$600 5* vision Thoughts? [Merged Threads]



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  • GargaGarga Member Posts: 8
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit why between OG vision 4s and 5s there is a big difference in the % ability? See photo mbp3vtpv1phi.jpeg
  • New_Noob168New_Noob168 Member Posts: 1,600 ★★★★
    CpcBoyboy wrote: »
    kabam bring that offer back again to dupe him or sell AG tech today :) i, and bring t5b t2a offer need r5 him now !

    Now you guys know why prices are so high and Kabam keeps doing what they do. Whales like this

  • Katy_CandyKaty_Candy Member Posts: 175
    If I had 12k plus units I would buy it. But I would have to buy 3 Odin for this so I'll pass.

    On the other subject you don't own anything in this game. You could buy this and Kabam could shut your account down the next day. Also with the lag and bad performance of the game getting worse by the update I would be hesitant about sinking that much money in a virtual champ that could be unplayable soon.
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    is this the curveball champ kabam was hinting last year?
  • vinniegainzvinniegainz Member Posts: 902 ★★★
    a Year ago, everybody hype about new 5*, and now all my 4* efforts are treated like 3*.
    A month ago, everybody hype about new 6*, so I see the routine and pattern and 5* will be treated like 4* or lower, so this is 5* vision is worthless to purchase in my opinion.

    Shhhh you are ruining sales with your logic.

    People should view this offer as a 4* would have been over a year ago.

    However it is 15k units or say $100 + 12k units

    Now it is simple, if 5*s are basically what 4*s were over a year ago, and you purchased/would have purchased the offer over a year ago, consider this offer is over over 3.5x more.

    Are you making 3.5x more money you were last year?

    Is NET unit gain 3.5x more than last year (we probably spend more and have less net gain because of the odd offer, AW seasons, lovely bugs)?

    I am not saying anything along the lines that 4*s are obsolete, I am saying take a look at the progression of the game.

    Over a year ago gaining a 4* every 1-2 weeks and now we are gaining a 5* every 1-2 weeks. Not in terms of usefulness but in terms of availability 5*s are the new 4*s.

    So why has this offer inflated so much?

    And PLEASE Do not say "oh well I had accumulated the units" because we are discussing value here. Even if you 100% LOL and act5 Better value would be to use your units on the uncollected event quest offers or save for the inevitably more difficult act6/LOL2.

    But hey to each their own, in a world where the kardashians are rich and famous with followers there is no room for logic.
  • KnightarthusKnightarthus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    To spend that kind of money I would want a ready to go champion out of the box. Awakening and ranking (r 3-4) gems included. To buy this and have a rank 3 sit in the roster indefinitely is not so enticing. I don’t really understand why wouldn’t they include those items.
  • Blitzkilla420Blitzkilla420 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    i know that ppl actually bought this "deal" but this is no way a deal. maybe if it came with an ag or if it was a 6* og vision but 500 plus dollars for a virtual character that is only useful in a game and not in real life is not worth it at all.

    this is my opinion of course but lets put it this way
    would i rather buy a next gen gaming system (ps4 pro or xbox1) or this deal if I had money to waste?

    bet Id buy the next gen system all day!

    honestly kabam these deals are not deals! please focus on fixing the bugs first and upping rewards in aq and the monthly challenges first

    this is to be taken as constructive criticism please
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 805 ★★★
    Garga wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit why between OG vision 4s and 5s there is a big difference in the % ability? See photo mbp3vtpv1phi.jpeg

    Because they silently nerfed 4* Vision OG a while ago. Very few players complained because this 4* is rare.
    Mine is level 80 and the gained power won’t go more than one bar and a half. And it triggers more rarely.
  • MerovegianMerovegian Member Posts: 49
    Solswerd wrote: »
    I would love to see something like this get covered in the press. Just to see Marvel having to rationalize to the non-gaming general public one of their licensees charging 500 dollars for a character in a videogame.

    They’re trying to be EA and replicate battlefront 2.
  • MerovegianMerovegian Member Posts: 49
    Endz wrote: »
    If we were a real community these ridiculous offers would’ve stopped a long time ago but kabam knows people will buy cmon guys/gals we have to come together & not buy hit em where it hurts plain & simple

    Many don’t care about that. Many want to buy it as a way to show off. Many who know better laugh at the ordeal.
  • SaiyanSaiyan Member Posts: 730 ★★★★
    I said I would do this back on page two. Here we are. Alot of defense for it which was expected. People are do questionable thing never liked being called out so it makes sense.

  • Fluffydragon2Fluffydragon2 Member Posts: 109
    Guys remember they buffed 4 star og vision after a deal. They may be planning to do the same thing
  • WabobaWaboba Member Posts: 271 ★★
    edited April 2018
    My friends, This is the real reason why Whales will never get extinct.
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  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Maverick75 wrote: »
    Garga wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit why between OG vision 4s and 5s there is a big difference in the % ability? See photo mbp3vtpv1phi.jpeg

    Because they silently nerfed 4* Vision OG a while ago. Very few players complained because this 4* is rare.
    Mine is level 80 and the gained power won’t go more than one bar and a half. And it triggers more rarely.

    Actually it was way worse, we did complain and they partly fixed it. Still not how it should be though.
    Wsm10 wrote: »
    Lol just don’t buy it. If you wanted a 4* Vision, pick up the odin pack for a great deal. If you want the boosts, pick up the other unit packs as well. People don’t need to write thesis paper on why this is a bad value offer (unless you’re trying to do public service, then fine). But stop acting like this offer is an insult to the players. Kabam releases low-value offers all the time this is nothing new. Choosing what value offers make sense to you and buying those are what lead to a happy playerbase, rather then getting offended at every little thing in the game.

