Are you happy with how the OG Spiderman buff turned out?

Granted, he *could* slap, but he’s synergy-reliant. And his utility doesn’t really do anything.
This is a champ in a 7-star pool, endgame, so I’m not sure what this kit is designed to do.
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Are you happy with how the OG Spiderman buff turned out? 236 votes
With so many resources available and existing champ mechanics that weren’t around when OG Spidey was introduced back at the inception, you’d have thought the team would give him his due and make him a viable (and fun) champ for most Summoners.
Dr. Zola
Is he the best science? No, but in the future when our 7*s become higher sig he’s going to really come into his own. He’s not great unduped, he’s a ton better duped, and even better high sig.
He’s also got seriously good damage for BGs level health pools
Just adding that yes, this is backblast, but without the extra crit damage, the combo after the stun on the sp2 would have KOd, the damage during that stun is huge.
Here he is countering two of the more difficult EoP fights
All I’m saying is give him a chance if you dupe him
I mentioned in another Spidey thread that I think it would really make a great addition to have him be able to thwip a webbing on evade. His utility would ramp faster and be easier to maintain against champs with a lot of movement in their specials. Have him talk some trash with callouts when he does it. This would give him a true Spidey feel.
Overall I'm really enjoying it though. Good times.
If the Taunts dropped off slower or maybe even one at a time, that would have been awesome. It would have been a lot more chilled to play.
He's 100% underrated currently - but in all honesty, he really does need to be duped.
So for the time being you won't see much play from the unduped 7-star.
I wonder if there'll be a Relic or synergy in the future which helps - increases the duration of non-damaging Debuffs on the opponent or something.
And this is Spiderman after all.
The Spider-Man buff is extremely controversial for some reason. I get he’s a huge character and maybe the could have added some more utility but it’s hard to say his buff was a a flop. He went from useless to a champ with some solid utility, good damage, and great control over the fight, thanks to his taunts.
I personally like his buff and new playstyle, the only thing keeping me from investing in him is the fact he’s in the 7 star pool.
Now despite great reliability to counter evade and unstoppable it takes to much before he can access it
A Clear cut flop
To get most out of Spidey you need 6+ webbing, which is 3 SP1s, and the opponents move a lot so you need 4-5 in the bank to reliably keep it at 6 and control the fight.
Then, you get to your SP2s, and there are no guaranteed crits, and your taunts fall off really quickly and are RNG-dependent.
Plus, he needs synergies to be optimized.
The only thing that’s contributing to the controversy are people happy about this buff, but hey. Do you.
Edit: he is also heavily reliant on his dupe to stack his debuffs and high sig to prolong his taunts, so that doesn’t help either.
Also show me who is using og spidey in masters war
To gain control over fight - yes, it's too long
(I dont know about the Buff but i guess i you change your masteries to that one mastery that benefites void)
So Spidey has a -50% decelerate, any champion that has a less than 50% chance to evade an attack will just not evade.
Take two of the most annoying evaders in the game, spider Gwen and nightcrawler
Gwen has a 35% chance to evade at max charges, turned off from 1 sp1.
Nightcrawler has a 25.3% chance to evade physical attacks, increased to around 33% after an sp1. Turned off by 1 sp1
Decelerate is also especially powerful, because compared to slow, it *does* work when you have class disadvantage. So black widow and her annoying evade can be countered, where a different science champ with slow wouldn’t work
Another thing is that Spidey not being affected by limber can make him a realistic evade counter from the start of the fight. It’s very simple to parry, 3 lights up to your first sp1.
I’ll make the point now that it won’t work against stun immune obviously, but since Spidey is à champion pretty much designed around stunning the opponent, I wouldn’t often recommend bringing him for stun immune fights anyway.
Makes me less depressed about my 7* OGSM.
Dr. Zola