Infinity Dungeons Discussion Thread



  • HuonuoHuonuo Member Posts: 42
    First the Dungeon mode is a fun mode and a valid effort on trying to make this game a bit more interesting. But just with every new game mode, Kabam always finds way to show how they are out of touch with their player base.
    1. Does any of designers actually play dungeon to get all the milestones? The milestones are way time consuming to the extend of unrealistic, you need paying players, but if you keep us playing your game all day long, people can't make money to pay to play your game. For Dungeon 6 3 rooms 3 or 4 times a day, that's at least 2 hours of fully committed time. This is on top of AQ/AW/events which already take us too much time. Please be considerate and conscience about your player base, make it less a burden as it already is.
    2. UI designs are lacking of testing and use friendliness. There is no way to exit a dungeon, the chats are very lagging.

  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    If we make it to 4200+ prestige within the 42 days, would the milestones update accordingly? Currently at 3697 and I have 3 rank up decisions that would push me to 4254.
  • billbillbillbillbillbillbillbill Member Posts: 29
    Will you admit you made a stupid event and cut the milestones in half? people gonna get burnt out trying to do ALL this content. It takes forever and you clearly screwed up the scripting. we already have to coordinate with 10 people for AQ. Please god do better. And fire the ass who said "hey lets make a little 2 man AQ and call it an INFINITY DUNGEON!!"
  • koening73koening73 Member Posts: 22
    When dungeons were announced was quite happy ( yay gonna dupe my SL)
    then when they came out , quite disapointed 5* crystal not for everyone, while materials are
    being average player , would be hard for me to get all materials , but, was willing to work for it
    now dont even bother with dungeons , top rewards made for top players only
    uncollected i understand and am ok with it , it depends on me to get it , with all the improved rewards that go with it
    but this event i have no choice , top rewards not even available for me
    just disapointed
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 626 ★★★
    Kabam, Hey big props for addressing the milestone issue! I'm super happy!
  • SDAATRSDAATR Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2018
    @Kabam Miike considering the latest changes in the brackets .... I am at 4.1k prestige at the moment .... What if in the upcoming week i rank up or dupe any champ and my prestige gets over 4.2k .... Will my bracket change?? Or I'll have continue with the 3k milestone bracket??
  • maxbirbmaxbirb Member Posts: 31
    I’m having a problem, when I send my dungeon “partner” a message like directly to him it sends the message to all my contacts
  • ChadhoganChadhogan Member Posts: 462 ★★★
    EvilAsh wrote: »
    Saw this on YouTube, an example of the 5* crystal. Just out of curiosity, what is the absolute max value of Dark artefacts one can obtain over the whole event, 27k seems like a lot for a crystal. What’s the max per day and max over the whole event?

    Also, is there actually a max on how many of each crystal I can purchase? For example if I wanted to get star Lord really bad, would I be able to buy 2 of these crystals for 54k shards or is it only 1 available?

    27k is a lot, but if you're able to hit every milestones every day, you should be able to get 3 of the 5-Star Crystals. You are able to purchase the crystal multiple times, so you could theoretically buy the same Crystal 3 times.

    You did remind me of something important that I should probably call out. Notice that the Champions in the Top Prizes are blue. The crystals contain Basic Champions. Duplicating them will only give 1 Signature level, and no Shards, etc.

    If the top milestines bring your total to 1950, and there is only 14 days that's not even 28k where are you coming up with the "buy the same crystal 3 times"?

    And if the people that are 5300 are getting merged into the higher bracket 4 days into the event and can't get close to the 27k, how do they get a 5 star?

    Where is this math coming from?

    And if you tell everyone they can get 3 by hitting all the milestones, a person could decide not to push on one single day and fall short of getting Just one crystal because they thought they could get 3 so missing one should still get that person 2, but back here in reality they won't get one?

