Winter of Woe Community Chat [MERGED THREADS]



  • Potatoslice500Potatoslice500 Member Posts: 326 ★★

    Great content. Back to the good days where skill is necessary and everyone can't get through content in 10 minutes.

    Those people who have played the game only since herc came out and never explored act 6 with 5*3 and r4 before it was ever nerfed might now understand why they see *skill issue* so often now.

    Mate, don't be a twat.

    I'm valiant, R3 7* warlock, duped 7* sandman, 7* hulk.. necropolis fully explored.

    This event sucks.

    The energy requirement is the largest part of the suck; I'd probably eventually get there with two of these, probably all three.

    But the combo of nodes, huge healing (one sp1 takes him from 50% to 70% on a try where debuffs fell off) and brutal energy cost preventing retrys?

    It's just not it. They've missed the mark on this one.
    I agree, even if they just dropped the regen it would be so much better and still be difficult.
  • kikiFurieuxkikiFurieux Member Posts: 255 ★★★
    What the title says.
    Would that alleviate some of the concerns? I feel most people see that piece as out of reach since the objectives are so restrictive (let alone the fight itself and the energy cost).
    What would be a good placement, 12 points? less? more?
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,671 ★★★★★
    Yeah i was thinking that tbh 12 or 15 seems fair because then if one fight is too hard they potentially can still get it
  • kikiFurieuxkikiFurieux Member Posts: 255 ★★★
    If someone does each fight with an objective + the final run with 1 objective that would give them 11 points. The closest milestone is 12 so I would think it's "fair" to give the piece if the player made it so far in the event
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,185 ★★★★★

    My take is there is a fine line between challenging content and way overboard. The Champ, the Nodes, the one-hit kill nature, the lack of Damage you can inflict, all of those spell a nasty combination. When you add 10 Energy per attempt (unless you want to Revive), that's salt on an already-gaping wound. Then add the fact that you can't miss one for the Objectives.....masochistic.

    Is this GroundedWisdoms twin brother? He’s actually making some sense.

    On another note, if 1 energy is seen as too little of a cost to enter and get rewards for nothing, its fair to consider the outrage when you increase the cost by 10x the amount from the community, on top of the terrible AI system in place and revive farming being non existent anymore. All of these factors together just loses player interest and motivation, so the game should accommodate their needs to give players some leeway to complete content instead of draining them of all their resources on singular pieces of content.

    A suggestion that would accommodate for the “free rewards” with the 1 energy cost and what the game “needs”, is to just increase by a smaller interval, as players will need many attempts before they can achieve a solo. Boosting the cost from 1 to something like 3 which was typically the highest energy cost would be a fair amount, as the toll is noticeable, but it gives players a chance to feel out the content without blowing their resources to see whether its worth the attempt or not. Since the AI likely will never be addressed and disregarded, there should be some compensation to make up for the trouble players are dealing with in more available attempts. I understand the thought process behind the 10 energy cost change as these rewards are interpreted as high value in Kabams perspective (they really aren’t in my opinion), but its a big jump too fast and should have been given more consideration as to how limiting and restrictive it can be. This may seem like a necessary game change, but now its crossing s boundary the inevitability leads to less player interaction, which is bad for the game and the entire WOW event.

    These are just my thoughts on the matter, the kabam team has made it apparent that they tie player wants and needs together and will act on what they think is best for the game, but just keep in mind that the community is losing interest when changes are made solely to be a hindrance. My ideal alternative that would suit kabams “needs” just as well is to increase difficulty instead of limiting playability. This unnecessarily “necessary” change would be frowned upon the same, but atleast it gives people a chance to still play the mode and reward high skilled players with these subjectively “high value” rewards, while keeping in mind other players that aren’t as skilled and need more attempts exist.

  • MackeyMackey Member Posts: 1,597 ★★★★★
    They can remove that for all I care, that is like the lowest want for me out of all them rewards. Surely majority aren't wanting to do this mode for 1 single piece?
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,185 ★★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Chovner said:

    @Kabam Jax You might hate me right now for this whole post, but do you think someone can edit the original title of this post to 2024 instead of 2023? I see we're kindred spirits as you recently made a similar forum post mistake when adding the Lunar event start dates lol

    I don't hate you for this post, haha. I hope that's not how it's come across.

    I feel regret about hopping in, if we're being honest. There's a lot of negative emotions swirling around and I just invited them all towards myself, it seems. But that's not your fault!

