrespectful tbh. She is the most versatile mystic champ in the game.She can easily drop 50k+ sp2 in incinerate mode, she can bypass nullify immunity(which negates nullifying mystics) and also bypass force of will (which negates neutralise mystics). One of the few mystics who works well both with and without suicides.She has been in my deck in so many metas and can safely score 47-50k points in bgs.
    If anything she is underrated and I would gladly take her to r5 if I pull a mystic 4-5 gem from carinas v3(unless I pull absman)

    Adding Claire to the list is disrespectful tbh. She is the most versatile mystic champ in the game.She can easily drop 50k+ sp2 in incinerate mode, she can bypass nullify immunity(which negates nullifying mystics) and also bypass force of will (which negates neutralise mystics). One of the few mystics who works well both with and without suicides.She has been in my deck in so many metas and can safely score 47-50k points in bgs.
    If anything she is underrated and I would gladly take her to r5 if I pull a mystic 4-5 gem from carinas v3(unless I pull absman)

    She is way far from the most versatile thats gotta be a joke

    "Claire, her utility really isnt that good and her damage is god awful. So what she can go immune to multiple things thats quite literally ALL she can do her regen sucks because its based on the amount of damage she deals and her damage sucks, her power control sucks unless they only gain power from power gain buffs and if so theres no point of using her posion curse because she would be able to nullify power gain regardless and in situations where they gain power from something other than a buff she cant cycle sp2's fast enough, and finally her fire thingy it simply dosent do enough damage, another thing is if you're doing something that requires her to be in a certain curse you're screwed because if you ever need to switch curses you cant because you'll start dying from whatever you needed the previous curse for rendering her immunites practically useless. But i will say she has one of the best nullifies in the game"
    A joke???really
    Kindly list the mystics who can take as many fights as her.
    All the faults that u have listed are down to u not being good with the champ.
    U cry about her power control but fail to realise that u gotta keep the opponent between 2 and 3 bars of power to have it work at its best but u would cry about doing that while being perfectly happy to do the same with doom.
    Her regen is enough to regen about 10% health per sp2 with it going even higher with good crit rng. It’s not the best but more than enough to use a small revive on her and then regen back the health saving u potions.
    Her sp2 in incinerate phase can deal over 50k damage which isn’t all that bad.
    I have legit won a bg round with her against havoc despite all of her attacks being energy attacks.
    Doom, sorceror, absman, wiccan, jugs, tigra, rintrah

    Yeah lets keep a someone that is power gaining inbetween 2 and 3 bars...

    And yeah you can actually cycle specials with doom... its called the doom cycle for a reason his power control in significantly better to point where people just call it fight control

    Its not 10% a sp2 why are you making her seem worse than she actually is atleast give her some credit its about 2 to 4 sp2's to get back to max from like 20% which is still pretty bad

    Also 50k is bad for a sp2 thats probably below average thats like 10+ sp2's on a act 8 health pool

    Ive won bg's with her too pretty good for hype and gorr
    Now you are just showcasing ur lack of knowledge…5 out of 7 champs u mentioned have 0 immunities,doom has 1.
    Wiccan,tigra,rintrah are hard countered by force of will
    So many new cosmics have an immunity to power control,incinerate or in case of galan a straight immunity to nullify thus reducing doom’s effectiveness
    But I can take bwcv into so many fights which these champs cannot work for. This is what is meant by a versatile champ.
    And u can cycle back to back sp2 with Claire if u keep the opponent between 2 and 3 bars of power without them throwing any special but again u are happy doing that with doom but Claire has bad power control because she does a similar thing.
    And a guaranteed 50k sp2 is well above average…what are u on about??that’s a couple of sp2 against most bg and war level healthpools.
  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★

    Just say you don't have a claire/donno how to play her. Claire is such an amazing and simple champ to play, say you have a vision aarkus or annihilius or other annoying buff champs on nullify immune+aar immune node,The only mystic you can use is claire.. You can almost use her everywhere,no one is immune to her buff immunity unless they are debuff immune (technically she works against everyone except Taskmaster and debuff immune champs), she has insane power gain,and her dmg is decent. Trash damage is what you get from despite having a dozen of cruelty buffs
    Top of everything,her regen is insane,she is the one of few champs who can finish flare node with 100% health.Yes it takes a lot of time to complete fights,but she can save a lot of units.
    Guess you can have a little patience to save some units.
    While your trash tigra does almost nothing. She has unique utility of missing opponents special,but she is very tough to play,you have to master technique to miss for every champ special attk.. you can rather bring a high block prof champ,and if opponent spl is unblockable,bring miles or power control champ and play slowly. I can rather use claire,play slowly and stay at 100% health until i reach the boss,lol.

