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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,895 ★★★★★
    It's a never ending conversation because there's always one extremely persistent player on a forum like this holding the Kabam line and trying to make some logical argument that it somehow benefits everyone for them to stay an hour long. It's insanity. One, if the main crux of your argument is "it was designed that way" and then in every other thread you're apologizing for kabam changing every other part of the game and saying it's great for the "meta" and innovative, you come off as a hypocrite. Alliance war in its first inception was designed with hour timers, and how many times has it changed since then? That's my first issue with the apologists here - you have concentrated so much on this one line and keep repeating it over and over, because you saw Miike or another mod give the excuse a long time ago, you sound like a broken record. Alliance quest was designed and started in a much different time in this game than it currently exists in. When I started this game over 3 years ago you were NOWHERE near the ability to build a roster like you are now when you start, with the beginner bracket and arena grinding. It took me half a year to get my first four star champ, and my significant other just started playing a month ago and has 7 of them, and he hasn't been able to play that much or grind like he wanted. EVERY ASPECT of this game has evolved and changed from it's original purpose and starting meta, but we got two people and some mods who can't seem to wrap their head around something like this being open to change? For what, reasons? Nah, this seems to be the main one I see in defense of it:

    Something something something it punishes players, people who have alliances spread around the world won't be able to play or can't be as active as others when it starts, and it puts pressure on everyone to finish, or something. Did I get it right? THIS IS CRAZY PEOPLE THINKING. I mean, I try to put myself in the shoes of someone saying this and thinking this way, and it hurts my brain trying to understand the leap of logic required to tow this line they are feeding us. First of all, it doesn't punish anyone. Having a required five day monotonous grind of a game mode in order to rank up your champs is arguably more punishing than timers for said game mode. Let's not pretend anyone who runs map 5 or 6 all season in expert bracket is logging on going "Gosh, I can't wait to play alliance quest and fight those Sentinels again! Oh boy, I can't wait to get on and see if someone removed a linked node just so I can move up and wait some more, or maybe they didn't and I'll still be waiting, or maybe they cleared it up my hour timer isn't recharged yet so I can wait some more!" NO, you log on to play war or quests or arena. Give me a break. This game mode has been outdated and boring for ages now, that's why they made the hasty changes and got the blowback they did without changing the rewards earlier this season. The only reason people do AQ is for the resources, period. It's necessity only, so this **** about "shorter timers hurting people" already starts out on shaky logical ground anyway.

    No matter if you have hour timers or 30 minute timers, if you are spread around the world your situation doesn't really change at all. If alliance quest map 5 launches mid afternoon here in the states and you live halfway around the world and wouldn't log on until 1 in the morning, you will have the exact same amount of energy built up to burn off, no matter what the timers are. The only difference is those who are in the time zone when it launches would be able to clear section one and possibly into 2 faster. If you think that is a problem because those who were sleeping "didn't get to play in that section" then I would refer you back to my initial point - no one does this because it's fun or they are begging to get a few fights in on one path in section one. When I log in for my alliance who runs map 5 all week and has done so all AQ season, I don't get upset if they had someone jump my path and clear it and they are ready to fight boss #1. I am happy because I'm not a crazy person, and I will do my part in section 2 and 3, or I'll help with the mini boss and get us into the next section. If your alliance is built where people ARE getting mad because they didn't get to fight, I'm gonna guess you aren't running map 5 or 6 and you're probably a new player. It's all about getting the map done as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The ONLY DIFFERENCE NOW is when someone logs on and has a chunk of time available to play the game, THEY CAN MOVE QUICKER IN SAID TIME FRAME BECAUSE THE TIMER REFRESHES FASTER!!! How many times do I have to repeat this FACT before it sinks in that it's literally the whole point? This helps everyone in the group. It takes stress off and gives everyone more flexibility and allows you to finish the map faster, releasing your top champs (esp if you're running 5 or 6) to be free for use in other more enjoyable content in the game like the event quests every month. That is it. It doesn't punish anyone, it doesn't hurt anyone, and if you have an alliance where people are yelling at you to move, they would be doing so WHETHER YOU HAD 30 MIN OR HOUR LONG TIMERS ANYWAY. We have LESS stress when we have these timers. EVERY SINGLE TIME. We've run map 5 for over 2 years now. Every single time the timers get reduced, we finish at the same pace or usually quicker than every other week.

