Lag again....this is what I noticed. [Under Investigation]



  • BossyBuilderBossyBuilder Member Posts: 137
    Our alliance dealt with some serious lag over the last two days in AQ, too.
  • WillietWilliet Member Posts: 6
    My game was lagging the whole time I was on it. Even the next day as well. The parry didn't parry my character froze in place and it refused to attack.
  • WillietWilliet Member Posts: 6
    Also today while running map 5 I couldn't slide back at all. Please fix the game
  • _noyes_noyes Member Posts: 51
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf really annoying this is still happening with no update. I hate to be spammy, but what is the hold up? I thought maybe a new phone battery would help, but nope. You guys are pushing new content without an app store update, pushing changes to voodoo without an app store update. To reiterate, this really frustrating. Please update us on the status of this lag.
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    My champs are struggling with double dexterity and Lags.
    This game is getting annoying on eyes more than the fingers.
    ~~~~still under inverstigation~~~ sigh
  • OhGodYesOhGodYes Member Posts: 143
    Guys, I hate to tell you this, but it is your device causing you to lag. I don't know why kabam hasn't outright told us this yet, but there is probably a reason. I'm thinking they don't want to tell people that the game needs the fastest processors and if you don't have the most up to date devices you are at a disadvantage. You'll notice that those with iPhone 8's and X's and those that play on iPad Pros don't complain about the lag. I haven't had any lag in a month since I upgraded my device. I know many will disagree with what I'm writing but my iPhone 6 lagged all the time and was unplayable. Everytime I got an email, text, message from Line or Groupme or anything that put the slightest pressure on the cpu, the lag started.
  • BossyBuilderBossyBuilder Member Posts: 137
    edited January 2018
    OhGodYes wrote: »
    Guys, I hate to tell you this, but it is your device causing you to lag. I don't know why kabam hasn't outright told us this yet, but there is probably a reason. I'm thinking they don't want to tell people that the game needs the fastest processors and if you don't have the most up to date devices you are at a disadvantage. You'll notice that those with iPhone 8's and X's and those that play on iPad Pros don't complain about the lag. I haven't had any lag in a month since I upgraded my device. I know many will disagree with what I'm writing but my iPhone 6 lagged all the time and was unplayable. Everytime I got an email, text, message from Line or Groupme or anything that put the slightest pressure on the cpu, the lag started.

    Oh really? And what empirical data do you have on this? Why not just let Kabam actually investigate. There have been admitted problems with the help button in the game causing delays and recently champs that had already requested help keep reloading in the arena's. Lag has been really bad this morning and the same issue of champs reloading has been happening yesterday and today. Related? I don't know, but let Kabam do the research.
  • chaos3430chaos3430 Member Posts: 126
    So I have to burn all my Healing and Revives because I can't block half the time? Parry fails? Dexterity 100% evade fail? Combos interrupted by counters and specials? And we have to complete content with broken mechanics and tremendous lag with no compensation to do so? Way to take care of your player base! You've been Kabamed!
  • OhGodYesOhGodYes Member Posts: 143
    OhGodYes wrote: »
    Guys, I hate to tell you this, but it is your device causing you to lag. I don't know why kabam hasn't outright told us this yet, but there is probably a reason. I'm thinking they don't want to tell people that the game needs the fastest processors and if you don't have the most up to date devices you are at a disadvantage. You'll notice that those with iPhone 8's and X's and those that play on iPad Pros don't complain about the lag. I haven't had any lag in a month since I upgraded my device. I know many will disagree with what I'm writing but my iPhone 6 lagged all the time and was unplayable. Everytime I got an email, text, message from Line or Groupme or anything that put the slightest pressure on the cpu, the lag started.

    Oh really? And what empirical data do you have on this? Why not just let Kabam actually investigate. There have been admitted problems with the help button in the game causing delays and recently champs that had already requested help keep reloading in the arena's. Lag has been really bad this morning and the same issue of champs reloading has been happening yesterday and today. Related? I don't know, but let Kabam do the research.

