Infinity Dungeons Discussion Thread



  • SeaniboySeaniboy Member Posts: 21
    Seaniboy wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike my prestige is 5,507 why do I not have the 7.5k milestone? Is the bracket higher? This should have been in the announcements.

    An alliance member has a 5,505 prestige and has the 7.5k milestone. My prestige, total rating are higher than his, I’m a Howling Commando and they are not, I’ve beaten Act 5 and they haven’t. I’m at a lost as to why I wouldn’t have the milestone.
  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    Do you have to play with the same partner each time or can you rotate among your alliance.

    You don't have to play with the same partner each time you play Dungeons!

    @Ad0ra_ the dungeon chat works about as well as regular alliance chat (hopelessly broken and unusable) and what's the point of posting yet another complaint on your suggestions section when we've been complaining about how broken chat is for months? 50/50 the message goes through, 50/50 if you can read your own messages without restarting MCOC multiple times, 50/50 the intended recipient of your message see's the message without restarting MCOC. All things related to chat in the game is and has been utterly broken and useless for months that anyone who actually played the game would know. There's a good reason why everyone is required to use a 3rd party chat client to play this game. So I wouldn't say that DUNGEON chat is broken. ALL chat related functions are broken and dungeon chat probably works as well as the rest of MCOC chat.
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  • AspareAspare Member Posts: 76
    Sir_Fuego1 wrote: »
    So let me get this straight......Joe Schmooo who has $500 can have a 5 star OG Vis. That makes him qualified to have a 5 star. However, my 5200 prestige acct is not capable of handling top tier 5 star rewards in the dungeons???? You have got to be kidding me!!! MONEY TALKS I GUESS.

    He’s 100% correct. This is the image kabam is giving itself at the moment. I have a higher base hero rating then almost all my buddies that have access to buy the 5 star hero crystal... I have 2 if not 3x the amount of 4 stars and ranked 5/50 4 stars than them... I’ve even spent a good amount of money to buy FGMC i purchased about 60 of the Void gmc crystals oh and guess what... the 5 star I got was a She Hulk... why would I rank up a garbage tier 5 star? That’s a waste of resources. Kabam claims that they set this up in a way for early on players to not get champs too powerful and to keep the game balanced but the way I see it is that this only helps 2 types of players... ones that spend a insane amount in the game and can buy themselves prestige or ones that have just had really good luck with 5 star crystals.... this format kabam is using is actually making the game even more unbalanced. The top players scale even higher with these amazing new rewards only available to them while the majority of us hard working players stuck in middle tier fall even more behind because we are stuck receiving another dupe 4 star that isn’t going to help us progress
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Why are the dungeons ending 12 hours from now when they only started 8 hours ago? Is it meant to be 24 hr or 20 hour duration ?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Love the dungeon so far. Really great job on this. Sounds like a lot of people that can't get the last milestone ought to be able to. Anyone that beat act 5 is at a level of progression to handle the champs lol. Not complaining for myself, I have all the milestones available, but reading through the thread it looks like there are valid complaints. Also the chat is hit or miss for me. Works perfectly or not at all.
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Well,Atleast give us prestige clueless people,someway to learn our prestige IN-GAME
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @charaderdude2 don't know why but they won't do that. Prestige calculators are easy to use though. Or you can drop your masteries and get the average pi of your top 5 champs.
  • PeytonMariePeytonMarie Member Posts: 51
    Well,Atleast give us prestige clueless people,someway to learn our prestige IN-GAME

    Use a prestige calculator. Or chq.
  • PeytonMariePeytonMarie Member Posts: 51
    IanMoone89 wrote: »
    This is complete absurd and cant believe you would stoop so low just to milk us, have you no shame at all.

    Especially if Hyperion is on it, wiped out my entire team without me even getting a change to deal damage

    Logically you would remove that node so it isn't there.
  • PeytonMariePeytonMarie Member Posts: 51
    Hi I am kinda worried I left my alliance because I could not deal with the extra pressure of having to come online when needed but now I learn that to get the specific dungeon resources like revives I need to be in an alliance.

    Join a relaxed alliance.
  • edited April 2018
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  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    gohard123 wrote: »
    Why are the dungeons ending 12 hours from now when they only started 8 hours ago? Is it meant to be 24 hr or 20 hour duration ?

