Solution to Piloting Alliances in AW



  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    So, many valid points above and a lot of nit picking. Imo the focus should be on those actions that sway the game in your (and your alliance's) favor. Let's not derail this fully on the off chance they're actually paying attention. The little jabs back and forth only allow kabam to close another thread and pretend the problem doesn't exist.

    Also, the poster that talked about LoL clears and legend runs was dead on. I like the game, and I'd like to enjoy the competitive aspects of it... We just lost a war that looked like it was our 30 vs their 3-5. That's not fun. Going up thru gold tier, didn't really notice much of that. Once we got into the next tier, the login times for the other alliances we faced was pretty suspect. I'm not crazy enough to start screaming that's proof. But pay enough attention and you notice weird things.
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    This thread is hilarious. I know hundred of players, admins and officials and all of them share their accounts or play with someone else account. I think (let's say I'm 100% sure) that with exception of low level noobs, every single ally have some members sharing their accounts and maybe you don't even know (in case what we are reading in this post is not just hypocrisy). So be careful what you wish for and ask your members first!

    Still remember the time I've joined my first Ally: they didn't ask for prestige or good thumbs, they asked for my account credentials. I answered NO WAY at first, but then I gave my pswd to some trustful members.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    So you know many people that cheat. What's your point?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    All you're doing is outlining the reason it needs to be elevated to a more serious issue and dealt with.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    I agree. Cheating is cheating. There's no lesser way to break the rules.

    That's right @GroundedWisdom! Everything is black and white! Gray doesn't exit lol. I let my seven year old daughter spin my crystals sometimes and that's against the rules. I am expecting my permanent ban to come at any time now that I have admitted it on the forum.

    your account was not used by someone else in your alliance with another device.
    I let my husband and daughters play on my account at times but that is not account sharing.

    Technically, that is account sharing. The definition of account sharing is: more than one person playing on one account. You might not get punished for such a small infraction (I don't see how it could even be detected) but it is still technically against the rules.

    then ban me for it. I could honestly care less. But if I get banned for family playing on my tablet while I cook them dinner then everyone should be banned for downloading the game in the first place. Back to the real topic of account sharing it is cheating no matter how you look at it. i actually hope to see top alliances crash and burn and see reddit and facebook and line and clanhq flood with all the crying. What I want to see even more is a boycot till all the problems with the game are actually addressed and pilots not only banned by kabam but also by apple and google for breaking there tos by manipulation.

    It is not up to me to dole out punishment, but you can't just make up your own rules either. Claiming that account sharing is when someone else in your alliance pilots your account on another device is just making stuff up. Making stuff up like that is exactly how the people who account share justify their account sharing. The excuse is always that it is technically a problem but not really because reasons, or it is only a "real" problem if it happens under the circumstances they make up.

    For example, the most common excuse I hear for account sharing justification is that it is the only way for players to consistently complete Map 6 while still "having a life." That excuse is totally meaningless not because it is Map 6 and not because of the tier of the player, but simply because it is just making stuff up. There's no rule that says account sharing is okay if you think it is necessary to have a life.

    Sure, trivial cases are trivial, and I don't particularly care if Kabam spends any time pursing them or punishing them. But that doesn't mean it is *justified*. If you can justify it, so can anyone else, and you then have no leg to stand on claiming Kabam should do more.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    "we couldn't get these awesome rewards all these years unless we cheated" is what it always comes down to.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    Basically. The same, old justification. "So many people do it they won't deal with it.". Just as infuriating as it is arrogant. Which is exactly why it needs to be dealt with.
  • MattScottMattScott Member Posts: 587 ★★
    I agree. Being a former officer in a top ally. I had the login info for all my BG. It was cheating then, and what was done by a high profile person lately is also cheating. If i had been caught, i would have understood the ban. Think about how many Mercs have done ROL, LOL, arena, legend runs, and war fights. Just because someone owned up to it does not mean they should be punished less. A ban is deserved.
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  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    We can all agree that account sharing is something that needs to be dealt with. It is affecting the integrity of the most competitve content Kabam has to offer. I'm just hoping Kabam will really look through and see the root causes/violators of account sharing and take their time to figure out the best way to handle a delicate situation.
  • beyonder8421beyonder8421 Member Posts: 881 ★★★
    I think we are preaching to the converted here. Kabam already said they do not allow it, yet we know it's all over the game. Perhaps they are working on it.