    Anyone doing mental and verbal gymnastics on here in order to spread the Kabam talking points on timers is kidding themselves. And as I've only seen two people TOTAL in every thread when this happens who are arguing in favor of keeping them an hour, I'm gonna agree with the previous comments that it IS A MAJORITY of the player base who would be in favor of them. Final point: If Kabam came out tomorrow and said "ok guys, we're changing this permanently, it's 30 min timers for AQ from now on!" those EXACT SAME PEOPLE arguing against them would instantly change their tune and say exactly what they say on every other Kabam edict: "Ok guys, this is their decision, let's get on board and adapt, the game and meta are constantly changing!"

    I would bet you $1000000 this would be their exact post on it.

    Because it's what they say for every other change in the game Kabam has made, and they argue for it fervently. "They obviously have their reasons for doing so, we just have to get on board, let's trust them"

    Everyone would adapt and be absolutely fine with this change. Kabam, please do it. It would be a major quality of life change and sign you were seeing this game mode for what it is, and what we have been telling you for years now. Don't let two extremely loud people's voices drown out the rest who are loving this change every time it happens.

    They don't need my argument. It's been brought up enough times now that they would have changed it if it wasn't necessary. I'm just pointing out why it's necessary. It falls on deaf ears, though.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,895 ★★★★★
    I didn't say it would break the game. There are effects to having them. Long-term it causes more problems. Occasionally they come up as a solution to issues that cause timing shortages, or once in a while with something like Summoner Appreciation. Those things are periodical and scattered. Permanently, it doesn't work. That's been my viewpoint as well as theirs. Now, if they decided to have a different system that doesn't cause adverse effects for some, I'm all ears.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,895 ★★★★★
    I've said them so many times in the last couple years that I don't really want to again. Everytime I do, people don't want to acknowledge them as problems, so there's no point. The general view is "It helps us so it's good for everyone.". Not everyone.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,895 ★★★★★
    If you asked the Forum if a free 6* Domino would be swell, I have no doubt the feedback would be close to 100%. That doesn't mean it's feasible.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,895 ★★★★★
    Do I enjoy them? Makes no difference to me. I'm waiting 24 hours regardless.
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    If you asked the Forum if a free 6* Domino would be swell, I have no doubt the feedback would be close to 100%. That doesn't mean it's feasible.

    That’s apples and oranges. The only reason they have hour long timers is to get people to log in more plain and simple. You can argue is detrimental to the game but you have no proof no nothing all you’re doing is regurgitating what kabam says.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,895 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    That's conjecture.
    It's a metaphor that displays want versus feasibility.
  • Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
    If you asked the Forum if a free 6* Domino would be swell, I have no doubt the feedback would be close to 100%. That doesn't mean it's feasible.

    Hmph please. You're always the 1 guy against the world. And I would rather you compare it realistically to similar things if you will. How does 30 mins timers in anyway equate to a 6* Domino?

    Tbh by you, Kabam is always right. It's either you work for them or I dunno, you play forum ghost or guard or something. You have more posts and comments than the mods anyway. Probably more posts and comments than anyone else in the entire forum.