    I swapped the dates.
    DW btw you’re the best. You keep us informed as respectfully as possible, the disagrees would be directed toward anyone who made the same post as its not a change anyone is fond of. You keep doing your thing Jax
  • RuwqiersaRuwqiersa Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    edited February 2024

    You see, this is Everest Content, mean a few players that are on the top will actually be able to do it without problems, and guess what, these players probably have all the champs in the game even the newest ones, and are able to rank them just for one mission.
    So yeah I'm not angry I can't do it with ease because I'm not actually supposed to

    Even if you really think this why do you feel the need of expressing it? What good do you bring to the table by expressing this exact opinion? Okay maybe devs feel the exact same way but why would you still try to make it harder for community get trough what benefits them more? Wouldnt you be also benefit from this if diffultcy went down a little but rewards stayed the same? To me there is only 2 explanation.
    1. You are not intelligent enough to understand your own actions.
    2. You act on bad faith and are intellectually dishonest
  • Mrt9810Mrt9810 Member Posts: 72
    Yeah couldn't agree more. As a paragon player, almost valent/soild in bg, i found this to be too much hassle. Any fight that's this hard to get damage and then you watch them heal it all back is just not a good time.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,202 ★★★★★
    one missed parry or dropped input and it's over from full health. one unintentional tap into the block and you lose a ton of health. where's the "fun" in this? where's the room to apply skill? not everyone can speedrun tetris with perfect gameplay.
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,882 ★★★★★

    Was that a solo at 6 mins too? Impressive!

    Just waiting for Level Up, then I’ll take mine to r3 along with popping an ungodly amount of boosts and repeating with She Hulk and Robot and playing straight for an hour until it’s done.
    Yeah it was a solo I got extremely lucky with the fury RNG

    if you are planning to do the fight I recommend watching @GrassKnuckles Video Right here
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
    100% agree. It's not that difficult to make challenging yet fun content. Kabam clearly knows how to make a good piece of endgame content (necropolis) and a fantastic final boss fight, yet EQ and the side quests are tragically boring and winter of woe is looking to be far too restrictive to be fun. What pains me most is that Kabam was very successful with variant content. Especially the earlier ones which were a good amount of challenge and completely doable with many champs as long as you had skill, even 4 stars (even though the content was aimed at 5 star r4/r5). Yet for some inexplicable reason they decided to stop doing it?? They could have easily adjusted the rewards and increased the difficult a bit to bring it up to par for the current state of the game, but no they discontinued a piece of content that was highly praised??

    I understand bugs and input issues can be difficult to fix (e.g Nick Fury) but to actively discontinue a successful formula reeks of either incompetence at the management level or bone idle laziness.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    The fight should be toned down.
    Whether Unstoppable or Brute Force need to go.
    So many timers combined with the weird/passive AI, leave the player in the mercy of RNG for Abs Man to cooperate.
    Adding in the limited attempts someone has, and the fun is gone for good.
    And funny how the 10 energy requirement still remains and gets justified somehow 🤷‍♂️
  • Soslayan9Soslayan9 Member Posts: 45
    edited February 2024
    Understandably the kit is not something easy to tune on the fly, but I feel neither Unstoppable or Brute Force; on top of this regen was addressed. If they could fix the contact issue why not take a moment to mitigate the aggravation this adds to the regen?
  • Standardman1989Standardman1989 Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited February 2024
    I saw the official post, I'll take note of it and we'll see if the others have another level I'm perplexed if the first one has problems and don't even know how to change it promises for the future. And above all I don't know how many goals I can miss to have this famous king groot piece
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,171 ★★★★★
    I never expected them to just give us the point. This is great for paragon players who were totally assed out of the king groot piece with this fight imo
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,671 ★★★★★
    Thank u for looking at the feedback love the always having a game team that looks at feedback well
  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
    Will the finale also be 5 energy per tile? Cause that’s a whole nother can of worms 🤣
  • ShaggyMShaggyM Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Idk why my Seatin post got merged into a WOW discussion. He doesn't mention wow until 1/2 way through his video. His point was related to the last month or so and a general direction the game is heading. Wow is just the latest example of this.
  • JefechutaJefechuta Member Posts: 1,228 ★★★★★
    I dont really understand the rage about the Energy;

    1. Its a free resource, which you can refill spending units.
    2. Technically it is not supposed to be soloed by everyone, so yeah, you have revives, use them. Yeah, I want to save those for other stuff! Well, thats completelly on you.
    3. We have 2 damn weeks for each fight, you dont have to do them on day 1, nor day 2, nor day 7, you can do it whenever you are able to do it over 14 days of duration, you have 7 tries in a row, and an additional try every 50/60 min.

    It isnt less fair to be 10 energy every time just because the boss is hard, everyone was okay with it being 10 Energy everytime because everyone thought they could do the solo in a low amount of tries, which basically it is not supposed to happen, because this is supposed to be End game content, and the most recent End game content is Necro, are you supposed to be able to solo a Necro boss in a couple of tries? No, you are not supposed to do so, this wasnt going to be any different.

    And you can disagree with this, but it wont make it less true, Im not going to enjoy the fact that Ill have to fight this boss several times a day to be able to do it the most efficient way, but I understand that this is the way it is supposed to be done.
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