Is it time to introduce gear levels



  • RodsteinRodstein Member Posts: 215
    If that were to happen i would be out of this game so fast
  • Wil6541Wil6541 Member Posts: 273
    @Blax4ever bb is awesome with royal family syn. Karnak is worth the rank up just for Medusa bosses alone. You can't just ignore sentry upgrade and say no one gets upgraded. T2a are far and few between to use that as justification. No matter what changes are made someone else is best in game. Nerf pb people went to crit team and sw, Nerf sw people moved again then gp is released and is best in game then forgotten for blade. It is the nature of the game if the next champ isn't better than the previous why grind or spend for them. Some basics are still bad ass in the right hands. Some are useless for sure but it truly doesn't matter as aq and aw tie up 11 champs rest really are just arena and syn fodder.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Couple points. First off, the Champs in question aren't completely useless. That's entirely subjective, and based on where one is at. If they were completely useless, they would do nothing. There are some considered on the lower end, but when the hype for the "God Tier" is so strong, for a select few, it definitely overshadows the rest.
    They are working on improvements. Just not a total overhaul. There are quite a few reasons I could see supporting that, such as the amount of work, sufficient testing, emphasis on new Champs, need vs. want, et al.
    If there were a finite number of Champs in the game and production ceased, I might find more usefulness in the suggestion, simply because there would be nowhere else to go. However, Champs come each month, and balancing does occur, just not at a rate that makes every Champ God Tier.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    @Wil6541 fair point
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    Solswerd wrote: »
    Plus, the addition of gear would likely lead to enemy difficulty being scaled up to compensate.


    They have been scaling the difficulty of the game without any change or additions to the META, which is get the Trinity, get Medusa, get Star Lord etc.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    All of what you said, but maybe using the word gear isn’t the best choice on my part. Let’s call it enhanced mastery tools instead.
  • Double_Dragon2Double_Dragon2 Member Posts: 27
    The game is unbearably time-consuming as it is, I don't need more carrots to chase after. MCOC needs quality-of-life improvements and gears would make it much worse.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    I don’t believe you comprehended what he was saying. At all. Your answer equates to “ why can’t we just have candy all the time”.


    Ummm nope he’s talking about something else apart from what the rest of us are talking about. Most of the time he’s just commenting to hear himself type or something. I’m thinking you’re pretty much doing the same thing.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    The game is unbearably time-consuming as it is, I don't need more carrots to chase after. MCOC needs quality-of-life improvements and gears would make it much worse.

    Kabam has their own philosophy on what’s an reasonable amount of time to spend doing something in this game. 20hrs per week for arena at a minimum, maybe they should change that
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    Blax4ever wrote: »
    Solswerd wrote: »
    Plus, the addition of gear would likely lead to enemy difficulty being scaled up to compensate.


    They have been scaling the difficulty of the game without any change or additions to the META, which is get the Trinity, get Medusa, get Star Lord etc.

    True enough, but what you are essentially proposing would amount to a roster-wide buff. Sure, if you break it down by teams you could help Beast or OG Iron Man be more useful...but you would also buff many others like a X-23 or Scarlet Witch in that same process...which I do not believe Kabam would do. If they did, it would very likely lead to that difficulty being scaled even higher. Or worse, attaching an additional financial cost to gear or mastery buffs....using the newly escalated difficulty to leverage profits even further.

    It is very rare that Kabam strengthens us without a counter effect being put into place. (The recent buffs of Red Hulk and Luke Cage being the only exceptions I can come up with)
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    Blax4ever wrote: »

    I don’t believe you comprehended what he was saying. At all. Your answer equates to “ why can’t we just have candy all the time”.


    Ummm nope he’s talking about something else apart from what the rest of us are talking about. Most of the time he’s just commenting to hear himself type or something. I’m thinking you’re pretty much doing the same thing.

    It doesn't appear like anyone else is having the same difficulty you're attempting to attribute to the rest of us.
  • BarogsBarogs Member Posts: 59
    No. No, no, no, no. Absolutely no gears. It'll destroy the entire system that the game was predicated on, among many many other things
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    Aw hell no
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  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    Solswerd wrote: »
    Blax4ever wrote: »
    Solswerd wrote: »
    Plus, the addition of gear would likely lead to enemy difficulty being scaled up to compensate.


    They have been scaling the difficulty of the game without any change or additions to the META, which is get the Trinity, get Medusa, get Star Lord etc.

    True enough, but what you are essentially proposing would amount to a roster-wide buff. Sure, if you break it down by teams you could help Beast or OG Iron Man be more useful...but you would also buff many others like a X-23 or Scarlet Witch in that same process...which I do not believe Kabam would do. If they did, it would very likely lead to that difficulty being scaled even higher. Or worse, attaching an additional financial cost to gear or mastery buffs....using the newly escalated difficulty to leverage profits even further.

    It is very rare that Kabam strengthens us without a counter effect being put into place. (The recent buffs of Red Hulk and Luke Cage being the only exceptions I can come up with)


    You are right, especially judging by Kabam’s history, no way they add anything useful without extracting something significant for it.

