Necropolis Realistic Revive Preparation for a “B” level player

Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
edited December 2023 in General Discussion
I want to complete Necropolis at the end of December.

I’ve grinded arena and the apothecary for revives but I’m just wondering how many revives I should have in storage to complete my first path.

I’m Paragon and likely an above-average skill but nothing amazing - probably a solid “B” level player. I’ve fully explored most content but it’s hard to gauge how many revives I’ll need because it’s been so long since I’ve done long form content.

I typically use maybe a couple revives on Monthly EQ (if I’m rushing) but I can usually complete a path from Act 6 to Act 8 without a revive if I’m focused.

I have a Rank 4 Ascended Aegon which I’m waiting to take to Rank 5 before I try Necropolis.

Any advice is appreciated.


  • DerpyEagleDerpyEagle Member Posts: 782 ★★★★
    If you have a solid shuri and boost up and bring heimdal and proxima and bring a reverse control immune then I don’t see you needing more than 75. My run was ~60 and I’m definitely not an A+ player however I had a 7* r2 duped shuri.
  • Darkrider05Darkrider05 Member Posts: 288 ★★★
    I recently did my completion run with a R4 unascended Aegon at sig 100. I took 115 revives in total.
    You should be safe with having 100 revives and your team comp should be something like this:
    Proxima (makes ramping up aegon much safer and easier)
    Heimdall (saves revives)
    Any reverse control immune champ for Grandmaster's phase 4
    Doom ( if you have him for Airwalker)
    Remember to take breaks between fights, it helps in saving revives.
    Lastly, good luck on your run.
  • GotchaRexiGotchaRexi Member Posts: 19
    I have not done "long form content" since RoL, if that still counts. I did the easy path with R5 ascended, sig 200 Aegon and it took me about 75 revives.
  • jdschwjdschw Member Posts: 556 ★★★
    I did almost exactly what @Darkrider05 proposed here, and got the same results. My aegon was r4 ascended. Took about 110 revives, nearly all of them L1. (To be specific, I think I had 85 L1s in my stash and 17 L2s in my stash when I started, and I only had to dip into my actual inventory for a couple of revives in the end). I would also consider myself a "B" player.

    I think I could have done it in a lot less with more practice, but 110 will get you there. My biggest problem was that I often failed to dex specials once the necro timer went off, and block damage with an L1 revive will still kill you pretty quick.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    A reasonable target for R5 ascended Aegon is about a hundred revives. Going in almost blind with an R4 unascended Aegon took me on the order of 140 revives. With an R5 ascended Aegon it would have taken me about a hundred. Knowing what I know now, it would probably take me about 70ish.

    If you go in with R5 ascended, and you read the easy path guides out there, especially with regard to a couple tough fights (I'm thinking Air Walker, Captain Britian, and Valkkyrie), and study the Grandmaster fight a bit, I think 100 is a reasonable goal to get under. But if you're not super confident, I would pad that a bit, or if you aren't afraid of spending some units just have enough for a decent buffer if you underestimate, say a thousand units for 25 more revives. Don't buy them until you actually need them, because there's a good chance you won't need them.
  • AecynAecyn Member Posts: 105
    I went in with a r4 ascended Aegon and totally butchered my ramp up a few times on titania before figuring out what to do. Should have restarted but didn't and kept mashing my way through. Took about 130-140 revives with almost no stockpile of healing potions. A lot of 20% revives with no healing. By your description, you sound like you'd do better than I did.
  • 1xKöftespieß1xKöftespieß Member Posts: 46
    I have 2 Accounts. First run was 10 days ago.
    Main: r5 ascended Aegon 100 revives (30 for Titania, 10 for GM)
    Alt: r4 ascended Aegon 100 revives (25 for Titania, 2 for GM)

    I think, if you have 100 revives and some Units (2000+) for the worst case, you are absolutely fine. I havent spent a single Unit on both runs.
  • hyp3r05hyp3r05 Member Posts: 82
    I, a quite okay paragon player am at the Grandmaster currently.
    I went in with a r4 Aegon w/ proxima synergy and Odin Prefights.
    I have used 60 revives and somewhere between 2.5k-3k units.
    You’ll probably need around that at least.
  • Captain_SpasmCaptain_Spasm Member Posts: 89 ★★
    I don’t know what level of player I’d be classed as, but I’m definitely not one of the best. I haven’t done EoP or Grandmaster’s Gauntlet and I struggled on some of the Necropolis fights that others had little trouble with. Overall, I used about 140 revives. I used a non-ascended R5 max sig Aegon. My masteries are also a joke 😂 In all seriousness, if I can do it, any Paragon player can do.
  • Giantwalrus56Giantwalrus56 Member Posts: 1,251 ★★★★
    I definitely fall into the B-/C+ player group & I'm starting my 1st path tomorrow. Plan on using r5 Aegon, r2 Shuri, heimdall, prox, & juggy. I have around 120 revives, between overflow & inventory. Bunch of potions in overflow also & tons of 4hr crystals. I plan on using pretty much most of my supplies
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    Just finished my run, ascended r4 Aegon, 144 revives, no suicides and I didn't have many good boosts, so it was mostly lessers. I could have done much better I'm sure, but at least it is finished now
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