5-Star Featured Crystal Change Discussion Thread



  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Oh Miike, I don’t envy you man. They stick you out here taking bullets, this should’ve been a Friday announcement so you could hide over the weekend.

    The 5* feature crystal is my favorite part of the game. It gives me a chance to chase my favorite champions (Crossbones, cable, carnage) and have some small semblance of control over my roster and acquiring great champs (voodoo, Stark spidey). It also allows us to more effectively use our awakening gems, which Kabam has situated as some of the most valuable items in the game. The fact that we paid extra for an increased chance at someone we wanted is what makes this great. We willingly give more of our hard-earned shards for this risk, and it’s exciting! I have a cosmic gem and I’m excited to open Medusa crystals this week!

    The basic pool chosen to accompany the first new features is extremely disappointing. There are no desirable champs included, no older champs that a player would chase as a standalone feature themselves. I really wish you would’ve asked us what makes 5* feature crystals great before destroying them, we would be glad to assist in designing something both game and user-friendly. And no increased chance anymore? 4% is pretty bad odds to get what I want for something that takes so much gameplay to purchase.

    Just because the chance to get a specific champ doesn’t exist anywhere else in the game...does not mean that it SHOULD not exist in the game. Disappointed in the direction of this.
  • MhykkeMhykke Member Posts: 431 ★★★
    This idea tastes like burning.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Oh Miike, I don’t envy you man. They stick you out here taking bullets, this should’ve been a Friday announcement so you could hide over the weekend.

    Mike is a big boy who is on the clock getting paid. He knows what his job is every morning. I'll bet he loves this job. Being a forum mod for a mobile gaming sounds pretty easy and laid back. He gets his script from the game team and eats it. Maybe he cringed when he saw the in game message from the Grandmaster stating that this was an improvement but his job is to sell the stuff that the game team gives him no matter how nonsensical. Easy job. IMO
  • BooshiBooshiBooshiBooshi Member Posts: 4
    Here's a suggestion: instead of last 6 featured and 18 "carefully curated" champs, why not use the last 24 featured champs. And every 3 months 6 champs cycle.??????

    Or introduce a grandmaster 5* crystal for 20k shards and give a good champ pool????

    Since not all featured champs are great, it will balance out. Players are anyways spending 15k, it's worth to get something better. Also now that the game is moving towards getting 6* champs, this would be kinda nice. In a smaller group we will have higher chance of getting duplicate champ and earning 6* shards.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Oh Miike, I don’t envy you man. They stick you out here taking bullets, this should’ve been a Friday announcement so you could hide over the weekend.

    Mike is a big boy who is on the clock getting paid. He knows what his job is every morning. I'll bet he loves this job. Being a forum mod for a mobile gaming sounds pretty easy and laid back. He gets his script from the game team and eats it. Maybe he cringed when he saw the in game message from the Grandmaster stating that this was an improvement but his job is to sell the stuff that the game team gives him no matter how nonsensical. Easy job. IMO

    I work in customer service, even online complaints get annoying when you have to just eat them or deflect constantly. He probably has more to it, but I wouldn’t call it easy to try to answer some questions without giving too much info and to sound positive about it even when you know the real reasoning for changes.
  • Buck_BleedstoneBuck_Bleedstone Member Posts: 58
    Please give some consideration to revising the list of champs in this crystal. The 8 basic champs from the mutant and mystic classes are enough to scare people away from going for this. At least include one elite champ from each class and the crystal will be more attractive.
  • ThatweirdguyThatweirdguy Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Oh Miike, I don’t envy you man. They stick you out here taking bullets, this should’ve been a Friday announcement so you could hide over the weekend.

    Mike is a big boy who is on the clock getting paid. He knows what his job is every morning. I'll bet he loves this job. Being a forum mod for a mobile gaming sounds pretty easy and laid back. He gets his script from the game team and eats it. Maybe he cringed when he saw the in game message from the Grandmaster stating that this was an improvement but his job is to sell the stuff that the game team gives him no matter how nonsensical. Easy job. IMO

    I work in customer service, even online complaints get annoying when you have to just eat them or deflect constantly. He probably has more to it, but I wouldn’t call it easy to try to answer some questions without giving too much info and to sound positive about it even when you know the real reasoning for changes.