    I complained about lag with the best of them! I was soo pissed off at kabam for ignoring me and everyone else's complaints about lag and how it was making me spend more units and potions. Once I upgraded to the iPhone X, I compared the game play and experience. I took note at when I started lagging looking for ways to minimize it when I didnt have the new phone. Every time I got a notification or my phone vibrated from a new email or text, the lag occurred. Then I upgraded my phone and from the start, I had ZERO issues. I also look at the youtubers and content creators and many of them are running on the top of the line devices or devices with a strong/new CPU and I dont recall seeing their game lag.
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    Damn I’m not rich enough to play this game
  • ChokerspinChokerspin Member Posts: 9
    This issue has been going on for months. I'm running a Samsung Galaxy S8 and have issues. incoming notifications aren't the problem cause it will lag without them. It's Kabam just trying to screw the players over and get money out of us. They won't fix it. I've logged a number of tickets already and got squat back. i'm not holding my breath.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,013 ★★★★
    my iphone was brand new 7 months ago and I have resisted any ios update, it was good for about 4 months, if this is the life of a $700 phone, and nothing is fixed, I will bid this game goodbye, it's not playable for me right now, half my alliance are complaining about the lag and dropped blocks last few days
  • Jaguaraci_SilvaJaguaraci_Silva Member Posts: 151
    Since yesterday I have observed that juggernaut in all sections of the AQ path 1 is freezing the game. It's impossível to play because I cannot move and my block don't run well on time. The lag is worst when I am fighting against him.
  • SomethingsomeSomethingsome Member Posts: 176
    edited January 2018
    OhGodYes wrote: »
    Guys, I hate to tell you this, but it is your device causing you to lag. I don't know why kabam hasn't outright told us this yet, but there is probably a reason. I'm thinking they don't want to tell people that the game needs the fastest processors and if you don't have the most up to date devices you are at a disadvantage. You'll notice that those with iPhone 8's and X's and those that play on iPad Pros don't complain about the lag. I haven't had any lag in a month since I upgraded my device. I know many will disagree with what I'm writing but my iPhone 6 lagged all the time and was unplayable. Everytime I got an email, text, message from Line or Groupme or anything that put the slightest pressure on the cpu, the lag started.

    That is not really accurate. The game's settings scale with the capabilities of the device's hardware. They tone down the lighting effects, getting rid of raytraced shadows and reflections to cut back on rendering power, they remove entire objects from the background to speed up rendering as well (no antenna on asteroid M, no bot flying around in the Kyln prison, etc.). They even turn off certain particle effects on characters too. The game is designed to scale its requirements to cater to the hardware's limitations, however, I think they don't do enough in that regard. They really should offer a detail slider in the settings, like most 3d games, to lower the rendering overhead even more if your device isn't necessarily a virgin, out of the box, and know, use it for other stuff than just mcoc. The option is already baked into the game, they need to allow the player to control it instead of the game adjusting only automatically.
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    I’m using iPhone 6 and if the game is not compatible with any particular device , I want kabam to acknowledge this publicly.

    Shocking how much time this company needs to fix the real fundamentals of the game
  • Flash_AsherFlash_Asher Member Posts: 80
    edited January 2018
    TheBlet wrote: »
    Anyone else lagging the WHOLE match EVERY match tonight? I have everything closed in the background and full battery. (removed by moderator)

    Yeeeeeep! I finished exploring Master Difficulty today. 3 paths in the Void chapter. Not too shabby, a lag here and there. But as soon as I start Uncollected, game out. Every which and what bug and glitch possible. Phantom hits, dropped blocks, specials not activating, etc. For example. I was battling an OGCap in Uncollected. Fighting with Wolvie. Got up to my third, probably 50+ hits deep. Flawless fight. Cap was at less than 15% health and camping in a corner. So, I hit my third special. It took 7 tries to get my special to activate. I'm legitimately tapping away on my special, I see the LIGHT flicker off and on. He was able to dash in, pop me, activate his special and dash in one more time before the game let me kill him. Absolute trash.
    Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
  • Sit_N_SpinSit_N_Spin Member Posts: 1
    Kabam needs to fix this quickly. It’s becoming a huge pain to where I can’t even play the game because all of the critical fights and special content bugging out every chance it gets. The lag in AQ is only getting worse and with the amount of stuff coming into the game, the quicker it needs to be addressed and dealt with. I recently just hit 300k and I was hoping that I didn’t have to quit. I kept giving this game a chance but overall it’s getting to be on my last nerve that through huge fights my champions either : pause during a combo, lag out and get smashed, or lag the game so bad I can’t even move. Especially with blade, when I hold down to regen he stands there and then takes off running forward. I’m only on a 6S but the phones about 4 months old. I really like this game and the ideas are great but you guys need to really buckle down on the gameplay portion instead of working on putting more stuff into the game and potentially causing more lag throughout the server.
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    I gave up on arena for starky coz these issues
  • heruheru511heruheru511 Member Posts: 164 ★★
    edited January 2018
    It become worser everyday, lose my interest in playing arena for the past week because of this issue. Had to spent unnecessary items on both AQ and AW because this f'in issue, champs unleash heavy attack by themselves. Fix your **** kabam, or else you'll lose revenue and your player, the game already becoming boring everyday.
  • CykGuitaristCykGuitarist Member Posts: 60
    I know that sometimes systems memory can get bogged down, etc., and for the most part, I know how to correct those issues. I have cleared the cache, freed up space, closed all other apps, reset my phone, and the game, multiple times. I am encountering serious lag in AQ and AW. I haven't noticed it in event quest or story mode yet. It's not the typical lag I experience with the game where once in a while it will just have a slow moment.

