Champion Armor/Resist in LoL

Why two similar hits, that must deal same damage deal different? what else we don't know about LoL that been hide from players?
Like in this thread:

here the same attack, but one hit didn't get crit. looks like not 20% of armor is ignoring by critical hits.

this happens not only with Hela, this affects LoL champions.
Like in this thread:

here the same attack, but one hit didn't get crit. looks like not 20% of armor is ignoring by critical hits.

this happens not only with Hela, this affects LoL champions.
in any other cases these Hela attacks deal the same damage.
officially - 20% armor ignored by crits
amount of heat charges haven't been changed between these two hits.
guys, i'm talking about difference between TWO HITS on EACH PICTURE, not comparsion between two pictures!!!!
TWO HITS ON EACH PICTURE!!! not comparsion of two pictures!!!!!!!!
thank you, at least one person who can understand :-)
i know about champions abilities, believe me :-)
how his resistance changes between two fast hits? why on 1st pic two different damage?
But the amount of Hela fury might make a difference. I looked up the original video and specifically looked at the situation in your first pic to analyze what's going on. If you watch carefully the two damage ticks occur in this order: 17121 and 16115. Coincidentally, at that exact moment one of Hela's fury charges expires almost perfectly between those two damage ticks, from 16 to 15. That might explain the difference between those two damage ticks.
As to how much armor the critical hits are ignoring in those images, without knowing more details it is impossible to calculate. Ignoring 20% armor does NOT mean your damage will be 20% higher. It could literally be any amount, because when this was last discussed it appeared that critical hits literally ignored the first twenty percentage points of armor.
To exaggerate the point for discussion purposes, imagine something with 90% armor. That means you only deal 10% of your damage to the target. So if you use an attack that intrinsically deals 1000 points of damage, only 100 will land on this target. But if that attack was a critical hit, it would act like the target had 70% armor which means 300 damage would land. But on top of that critical hits land for more damage. If your critical rating was such that critical hits landed for 250% damage, that would mean your 1000 point attack would actually deal 2500 damage, and then 30% of that or 750 would land.
You can't normally see these internal calculations, so all you would see is an attack that sometimes landed for 100 damage and sometimes land for 750 damage. That doesn't intuitively sound like "ignores 20% armor" but in this contrived situation, that's exactly what it did. And we aren't yet factoring in resistances, blocking, attacker damage buffs, and everything else that can affect these numbers. Without knowing precisely which mechanics are in play at precisely which values, you can't easily know if what you're seeing is anything other than what it is supposed to be.