    Could I get an answer to this @Kabam Miike, those 4 hours make a whole lot of difference for me since it starts at 0:00 my time. I have to work so I cant possibly grind before leaving for work and by the time I am done I only have 2 hours before it resets. However if it is 24 hr that I would have 6 hours to hit the milestones
  • Er_DandyEr_Dandy Member Posts: 1
    Dr_Physico wrote: »
    Are there different milestone "settings" and what do they depend on?
    Some colleagues have the fifth (last) milestone at 7500 points, while in my account the fifth is at 5000 points (and less dust, artifacts & gold).

    There are brackets to the Milestones. More experienced players will see higher Milestone thresholds than players that do not have as strong Rosters.

    I know this isn't what you'd like to hear, but this is done to ensure that we maintain an appropriate level of progress for players, and not to overload newer players with Champions and Items that they cannot use yet, or are too powerful for their current progression.

    So please explain me this:
    New players with 1 and 2 stars champions was able to get a 5 star just grinding but me with rank 3 5 stars just because I am unlucky with those 5 stars crystals and just pull **** champions from that crystal can only redeem 4 stars crystal and I have to grind for almost 50 days
    This is just bullshits, Kabam keep your **** together.
  • Ins1DeOUTIns1DeOUT Member Posts: 2
    When do the Dungeon Milestones Reset?? Is it Every day??
  • edited April 2018
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  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    Well done Kabam. I like the level of difficulty, I like the rewards, and even more importantly, you have brought usefulness to most of my unused roster. This is a big win in my book. Chat is a bit glitchy, but it's fine and for the most part, don't need to chat.
  • NomarigerolNomarigerol Member Posts: 159
    the tchat doesn't work, I can't speak to my teammate
  • Filippo1971Filippo1971 Member Posts: 33
    ok, we have 12 min to end a room, but what about from one room to another? Can I stop and continue 1h later or do I have to do it immediately, meaning that, If I'm able to do, for example, 5 rooms, I'm forced to play without interruption 1 hour?
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    ok, we have 12 min to end a room, but what about from one room to another? Can I stop and continue 1h later or do I have to do it immediately, meaning that, If I'm able to do, for example, 5 rooms, I'm forced to play without interruption 1 hour?

    I think you have 7 minutes to decide if you’ll continue or not.
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  • Thestoryteller6Thestoryteller6 Member Posts: 153 ★★
    Dr_Physico wrote: »
    Are there different milestone "settings" and what do they depend on?
    Some colleagues have the fifth (last) milestone at 7500 points, while in my account the fifth is at 5000 points (and less dust, artifacts & gold).

    There are brackets to the Milestones. More experienced players will see higher Milestone thresholds than players that do not have as strong Rosters.

    I know this isn't what you'd like to hear, but this is done to ensure that we maintain an appropriate level of progress for players, and not to overload newer players with Champions and Items that they cannot use yet, or are too powerful for their current progression.

    Sigh. You know, I really try to be supportive because I understand you're in a tough position, but surely you must realise this makes no sense at all.

    What exactly is the problem with "overloading newer players with champions and items they cannot use yet?" They would just sit in their stash and quietly expire. There's no burden to the player.

    As for "being too powerful for their current progression", surely the whole point on an event like this is to allow players to get more powerful.

    I mean think about it right, this is the equivalent of Kabam handing your MD 100,000 dollars, but giving you 5, not because you have fewer responsibilities, not because you work less hard or are less talented, but because he doesn't want to overburden you with all that money, or make you too rich for your current progression.
  • EddiefilEddiefil Member Posts: 11
    Parthyzan wrote: »
    Dr_Physico wrote: »
    Are there different milestone "settings" and what do they depend on?
    Some colleagues have the fifth (last) milestone at 7500 points, while in my account the fifth is at 5000 points (and less dust, artifacts & gold).

    There are brackets to the Milestones. More experienced players will see higher Milestone thresholds than players that do not have as strong Rosters.

    I know this isn't what you'd like to hear, but this is done to ensure that we maintain an appropriate level of progress for players, and not to overload newer players with Champions and Items that they cannot use yet, or are too powerful for their current progression.