    I've worked in customer service before. I still say a forum mod is a pretty easy stress free job. Way easier than my job ( pays less) but way easier. He knows who he works for and what he has to defend. Just like the people who give parking tickets out for a living...they choose their jobs.
  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    edited January 2018
    This is just the logical next step in Kabam master plan. The next will be the announcement that 6* playable champions are coming in March so you can use up those 6* shards we gave you burning a hole in your pocket.

    Then either with or following that announcement will come the news that 5* arenas are coming so that you can spend tons of units refreshing your 5* champs (as they will be the only ones useable in the arena). This arena will offer you a chance to gain 6* shards and champs you desire but only **** champs will be in arena with a few decent sprinkled in.

    Then after a few months and everyone is starving for more 6* shards and Kabam has milked the 5* arena via unit refreshes they will announce that we have heard our loyal customers and are bringing back featured hero crystals again but only in a 6* version. Then a offer for their customers a bunch of overpriced 6* shard offers will magically appear. Then announce 7* and let the milking cycle commence again.

    Not very hard to figure out but none the less devious.
  • MrcMumbleMrcMumble Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2018
    Just when I think kabam can't get any scummier, way to circumvent Apple's requirement on requiring odds... and you are seriously delusional if you honestly think cyclops, antman, Jane foster are highly rated in AW or AQ. The same people on your payroll why said that are the ones that say there's nothing wrong with server stability.... kabam is such a joke
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    Dagonelle wrote: »
    So the new featured crystal is just a new version of the basic crystal that costs 5000 shards more?

    What’s the point? The only way that the new featured crystal is better than the old one is if the old featured crystal had odds worse than 1 in 18 which is what the new one is. I’ve got to say I’m disappointed

    The original Featured Hero Crystal had one purpose, and that was because it was originally the only chance you had at a 5-Star Champion, and potentially meant that the Champion would never come around again. This has changed, and that means that this Crystal has run its course.

    5-Star Champions are coming to a place where they are now added to the regular Champion pool at the same consistency as other rarities.


    And it has zero to do with Apple's new rule on disclosing rates in drop boxes...

    Not really. The rate of the Featured has always been in favor of the Players. Estimated around 20%. Now it's about a 4% chance. There is no logic that supports the connection.

    What’s your opinion on this?
  • MrcMumbleMrcMumble Member Posts: 161
    I can't wait for the day you go bankrupt for driving your customer base away....
  • KingyakoopaKingyakoopa Member Posts: 203
    The only logic that I can think of is they adding a 6* feature crystal...
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Raganator wrote: »
    I think Kabam will come to regret this decision if the goal is to continue having relevant 15k shard 5* crystals. 1 in 24 is garbage odds. Sure, better than 1 in 80-something, but still.

    That depends. If you view the new crystal as *only* lowering the chance for a specific champion, then yes, the odds of pulling one specific champion have dropped from about one in five to one in twenty-four.

    But that's not the correct way to view this crystal. Even with the current featured crystal, not every champion is really worth saving for, at least for any particular player. You have to think more generally. Right now, I'm saving for Blade because I really want Blade and the 5* featured Blade crystal gives me a 20% shot at getting Blade. But more importantly, that crystal gives me a 20% chance at a champion I think is worth the extra shards. The Iceman crystal also gave me that shot, and the Stark Spidey crystal gave me that shot.

    You have to look at each and every one of the new 5* featured crystals that way. There are going to be six featureds and eighteen curated basics in each crystal. If the featured list was, say, Sparky, Vulture, Green Goblin, Doc Oc, Kingpin, and Medusa, that would be a pretty valuable crystal. Your odds of getting exactly the one you want are lower, but your odds of getting a good one are pretty decent - and that's before looking at the other eighteen. If the eighteen included, say, X-23, Elektra, Crossbones, Ghost Rider, and Ultron - all solid to great champions - your odds of getting at least a decent 5* could approach 50/50. That might be worth the extra shards.