    Anyhow, reading what you said earlier.. How and when did Kabam try to implement 30 mins timers permanently and it caused problems? I've been playing for about 2.5 years and in all that time I haven't seen, heard or read about them trying to make 30 mins timers permanently. See maybe this proves that you work for them.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,895 ★★★★★
    You're talking about asking people if they want something. What we want is not always what is best.
  • Goll3m_1Goll3m_1 Member Posts: 31
    Really liked the 30 minute timers. Agreeing with many here that my own personal stress levels went down significantly. Definitely has my vote as a candidate for permanent change
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    That's conjecture.
    It's a metaphor that displays want versus feasibility.
    How are 30 min timers not feasible? It’s not detrimental to the game. Kabam said the map were not designed for 30 min timers. That alone in no way is them stating that it’s detrimental to the game. They have never tried to make them permanent I have played this game for 3 years was on the old forums too. Bottom line if they instituted 30 minute timers they will probably just make the Maps longer. I know we are probably never going to see 30 min timers be permanent with the current maps. I also know that it is beneficial to the players to have 30 min timers.
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  • StewmanStewman Member Posts: 735 ★★★
    30 minute timers for map 5 and below.
    1 hour timers for map 6.
    That would be fantastic
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  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    Please make this permanate.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,895 ★★★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    We have a guy who cannot log in til midnight my time ever.

    With half hour timers he doesnt do aq unless we leave him a fight in section 3otherwise he wont get rewards.

    Seem fair and balanced?

    Unfortunately, I don't think our points will be heard.
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,895 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    I've made points. One of them Drop just affirmed. I have a couple in my Ally that can't even log on until after midnight our time. Some of my guys work and can't log on that quickly. There are other people playing lower Maps than us with similar situations that don't even get to play because the Map is finished when they can log on. That's a problem. Not everyone is available at the same time of day, and not everyone can log on every 2.5 hours. Which leaves what? People waiting on them and pushing them to move because the Ally wants to finish the Map. Telling them to find a different Ally is not a solution. Rather ignorant to the fact, actually.
    We could go on forever about issues it brings up, but people would still refuse to accept them as issues because they want what they want.
  • Goll3m_1Goll3m_1 Member Posts: 31
    I think it's understood that 30 minute timers might be attractive to us, otherwise why give us the experience over the past week in the first place. Seems like this might've been a test to see how we responded to it (some sort of A/B test). Launch a new feature/parameter and monitor the reaction.

    The optimist in me makes me think we have a winner based purely on everyone's comments (my own included). That said, we've no idea what other success criteria Kabam is looking at.

    The pessimist has be wondering whether or not there's a downside to Kabam that we just can't see. And so, it's not whether or not they 'hear' us but whether or not it helps the revenue stream... When those things converge features get released...
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,895 ★★★★★
    I've made points. One of them Drop just affirmed. I have a couple in my Ally that can't even log on until after midnight our time. Some of my guys work and can't log on that quickly. There are other people playing lower Maps than us with similar situations that don't even get to play because the Map is finished when they can log on. That's a problem. Not everyone is available at the same time of day, and not everyone can log on every 2.5 hours. Which leaves what? People waiting on them and pushing them to move because the Ally wants to finish the Map. Telling them to find a different Ally is not a solution. Rather ignorant to the fact, actually.
    We could go on forever about issues it brings up, but people would still refuse to accept them as issues because they want what they want.

    You crack me up. Winning is a real problem! Tell your unsupportive ally buds to slow down then. Just because you can move every 30 minutes, doesn’t mean you have to.


    People do play the game to participate. Not just to log on and collect Rewards.
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    That's conjecture.
    It's a metaphor that displays want versus feasibility.
    What exactly is the metaphor?
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    @GroundedWisdom you’re a hoot!

    You’re ally is the problem if they wont slow down to allow someone a couple fights. Or, Those members schedules are a bad fit. Mak an ally rule to limit your fights to one hour and nothing will change for you at all if that’s what all 30 of you feel is best for your situation.

    Pareto principle. Not going to please everyone, but you’re in the 20% here. The majority shouldn’t have to suffer for the few.

    I’m done debating ya though. I think you come here just to yap and not gonna keep fueling the fire.
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