Infinity Dungeons Discussion Thread



  • Dr_PhysicoDr_Physico Member Posts: 58
    There's a problem with the team selection, it interferes with all other game modes like arena, aq, aw, story, monthly quest.

    I just was in a monthly quest with 5 champs, took a break there to do a dungeon, then kept moving in the quest. At the end, I clicked "repeat" and guess what, now I'm in the quest not with the 5 champs I just finished, but with the 3 champs I was in dungeon.
    Also saw the preselection in the other modes.
  • The_GrandmasterThe_Grandmaster Member Posts: 205
    It was so stupid to launch this event without having the chat working! it makes it magnitudes harder and less fun, Get to work on fixing the CHAT WTF!!!!
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    The biggest problem is that with a prestige cap as high as this, it’s literally all luck. A 4* max prestige is 4800 (I believe thanos is the highest prestige but correct me if I’m wrong) regardless, no 4* 5/50 is above 5500 prestige. That means you have to get lucky, 150 people get the arena 5* which are usually the same crowd, those already above 5500. You have to hope you’re lucky with a basic crystal, or lucky with an old feature crystal before you got rid of them. 5* rank 3’s don’t even make it there, so someone could have 50 5*, but still be considered a new summoner.

    Kabam have said that “We don't want brand new summoners getting carried to 5-Star Champions”, after making an arena for 1 and 2* champions to get a 5*. It’s ridiculous and I’m not even affected by it.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 3,969 ★★★★★
    I've read the announcement a few times and had my brain blasted by all the forum posts so forgive this stupid post.

    Let me know if I've got it right.

    I grab an alliance member of approximate roster, we choose 3 champs each and move through the dungeon. After beating a room we can either quit (and take whatever rewards) or continue on (with same teams) until we are unable to finish.

    We collect rewards for every completed room. We have a cooldown time on the teams used to this point.

    Can we then re-enter immediately with different teams, starting from the beginning and collect the same rewards up until we cannot finish?

    Can we just keep going, using as much of the roster as we can? Are the rewards capped at some point where there is no point re-entering?

    Thanks in advance for the bunch of lols I expect this post to attract :wink:

  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,316 ★★★★★
    I got stuck on the decision page after I hit "next room." Like a dummy, I sat there for a few minutes and typing in chat that I couldn't get off the page. Apparently my partner killed himself trying to clear the path of the next room. Leaving the dungeon mode, going to home page, and then going back into dungeons fixed it and I was able to join in.

    I think exact steps were that I hit next room, went to check on my partner's health and then I got stuck there.
  • WorldWarWilliamWorldWarWilliam Member Posts: 27
    When is matchmaking going live for this?
  • PaddiePaddie Member Posts: 28
    Have had some issues activating specials in dungeons - no nodes to prevent this. Anyone else?
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Well these are really telling me who in my alliance are just terrible at this game. Losing rewards because your partner is an idiot is just awful.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 3,969 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018

  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    I really dont think this event is fun. It is very time consuming.I wont do it
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    @Kabam DK @Kabam Miike when both players champs are dead there seems to be no way to end the quest early. We've had to wait for the dungeon to timeout which is a really annoying lol.

    Not sure if we've missed it but quite a few people who I've spoken to also can't find an option to exit quest.
  • KarinshiKarinshi Member Posts: 280 ★★
    bug reporting :
    1- you can't see your partner's team's health while he/she is fighting.
    2- you will get stuck in the lobby -the one between rooms- if you hit [next room] then the icon that show you your current team health(and your partner). What will happen is your partner will go to next room and you will wait in the lobby for infinite time, unless you restart the game or went back to game's home screen then go back in. @TheLegend27 got that problem as well apparently (same as I did)
    3- chat not working
    4- there are no quit button if you failed, you have to wait for the time to run out
  • UltimatheoryUltimatheory Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    Dungeon Feedback:
    1. There needs to be a way to end a dungeon or leave the dungeon party without having to wait for the timer to expire. If you go to the dungeon screen through the friends list while in an active dungeon and click exit party on the top left corner of the screen the game simply crashes.

    2. It's been 2 days and it already feels like a repetitive grind with minimal payoff. I'm not a fan of the milestones being something you have to hit every single day, perhaps you could make them weekly so that we can work on them when we actually feel like playing or can lineup a time to play with a friend. I can see this mode becoming just another thing you have to do every day and it's still very early, there must be a way to change up the structure so it doesn't feel so grindy.