    She was my 2nd 6 star i know her pretty well ive already said why i think she's overrated so i wont repeat myself also not being good with tigra is a skill issue if you're good with her she is pretty versatile
  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★

    Anly said:

    Anly said:

    Adding Claire to the list is disrespectful tbh. She is the most versatile mystic champ in the game.She can easily drop 50k+ sp2 in incinerate mode, she can bypass nullify immunity(which negates nullifying mystics) and also bypass force of will (which negates neutralise mystics). One of the few mystics who works well both with and without suicides.She has been in my deck in so many metas and can safely score 47-50k points in bgs.
    If anything she is underrated and I would gladly take her to r5 if I pull a mystic 4-5 gem from carinas v3(unless I pull absman)

    Adding Claire to the list is disrespectful tbh. She is the most versatile mystic champ in the game.She can easily drop 50k+ sp2 in incinerate mode, she can bypass nullify immunity(which negates nullifying mystics) and also bypass force of will (which negates neutralise mystics). One of the few mystics who works well both with and without suicides.She has been in my deck in so many metas and can safely score 47-50k points in bgs.
    If anything she is underrated and I would gladly take her to r5 if I pull a mystic 4-5 gem from carinas v3(unless I pull absman)

    She is way far from the most versatile thats gotta be a joke

    "Claire, her utility really isnt that good and her damage is god awful. So what she can go immune to multiple things thats quite literally ALL she can do her regen sucks because its based on the amount of damage she deals and her damage sucks, her power control sucks unless they only gain power from power gain buffs and if so theres no point of using her posion curse because she would be able to nullify power gain regardless and in situations where they gain power from something other than a buff she cant cycle sp2's fast enough, and finally her fire thingy it simply dosent do enough damage, another thing is if you're doing something that requires her to be in a certain curse you're screwed because if you ever need to switch curses you cant because you'll start dying from whatever you needed the previous curse for rendering her immunites practically useless. But i will say she has one of the best nullifies in the game"
    A joke???really
    Kindly list the mystics who can take as many fights as her.
    All the faults that u have listed are down to u not being good with the champ.
    U cry about her power control but fail to realise that u gotta keep the opponent between 2 and 3 bars of power to have it work at its best but u would cry about doing that while being perfectly happy to do the same with doom.
    Her regen is enough to regen about 10% health per sp2 with it going even higher with good crit rng. It’s not the best but more than enough to use a small revive on her and then regen back the health saving u potions.
    Her sp2 in incinerate phase can deal over 50k damage which isn’t all that bad.
    I have legit won a bg round with her against havoc despite all of her attacks being energy attacks.
    Doom, sorceror, absman, wiccan, jugs, tigra, rintrah

    Yeah lets keep a someone that is power gaining inbetween 2 and 3 bars...

    And yeah you can actually cycle specials with doom... its called the doom cycle for a reason his power control in significantly better to point where people just call it fight control

    Its not 10% a sp2 why are you making her seem worse than she actually is atleast give her some credit its about 2 to 4 sp2's to get back to max from like 20% which is still pretty bad

    Also 50k is bad for a sp2 thats probably below average thats like 10+ sp2's on a act 8 health pool

    Ive won bg's with her too pretty good for hype and gorr
    Now you are just showcasing ur lack of knowledge…5 out of 7 champs u mentioned have 0 immunities,doom has 1.
    Wiccan,tigra,rintrah are hard countered by force of will
    So many new cosmics have an immunity to power control,incinerate or in case of galan a straight immunity to nullify thus reducing doom’s effectiveness
    But I can take bwcv into so many fights which these champs cannot work for. This is what is meant by a versatile champ.
    And u can cycle back to back sp2 with Claire if u keep the opponent between 2 and 3 bars of power without them throwing any special but again u are happy doing that with doom but Claire has bad power control because she does a similar thing.
    And a guaranteed 50k sp2 is well above average…what are u on about??that’s a couple of sp2 against most bg and war level healthpools.

