Winter of Woe Community Chat [MERGED THREADS]



  • RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    We actually need a LOT of robots that dont rely on debuffs to do damage hoooooly
  • JT_SupremeJT_Supreme Member Posts: 1,283 ★★★★
    Bugmat78 said:

    Etm34 said:

    The robot tag is absolutely brutal. No viable way to deal with the unstoppable besides Dragon Man SP1, but the animation is so dang long you’re often throwing it into a block.

    Also, wanted to point out the sheer ridiculousness of the reaction time.

    Like, my fist is literally inside him before standing…in no way shape or form could they possibly block that! Not even mentioning the “root slide” with Sandman, where Abs just straight up moves while rooted.

    That major AI issue, plus the robot objective kinda killed the fun for me

    I saw this on Nick136's channel and happened to me a few times using Sandman. Rooted champs aren't supposed to block - they should try to heavy or throw their specials once their power comes back. yet another bug.
    The root slide is what got me killed most times, super frustrating.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,626 ★★★★★
    edited February 2024
    Kabam Jax said:

    Would love to hop in here and add some additional insight.

    There are times where choices are made or systems are implemented when we know Summoners are going to be unhappy, but those changes are deemed necessary. Take a look at removing revive farming, most recently, as an example. Just because we know this choice is going to be unpopular, doesn't mean they aren't warranted. Sometimes there is a fundamental difference between what Summoners want and what the game needs, we've discussed this concept here before.

    What you're seeing in the livestream isn't us trying to sell you on the energy being a positive, because that would be ridiculous.

    We also spoke honestly about why this energy cost needs to exist. But for extra context, there are many players who would dive into this type of content, practice, lose and restart in order to work towards a solo, literally requiring no cost to their account. I don't mean cost in a financial sense, but as we said on the stream, Summoners aren't meant to get high rewards for literally nothing. (don't say time; that isn't a relevant resource in the game's economical balance).

    Aside from restating what happened in the livestream, I'm not sure what the commentary is here? We presented information we knew wouldn't be popular from the community, but knew was necessary from a game design perspective? If that's all, glad we're aligned.

    Kabam Jax said:

    We also spoke honestly about why this energy cost needs to exist. But for extra context, there are many players who would dive into this type of content, practice, lose and restart in order to work towards a solo, literally requiring no cost to their account. I don't mean cost in a financial sense, but as we said on the stream, Summoners aren't meant to get high rewards for literally nothing. (don't say time; that isn't a relevant resource in the game's economical balance).

    This is the paragraph I hate the most.

    “There are many players who would dive into this type of content, practice, lose, and restart in order to work towards a solo, literally requiring no cost to their account.”

    Why exactly is that a problem? Content is made to be completed, a summoner put in the practice to hone their skills enough to get a solo, and were rewarded for it with no item cost. Put a 1000 unit paywall in front of the content if we aren’t allowed to complete it without “no cost to our account.”

    I don’t agree with this logic that we have to give something up in game to be eligible for rewards. The only price for the rewards from content should be the effort it took to complete it, if I want to spend units for resources I’ll wait for July 4th to do so.

    Seems to me like the real reason is greed but hidden behind the excuse of “it’s what the players need.” I call bs. It’s for profit. Any short term financial gain is at the expense of the long term relationship of the community, and at the end of the day, the community is what keeps the game alive.

    Edit: idk why it ended up like this but my post keeps getting eaten so it’s stuck like this

  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★

    Jax is a pro. Lesser folks would the naming names. Thanks Jax!
  • ChovnerChovner Member Posts: 1,295 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Jax
    I also wanted to note that the point of my post isn't to dump on you and Kevin for this whole situation, since we know you had the hard task of delivering what you knew would be unfavorable news on a livestream to the community.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,157 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Jax " Can we expect the remaining fights to also be limited to 1 or 2 counters per tag?

    I’m a Valiant player but I will have to rank 5 and ascend a 5 *because of the restrictive nature of the tags.

    I’m still going to do it but I have carpal tunnel syndrome and a 45 minute fight does not sound too delightful.

    You guys have stacked the nodes and healthpool gargantually compared to SOP which I’m not complaining about, but at least back then the objectives were not so limited on available options.

    Furthermore, if the reasoning for making the nodes was because of higher attack availability as 7*’s, you have to also take into consideration the other side of the coin, that not a lot of people will have the 7* yet and therefore, the highest rarity available would be a 6* rank 3. That’s not to say that the nodes should not be harder, but a simple solution of widening the champion availability can fix this problem.

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  • AvnishAvnish Member Posts: 475 ★★★
    edited February 2024
    Le me: did my first solo after couple of tries energy cost hurts but I am happy.

    @Kabam Jax sometime community wants to try other champions for the guantlet quest. So that they can make team for final quest.. but as it is 10 per try no one gonna do it. Becuz there other content needs energy and we have to complete that.

    I know will be too much but can't you remove the energy cost once any summoner done all the objectives. Trying on these scary opponents in Everest content makes us better and skilled player somehow..
  • Suros_moonSuros_moon Member Posts: 490 ★★★★
    jdschw said:

    Kabam Jax said:

    Summoners aren't meant to get high rewards for literally nothing. (don't say time; that isn't a relevant resource in the game's economical balance).

    I find this to be a fascinating observation.
    @Kabam Jax if this is true, then why do arenas exist?

    As far as I can tell, the purpose of arenas is to give players a way to trade time for resources. As long as you're winning most of your fights, arenas don't cost any in-game resource. It just costs time.

    Of course, arenas don't have "high rewards". So maybe player time *is* an implied resource - just, one with low value in the game's economy.

    (Please understand, i intend no malice here. This post is not sarcastic. I just saw this quote and it really got me thinking about the value of our time in this game.)
    Ftp individuals arent going to place well in any arena for a highly desired champ. Unit refreshing ensures that so, in a way, he right! Time alone isnt enough! Of course, as people complete their 6 star rosters this changes but we’ll see the normal curve return come 7 star arenas
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