    3. The milestones being based on prestige was a really bad idea because as you yourself said it doesn't work well when used as a measuring stick for player progression. You can have a multi-year veteran with lower prestige than a player with under a year playtime simply based on champion rank up choices and champion pull RNG. There are many better ways to determine the progression of an account such as level, highest ranked champion, furthest quest completed, being uncollected, event quest completion, etc. so they should be used instead of prestige.

    4. This seems like the perfect mode to address the gold shortage problem since it would give players a reason to play dungeons after hitting the milestones and it's already set up with increasing difficulty which could be matched with increasing gold rewards based on how far you can get.

    5. Chat is a mess as you are well aware, extremely important for the mode to work but once it's fixed it shouldn't be an issue.

    This is pretty much exactly the feedback I was going to give. Perfect post.

    Milestones need to be extended to at minimum 3 days. 24 hours is too short for this type of game mode. It just becomes grindy.

    Prestige is a bad way to limit progress in this mode. If someone with a lower roster wants to grind their heads off to get better rewards then let them. They deserve it. This is coming from a 7k+ prestige player. Time and effort should be rewarded.

    All the other points were spot on. Also, I'm surprised no one else has brought up the gold in the milestones. This is a welcome addition and actually helps out a lot.
  • DaveDaDudeDaveDaDude Member Posts: 18
    Anybody know how long you can be in the waiting screen before starting the next room? It could be very possible that 1 of the 2 people need to step away for 15-30 min, 1 hour or longer before starting the next room. It would be horrible to stop progress and cash out early. Not everyone can clear 1-2 hours straight to play.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    ArmandStar wrote: »
    now seriously:
    forgive the ignorance but i've never cared for prestige. how do i know my prestige? i heard it's a combination of the total PI of my 5 champs with the highest PI , is this correct?
    and from what i understand, it's a combination of base PI, but the PI we see includes bonus points from masteries and who knows what else, and there's no way to see base PI of a champion. is there no way to check without using external apps or resetting all my masteries?

    @ArmandStar it's the average PI of your top 5 champs without masteries. You can drop your masteries and your prestige or you can use a prestige calculator.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Already used champs should move to the bottom, just as they do in arena. Right now it’s cluthered and takes a lot of time to see which champs I can use. Since I can’t sort them on availability, I can’t check which set of champs is the first to come back either (not unless I click them all).

    For some reason, my quest team gets changed into the dungeon team when I hit “replay” at the end of the quest. Visually it looks like my normal team at first, until I move, then it shows I’m using 3 champs only, the once I used in my last dungeon. Very annoying, as it takes my energy away like this. (And we all know we need as much energy as we can get.)
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    It also needs a “leave” option. Right now we need to wait for the timer to run out when we die.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    When should the new lv6 dungeon points take affect
  • ninexhelixninexhelix Member Posts: 136
    Thanks for addressing the prestige issue Kabam, now how about that chat?
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    I give credit when it's due and the update is spot on. Thank you kabam for the changes
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,869 ★★★★
    When should the new lv6 dungeon points take affect

    According to the message, it should kick in with the dungeon that starts tomorrow
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    There's a ton of good points in here - and I too think the prestige cutoff at 5500 is ridiculous. 525k, playing since day 1, led alliances, finished in Plat 3, top 300 AQ, completed all end game content (minus 100% LoL) and up till last month had 3 God tier5* R4s.

    Thank God I got lucky opened up a feature a 6* worth taking him to R2 otherwise I probably wouldn't have had the 7500 milestone either - which is utterly ridiculous.

    Now, I do wanna say something to the people saying Uncollected should be the line in the sand. I disagree, and only because of the sheer number of people bragging about beating Uncollected with 4/40s or after playing for only 3 months. Or just the large number of people who spent way too much money beating it by the skin of their teeth and now find all subsequent uncollected difficulty too difficult.