    Anly said:

    Anly said:

    Adding Claire to the list is disrespectful tbh. She is the most versatile mystic champ in the game.She can easily drop 50k+ sp2 in incinerate mode, she can bypass nullify immunity(which negates nullifying mystics) and also bypass force of will (which negates neutralise mystics). One of the few mystics who works well both with and without suicides.She has been in my deck in so many metas and can safely score 47-50k points in bgs.
    If anything she is underrated and I would gladly take her to r5 if I pull a mystic 4-5 gem from carinas v3(unless I pull absman)

    Adding Claire to the list is disrespectful tbh. She is the most versatile mystic champ in the game.She can easily drop 50k+ sp2 in incinerate mode, she can bypass nullify immunity(which negates nullifying mystics) and also bypass force of will (which negates neutralise mystics). One of the few mystics who works well both with and without suicides.She has been in my deck in so many metas and can safely score 47-50k points in bgs.
    If anything she is underrated and I would gladly take her to r5 if I pull a mystic 4-5 gem from carinas v3(unless I pull absman)

    She is way far from the most versatile thats gotta be a joke

    "Claire, her utility really isnt that good and her damage is god awful. So what she can go immune to multiple things thats quite literally ALL she can do her regen sucks because its based on the amount of damage she deals and her damage sucks, her power control sucks unless they only gain power from power gain buffs and if so theres no point of using her posion curse because she would be able to nullify power gain regardless and in situations where they gain power from something other than a buff she cant cycle sp2's fast enough, and finally her fire thingy it simply dosent do enough damage, another thing is if you're doing something that requires her to be in a certain curse you're screwed because if you ever need to switch curses you cant because you'll start dying from whatever you needed the previous curse for rendering her immunites practically useless. But i will say she has one of the best nullifies in the game"
    A joke???really
    Kindly list the mystics who can take as many fights as her.
    All the faults that u have listed are down to u not being good with the champ.
    U cry about her power control but fail to realise that u gotta keep the opponent between 2 and 3 bars of power to have it work at its best but u would cry about doing that while being perfectly happy to do the same with doom.
    Her regen is enough to regen about 10% health per sp2 with it going even higher with good crit rng. It’s not the best but more than enough to use a small revive on her and then regen back the health saving u potions.
    Her sp2 in incinerate phase can deal over 50k damage which isn’t all that bad.
    I have legit won a bg round with her against havoc despite all of her attacks being energy attacks.
    Doom, sorceror, absman, wiccan, jugs, tigra, rintrah

    Yeah lets keep a someone that is power gaining inbetween 2 and 3 bars...

    And yeah you can actually cycle specials with doom... its called the doom cycle for a reason his power control in significantly better to point where people just call it fight control

    Its not 10% a sp2 why are you making her seem worse than she actually is atleast give her some credit its about 2 to 4 sp2's to get back to max from like 20% which is still pretty bad

    Also 50k is bad for a sp2 thats probably below average thats like 10+ sp2's on a act 8 health pool

    Ive won bg's with her too pretty good for hype and gorr
    Now you are just showcasing ur lack of knowledge…5 out of 7 champs u mentioned have 0 immunities,doom has 1.
    Wiccan,tigra,rintrah are hard countered by force of will
    So many new cosmics have an immunity to power control,incinerate or in case of galan a straight immunity to nullify thus reducing doom’s effectiveness
    But I can take bwcv into so many fights which these champs cannot work for. This is what is meant by a versatile champ.
    And u can cycle back to back sp2 with Claire if u keep the opponent between 2 and 3 bars of power without them throwing any special but again u are happy doing that with doom but Claire has bad power control because she does a similar thing.
    And a guaranteed 50k sp2 is well above average…what are u on about??that’s a couple of sp2 against most bg and war level healthpools.
    So by your logic herc is bad cause he has 0 immunities
    Immunities dont automatically mean more versatile
    Her damage based healing is weak because her damage is low her power control dosent work against powerful passive power gain they will shoot to a sp3 before you can get back to a sp2 and if its a power gain buff her plauge curse has no use because she can nulliy it either way, dooms power control is significantly better, her incinerate phase dosent do enough damage and if you need a specific curse for a fight you can not switch curses without dying, 50k sp2 has to be way below average how many champs that have been release in just the past 3 years hit for 50k or less on a sp2?

