Winter of Woe Community Chat [MERGED THREADS]



  • WardrunaWardruna Member Posts: 34
    Why doesn’t power drain work? Tried OG Vision and warlock and no power drain
  • AxewAxew Member Posts: 619 ★★★★

    Rarely do I say this on here, but it needs to be toned down. Not looking for a cake walk, but this is not challenging. It's constricting.

    In combination with the challenge restrictions it feels impossible. The fight is already difficult with a good counter like quicksilver, but limiting our options to 1 or 2 suboptimal champions within a tag like robot is absurd.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,624 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    It feels like there’s one node too many on this fight going on which significantly shrinks the number of options you can use. Either remove the unstoppable, or the no DOT, or the crit through block, there’s one too many things happening to worry about.

    I think they should remove the dot node tbh. Thinking about the fight as a whole, we have an abs man who’s regen can’t be reversed, with crits through block, brute force, unstoppable, immune to dot, and all of abs man’s regular annoying abilities.

    If they took DOT immunity away, it opens up so many more options that you could skillfully use to solo. Someone like Viv or Overseer would be tougher to use here, but now they should have access to their main sources of damage. It still keeps the annoyance of the fight intact cause one hit can still kill you, but now you don’t have to keep throwing 1/2 champs at him
    Yeah that would be perfectly fine imo. Every extra node they add narrows the pool of usable champs and it’s honestly overturned rn.
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,785 ★★★★★
    Emilia90 said:

    It feels like there’s one node too many on this fight going on which significantly shrinks the number of options you can use. Either remove the unstoppable, or the no DOT, or the crit through block, there’s one too many things happening to worry about.

    I think they should remove the dot node tbh. Thinking about the fight as a whole, we have an abs man who’s regen can’t be reversed, with crits through block, brute force, unstoppable, immune to dot, and all of abs man’s regular annoying abilities.

    If they took DOT immunity away, it opens up so many more options that you could skillfully use to solo. Someone like Viv or Overseer would be tougher to use here, but now they should have access to their main sources of damage. It still keeps the annoyance of the fight intact cause one hit can still kill you, but now you don’t have to keep throwing 1/2 champs at him
    I think the unstoppable node should go or make it shorter as then u can stay aggressive with heal blockers and not be punished as the heal block falls off due to the unstoppable is preventing u from attacking
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    Bugmat78 said:

    Brute force is a cheap trick Kabam - stop using it for content that already has layers of difficult nodes, restrictive objectives and defenders

    Kabam did the same thing last EOP, almost every fight had brute force or the degen that transfer to the opponent (forgot the name)
    It's just a lazy design made to drive more and more itens from players, like wtf do you do when you're losing like 2-3% of your health per sec and the AI is blocking nonstop or holding 2 bars of power for 20s?
  • KlippKlipp Member Posts: 238 ★★
    edited February 2024
    Wardruna said:

    Why doesn’t power drain work? Tried OG Vision and warlock and no power drain

    The power burn counts as a dot passive is my guess. I tried this as well, glad I burned 10 energy "testing" something
  • NescioNescio Member Posts: 148 ★★
    What I had in mind when they announced this, was something closer to Necropolis Elsa and thats not what we got. Now I'm just not excited about the rest of the event and will probably just not bother with it anymore, which is pretty disappointing.
  • DiscoNnectKingDiscoNnectKing Member Posts: 529 ★★★
    Currently owning 21 7*. None i can use for absman tho. Have to do robot with a 6* r3 warlock!! Gamma still sucked but did it with r2 hulk. To place a deathless piece here is just dissapointing
  • DanielRandDanielRand Member Posts: 501 ★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    And oh my god can we please retire this Do Eq WiTh FoUr StArS garbage? It was a bad idea when it was originally suggested and it hasn’t gotten better with age. Using lower star champs doesn’t make uninteresting content harder, it just makes it take longer.

    I will agree to retire this notion when “skill issue” is likewise retired.

    And I never said it should be easy or an auto win. I said it should be “easier”. Meaning content should be less difficult if you have have acquired and ranked up champs.

    This content keeps making sure you have to have the max ranked possible champs to even have a chance on top using resources. At some point it becomes too much for long time players who are not most talented. There is a max ability for what some players can physically attain and they shouldn’t feel excluded if they just can’t get there.
  • DiscoNnectKingDiscoNnectKing Member Posts: 529 ★★★
    Jeah thats also true. But if i had a 7* r2 warlock i would be able to do it
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,789 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    BigBlueOx said:

    This was a problem in the EoP fights too. I think the tags would have been fine if they didn’t completely destroy all sources of secondary damage

    Yeah, I think this is where I’m at with this fight. If the anti DOT node really only cut out DOT sources and not all red numbers (except for some like Void and Spider-Ham for reasons unknown!), I think this fight would’ve still been extremely challenging without being quite so obnoxious.

    My favorite part of these challenges, historically, has been the theory crafting for viable champs to bring in or play styles to try. That is very noticeably absent for this fight. I’m still gonna do it, but it’s just missing that aspect I enjoyed so much from past iterations.
    Completely agree. The removal of any and all red numbers greatly limits options. It seems like a node that was crafted to target Scorpion but not evaluated to see how it impacted the others in the pool. As a result it’s just gonna be a long and boring slog of a fight
  • Graves_3Graves_3 Member Posts: 1,639 ★★★★★

    This fight has the same genius design as the carina's challenge: 3* cyclops against the collector, meaning? A revive sink
    If you could at least REMOVE BRUTE FORCE then you'd be able to wait out the unstoppable and the refined magma form, but they won't because we need to buy revives and spend tons of it

    For ME, a great design fight is the one you can do the fight if you do everything right and has skill, if you make a mistake then you use a revive and try again, it's only fair....but the design of this fight has NOTHING to do with skill, you die if you parry, if you try to bait heavy you die, if you wait too much to attack you die, if you do 2 hits on the magma form you die, where's the options?

    Sure you can avoid the burst damage that would insta kill you sometimes but everything in the fight has to align perfectly for that to a fight that you need to do 300+ hits that complicates everything

    This fight need to be toned down

    You forgot about the regen. You have to do all this while making sure you have abs man heal blocked.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★

    You see, this is Everest Content, mean a few players that are on the top will actually be able to do it without problems, and guess what, these players probably have all the champs in the game even the newest ones, and are able to rank them just for one mission.
    So yeah I'm not angry I can't do it with ease because I'm not actually supposed to

    Trash ass take. Then why open the event for Paragons then? Since according to you this is just for “the top of the game players”
    Valiant just came out, you think everyone top player isn't paragon anymore?
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