Rank Down Tickets



  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    Lambda1 wrote: »
    Marvel2289 wrote: »
    But the fact is that it was never stated in draxs abilities that he can counter evade, so kabam can claim it as a bug fix and does not have to give out rdts, nor should they

    Nope. The fact is : Drax had a six-hits combo with first double medium and that medium had a better chance to land against evaders.

    Second fact : Evaders now evade further against Drax than against any champs and Drax steps back while they're evading.

    That. Is. Called. A. Nerf.

    That's not what kabam calls it. Kabam calls it a fix.
    Hmmm, drax medium has a better chance to land against evaders you say, here is draxs abilities, where exactly does it say that
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    Maidril wrote: »
    I’d disagree with the OP’s assertion. Many of the best defenders (Medusa, dormammu, Magik, mephisto, iceman) have utility elsewhere and would have been ranked. And in general people will rank top defenders regardless diversity.

    Yes but once your alliance or BG has enough top tier defenders the Meta dictated to move onto the next options which weren't the best.

    I can almost guarantee anybody with a r4 YJ, Kingpin, Symbiote Spidey, Miles Morales, Rhino etc. would have never done so if they knew diversity wasn't going to be a thing anymore.

    But overall I do agree think that RDT's are probably the worst thing that can happen now that I see how much worse it will make defenses we'll be seeing.

    Bring back diversity and make it less points or come up with some other metric to determine AW wins.

    Any platinum rank or higher will be 100% their map 100% of the time, so unless their plan is to make every node a mini boss Kabam will fail at that goal at least once everybody gets the hang of it.
  • Savio444Savio444 Member Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    cAncAmO wrote: »
    THESE tickets will only make the problem even bigger

    People will rank the best defenders with these tickets and we will suffer 10 medusas in a row...

    people must stop playing AW

    If you don’t want to use a RDT then don’t. But I do
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  • R4GER4GE Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★★
    You mean people will rank the champs they originally would have for defense if Kabam hadn't told them diversity was here to stay? Think thats the point
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  • FireantFireant Member Posts: 36
    cAncAmO wrote: »
    if there will be rdt, we will see 10 medusas, 10 dormammus and 10 spidermans for Battlegroup

    actually we will only see more than what we are used to due to the people getting the chance to rank them up.
  • FireantFireant Member Posts: 36
    cAncAmO wrote: »
    if there will be rdt, we will see 10 medusas, 10 dormammus and 10 spidermans for Battlegroup

    actually we will only see more than what we are used to due to the people getting the chance to rank them up.
  • Cranmer00Cranmer00 Member Posts: 527 ★★
    @Maidril Speak for yourself.. What about my R4 Ironfist and R4 magneto because we ran a Full diverse roster. The selfish ppl this doesn’t hurt, they just complain to complain with Blade R4-5 and wanting to rank the Trinity synergy. But the true team players like myself are getting F’ked.
  • Nerfed2DefNerfed2Def Member Posts: 292 ★★
    I’m with you @Cranmer00 I didn’t go for particular champs when I saw other teammates had them. Didn’t rank because of it. RDT are not the answer but do help correct rosters that need changing. I say keep diversity. War was fine as it was but this will let the pilot alliances out spend us and roster is in war. No need to cheat. That doesn’t support the rest of us players trying to work for it, not buy it.
  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    Man I did not want rank down tickets but now that I burned my crystals to rank up good defenders they change their mind? Wtf
  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    Now I need rank downs for sure
  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    Announcement comes out... everyone gets to work on neglected defenders that are awesome but on the bench because of diversity... then they decide nevermind?
  • SNYLV_7SNYLV_7 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2018
    Can we get rank down tickets for all the drama? It’s been a while since you’ve offered them or had them available.
    Post edited by Kabam Ahab on
  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    Announcement comes out... everyone gets to work on neglected defenders that are awesome but on the bench because of diversity... then they decide nevermind?
  • MaidrilMaidril Member Posts: 288
    Cranmer00 wrote: »
    @Maidril Speak for yourself.. What about my R4 Ironfist and R4 magneto because we ran a Full diverse roster. The selfish ppl this doesn’t hurt, they just complain to complain with Blade R4-5 and wanting to rank the Trinity synergy. But the true team players like myself are getting F’ked.