    Why even bring up force of will its 1 node and its not that frequently used by your logic mags and archangel are bad or atleast worse than claire that 1 node might mean you cant use them there but mags shuts down 70% of the game archangel shuts down any non bleed and posion immune yeah that one node might counter them but theres still alot lot more that they can do claire has nodes she cant deal with either debuff immunity and or any type of purify, heal block, any strong passive power gain

    claire and doom power control are not the same doom power steals up to 2 bars power based on defender power and can power steal on light attack his opponets will never throw specials they will never do anything other than hit into dooms ridiculous block prof

  • AnlyAnly Member Posts: 615 ★★
    Anly said:


    How is herc overrated please explain or anyone else please explain i dont get it
    Disagrees but dosent say why
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    Anly said:

    It isnt about who's top in their class a champion can still be hyped up and not be top in their class the champions that are top in their class are top in their class for a reason

    Anly said:

    different utilities having aa reduction is different from having fury buffs and she can also be a good defendee

    she isnt overrated because people dont exaggerate what she can do but she also isnt down played

    By your own definition, overrated = Talked up > what they actually can do.

    No one on your list is being talked up beyond what they can do.

    BWCV does exactly what people claim she can do - choose the immunity you need, take advantage of defender's immunities (she turns Galan into mincemeat on offense or defense), and has good enough damage in Incinerate mode. No one is saying she is better than Doom. People can say she is top 3 or top 5 mystic and there could be a debate there, but she does everything people says she can.

    Same thing with Hyperion. You seem to be hung up on the RNG aspect of his abilities and would prefer other cosmics with guaranteed fury, power gain, regen. But that is besides the point. He does what people claim he can do; your personal preference does not mean he is overrated.

  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,815 ★★★★★
    @Anly overated=given hype more than a champ deserve.
    No one ever claimed bwcv has crazy dmg output or something.
    She has unique abilities to switch between immunities.
    Obviously she is way better than tigra,she works in more places than tigra,she handles a lot of nodes nd champs
    And tigra just don't deserve the skill level she requires.
    You have blind hate towards bwcv,her regen is not reliable? atleast she has regen unlike tigra.her buff immunity can be purified? atleast buff immunity work against aar champs.she has immunities and power control
    Tigra only has superior dmg nd spl miss which comes with a huge skill
    If dmg is the one criteria,then hela>>hercules,if you don't have enough skills to use hela, that's your problem,lol :)))
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,494 Guardian
    What I got from this is that OP doesn’t understand overrated, or is apart of a crowd who sees champs very differently than others, and that they don’t use hype often
  • AmaadAkiraAmaadAkira Member Posts: 391 ★★★
    I've forgotten I've got a havok and he was my 1st R3.
  • JinxesaxeJinxesaxe Member Posts: 450 ★★★
    edited April 2023
    Anly said:

    Anly said:

    Anly said:

    Example: Hype has 0 utility and is rng reliant, Rintrah is way too easy to fight and gets shredded by a couple champs and is a pretty mid attacker, Claire has terrible damage for the amount of utility she has, and bishop is a mid defender and on attack he's pretty slow. And all of these champs are hypes quite a bit

    Hyperion is a 2016 champ lol. He is poison immune, he has a reliable regen, power gain, and he can special intercept all day. How does he have no utility? Claire is immune to multiple things depending on need and has fantastic regen and nullify. She doesn't need huge damage. Rintrah is an amazing attacker in the right situations and makes a lot of hard fights easy. No one thinks these champs are amazing for all fights and all situations. They are properly rated.
    Hype Im pretty sure you have to throw a sp3 to get regen so i wouldnt call that reliable in bg's or some aw fights and yeah he has 0 utility he cant counter miss or evade or biohazard, he dosent have aa reduction or power control he dosent have good healing, he cant counter unstoppable, or nullify buffs i can go on and on about all the things he dosent have or cant do he is really only okay in fights that dont have any fight changing nodes and even then he's far less than satisfactory because of his complete rng reliance

