Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Addressing Mythic Crystal Issue (1250 Crystals instead of Shards)



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    MasterAMasterA Posts: 532 ★★★
    Also did people get perma banned for treasure island
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    Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Posts: 781 ★★★★
    So my view is that they shouldn’t ban anyone for something everyone had access to that was the company’s mistake.

    That was not Kabam’s view with Mutant Treasure Island where they banned players who got a few extra T4CC. I don’t see how they don’t ban people here that opened more than 2-3 crystals and reset their account to before the crystals were opened based on past precedent.

    They can even soften it by saying it’s not a ban as a punishment, it’s just the easiest way to freeze accounts to make resetting them to before the extra rewards easier.

    The other option would be to send everyone the same amount of crystals which probably isn’t happening.
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    CoppinCoppin Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Adevati said:

    Anyone that opened 1250 Mythic Crystals should be banned.

    What if they opened 10? 50? 100?

    Reminds me of the time they gave over a mill loyalty to some players by mistake
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    KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Posts: 915 ★★★
    Kabam messed up big time. Again.
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    ShuGokisShuGokis Posts: 460 ★★★
    Don't open them. It was not intended it was meant to be 1250 shards not crystals.
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    CoppinCoppin Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
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    ChrisBosioChrisBosio Posts: 61
    edited July 2023
    See @SpideyFunko below
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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,873 ★★★★★
    the selector in one of the objective was bugged and instead of giving 1250 mythic crystal shards it gave 1250 mythic crystals
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    NavieenNavieen Posts: 137 ★★
    edited July 2023
    Yeah good luck to kabam on fixing this.
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    Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Posts: 781 ★★★★

    I need to start playing right as the update goes live lol. Always seems like some broken free award happens.

    Gotta be careful doing that. You can get banned for “exploiting a bug” if you get extra rewards from broken content.
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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,873 ★★★★★

    One of the path rewards for the SQ was supposed to be 1250 mythic shards. They put it in as 1250 crystals. people jumped in, completed, and started opening and Kabam removed the solo event that awards entry tickets.

    nope, that was just the objective that required eight wins with hero tagged champs
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    NegativePersonNegativePerson Posts: 13
    Fixed in a minutes. Still no rewards from 7 days solo event xD
    Kabam knocking in the bottom as usual
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    ChrisBosioChrisBosio Posts: 61

    One of the path rewards for the SQ was supposed to be 1250 mythic shards. They put it in as 1250 crystals. people jumped in, completed, and started opening and Kabam removed the solo event that awards entry tickets.

    nope, that was just the objective that required eight wins with hero tagged champs
    Ahhh thank you! That is even worse
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 ★★★★
    They accidentally released 1250 Mythic Crystals as part of the Cavalier level objectives instead of 1250 Mythic Shards. So anyone Cav+ was temporarily able to gain 1250 Mythic crystals as a reward for winning 8 fights with hero champions.
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    Ben5926Ben5926 Posts: 37
    Lol, Kabam is having the WORST week ever!!!
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    ShuGokisShuGokis Posts: 460 ★★★

    Fixed in a minutes. Still no rewards from 7 days solo event xD
    Kabam knocking in the bottom as usual

    Still waiting on that express fix :#
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    LemueraLemuera Posts: 5

    See @SpideyFunko below

    This isn’t what happened at all lmao they were a choice in the solo objective selector and kabam just fixed it from crystals to shards.
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    Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Posts: 781 ★★★★
    Ben5926 said:

    Lol, Kabam is having the WORST week ever!!!

    Yeah, I feel bad for everyone there. The hits just keep coming for them.
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    ChrisBosioChrisBosio Posts: 61
    Per Kabam Miike "We are investigating the situation and will get back to you with the actions we are gong to take. To be clear, the abuse of an exploitable bug is a bannable offense, and while we rarely have to take that route, it is something we've had to do in the past."
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    JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Posts: 1,030 ★★★★

    I need to start playing right as the update goes live lol. Always seems like some broken free award happens.

    Gotta be careful doing that. You can get banned for “exploiting a bug” if you get extra rewards from broken content.
    I wonder if anyone got banned from prior months of exploitation, I haven’t seen anything.
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    Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Posts: 781 ★★★★
    Many did from the Mutant Treasure Island quest a few years ago.
This discussion has been closed.