    On the other hand @IceHeartBlack if I could get most of my money back from them it would be a sweet christmas :p
    But the easy way out for them is to say you cheated. And you will have no proof, and they will say they have and close the ticket :p

    I am sure Kabam is doing something about this all the time, but we never hear or read about it because it is not public information.

    Having said that, they may be short of people to ban account sharing activities. We all know allianceS that do this. This is widely spread. I do what I can with the "report user" button, but there is no way of specifying why I am reporting. And opening support tickets is also mysterious as they will not tell you how it ended (because is private).

    They should be more proactive and automatize the thing. I am sure they kind of have something like this, and they probably stopped relying on it because of the many different scenarios specified in this thread).

    So yeah, they should be more proactive... or I can give them the number of my bank account for the refunds :)
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  • MattScottMattScott Member Posts: 587 ★★
    I think we are preaching to the converted here. Kabam already said they do not allow it, yet we know it's all over the game. Perhaps they are working on it.

    On the other hand @IceHeartBlack if I could get most of my money back from them it would be a sweet christmas :p
    But the easy way out for them is to say you cheated. And you will have no proof, and they will say they have and close the ticket :p

    I am sure Kabam is doing something about this all the time, but we never hear or read about it because it is not public information.

    Having said that, they may be short of people to ban account sharing activities. We all know allianceS that do this. This is widely spread. I do what I can with the "report user" button, but there is no way of specifying why I am reporting. And opening support tickets is also mysterious as they will not tell you how it ended (because is private).

    They should be more proactive and automatize the thing. I am sure they kind of have something like this, and they probably stopped relying on it because of the many different scenarios specified in this thread).

    So yeah, they should be more proactive... or I can give them the number of my bank account for the refunds :)

    I have very strong opinions against sharing Accounts which is obvious to everyone who reads what I post. I played marvel war of heroes for years, I was in a top 5 raid alliance, I spent enough to buy a new car. Everyone had everyones login details, 3rd party apps were used, top 3 alliances used emulators and bots. Had a player steal our raid deck which the entire alliance paid for and was not cheap at all. The same player was able to steal funds from several others paypal accounts. Yes we were able to get our money back.
    Point being account sharing is not only cheating but by others having access to your login details they also get access to whatever you have linked to your account like paypal or other bank info.
    That game was shut down due to the developer and parent companies failing to take action to prevent cheating within the top 150 alliances, sales of accounts, sales of "digital content" between players for money....
    This game is getting really close to being a mirror image and as some many say it doesn't affect them as they are honest players but it actually does with rank rewards for aq and aw and arena over a period of 3 years.

    I agree that account sharing is the worst problem in the game. And like the PED scandal in cycling, or in baseball. Everyone knows it’s going on, and everyone is doing it. Just kind of turning a blind eye. And in the most competitive place (AW) unfortunately piloting was going in to keep up. If you weren’t piloting, you would automatically lose to an ally that was. So the answer, we pilot too. Obviously not everyone like i said early. But it is rampant.

    They had an opportunity to set a strong example. And then they whiffed. BIG TIME
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    There's also the possibility that respecting that individual's anonymity was a factor. Had it been a ban, people would have pieced together who it was immediately. The only one that waived it was the individual.
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    There's also the possibility that respecting that individual's anonymity was a factor. Had it been a ban, people would have pieced together who it was immediately. The only one that waived it was the individual.

    You should forfeit all anonymity when you violate the terms of service... an example should have been made.
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  • MattScottMattScott Member Posts: 587 ★★
    edited February 2018
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    so, if i am a famous youtuber, i can cheat all i want and i will never get banned because if i do get banned, everyone will know, and then it will be a violation of my privacy/anonimity. correct?