    Claire, her utility really isnt that good and her damage is god awful. So what she can go immune to multiple things thats quite literally ALL she can do her regen sucks because its based on the amount of damage she deals and her damage sucks, her power control sucks unless they only gain power from power gain buffs and if so theres no point of using her posion curse because she would be able to nullify power gain regardless and in situations where they gain power from something other than a buff she cant cycle sp2's fast enough, and finally her fire thingy it simply dosent do enough damage, another thing is if you're doing something that requires her to be in a certain curse you're screwed because if you ever need to switch curses you cant because you'll start dying from whatever you needed the previous curse for rendering her immunites practically useless. But i will say she has one of the best nullifies in the game

    Rintrah on attack he's just tanky that just about it he's nothing special not bad just average or slightly above average, second string if you will.
    ON defense he dosent do anything i struggle to understand why everyone is so afraid of him even the tubers with much bigger accounts than mine he has they easiest specials to dex in the game and all you have to do is knock him down and he's just a normal unremarkable cow
    Lol then by your logic
    Dr Doom is overrated because he can't counter biohazard or Unstoppable or evade
    Kitty Pryde is overrated because she cannot counter champions who remove prowess and she cannot nullify buffs and is pretty bad on defense if you have tech champions or champions who punish for prowess
    Hercules is overrated because he cannot nullify buffs, has no immunities, isn't immune to fate seal or stagger and is pretty bad on defense

    All I am implying is that you can never get a champion who counters everyone and cannot be countered by anyone
    Your ignorance makes you seem like an idiot even though I think you are not
    Are you slow? I wasnt saying he has to have all of those abilitys i was saying hype had none of them, and it wasnt about having those abilitys specifically i was just naming random things pointing out theres alot he cant do the champs that you named can counter 90% of the game

    Also doom can counter unstoppable buffs and can counter evade
    Let’s cool it with the personal attacks. The forums are meant to be a respectful and welcoming place, with no room for insults. We can disagree, but we must be civil. We don’t want threads to be shut down because of some high enthusiasm being misdirected.

    This also goes for anyone calling the OP a troll. We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard. This isn’t the MCOC community we all know and love.

  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    Now, I voted Knull, I think he is a fantastic champion, and I use him a lot, but the way Ive heard people talk about him is a bit much.
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    edited April 2023
    Easily Blade, GR, Wasp, Psylocke, OG/AOU Vision and Night trasher
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    Anly said:

    Typhoon said:

    For the record, hypes full list of utility includes:

    Fury (lots of them)
    Power gain
    Armor break
    Stun (separate from parry mastery)
    Poison immunity

    Yes, there’s lots he can’t do. Just like every other single champ in the game.

    So a pretty generic cosmic... almost every cosmic has those abilities so remind me again why im using the rng fiesta one
    This is getting ridiculous. Almost every cosmic has those abilities? Name one other.

    Poison immunity and stun? There's a few of those. Poison immunity and armor break? I think there's a few of those as well. Poison immunity and stun and armor break? Poison immunity and stun and armor break and fury buffs? I can't think of any off the top of my head, and I haven't tossed power gain in there yet.

    To be sure, Hyperion is not what I would consider a high utility cosmic champ, but in trying to make the case that he has either zero utility or trivial utility, you're sounding like a crazy person. Once upon a time, "utility" was just "something other than damage" and single effect potent utility was considered the focus in the post kill everything with Starlord world. Best regen, best power control, etc. But these days, utility is about countering content nodes, and content nodes are puzzle boxes. Stuff like Caustic Temper isn't going away, its now the norm for higher content. And in the post Act 7 world, it isn't about having the best champs, it is about having enough of them. Hyperion is definitively a noteworthy champ given his combination of abilities, to the point where his utility in countering certain combinations of challenges shouldn't be dismissed.

    The title of this thread is "Most overrated champion." These days, the general consensus opinion is not that Hyperion is the best cosmic champ, it is that he has his uses. And clearly he does. Sure, every single individual thing he does, there are other champs that do. But it isn't about individual abilities any more, it is about combinations of them, and having the right combinations. Hyperion's combination of abilities is not common, and that makes him interesting. You can replace him with other champions, but those champions can also be replaced by him.
  • UnOriginalUnOriginal Member Posts: 729 ★★★
    edited April 2023
    DNA3000 said:

    Anly said:

    Typhoon said:

    For the record, hypes full list of utility includes:

    Fury (lots of them)
    Power gain
    Armor break
    Stun (separate from parry mastery)
    Poison immunity

    Yes, there’s lots he can’t do. Just like every other single champ in the game.

