AW season 50 info

Instead of the usual where are my rewards post, I’m going with where is the new season info post? Or do we have to wait till Friday during livestream to reveal the new saga information?
Mutant/Mystic - defensek saga
Science tech - Attack saga
I believe SIM buff is outside saga, we will get another saga champ suprise buff like NC
Just the buff wont be live the month of saga but half way of the saga
Obviously have to test it out, but it looks like it's a chance to be autoblocked/evaded and we all know 10% doesn't feel like 10% on defense. How are you then supposed to reliably build a combo/buffs for attacker tactic to work if you can get evaded/autoblocked before that happens itself?
Some of the Leadership Tools for AW that Kabam had mentioned were coming.
Looks like they are live now that Season has ended and there is time to look them over before next season starts.
Evade and autoblock is associated with Science and tech class respectively. They are going to be #houseofmirrors defense saga.
Cosmic champs and skill champs usually have anti evade/autoblock effects like true strike, true accuracy or slow/decelerate.
They are going to be #Clarity attack saga.
And the tactic is wayy more forgiving imo. You can also use champs outside #clarity to counter the defenders.
Some good attackers can be - Corvy with prox synergy, odin, heimdall, Gorr, hulkling, Serpent, Herc, Kate, Shang, Nick, Prof x, Iceman, Jabari, Zemo, Karnak, etc.
no Corvus, no Odin, no Kate or Killmonger... I'm not going to use Karnak :-)