    Absolutely, they could have taken something that was made public and made an example that would make people who are guilty think twice but Instead a slap on the wrist so now people who are guilty feel like there will be no consequences and for those who are worried are trying to sell there accounts and switching to new accounts or alt accounts.

    And i agree 100% with this. The non punishment isn’t as big of a deal as the precident it sets as lieniency for the sharers to keep sharing
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    edited February 2018
    You guys are exaggerating what I'm saying and this whole situation is becoming exaggerated altogether. I didn't say it's acceptable for anyone, and I didn't imply that it's allowed if you're a part of the Program. I said it may have been a factor, totally speculation on my part. For whatever reason, they felt the action they took equaled the level of transgression. We also have to look at the fact that he was honest and upfront about it. It's not acceptable for anyone to cheat. I think people are getting way too hung up on this individual personally rather than looking at the situation. They're not going to crucify someone publicly to set an example. What I mean by anonymity is there was an update to the Post on the Program that indicated what happened, and they respected their identity. He's the one who put it on blast. Whether or not his identity went into the decision for action or not, I have no idea. People are so hung up on this one person that we are losing sight of the real issue. It's not about what came out of his case, although he has a cockiness about it. It's that this case serves to bring the problem more to the forefront. I don't care what they decided with him. My only hope is that it serves to highlight the larger issue of Account Sharing so that it can be addressed more seriously.
  • MattScottMattScott Member Posts: 587 ★★
    @GroundedWisdom no. The problem is the example it sets for the community. It gives the impression that they don’t care.

    While we talk about piloting. I can’t believe they didn’t look into the act 5 times. Hmmm. Maybe check the device ID that was used. How many in the top 100 were from the same device?

    Again. They don’t care.
  • FingerPicknGoodFingerPicknGood Member Posts: 44
    While I understand what drives people to share accounts - I left an ally running map 6 and don’t care to ever do it again - doesn’t change the fact that even just logging in to move someone to eat up their energy violates TOS.

    So, I decided “no mas”. I’ve also decided if I need a break I’ll just take one. Easy. One nice side effect is that I’ll just never ever give people my credentials again. And I’ve noticed that since I found a crew that also sees things this way - that map 6 is just too much effort - there’s really no reason for any of us to pilot. If someone runs into a “serious life situation”, then it’s time for that person to take a break. This has happened for a few people already, and you know what - the turnover has been good for us. The people who are there are ready to play, and aren’t so sour on “the grind”, because the burned out have left the building. So this enforcement may have some positive benefits, beyond just cracking down on outright cheating.

    Thus, I think some automation could be put in place - but that work has just not been prioritized. This is a solvable problem - not an easy one - but a solvable one that shouldn’t require manual intervention.

    Punishment doesn’t need to be severe. Once you’ve identified that the person has clearly violated TOS, it could just simply force the next login after you sign out of the “other account” to take... 24 hours. Or just block people from AQ and AW for 24 hours. Enough to make people say “meh, not worth it”.
  • MattScottMattScott Member Posts: 587 ★★
    Right. Even a temporary ban would work. 2 days banned. The alliance if running map 6 or competitive war would kick them.

    And that little deterrent would be enough to stop everyone.
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    MattScott wrote: »
    @GroundedWisdom no. The problem is the example it sets for the community. It gives the impression that they don’t care.

    While we talk about piloting. I can’t believe they didn’t look into the act 5 times. Hmmm. Maybe check the device ID that was used. How many in the top 100 were from the same device?

    Again. They don’t care.