    No. Every single match I fight, no matter the circumstances, is slow. Response time when pressing the screen is probably 20-30ms or so too slow, and I have some pretty significant frame rate issues. It has cost me a lot of health and I am not an effective team member when this is happening

    Samsung Galaxy S7
    Model Number: SM-G930V
    Android Version: 7.0
  • The_Savage_AncientThe_Savage_Ancient Member Posts: 134
    There is way too much lag since a few days. Android 6.0.1 Asus_Z00AD
    Android 4.4.2 Dell Venue 8 3830
  • OzzieontOzzieont Member Posts: 239
    edited January 2018
    im on android zte zmax pro 6.0 the lagg in AQ is horrible is not all the time but it does happens even after you revive you cant even fight cause the lagg doesnt allow you the fight goes in slow motion you tap tap but the AI keeps fighting and you dont have any control of your character and you are dead and the fun is over
  • SomeoneElseSomeoneElse Member Posts: 424 ★★★
    I am lagging worse than ever. I have never seen it this bad.This has to be top priority. They cannot continue to put us off while they supposedly investigate.
  • TinklestinkieTinklestinkie Member Posts: 102
    edited January 2018
    OhGodYes wrote: »
    Guys, I hate to tell you this, but it is your device causing you to lag. I don't know why kabam hasn't outright told us this yet, but there is probably a reason. I'm thinking they don't want to tell people that the game needs the fastest processors and if you don't have the most up to date devices you are at a disadvantage. You'll notice that those with iPhone 8's and X's and those that play on iPad Pros don't complain about the lag. I haven't had any lag in a month since I upgraded my device. I know many will disagree with what I'm writing but my iPhone 6 lagged all the time and was unplayable. Everytime I got an email, text, message from Line or Groupme or anything that put the slightest pressure on the cpu, the lag started.

    Marvel Contest of Champions was released in 2014. You're telling me that (most likely) 90% of our phones that were released AFTER 2014 arent ready for it?
    Sounds like planned obsolescence failing a successful market. That wouldnt be a very smart move from a developers perspective. You'de want to produce software that could be pervasively used on many platforms/devices. Seeing how people with phones also have money. The device arguement is stupid because it insinuates stupid design on behalf of the company.
    The game worked well in 2015 on all devices sold pre-2015 .
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    Fought aq Mordo - couldn’t dash back two times when Mordo was doing heavy ..
  • Robster39Robster39 Member Posts: 20
    Its a mess playing on the ipad air 2.
    Champs not responding. Controls not working. Ai reactions are strange. What is going on with the game. I want to know. Now it is not fun anymore!
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    @Hubris_hater - do you read what you actually write .. coz it’s very hard to make sense of it.

    Anyways as mentioned before don’t spam this thread. You’re not welcome here ... bye now
  • DannyDanny Member Posts: 42
    Jesus,games so fukcing lagged when are these guys actually gonna attempt to fix something......
  • Gladiator09Gladiator09 Member Posts: 287 ★★
    Danny wrote: »
    Jesus,games so fukcing lagged when are these guys actually gonna attempt to fix something......

    The whole community has tried thousand times ..I have given up
  • DannyDanny Member Posts: 42
    Bet their just laughing there tit3 off at us all posting on here...lags been problem for ages on all devices,soon were get the condescending kabam lackey mike on here saying guys please patients were working on it we understand your fukc you know it’s been a problem for ages and still except people spend their money post will be a kabam twat troll saying there’s nothing wrong with my game it’s your device Bla Bla Bla !!!!!..
    Am I being cynical,bet your ars3 I am....spent money on this game in the past to have those running it consistently screw it up with lag,nerfs and broken game play and even more fing lag...
    You watch next thing we’re all be sent a few paltry revives and a apology saying we’re ever so sorry your game hasn’t been playing as intended....month after month of garbage statements and replies ...
This discussion has been closed.