    So a pretty generic cosmic... almost every cosmic has those abilities so remind me again why im using the rng fiesta one
    This is getting ridiculous. Almost every cosmic has those abilities? Name one other.

    Poison immunity and stun? There's a few of those. Poison immunity and armor break? I think there's a few of those as well. Poison immunity and stun and armor break? Poison immunity and stun and armor break and fury buffs? I can't think of any off the top of my head, and I haven't tossed power gain in there yet.

    To be sure, Hyperion is not what I would consider a high utility cosmic champ, but in trying to make the case that he has either zero utility or trivial utility, you're sounding like a crazy person. Once upon a time, "utility" was just "something other than damage" and single effect potent utility was considered the focus in the post kill everything with Starlord world. Best regen, best power control, etc. But these days, utility is about countering content nodes, and content nodes are puzzle boxes. Stuff like Caustic Temper isn't going away, its now the norm for higher content. And in the post Act 7 world, it isn't about having the best champs, it is about having enough of them. Hyperion is definitively a noteworthy champ given his combination of abilities, to the point where his utility in countering certain combinations of challenges shouldn't be dismissed.

    The title of this thread is "Most overrated champion." These days, the general consensus opinion is not that Hyperion is the best cosmic champ, it is that he has his uses. And clearly he does. Sure, every single individual thing he does, there are other champs that do. But it isn't about individual abilities any more, it is about combinations of them, and having the right combinations. Hyperion's combination of abilities is not common, and that makes him interesting. You can replace him with other champions, but those champions can also be replaced by him.
    I think annihilius has those abilities let me check
    I checked he has a lot of inmunities but posión is not one of them and he doesnt stun
  • NearJrNearJr Member Posts: 163 ★★★
    This Anly person must be playing a different game or there's a super secret tier above masters in AW none of us know about.
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 454 ★★★
    One person and their boundless ignorance lol
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★★
    Jinxesaxe said:

    Anly said:

    Anly said:

    Anly said:

    Example: Hype has 0 utility and is rng reliant, Rintrah is way too easy to fight and gets shredded by a couple champs and is a pretty mid attacker, Claire has terrible damage for the amount of utility she has, and bishop is a mid defender and on attack he's pretty slow. And all of these champs are hypes quite a bit

    Hyperion is a 2016 champ lol. He is poison immune, he has a reliable regen, power gain, and he can special intercept all day. How does he have no utility? Claire is immune to multiple things depending on need and has fantastic regen and nullify. She doesn't need huge damage. Rintrah is an amazing attacker in the right situations and makes a lot of hard fights easy. No one thinks these champs are amazing for all fights and all situations. They are properly rated.
    Hype Im pretty sure you have to throw a sp3 to get regen so i wouldnt call that reliable in bg's or some aw fights and yeah he has 0 utility he cant counter miss or evade or biohazard, he dosent have aa reduction or power control he dosent have good healing, he cant counter unstoppable, or nullify buffs i can go on and on about all the things he dosent have or cant do he is really only okay in fights that dont have any fight changing nodes and even then he's far less than satisfactory because of his complete rng reliance

    Claire, her utility really isnt that good and her damage is god awful. So what she can go immune to multiple things thats quite literally ALL she can do her regen sucks because its based on the amount of damage she deals and her damage sucks, her power control sucks unless they only gain power from power gain buffs and if so theres no point of using her posion curse because she would be able to nullify power gain regardless and in situations where they gain power from something other than a buff she cant cycle sp2's fast enough, and finally her fire thingy it simply dosent do enough damage, another thing is if you're doing something that requires her to be in a certain curse you're screwed because if you ever need to switch curses you cant because you'll start dying from whatever you needed the previous curse for rendering her immunites practically useless. But i will say she has one of the best nullifies in the game

    Rintrah on attack he's just tanky that just about it he's nothing special not bad just average or slightly above average, second string if you will.
    ON defense he dosent do anything i struggle to understand why everyone is so afraid of him even the tubers with much bigger accounts than mine he has they easiest specials to dex in the game and all you have to do is knock him down and he's just a normal unremarkable cow
    Lol then by your logic
    Dr Doom is overrated because he can't counter biohazard or Unstoppable or evade
    Kitty Pryde is overrated because she cannot counter champions who remove prowess and she cannot nullify buffs and is pretty bad on defense if you have tech champions or champions who punish for prowess
    Hercules is overrated because he cannot nullify buffs, has no immunities, isn't immune to fate seal or stagger and is pretty bad on defense