    I ranked Thor ragnarok, Mordo and guillotine. They’re still decent for arena and hitting the streak. But I also don’t have 5 5* top tier defenders to rank. And my 6* are now 2 of 5 spots and sometimes get kills while being diverse ;)
  • MaidrilMaidril Member Posts: 288
    But I see now it’s a moot point. Diversity is staying for now.
  • Markosan22Markosan22 Member Posts: 4
    Kabam should provide rank down tickets that would also give back the gold and iso with the catalysts
  • Pravin_Patil_07Pravin_Patil_07 Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2018
    Sir Kabam ,
    We really need Rankdown tickets . Kabam u help summoner in Difficulty . We need ur help . This would help us in getting back few gold n catalyst . We must have ranked many champs because we were nt having better champ to rankup . Please provide Rankdown tickets. We will be thankful if u help us .
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,113 ★★★★★
    Announcement comes out... everyone gets to work on neglected defenders that are awesome but on the bench because of diversity... then they decide nevermind?

    The Announcement was 24 hours old, and there hadn't even been an In-Game Email yet. That was pretty much jumping the gun.
  • Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
    Okay no point in this now right? Diversity is here to stay. I'm good. Although RDTs would be good too. Who wouldn't mind them lol but yeah there's no point in asking for any.
  • Lambda1Lambda1 Member Posts: 200 ★★
    Marvel2289 wrote: »

    That's not what kabam calls it. Kabam calls it a fix.
    Hmmm, drax medium has a better chance to land against evaders you say, here is draxs abilities, where exactly does it say that

    Again, you're wrong. Kabam has never called it a fix.

    Why a better chance? Just because he's got two hits on his first medium. So double chance to land (and not to be evaded). I think you're able to understand that a hit has a chance to land. At least I hope so.

  • AURELIUSAURELIUS Member Posts: 121
    I ranked up my 5* Spidergwen because of diversity something has to give. Kabam realises that if they dont listen to us july the 4th will be a bust.
  • RollingxbigshotRollingxbigshot Member Posts: 106
    How’s this for a rank down ticket idea?

    What if ranked tickets were sold in the unit store and they only reset once per year.

    6* Rank down ticket - Coming soon.
    5* Rank down ticket 2000 units - Available 1/1
    4* Rank down ticket 1000 units - Available 2/2
    3* Rank down ticket 300 units - Available 5/5
    Refresh - 364 days:23 hours:59 minutes:59 seconds.
    Just an idea.
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,051 ★★★★★
    edited June 2018
    How’s this for a rank down ticket idea?

    What if ranked tickets were sold in the unit store and they only reset once per year.

    6* Rank down ticket - Coming soon.
    5* Rank down ticket 2000 units - Available 1/1
    4* Rank down ticket 1000 units - Available 2/2
    3* Rank down ticket 300 units - Available 5/5
    Refresh - 364 days:23 hours:59 minutes:59 seconds.
    Just an idea.

    2000 units is not orth it. No one is gonna buy one rank down ticket to rank down a 5* one time. For a 4* rank down ticket, that’s about $35 for one and any player with any smart (not saying there aren’t) won’t buy it.
  • tsek_kabamx10tsek_kabamx10 Member Posts: 7
    :) firstly thank you for deciding not to remove war diversity. We as the player base really appreciate that this idea was scratched for now. I know what the forums majority posts look like. Full of complaints and angry summoners that feel a certain way toward certain content or game desicions.
    Based on recent changes it is very clear that Kabam wants to move the game into a new direction and I believe it's something we all need.. New war nodes, new map new champions and so on and so forth... But there's 1 thing I have not seen a single summoner do.... Perhaps this approach would persuade Kabam to give all summoners a chance to rework their teams and perhaps masteries..
    Since the game is changing in such a positive manner... Is there any way that Kabam could just simply give summoners a break. Send each summoner a few rank down tickets have a few happy players breathe a breath of fresh air to simply allow them to rethink their top teams for the new season approaching. Perhaps certain masteries that were good would be better left with fewer points and perhaps invest in others. This is purely a player asking as nicely as possible to have some kind of middle ground and start off fresh. Thank u. And appreciate any reply from a mod.
  • AURELIUSAURELIUS Member Posts: 121
    After the nerf to diversity then the buff again alot of players such as my self ranked up champions with resources that are scarce. So why not help us out and give everyone rank down tickets?
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  • Woody_federWoody_feder Member Posts: 584 ★★
  • EevoEevo Member Posts: 32
    Saying a champ is still “good enough” is not a valid argument. A champ was working an intended way, as confirmed by kabam. That champ had its abilities altered, and is no longer working as previously intended.

    Be real though, would you rank down AA even if they did hand out AA specific rank down tokens? No. He’s still a FANTASTIC champ I have a R4 5* and a 5/50 4* and a RDT would be completely wasted as I don’t believe anyone in their right mind would use it.
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