    Conversely, if the six featured happen to be a more depleted series and fewer of the curated basics are champs you want, you can skip that crystal and save for the next one. Just like with the current featured 5* crystal, it is not about the odds to pull one particular champion, it is the overall value of the crystal relative to the basic crystal. Depending on what Kabam puts in it and how you value those champions, that value could be lower, or it could be much higher.

    Its different, and we lose one aspect of the current featured. But that doesn't mean the new one doesn't offer good options relative to the basic. It is just like even with the current featured, we have to see what's in it first.

    By the time the Blade crystal rolls around I will probably have saved up eight shots at him. Statistically speaking, I'm very likely to get him. If I was shooting to dup him though, the odds are not good: about 29% chance of pulling two out of eight. Someone who opens eight of the new crystals will have about a 73% chance of duping one of the twenty-four champion in that crystal. If you pick the right crystal to shoot for, where a high percentage are champs you want, then duping a random champion in that crystal has a higher chance of being a valuable dup.

    If you really one a specific champion, then your odds of getting that champion have dropped. But if you really just want a good one, or if you want to avoid pulling "bad" ones, your odds of doing that have likely significantly improved.

    In addition, if the pool of 24 contains a decent number of champs you already own but would like to dupe, then it may also be worth the extra shards.
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    I'm glad to see that Kabam actually recognizes the player's desires at this moment in time by leaving Blade in the Featured Crystal for all to try for...Good on you Kabam! I respect that!
  • KingyakoopaKingyakoopa Member Posts: 203
    Duh... I figured it out... it's because they adding 5* feature arenas... Makes perfect sense...
  • VishyIsFishyVishyIsFishy Member Posts: 35
    A big question I have is just why was this change made?
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    Just talked to the team, and they are comfortable with sharing the list of Champions we plan to include in the first Featured Champion Crystal. It's important to note that this list could still potentially change a little before the release, but the selected Champions are based on empirical data showing their effectiveness as 5-Star Champions in both Alliance Quests and Alliance Wars.

    Cyclops (New Xavier School)
    Thor (Ragnarok)

    Agent Venom

    Thor (Jane Foster)
    Punisher (2099)
    Civil Warrior
    Doctor Octopus

    Bold Text denotes Featured Champions.

    This is a really, really bad list of champions... and very disheartening for someone like myself, who has yet to pull a "god-tier" 5-star

    Im pretty surprised that all the data you have collected has found these to be among the most effective, when I've yet to see one of my alliance members use any on this list :(
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited January 2018
    Honestly I will not be going for this crystal and will be waiting for the next 3 months which is too long by the way. At least make it something people will look forward to.
    I recommend others do the same and this is not negative but a good suggestion because the basic pool should be a little better and the next 6 featured will be worth it and we will have 3 months to save.
  • LordSneezeLordSneeze Member Posts: 10
    LordSneeze wrote: »
    For those that are complaining, I believe that this could be a change that is in direct response to what has happened with Blade.
    A lot of people are hoarding shards to get multiple chances at Blade, which is likely to flood him into the game prior to when Kabam want him to be, this chance limits that ability.

    IMO as someone who cannot do that I think this is a great change.

    I think you have 99% of people in the community in disagreement. With the current state and meta of alliance wars, Blade is a necessary champion in higher levels. If you were to put yourself in the position of someone who wants to be competitive at higher tiers of AW, I guarantee you would change your opinion.

    You are looking at it only from the point of the top tier alliances and their reduced ability to get god tier champs easily.

    Yes at the top tier you need to have Blade to compete currently, note that Kabam are not removing this chance, so that is a non issue.

    This requirement to have a champ to be competitive is as i see it is one of the issues with the current system, when a god tier champ is released everyone at the top is going for them, those behind don't have the same ability to do this and it makes it harder to catch up if all the top alliances are getting all the God champs each time they come out.

    This change will make it more difficult to get the god champs at all levels, it should provide a mid tier player better value given they are likely going to be happy with any Featured, rather than rely on the requiring of just one.

    But FYI all players are impacted in the same way, its just where you are in the game will mean that the impact will be perceived slightly differently.

  • KiryuKiryu Member Posts: 24
    Dear Kabam.