    THIS!!!! This right here sums it up. They have the means to detect it, but want the big fish to keep on spending! So they turn a blind eye. Pretty messed up.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    edited February 2018
    Okay, I'm out. I'm talking about Sharing. Not one specific case that some have a hate on for. What they do or do not do to him doesn't solve the larger problem. Obviously people just want to see him hang. That won't solve Account Sharing.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    The more we go on about him, the further we get from the real issue. It becomes less about the real problem and more about personal resentment.
    An example is only good if it serves to highlight the larger issue. The real problem is not exclusive to him. It's been going on for years now. He's just a magnifier of the real issue. The real issue is that Piloting/Sharing is rampant in higher Allies, and it needs to stop. Not as a "mild problem" or gentle warning. It needs to be abruptly addressed. The amount of time it's been going on has robbed honest people of honest Rewards, and people doing double-time to maintain a position are not playing fairly. Simple as that. It really doesn't matter what they do in his case. People won't stop at that. Most people don't even pay attention to him at certain levels. The most important thing this example can do is bring it to another level of discussion and awareness so that it can be looked at more seriously. At the very least, there was an honest admission and the acknowledgement that it is indeed against the rules because believe it or not, some people are still being led to believe that it is allowed and it is acceptable. More than that, mandatory. Which is just manipulative and cavalier. No, the issue is not him. It's much, much deeper.
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  • ScottLangScottLang Member Posts: 149
    Honestly map 6 and other aspects are tottaly workable if you create a schedule for it, problem is people pilot aq because they are too lazy to work out an effective path setup for example the two sections that are the most crucial are section 1 and 3 have you looked at the nodes in section 2? Most are so stupid i swear the link is on them just to fool you into not hitting it like the bleed path in section 2, there’s literally a link to a bleed node that adds bleed lol. You send the early morning players down paths 1, 9, and 10 in section 3 and its completely workable without pilots. As for war im sure this whole seasons thing was a way to offset alliance swapping which im sure it has, but offering great rewards is gonna cause a frenzy and cause people to pilot just for those rewards soon enough it will just be a war of pilot vs pilot which where is the fun in that for the rest of the members, id rather lose a war then do that cause its far more fun to celebrate a win with everyone when they have all contributed
  • Zeke_the_XbotZeke_the_Xbot Member Posts: 456 ★★★
    edited February 2018
    Jaffacaked wrote: »
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Tjk602 wrote: »
    Mike or adora, can you respond and acknowledge this is an issue? I also submitted a ticket and have video showing alliance piloting. These piloting alliance should be disqualified from season rewards


    If you've witnessed suspected cheating in game, submitting a support ticket is appreciated. We take violations of the terms of service seriously and will investigate the situation. But keep in mind, we will not discuss any actions taken with third parties. So you will not be updated on the status of your report.

    Unless your then you can participate in account sharing multiple times with no repercussions

    Not supposed to call out specific players in the forums check the rules.

    Also these threads are really quite meaningless. Unless you have a degree in computer science and or game design and development most aren't qualified to even remotely speculate how they could implement a practical solution to stop piloting and account sharing.

    The only way they could realistically stop sharing is to make the game sprint-able. What does that mean well basically no limits on energy, and no recharge timers, basically infinite energy to move as much as possible. Players could than sit down for an hour or 2 or split it up into sections to clear maps in AQ, AW would need to remove linked nodes so no one would be reliant on someone else to move to clear their path, same could also work for AQ. This would be all well and good however the flaw is that this removes the team work aspect of the game modes in a big way by not requiring any coordination with fellow alliance members.

    Perhaps a more practical solution could also be to simply reduce the amount of nodes AQ and AW maps have thus reducing the energy total needed to complete. This would mean more time can be spent away from the game while still being able to manage the maps. As an example imagine how much time players could take back for themselves if AQ maps were restructured to 2 sections max and points adjusted accordingly. I get the design philosophy about the harder maps but the more dedicated players may also have obligations outside of the game.

    Lots of complaining no solid practical solutions provided, and there is apparently no good reason anyone could possibly have to give for why they needed a bud to help them with the game while they were busy.
  • Zeke_the_XbotZeke_the_Xbot Member Posts: 456 ★★★
    Also let me pose this question to you how would deal with those that played for and completed other players content with out exchanging login info but had access to a device already logged with the account? Figure that answer and solution out and you may just be on to a real solution for piloting.
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