Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Servers down [Merged Threads]



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    Game is dropping again and again, this is making us lose hp in map 6!
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    Adrian920307Adrian920307 Posts: 15
    Same here, Mx
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    Kabam kabam.... prayers the only answer
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    *sigh* very frustrating its another er maintenance i guess right kabam?!i think this post will be locked again by kabam miike hehe..😀
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    Just like awhile ago its my internet connections fault?!tsktsk..
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    If your going to offer an online game makes your game connects to its players. Make sure you offer my taskmaster to since you make it unable for me to play
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    LEE94LEE94 Posts: 6
    Really starting to loose interest in the game ! The game is down more than we can actually play. Loosing out on our rewards and getting nothing back even though we spend money on the game... smh... disappointing!!!
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    Player1994Player1994 Posts: 793 ★★★
    i just lost 50% of my health and lost another 50% just clicking start didn't even start the fight .
    truly kabam shoud make this a 15% or 10% health loss 50% is crazy especially when ur using just a revive and heal up followed with a crash > their own crashes
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    SanficoSanfico Posts: 9
    Yup! 🤬🤬
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    Apex1212Apex1212 Posts: 185
    edited December 2017
    Yeah its bad and I have never complained here before. Give us the dollar crystal again I will happily pay for it don't have to be free. I'll give you a dollar. Since I lost out on getting 4* shards from modoks lab twice. Im 15 4* shards away and only time to play is tonight. Down twice. Give us that 4* crystal I'll happily pay for it. To make up for the 4* I have to now wait a day and a half for or longer cause of work.
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    KestrelleKestrelle Posts: 441 ★★
    But think how fortunate we are that you can buy potions for up to 50% off to restore all that lost health!!!
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    Soooo....i tried to log one to my account and first was told to check my connection...then said i was logged on to another device then bamm!!! Emergency maintenance...so what im trying to figure out is why did the first 2 messeges show up? Can i get some help on the matter? Really would rather not have my account on someone elses phone and not know it.
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    Here it is again another er maintenance😂😂😂
    And i guess im not able to post?!nice..
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    So many bad connections and so much maintenance is going on that its hard to keep up with events going on that it really strikes a blow on the timer. Any thoughts on getting rewards on behalf of the lag happening? Curious
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    This can go on and on and on and on lol
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    Apex1212Apex1212 Posts: 185
    Yeah its bad and I have never complained here before. Give us the dollar crystal again I will happily pay for it don't have to be free. I'll give you a dollar. Since I lost out on getting 4* shards from modoks lab twice. Im 15 4* shards away and only time to play is tonight. Down twice. Give us that 4* crystal I'll happily pay for it. To make up for the 4* I have to now wait a day and a half for or longer cause of work.
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    Apex1212Apex1212 Posts: 185
    Yeah its bad and I have never complained here before. Give us the dollar crystal again I will happily pay for it don't have to be free. I'll give you a dollar. Since I lost out on getting 4* shards from modoks lab twice. Im 15 4* shards away and only time to play is tonight. Down twice. Give us that 4* crystal I'll happily pay for it. To make up for the 4* I have to now wait a day and a half for or longer cause of work.
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    Apex1212Apex1212 Posts: 185
    Yeah its bad and I have never complained here before. Give us the dollar crystal again I will happily pay for it don't have to be free. I'll give you a dollar. Since I lost out on getting 4* shards from modoks lab twice. Im 15 4* shards away and only time to play is tonight. Down twice. Give us that 4* crystal I'll happily pay for it. To make up for the 4* I have to now wait a day and a half for or longer cause of work.
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    KingyakoopaKingyakoopa Posts: 203
    Good news is it's down for everyone... so your not losing any time spent. Which means arenas scores will be lower...
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    DrewskiDrewski Posts: 27
    Third time.....
    .count'em......3 times emergency maintenance has put the game down just today
This discussion has been closed.