    This is not fair. I'm uncollected for a long time, i have completed Nameless Guillotine, have 6* heroe, multiple R4 5*s, and not enough experienced for the last reward? I'm not allowed to get the highest possible reward with 500k rating? Are you serious? This is completely unacceptable.... This is the biggest **** what you ever done with this game....

    Didn't you hear Mike? It's to prevent "brand new summoners" from getting stuff such as the 5* hero crystal, your out of luck since your "brand new" according to Kabam.
  • Thestoryteller6Thestoryteller6 Member Posts: 153 ★★
    Dr_Physico wrote: »
    Are there different milestone "settings" and what do they depend on?
    Some colleagues have the fifth (last) milestone at 7500 points, while in my account the fifth is at 5000 points (and less dust, artifacts & gold).

    There are brackets to the Milestones. More experienced players will see higher Milestone thresholds than players that do not have as strong Rosters.

    I know this isn't what you'd like to hear, but this is done to ensure that we maintain an appropriate level of progress for players, and not to overload newer players with Champions and Items that they cannot use yet, or are too powerful for their current progression.

    You know, we're not even asking for free stuff here. We're just asking for an opportunity, not a handout. How would you like to be told that you don't deserve a chance because kabam doesn't want to over burden you with responsibility, or take the risk that you will become too powerful for your progression?
  • 22kahle22kahle Member Posts: 1
    @Kabam Miike Can you try to also take summoner level into what dark artifact crystals we can buy because I am level 42 and can only see 3 stars because I only have one 4 star because premium crystals have such a low chance at getting 4 stars. I think most people would like to see higher crystals if they have been playing for a long time and not getting good becaise of terrible odds of getting good champions.
  • HiapeindexHiapeindex Member Posts: 18
    Kabam- you have made it much easier to walk away. Uncollected, 2 r4 5*, 10 t2a waiting to be used, full t4 catalysts overflowing because of bad crystal luck and you think I’m not worthy ofobtaining a better chance at better 5* for this the celebration event for marvel Studios biggest film release to date? Its a stiff middle finger to the three and a half years of serious playing and commitment to the game and my alliance. You are the worst ambassadors that marvel could ever hope for.

    Get off your high horses and let this be a level playing ground instead of having so many points of control of players progression. Already issues with
    t1a availability,
    t2a abailability,
    rng on every crystal,
    gold shortage,
    prestige rank up requirements forced by alliances to chase the mythical prestige beast you guys created,
    Now you start controlling what summoners that have beaten most of your hardest content because one metric doesn’t look high enough to your amazingly trained eyes?

    Na I’m done. You’re absolutely despicable.
  • SuperFarzSuperFarz Member Posts: 166
    I see people are getting confused. From what I see there are 2 cutoffs. One cutoff from being able to see the 5* chrystal and another cutoff for the highest milestone in dungeon. It’s just unfortunate that no information is available on the requirements. Event however is fun and well made ( except chat). However whatever the cutoff is the people just below it will be mad and frustrated. As usual time is needed to grow your account so for the next time you will be hopefully qualified.
  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    Dr_Physico wrote: »
    Are there different milestone "settings" and what do they depend on?
    Some colleagues have the fifth (last) milestone at 7500 points, while in my account the fifth is at 5000 points (and less dust, artifacts & gold).

    There are brackets to the Milestones. More experienced players will see higher Milestone thresholds than players that do not have as strong Rosters.

    I know this isn't what you'd like to hear, but this is done to ensure that we maintain an appropriate level of progress for players, and not to overload newer players with Champions and Items that they cannot use yet, or are too powerful for their current progression.

    Sigh. You know, I really try to be supportive because I understand you're in a tough position, but surely you must realise this makes no sense at all.

    What exactly is the problem with "overloading newer players with champions and items they cannot use yet?" They would just sit in their stash and quietly expire. There's no burden to the player.

    As for "being too powerful for their current progression", surely the whole point on an event like this is to allow players to get more powerful.

    I mean think about it right, this is the equivalent of Kabam handing your MD 100,000 dollars, but giving you 5, not because you have fewer responsibilities, not because you work less hard or are less talented, but because he doesn't want to overburden you with all that money, or make you too rich for your current progression.

    Have to agree with this. I know a lot of peeps have been grinding for years, but you need to allow people to catch up somehow. Throw them a bone.
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