    The dungeons will run for almost 6 weeks dude ?
  • ChadhoganChadhogan Member Posts: 462 ★★★
    Where does it say the event lasts 14 days ?v3jwyjcug1c8.png
  • LilJohLilJoh Member Posts: 52
    This mode has really made me lose a great deal of faith in the contest. I have near 8K prestige and around 800K player rating. Last night it took me 5 hours to reach the last milestone because of bugs and silly mistakes my friends made which didn’t allow them to revive and resulted in a wasted run. I don’t want to pay 210 units everyday to refresh my a team and finish this grind as soon as possible but it looks like that’s what I’ll have to do. I know you all said map 6 will yield greater rewards but the change was not addressed. 3 rooms of map 6 and 6 rooms of map 5 should yield results. That alone takes a minimum of 20-30 minutes and it will still be mandatory to do every day if you want to get full rewards. That’s not asking much. I’m really hoping this issue is addressed because after the first dungeon this mode immediately became a grind and actually has made me start disliking my friends and alliance mates. Originally this game was consuming my time and whenever it consumed extra time it was my fault which is fine but now it’s my friends faults when it’s taking too much time and that’s just a bad move.
  • AnonymousAnonymous Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    LilJoh wrote: »
    This mode has really made me lose a great deal of faith in the contest. I have near 8K prestige and around 800K player rating. Last night it took me 5 hours to reach the last milestone because of bugs and silly mistakes my friends made which didn’t allow them to revive and resulted in a wasted run. I don’t want to pay 210 units everyday to refresh my a team and finish this grind as soon as possible but it looks like that’s what I’ll have to do. I know you all said map 6 will yield greater rewards but the change was not addressed. 3 rooms of map 6 and 6 rooms of map 5 should yield results. That alone takes a minimum of 20-30 minutes and it will still be mandatory to do every day if you want to get full rewards. That’s not asking much. I’m really hoping this issue is addressed because after the first dungeon this mode immediately became a grind and actually has made me start disliking my friends and alliance mates. Originally this game was consuming my time and whenever it consumed extra time it was my fault which is fine but now it’s my friends faults when it’s taking too much time and that’s just a bad move.

  • blakevdtblakevdt Member Posts: 4
    If I rank up champions to move up a bracket, will my milestone rewards be changed in the future?
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    LilJoh wrote: »
    This mode has really made me lose a great deal of faith in the contest. I have near 8K prestige and around 800K player rating. Last night it took me 5 hours to reach the last milestone because of bugs and silly mistakes my friends made which didn’t allow them to revive and resulted in a wasted run. I don’t want to pay 210 units everyday to refresh my a team and finish this grind as soon as possible but it looks like that’s what I’ll have to do. I know you all said map 6 will yield greater rewards but the change was not addressed. 3 rooms of map 6 and 6 rooms of map 5 should yield results. That alone takes a minimum of 20-30 minutes and it will still be mandatory to do every day if you want to get full rewards. That’s not asking much. I’m really hoping this issue is addressed because after the first dungeon this mode immediately became a grind and actually has made me start disliking my friends and alliance mates. Originally this game was consuming my time and whenever it consumed extra time it was my fault which is fine but now it’s my friends faults when it’s taking too much time and that’s just a bad move.

    If you’re paying 210 units to finish faster, that’s exactly what you’re paying for - the convenience to finish faster. It’s not even much time saved, there are plenty of other teams you can use if you want to. If you’re mate is dying over and over that’s on him and who you pick for dungeon partner lol. Plenty of people can complete milestones in 1-2 runs.
  • micaelangelomicaelangelo Member Posts: 7
    I keep getting a lot of glitches on the dungeons, had a problem just now where after the level was completed and me and my partner decided to go on to the next room/level on a dungeon I got stuck on this last screen and the next level just wouldn't load up for me, my dungeon partner was taken to next level but not me, I had to close the game and launch it again to be able to see next level and then on next level I started the boss fight and immediately got the "problems connecting to your network" and the game kicked me out, lost half health of my 5* red hulk due to it and we almost ran out of time on both levels due to the glitches, it gets exasperating when things like this happen and you cannot play as you should, I could've kept on going for another 3 or 4 levels easily but had to stop as I was afraid that next glitch would have made us run out of time and we would've lost the great streak we already had, we were at room 5 on the dungeon... Please fix this issues, I rather the other regular glitches on fights like not being able to back dash or block, at least I am already more used to that type of stuff... Yesterday I also had some small glitches on the dungeons, like the chat not working, but it was not as bad as today, it seems they get worse by the day.

    I did take a pic of both glitches today where it kept me on the same level instead of loading the next one for both of us (Spidey 1212, the guy I was playing with and me only he was taken forward) and where it gave me the network connection error message...