    All I am implying is that you can never get a champion who counters everyone and cannot be countered by anyone
    Your ignorance makes you seem like an idiot even though I think you are not
    Are you slow? I wasnt saying he has to have all of those abilitys i was saying hype had none of them, and it wasnt about having those abilitys specifically i was just naming random things pointing out theres alot he cant do the champs that you named can counter 90% of the game

    Also doom can counter unstoppable buffs and can counter evade
    Let’s cool it with the personal attacks. The forums are meant to be a respectful and welcoming place, with no room for insults. We can disagree, but we must be civil. We don’t want threads to be shut down because of some high enthusiasm being misdirected.

    This also goes for anyone calling the OP a troll. We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard. This isn’t the MCOC community we all know and love.

    I agree. Other posts get shut down faster than I get disconnected from BG but this guy is allowed to call people slow. Unbelievable.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,453 ★★★★★
    I'd say Wiccan tbh.
  • ChrisPowellChrisPowell Member Posts: 159
    Doom is the most overrated champ, his sp2 constantly crashes my app and loses countless matches. Assuming by overrated you mean subjected to individual experience and preferences and have absolutely to do with others experience of the game.
  • FantomaxopFantomaxop Member Posts: 166 ★★★

    Anly said:

    BigBuster said:

    Anly said:

    Example: Hype has 0 utility and is rng reliant, Rintrah is way too easy to fight and gets shredded by a couple champs and is a pretty mid attacker, Claire has terrible damage for the amount of utility she has, and bishop is a mid defender and on attack he's pretty slow. And all of these champs are hypes quite a bit

    Hyperion has incredible utility alongside amazing damage. Poison immune + buffs. Lot of special attacks w/o needing to hit. Ability to do almost only noncontact attacks (sp1 spam). Tons of pretty potent incinerates. Armor break w/o any hits needed on sp2. etc. One of the most flexible champs out there.

    Every champ can get shredded by their counters so you can't really say that is what makes Rintrah overrated. Very few champs can take him down quickly and efficiently (important in BGs for example). He also has neutralize which is one of the most valuable effects in the game rn. and very tanky and reliable on offense (hard to die in war and stuff)

    I agree with Claire. Just having immunities + buff immunity on opponent isn't really enough for the current meta.

    Bishop is a great defender idk what you're talking abt. Also he's meant more for BGs/war level fights.
    You cant just name random things and call them utility first and foremost and you also have to account for the usefullness of that "utility" a champ can do many different things but still have bad utility and a champ can have very little utility but that very little can cover alot of areas if that makes any sense

    Secondly you have look at the "market" there are a ton of poison immune champs tons of champs with armor breaks tons of champs that are buff heavy which makes this utility have less value because of the supply is great

    And there are champs that can do what hype does, do more, and do it better and not be entirely rng reliant

    Regarding rintrah the only reason wasnt that he can get shredded by some champs it was that he is too easy to fight you really dont have to work around anything in his kit like for example peni you have to hit into her block or you'll get autoblocked and take damage or korg you have to take off his rock stacks and cant hit into his block, rintrah dosent have this just heavy him and he'll die, for battlegrounds all you have to do to counter rintrah is bring in a aa, torch, valk, diablo, omega etc. And put down any defender of your own that also takes a long time to fight nick, peni, sassy, maybe thing, and you'll win 100% of time because your fight is easier than theirs even if they do have a counter
    Could you please then explain your definition of what utility is, because i and many people do struggle to understand you at this point. You say that being able to do many things is not a utility, but you don't bring examples of what good in your opinion utility is and how it should affect the contest and summoners. You just shout random takes without ever providing ever slightest context about the topic.
    I can shout that "Apoc's dmg sucks" without any context and that's going to be simply a bad take. Or i could've explained that he has great dmg potential that doesn't unfold without ramp up, which is not great in competitive gamemodes such as bg where champions who end fights by the time of first sp2 do rule.
    It would be great if you have explained how and compared to who Hyperion is worse in cosmic class, with CONTEXT.
    But if with Hyperion we simply suffer the lack of your explanations about your measurements of what "utility is" and how good, not reliable on rng dmg should look like, your take about Rintrah on defense is simply bad.