  • ACIDUCKACIDUCK Member Posts: 64
    LOL. this guy said gear. wow. how bout dont be lazy and buff some of these champs that need some love... COUGH COUGH CARNAGE
  • Double_Dragon2Double_Dragon2 Member Posts: 27
    You ask for a dollar, they'll take one back from elsewhere. It's how zero-sum game work at best. If we got gears, we'd be spinning our wheels harder while getting the same experience we have now.
  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Yeah, a similar approach was tried with the Chinese version of the game and it KILLED the game.
  • StavelotXoteStavelotXote Member Posts: 231
    I think the main thing I have to agree on is buffing so many underperforming champs is incredibly difficult. However introducing gear for all champs, but giving better quality items to those bad champs compared to good-great ones, is an easier fix.

    It is a big lazy bandaid, but it could work, and lazy seems to be the de facto approach to error correction in this game.
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    Blax4ever wrote: »

    I don’t believe you comprehended what he was saying. At all. Your answer equates to “ why can’t we just have candy all the time”.


    Ummm nope he’s talking about something else apart from what the rest of us are talking about. Most of the time he’s just commenting to hear himself type or something. I’m thinking you’re pretty much doing the same thing.

    Nope. Knightarthus nailed it.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    I think the main thing I have to agree on is buffing so many underperforming champs is incredibly difficult. However introducing gear for all champs, but giving better quality items to those bad champs compared to good-great ones, is an easier fix.

    Imagine waving a magic wand and creating the gear system you describe on paper. Now imagine that I take the abilities described in the gear and just give them to the champions. QED: gear cannot be easier than direct balancing, because the gear system must deal with many different possibilities (all the possible combinations of having and not having the gear), while just giving those abilities to the champions directly only has to deal with one (the one where all the champions are basically maximally gear-enhanced).

    There's only one way that gear can appear to be "easier" than direct balancing and it is a situation players can't see. That's the case where among the developers there is no agreement on how to balance the champs but everyone is in agreement to toss balance aside and essentially start over with a new environment that includes gear. It won't be any better balanced, it will just be the case that everyone wants to work on gear no matter how poorly it is balanced.

  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    I’m all for gear (or as it was called Items in Kabam’s 12.0 message about them). Any new dynamic to the game, any new progression path is a step in the right direction. Kabam has introduced 6*s, new AW seasons, new event quest and side quests, new AQ iteration coming soon, but nothing significant has really “changed”. It’s all the same really - buy crystals for new champs or grind for them in arena or wait until they are put into basic crystals. Get the newly released strong champion to compete for more shards to get more champions. Gear would hopefully add new dynamic to the whole progression system.

    Now I have no idea how gear could be implemented or what it would look like. That’s up to game devs to decide. I hope it’s not behind a P2W wall or too overpowered where they become necessary in the meta. But any new game changing update to add new thought and decision making in this game - I’m all for that.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    Yeah, the META to the game is too narrow and adding something to expand the META is called for at this point in its evolution.

    I wish they would think a little bit more about breaking out of the grind for every thing in the game and shift more to long term and strategic building for special events.
  • CodornasCodornas Member Posts: 542 ★★
    No, its not

    Ps: i thought u would elaborate more, but u just think its time because u want it
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    If you read the thread you will see people giving their opinions both for and against. I didn’t make the thread to argue in circles over what I want but I asked a question. Just skip past the regular thread trolls and feel free to add any thoughts you may have on the subject.
  • SaiyanSaiyan Member Posts: 730 ★★★★
    Gear has been in the game for months now actually but they played it smart. These new champs with these new Synergies are what I personally would consider gear. You want your Winter Soldier to be better? Attach a whole other champ to his leg and you're good. Want OML's heal to actually be good? No problem fam, here's a Sabortooth for you then.

    I personally feel as tho they really wanted Gear to be these Synergies they added to the game starting last year but re revolted so they had to change plans.
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★

    I agree the synergies have helped make some of the older champs a little better and I’m sure if Kabam put a little more thought into them and made a few changes to the game, the synergies/ gear would be game changing. Good post
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    The problem with this, as with any game, is that over time, many characters feel the same on a fundamental level.

    For example: Just a few days ago, I ran some tests on two characters: Black Panther (Civil War) and Taskmaster. Made it so neither had any synergies, anything extra. Both were 3/30.

    Their damage was basically identical on basic attacks, even when those attacks brought crits.

    I have said this before: I get it. It's a game, and I understand that far more often than not, a 3/30 Hawkeye has to hit as hard as a 3/30 Iron Man and a 3/30 Rogue. I get it. I understand it.

    But with 100-plus It's no surprise to me that people go absolutely berserk over characters with lots of utility and scalable DPS, because my gosh, people know on a fundamental level when a lot of characters feel the same.

    I don't know if gear would fix that. Not sure I want to grind for it.

    But I do know that I tend to play the most characters whose damage or utility scales, like with persistent charges, more than characters who don't
  • ZoddymamZoddymam Member, Content Creators Posts: 362 Content Creator
    If gears are introduced i am outta here
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