    Yeah, no. People should be offended. It's a completely disrespectful gesture to the players. $600 worth of units for one character?!? No thesis needed. I respectfully say this kind of attitude is why these kinds of things happen in the first place. After the nerfs and bugs and other issues, there's no guarantee this isn't obsolete next week. They've shown that kind of contempt for the player base before, could happen again. I've never seen a game company & team so out of touch with reality & player base. Three star and above, all horrendus deals. I'm not offended by "every little thing in the game" either, it takes a lot to frustrate me, but this jumps that line multiple times over. It's beyond their normal terrible deals. Regardless, thanks for the thoughts and have a good one.

    It's $500 for two champs, not 600 for one.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    Wsm10 wrote: »
    Lol just don’t buy it. If you wanted a 4* Vision, pick up the odin pack for a great deal. If you want the boosts, pick up the other unit packs as well. People don’t need to write thesis paper on why this is a bad value offer (unless you’re trying to do public service, then fine). But stop acting like this offer is an insult to the players. Kabam releases low-value offers all the time this is nothing new. Choosing what value offers make sense to you and buying those are what lead to a happy playerbase, rather then getting offended at every little thing in the game.

    Yeah, no. People should be offended. It's a completely disrespectful gesture to the players. $600 worth of units for one character?!? No thesis needed. I respectfully say this kind of attitude is why these kinds of things happen in the first place. After the nerfs and bugs and other issues, there's no guarantee this isn't obsolete next week. They've shown that kind of contempt for the player base before, could happen again. I've never seen a game company & team so out of touch with reality & player base. Three star and above, all horrendus deals. I'm not offended by "every little thing in the game" either, it takes a lot to frustrate me, but this jumps that line multiple times over. It's beyond their normal terrible deals. Regardless, thanks for the thoughts and have a good one.

    Well I can’t stop you from being offended. But I can offer input: 5* Vision is one of a kind and a pretty great character (awakened of course). It’s no surprise that the first time they’re making an offer like this that the price is sky-high. The next time this 5* Vision offer comes around, it may get a bit cheaper and cheaper akin to how the 4* Vision offer did when it was first released.

    But it makes no sense to throw a fit just because of this offer. I know there’s a stigma right now that “Kabam owes us big-time” for messing up everything etc. And that “Kabam needs something big to earn our trust back” so maybe that’s why a bunch of players are upset because that’s what they were expecting. I don’t think Kabam sees it that way though and to give back to the players they do stuff like Summoner Appreciation Week. FYI, I have had no major issues with lag, bugs, crashing, or anything making this game unplayable. Sure I might miss a heavy swipe sometimes but everything else feels fine on my iPhone8. Not discrediting people who do face lag, etc but it’s not problems affecting everyone.

    When this offer popped up I read it through like any other offer, decided to buy some unit packs cause of the boosts and passed on the 5* Vision cause I don’t want to spend that much money. I don’t see where someone could have gotten offended during that process lol. Sure some of my alliance mates bought the offer and we may have to change our def around knowing we will face 5* Visions on attack (my ally placed top 10 master) but that’s all there is to it.
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  • PaytoPlayPaytoPlay Member Posts: 762 ★★★
    edited April 2018
    Lol just don’t buy it. If you wanted a 4* Vision, pick up the odin pack for a great deal. If you want the boosts, pick up the other unit packs as well. People don’t need to write thesis paper on why this is a bad value offer (unless you’re trying to do public service, then fine). But stop acting like this offer is an insult to the players. Kabam releases low-value offers all the time this is nothing new. Choosing what value offers make sense to you and buying those are what lead to a happy playerbase, rather then getting offended at every little thing in the game.

    Speaking of low level the 2500 unit 4* crystal 'deal' is still being offered on a regular basis. I agree with this post 100% the 4* vision deal is awesome got it for my second account. 5* vision is not a game breaker and just a collectible... Is a player choice to buy or not.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,975 ★★★★★
    edited April 2018
    I honestly don't know why every Offer is turned into a "state of the game" situation. If you don't like the Offer, you don't have to buy it. Some will. It's a business. They're going to make money. Some things will cost more than others. That's just how it works. You're going to pay more for a Limited Edition Item. May not make sense to you, but it does to others. If it was intended to be for everyone, it wouldn't be Limited Edition. It would just be given to everyone for free.
  • Apex1212Apex1212 Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2018
    A maxed 5* is hands down best stats in the game 30k health 3k attack. But 600$ on 420 you must have been stoned out of your mind to spend that much on a champ that isn't even god tier.
  • Apex1212Apex1212 Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2018
    A guy in my ally went rouge and bought it completely insane and unawakened he is no good.
  • Apex1212Apex1212 Member Posts: 185
    And again a maxed 5* does make him have the best stats as a maxed 5*.
  • Apex1212Apex1212 Member Posts: 185
  • Apex1212Apex1212 Member Posts: 185
    That's just a 4/55 too. 5/55 over 30k HP and 3k attack
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I've got the units and the resources to
    BigBob wrote: »
    If I had 12k plus units I would buy it. But I would have to buy 3 Odin for this so I'll pass.

    On the other subject you don't own anything in this game. You could buy this and Kabam could shut your account down the next day. Also with the lag and bad performance of the game getting worse by the update I would be hesitant about sinking that much money in a virtual champ that could be unplayable soon.

    I have the units, the t4cc, the t2 alphas and a tech gem. Could've got him for $100 and no other actual money spent. Thought about it but it took a long time to grind those units lol. Also I haven't spent real money on the game in a long time. Decided to give it a miss.
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