  • micaelangelomicaelangelo Member Posts: 7
    Also, I want to state that this feature is really fun and I'm loving it, I just really hope you guys can look into this glitches mentioned above and fix them as I'm really enjoying to be able to play with old friends and being able to share time with them again despite the glitches... Please please, pretty please fix this... I give you guys two thumbs up for it, and I understand that launching new features always brings out a glitch or two that needs to be worked on, which is why I'm here stating them in hopes that they can be fixed... Thank you all in advance.
  • ackrite26ackrite26 Member Posts: 51
    Cool down timers are BS
  • IanMoone89IanMoone89 Member Posts: 590
    edited April 2018
    Fact dark artifacts are strictly obtained in dungeon is what makes me not what do this and as many say its time consuming and takes way seriously do they even test the stuff out
  • NomarigerolNomarigerol Member Posts: 159
    dungeons are laggy as hell, parry works with a slight delay, often a combo + a sp results in the opponent blocking it, pfff kabam seriously ?
  • poknjnuuupoknjnuuu Member Posts: 19
    These dungeons are great, but rooms 1 and 2 of each dungeon are just wasted time. Thats the biggest pain of the dungeons- you cannot look away for 30 minutes per dungeon! And the first 15mins are just menial grind. Please modify them to start on difficulty and rewards of room 3
  • poknjnuuupoknjnuuu Member Posts: 19
    I love the concept of the cool down timer, it forces you to use your roster. But the time commitment to do a single dungeon makes it work, instead of fun!
  • JaffacakedJaffacaked Member Posts: 1,415 ★★★★
    LilJoh wrote: »
    This mode has really made me lose a great deal of faith in the contest. I have near 8K prestige and around 800K player rating. Last night it took me 5 hours to reach the last milestone because of bugs and silly mistakes my friends made which didn’t allow them to revive and resulted in a wasted run. I don’t want to pay 210 units everyday to refresh my a team and finish this grind as soon as possible but it looks like that’s what I’ll have to do. I know you all said map 6 will yield greater rewards but the change was not addressed. 3 rooms of map 6 and 6 rooms of map 5 should yield results. That alone takes a minimum of 20-30 minutes and it will still be mandatory to do every day if you want to get full rewards. That’s not asking much. I’m really hoping this issue is addressed because after the first dungeon this mode immediately became a grind and actually has made me start disliking my friends and alliance mates. Originally this game was consuming my time and whenever it consumed extra time it was my fault which is fine but now it’s my friends faults when it’s taking too much time and that’s just a bad move.

    Get better friends and alliance mates
  • The_GrandmasterThe_Grandmaster Member Posts: 205
    I think that Kabam has missed the mark with these dungeons. They are side content and yet they are taking up more time than main content. My alliance has no one doing arena anymore, we failed to finish map5 100% 2 days in a row now cuz everyone is doing Dungeons and only worried about Dungeons. Points should have been doubled and milestones left the way they are. as is this is going to burn out the community faster than that LOOONG 1st season of AW
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    How to improve dungeons:

    Add rank rewards to the milestones.

    I know what you’re thinking, dungeons are a chore already as it is now rank rewards will make it even worse! But what rank rewards will do, is give an incentive for more players to continue doing dungeons after milestones are achieved. The most annoying part of dungeons is probably looking for a good partner who knows what they’re doing (especially since auto-match isn’t available yet). With rank rewards, there will always be people available to run dungeons. The rank rewards don’t even have to be anything crazy and just be in-line of other rank-reward-to-milestone ratio. Would be a great addition to the next iteration of dungeons.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Today is the first Sunday of dungeons and are a perfect example of why the rewards should be on a 3 or 7 day cycle instead of every day. Only AQ going on right now, no AW, no t4b or t1a or 5* arenas, most are done with EQ by now, so players don't have anything to do. Now is when people could be doing dungeons all day instead of for an hour and turning the game off like most do on days like this.
  • CodornasCodornas Member Posts: 542 ★★
    Delta_14 wrote: »
    How many Dark Artifacts will be required to purchase one of the special 3*/4*/5* crystals?

    How many Dark Artifacts will each difficulty of dungeon pay out?

    So, you don't earn Dark Artifacts directly from the Dungeons themselves, but from the Milestones associated with the Infinity Dungeons. The difficulty that you play will determine how many points your receive, so this is a little bit of a complicated question.

    If you're a top level player, and able to take on Difficulty 6, you'll need to beat Room 3 approximately 3-4 times to hit the top Milestone every day.