    The bull has third largest healthpool in the entire game paired with very rare stat of critical resistance. Combined with one of the longest sp 1 animations and ability to gain power (if duped) for every your buff gained while you were neutralized - he ends up being one of the chunkiest opponents to go through. This is essential for battlegrounds, where doing dmg and killing opponent before timer expires is more valuable than ending fight without dmg taken.
    Also he constantly requires being knocked down, because of threat of unblockable specials and ruptures.

    You make it sound like its all easy and fun with Rintrah, and you even give the examples of champions that can take him down effectively to prove your point, which proves literally nothing. You know why? Because all champions have counters and matchups that help simplifying fighting them. I also can bring Peni, Yellow Jacket or Toad against Nick, absolutely roll over his second life with their unique healing reduction abilities and call Fury "overrated defender".

    What you fail to grasp it that bg are not as simple as "bring counter to annoying defender". You can never guarantee having perfect counter to all enemy defenders, not to mention nodes on top. And you can't guarantee your Archangel/Torch/Valkyrie being not banned.
    How do you win bg round against Rintrah, if for example you simply have failed to draw all of your strong non-cosmic attackers that benefit from spamming heavy? You won't mention that, because that will unprove your point.

  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    edited April 2023
    DNA3000 said:

    Anly said:

    Typhoon said:

    For the record, hypes full list of utility includes:

    Fury (lots of them)
    Power gain
    Armor break
    Stun (separate from parry mastery)
    Poison immunity

    Yes, there’s lots he can’t do. Just like every other single champ in the game.

    So a pretty generic cosmic... almost every cosmic has those abilities so remind me again why im using the rng fiesta one
    A champion with stun, armor break, regen, powergain, cosmic charges that add nearly 2k attack and physical resist X3, incinerates, fury. Seems very much a big utility player. This guy just sees his opinion as fact and even went as far as to make a new thread to argue some more.

    Utility by the very definition of the word is being able to cover a lot of fields and so many things which Hyperion does. So this guy either just ingnores or doesn't know the actualcmeaning of the word.
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 454 ★★★

    DNA3000 said:

    Anly said:

    Typhoon said:

    For the record, hypes full list of utility includes:

    Fury (lots of them)
    Power gain
    Armor break
    Stun (separate from parry mastery)
    Poison immunity

    Yes, there’s lots he can’t do. Just like every other single champ in the game.

    So a pretty generic cosmic... almost every cosmic has those abilities so remind me again why im using the rng fiesta one
    A champion with stun, armor break, regen, powergain, cosmic charges that add nearly 2k attack and physical resist X3, incinerates, fury. Seems very much a big utility player. This guy just sees his opinion as fact and even went as far as to make a new thread to argue some more.

    Utility by the very definition of the word is being able to cover a lot of fields and so many things which Hyperion does. So this guy either just ingnores or doesn't know the actualcmeaning of the word.
    Hey per OP “you can’t name random things and call it utility” 😂

    Alright that joke aside the op focus seems to be primarily geared towards utility(which is more the meta) HOWEVER I’m js most the champs listed did have their share of utility several with utility AND damage. To me the focus per this list was a little short sighted.
  • Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Member Posts: 1,175 ★★★★
    Bro didn't put herc on the list.... I think he meant underrated
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★

    Anly said:

    Typhoon said:

    For the record, hypes full list of utility includes:

    Fury (lots of them)
    Power gain
    Armor break
    Stun (separate from parry mastery)
    Poison immunity

    Yes, there’s lots he can’t do. Just like every other single champ in the game.

    So a pretty generic cosmic... almost every cosmic has those abilities so remind me again why im using the rng fiesta one

    Hyperion isn't really rngfiesta lmao
    It's 40% to gain furies on heavies and 60% to stun on SP2
    Seeing as how his damage rotation is literally throw heavies into SP2, I fail to see how he relies on RNJesus to function
    He is definitely RNG reliable since his furies are % based to trigger.
    But this definitely doesn’t make him bad.
    His RNG for furies ranges from getting very few, where you still do a lot of damage, to many of them, where the damage output is very big.
    Even if that is RNG, he actually ranges from doing good damage to very big damage. So either way he is good.
    AA is RNG reliant but he is still above the best champions in the game.
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