Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Servers down [Merged Threads]

SvainSvain Posts: 453 ★★
edited December 2017 in General Discussion
Title says it all
Post edited by Kabam Miike on


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    LucbobLucbob Posts: 51
    What if the $1 crystal crashed everything? Could everyone getting it at the same time cause problems? A similar problem I can relate this to is when Crunchyroll crashed upon release of an anticipated episode of Dragon Ball Super a while back. oh look the game is back as I type this haha ...
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    PalanthraxPalanthrax Posts: 918 ★★★★
    Lucbob wrote: »
    What if the $1 crystal crashed everything? Could everyone getting it at the same time cause problems? A similar problem I can relate this to is when Crunchyroll crashed upon release of an anticipated episode of Dragon Ball Super a while back. oh look the game is back as I type this haha ...

    Pretty much. The game data is stored in a database, too many people on at once means too many simultaneous database queries and the hard drives are usually the slowest component, i.e. the most likely point of failure.
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    Kamr05Kamr05 Posts: 208
    @CreeperWhisper7 yeah I dind't even like it in the first place lol. I said ages ago they don't deserve it.
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    Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    Has anyone else been having connection issues the last like 10 minutes or more.

    I know it's not on my end since I have full bars and everything else is working but on and off on both my phone's it keeps saying problems with network connection and the wheel spinning then it will go back to normal for awhile then crop up later.
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    SillyCaitlinSillyCaitlin Posts: 535
    Yep, intermittent connection. I'm holding off on advancing in AQ into this gets worked out.
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,994 ★★★★★
    Yes, I have that, was in the process of leveling champs. Anyway, it will be maintenance again shortly?
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    Yes. Game is completely down for me.
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    KingyakoopaKingyakoopa Posts: 203
    Yes... avoiding doing arenas right now...
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    MrBirnixMrBirnix Posts: 71
    I can't get in the game as well..I am able to post that but the game says that I have connection issues..
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    Vossler77Vossler77 Posts: 683 ★★
    Same here.
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    mAleksandarmAleksandar Posts: 86

    Till when are you going to torture us with broken game? Can’t finish 8 hour quest, had to use randomizers since every opponent has some form of degeneration, either thorns, bleed, poison, caltrops, portion of the health blasted, some percent of the opponent’s health regenerated... I mean come on, think of something smarter than taking health from us for no aparent reason... I get that time to time we have to use randomizer but then connection issues come along, if it’s not connection then parry isn’t working, or my champs are moving on their own, or they won’t react on my commands, or I don’t know what... As if you’re testing how much we can tolerate... ffs
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    Joe_vj76Joe_vj76 Posts: 30
    me too
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    Vossler77Vossler77 Posts: 683 ★★
    Game down....sigh
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    Having the same problem
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    Crot80Crot80 Posts: 15
    I’m out completely
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    Not for me.
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    Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited December 2017
    They never change, after the collosal failures they've had in the past and recently and given how much money they get you would think the game would run smoothly instead of haveing the issues that it does.

    But yet again it seems like right before maintenance it's going down again, I wouldn't be surprised if this bleeds into the maintenance and extends it.
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    TsunaniTsunani Posts: 173
    Game is unstable
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    SillyCaitlinSillyCaitlin Posts: 535
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    It now seems intermittent for me as well. It was stable for me until just now.
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    AceDeMoNAceDeMoN Posts: 142
    @Kabam Miike thanks for closing my post without explaining the situation, luckily for me you're kind enough to post on this post. When can we expect this problem to be resolved?
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    bm3eppsbm3epps Posts: 1,153 ★★★
    keeps saying please check your connection
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    ThatsausageThatsausage Posts: 214
    @Kabam Miike , experiencing connectivity problems.
This discussion has been closed.