    Lmao this is a joke! 3-4 times on Dificulty 6 EVERYDAY for 40 days! This is bs! To be at the top of this game now u have to pause ur life and live to play
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    Codornas wrote: »
    Delta_14 wrote: »
    How many Dark Artifacts will be required to purchase one of the special 3*/4*/5* crystals?

    How many Dark Artifacts will each difficulty of dungeon pay out?

    So, you don't earn Dark Artifacts directly from the Dungeons themselves, but from the Milestones associated with the Infinity Dungeons. The difficulty that you play will determine how many points your receive, so this is a little bit of a complicated question.

    If you're a top level player, and able to take on Difficulty 6, you'll need to beat Room 3 approximately 3-4 times to hit the top Milestone every day.

    Lmao this is a joke! 3-4 times on Dificulty 6 EVERYDAY for 40 days! This is bs! To be at the top of this game now u have to pause ur life and live to play

    Or just beat room 5 once.
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    Ruining your life to get a random 5s more? Or a random awakening gem you don't need? Is this your concept of being on top?
  • shingbabshingbab Member Posts: 120
    Hello! A random stream of my thoughts.

    1) I like dungeons. They're fun.

    2) Not sure why 6* are on a 70hr cool down - the pool of champs isn't game changing, they don't offer more points and we cannot rank them higher than the potential of a 5*.

    3) Gameplay seems to suffer more from lag than any other part of the game (iphone7 / latest OS). This ofc could just be that in any other intense gameplay, my phone isn't on constantly for 2hrs.

    4) I've basically replaced the time I spend in arenas (something I hate) with time in dungeons (something I enjoy). This is unsustainable however because the currency in arena is mandatory whilst the currency in dungeon is not.
    Therefore I would very much like it if going forward, instead of all this extra currency nonsense, you would just offer very similar rewards per dungeon hour spent as per arena hour - namely battlechips / gold. This would destroy the whole sense of grind for me - maybe I'm not alone in feeling that.
  • TheKiryuTheKiryu Member Posts: 266 ★★★★
    Dungeons is an alternative and much more fun way to play the game with friends!

    But the big issue is that Kabam didnt make it what community wanted it to be.

    Dungeons had exceeded chance to be much more fun alternative to arenas. With decent time requirement and actually reward players skill with having to spend less time achieving the goal. Rewards should be much more significant.

    Instead what we got is something utterly impractical that offers a lot if of fun but extremely little reward for time investment. What kabam essentially has done with dungeons is made it a testing ground for new nodes we are likely to see in future content.

    With better rewards this could have potentially been the game rejuvenating new content we all so desperately have been waiting for, instead we get to be their test bunnys, and as fun as it is, it will get old really fast
  • Aba_121Aba_121 Member Posts: 2
    EvilAsh wrote: »
    Saw this on YouTube, an example of the 5* crystal. Just out of curiosity, what is the absolute max value of Dark artefacts one can obtain over the whole event, 27k seems like a lot for a crystal. What’s the max per day and max over the whole event?

    Also, is there actually a max on how many of each crystal I can purchase? For example if I wanted to get star Lord really bad, would I be able to buy 2 of these crystals for 54k shards or is it only 1 available?

    27k is a lot, but if you're able to hit every milestones every day, you should be able to get 3 of the 5-Star Crystals. You are able to purchase the crystal multiple times, so you could theoretically buy the same Crystal 3 times.

    You did remind me of something important that I should probably call out. Notice that the Champions in the Top Prizes are blue. The crystals contain Basic Champions. Duplicating them will only give 1 Signature level, and no Shards, etc.

    If the top milestines bring your total to 1950, and there is only 14 days that's not even 28k where are you coming up with the "buy the same crystal 3 times"?

    And if the people that are 5300 are getting merged into the higher bracket 4 days into the event and can't get close to the 27k, how do they get a 5 star?

    Where is this math coming from?

    And if you tell everyone they can get 3 by hitting all the milestones, a person could decide not to push on one single day and fall short of getting Just one crystal because they thought they could get 3 so missing one should still get that person 2, but back here in reality they won't get one?

    @Kabam Miike What about those people who missed the last milestone the first 3 days, if we hit all milestones now on all days we will get a total of 80100 dark artifacts but we will be missing 900 to be able to get 3 of these 5 star crystals. Will we get compensated for these remaining artifacts. Even though we missed 1800 dark artifacts and also some infinity dust, but we only need 900 more artifacts to get 3 5star crystals... Thanks!
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