    All those brag posts are like the community shooting themselves in the foot honestly. Kabam now knows that uncollected cannot be the line in the sand it had originally intended on being, and probably why it's not the cutoff for the 7500 milestone bracket. I don't agree with the 5500 requirement but can see it from their perspective why uncollected isn't a viable marker either (for whatever reason they decided on markers to begin with which I also disagree with)

  • Cats73Cats73 Member Posts: 314
    I kinda agree with what you said @roastedbagel ...I'm just kinda salty that I'm uncollected, 100% the last uncollected event(will do it again this month), and can't even see the 5* crystals lol.
  • JasonMBryantJasonMBryant Member Posts: 301 ★★
    My thoughts.

    I enjoy the dungeons! It's a nice way to play the game. I like the interaction with a friend. There are a few issues, though.


    Teams: It messes up teams in other parts of the game. When I start an arena, it defaults to my last dungeon team. Same thing when I start an event quest. Even if I *finish* an event quest and hit "replay", it starts me off with the three champs I had in the dungeon instead of the team I just beat the boss with.

    Chat: Every time I play a dungeon, the chat window goes back to global chat. Please make it save which chat window was open before the dungeon crawl and restore it afterwards.


    Ingame emails: Please stop sending me an email every time I finish a dungeon. I know I finished a dungeon.

    The grinding problem: I feel like I'm constantly having to hound my teammates to do dungeons so I can hit the milestones. This isn't bad now, but it will get old by the end of the month, just like it did in the Ragnarok event. Even ignoring that, it's adding up to a lot of time a day to get the milestones. If some version of this becomes a permanent feature, I'd prefer it be something that is limited to three times a day, similar to how the current event makes you pick your difficulty, but limits your entries. Combined with regular play and arena grinding, there's a chance of burnout if there are too incentives to continually play.

  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    so far this event seems like a major hassle. So far I have teamed up with people who only wanted to do a room or 2 and bail which cost me some good champs to now be locked. Had people who wouldn't communicate and just did whatever they wanted. and not to mention the endless conversations of people just trying to find partners to play a dungeon with. This is going to be a long month full of aggravation. And btw I don't know why Kabam has to be so secretive about the PI of the teams in each dungeon and how much point they award. Someone from the community will figure all this out and post it for us all to know eventually so it makes no sense for Kabam to not do it first. Overall I was hyped for this event but after 1 day of playing it I am now thinking it will be just another disappointment

    so time consuming, and for what in the end ? 27k dark artifacts seem unreachable unless you play everyday like your life depends on it, and as for the the infinity dust meh, the other way to win it seem easier

    You can theoretically get 3 5* crystals throughout the month doing it all. I'll plan on 2 and be happy

    How do you figure ?? If I get one I'd be lucky

    5* crystal is 27,000
    If you have a high enough prestige, maximum number of dark artifacts is 1,950 from daily milestones.
    Event runs 42 days

    42 * 1,950 = 81,900 dark artifacts
    81,900 / 27,000 = 3.03333333333 crystals

    If you miss even ONE day of this horribly designed and broken game mode you are already out. Can't handle wasting that much time in this bug-fest of constant swapping between Line and MCOC. It's gonna burn out a LOT of people who were already banking on 3 crystals. I'm already planning ahead to only shoot for 2 since something will happen during these 42 days that will screw you over 1 day and miss the cutoff. 2 Emergency maintenances to fix all the problems introduced in the next maintenance will likely screw over thousands of people and miss 1 day :)

  • JasonMBryantJasonMBryant Member Posts: 301 ★★
    BDLH wrote: »
    If you miss even ONE day of this horribly designed and broken game mode you are already out.

    No, if you miss one day then you get 2 5* crystals and a bunch of other stuff.
  • jp2835jp2835 Member Posts: 147
    Why I'm not getting 6th milestone at 7.5k even I'm at 4200+ prestige ??
  • jp2835jp2835 Member Posts: 147
    It's been 3 days since the dungeon started
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    Infinity Dungeon is the best new game mode! Eventhough it gets difficult as you progressing forward in the dungeon, it's challenging which something that almost all players are seeking for quite sometimes. Not saying that the current modes aren't interesting but players seems wanna have a mode to play together with their friends.
    You don't need to use your best champs everyday to get those rewards. You still can use your top 3* champs when you run out of 4*, 5* and 6* champs to use. Would love to see this type of game mode again in the near future
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    jp2835 wrote: »
    It's been 3 days since the dungeon started
    jp2835 wrote: »
    Why I'm not getting 6th milestone at 7.5k even I'm at 4200+ prestige ??

    Read the updated thread about changes an you will get your answers
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