    Changing the featured 5* crystal is obviously aimed to increase featured grandmaster crystal sales. Cause as it stands players will not be able to attain the new heroes for weeks/months after their release with their 5* shards and have reduced chance to obtain them later on.
    Hence this will be yet another gap increase between spending players and grinding ones.

    I am not avare of what other plans you have towards 5* in future, how ever I believe everyone would agree that your player base would much rather keep the current system and simply have new 5* added in basic pool at the same time as 4*

    Lastly, from bottom of my heart, i just wanted to let you know that this yet again is a complete D**k move that has massively upset your player base, its almost as if you want us to give up on game.

    P.s - I highly recommend sacking the people who made the list of 18 basic heroes to be added in the crystal.

    P.p.s. But not before the intelectual who designed this plan and anyone who approved it.
  • DoomedNukeDoomedNuke Member Posts: 12
    What about the Sub-Feautred reel? Is that not happening anymore?
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    6 feature, 18 basic. 25% for feature.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,512 ★★★★★
    khehmist wrote: »
    Dagonelle wrote: »
    So the new featured crystal is just a new version of the basic crystal that costs 5000 shards more?

    What’s the point? The only way that the new featured crystal is better than the old one is if the old featured crystal had odds worse than 1 in 18 which is what the new one is. I’ve got to say I’m disappointed

    The original Featured Hero Crystal had one purpose, and that was because it was originally the only chance you had at a 5-Star Champion, and potentially meant that the Champion would never come around again. This has changed, and that means that this Crystal has run its course.

    5-Star Champions are coming to a place where they are now added to the regular Champion pool at the same consistency as other rarities.


    And it has zero to do with Apple's new rule on disclosing rates in drop boxes...

    Not really. The rate of the Featured has always been in favor of the Players. Estimated around 20%. Now it's about a 4% chance. There is no logic that supports the connection.

    That for the first time in MCOC history, Kabam has been clear about feature 5* drop rates at the same time as a transparency mandate from Apple has come out. That has an undeniable logic to it that has next to no chance of being a coincidence.

    As long as there are at least 3 worthwhile new champs in the subset of 6 and a couple above-average champs in the subset of 18 it won't be too much worse for the average player. The first set of champs is not strong enough to be worthwhile. For me, this problem would largely go away if they made the chances of better champs higher.

    The new crystal will be substantially worse for people that only wanted a specific feature champ and (however Kabam calculated drop rates) earned >20% feature drop rates in the old system (when we ran the numbers, my 13M alliance had an average success rate of about 13%). It's surprising that the new system seems to be hardest on the highest paying players.

    That's just conjecture and conspiracy. It's already been stated that they've had the plans in the works for some time, and that's how these things usually work either way.
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    edited January 2018
    I have serious question right here and need an answer.

    1) Will the new 5* Featured crystal has the same drop rate chance as in the basic 5* crystal but limited to only 24? Because that's what I think you guys are trying to do.
    2) Why the need to change the 5* Featured crystal? Nobody in the community said anything about the current 5* Featured crystal.
    3) Yes. The addition of new champs to the basic 5* champs pool is catching up but is that an enough reason to totally change the 5* Featured crystal? Why don't you guys slow down the addition? Why not add 3 new champs per month instead?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,426 Guardian
    The problem is once you get past a certain point a lot of the champions on that list become useless. For example, against mystic dispersion you’re not going to use a venompool? All a lot of us are asking is that you put in champions that are used a lot at the top end as well as the lower end of the game to make it fair for everyone...

    Aren't champions like Hawkeye and Doctor Octopus used even at the highest levels of the game? I'm ignoring the featured champs because those are not "optional" only the curated eighteen have any choice behind them.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    bloodyCain wrote: »
    I have serious question right here and need an answer.

    1) Will the new 5* Featured crystal has the same drop rate chance as in the basic 5* crystal but limited to only 24? Because that's what I think you guys are trying to do.

    Yes, every Champion in the 5-Star Featured Crystal will have exactly the same chance to drop from the Crystal.
  • ApacheApache Member Posts: 558 ★★
    Nerf the crystal just in time for thanos
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