This just gets worse daily. I have tried arena twice today. Got through 5 fights first time now 3 fights. Actual fights not rounds before my screen dims from overheating. Will give a few more days if no word from kabam then will go through Apple for refunds. I will be ok with thousands back in refunds. What would they do ban me from a game I can’t play. Haha.
Hey everybody, we're looking to get some more information for us to investigate the cause of this issue.
If you are here to report issues like the ones that others are listing, please give us the following information:
Device Model
Wifi or Cellular Network
Thank you all of you that have already given us this information. We are working on figuring out exactly what you might be experiencing, and why.
- Miike
My phone is ruined since your V19.0 update. I was grinding the event quest when it first came out to get through the content, spending units on energy, and played for hours straight through. Plugged it into the outlet to keep a charge since the battery was draining faster than normal, but I thought maybe something was going on in the background with iOS to make the battery drain quicker than normal, so I kept going.
The app crashed several times (which I thought was normal after a new update from Kabam came out based on previous years of experience and data) so I simply restarted the app and it let me continue on. Then my phone crashed the last time and went to the lock screen. When I tried unlocking it the phone was unresponsive, it wouldn't unlock or do anything. I manually powered it off and powered it back on. Since that time, the phone or any of my apps have been running correctly. My basic alarm clock app that came pre-installed on my iphone will randomly lock up whenever I try to set a time at night. All the other apps now hang up and I'll either have to force close them or wait them out and sometimes after 15 or 20 seconds they will continue. When the phone is sitting there doing nothing, the screen will flash on for no reason.
I ran a diagnostic utility on my phone and compared it to my wife's iphone 7 plus, same model, same carrier, same OS, with nothing else running in the background on either device, and her snapdragon processor was at 26% when opening the alarm clock app. My processor is maxed out every time when it first opens.
What is the proper amount of compensation in 5 star crystals for an iphone 7 plus?
OS - iOS 11.4
Device Model - iphone 7 plus 128 GB
Carrier - AT&T
Both WiFi and Cellular have the issue
Correction, it was the Fusion processor on our iphone devices. We also tested a friends Galaxy S9 which uses the Snapdragon processor. It's not apples to apples (no pun intended) since the app & OS are different, but his was just over 30% when opening the clock app. Just stuck in the wrong processor name since my fury buff is active.
This is bad really bad and yet you guys are really quiet and it seems like you're avoiding this thread and the aq one yet I see many comments getting erased, many threads getting locked, and posts by other administrators which really doesn't make sense to me and is poor form.
You should really update the community better before situation turns even more toxic and gets worse and situation turns out to be worse than what Happened in 12.0 in most cases this is an even bigger crissis because it's wrecking people's phones and causing major problems across the board.
Honestly you guys should really just shut the game down and deal with all of this as soon as possible.
As frustrating as it as from a customer stand point not to have any communication from the company about this.. it might be in their best interest not to say much. If they said too much.. it could open them up to legal repercussions. At least that's the only reason i can see for such little communication.. although it could also be they have no clue what the issue is and just don't know what to say.. other than they are investigating..
Exactly that's the thing we don't know which it is, not saying anything or saying something could damage them and by not saying anything could be bad if they knew that it could have potentially harmful affects but went through with it anyway.
Or like you said they don't have a clue how to deal with or handle this and it kinda proves that they need better testing because things like this shouldn't be happening.
They're in a dammed if you damned if you don't situation, but not saying anything seems like it's going to make this even worse with all that's going on and it's going to get worse.
What happens if someone's phone hurts them bad and breaks due to this game that will open up a whole nother can of worms.
This is bad really bad and yet you guys are really quiet and it seems like you're avoiding this thread and the aq one yet I see many comments getting erased, many threads getting locked, and posts by other administrators which really doesn't make sense to me and is poor form.
You should really update the community better before situation turns even more toxic and gets worse and situation turns out to be worse than what Happened in 12.0 in most cases this is an even bigger crissis because it's wrecking people's phones and causing major problems across the board.
Honestly you guys should really just shut the game down and deal with all of this as soon as possible.
As frustrating as it as from a customer stand point not to have any communication from the company about this.. it might be in their best interest not to say much. If they said too much.. it could open them up to legal repercussions. At least that's the only reason i can see for such little communication.. although it could also be they have no clue what the issue is and just don't know what to say.. other than they are investigating..
Exactly that's the thing we don't know which it is, not saying anything or saying something could damage them and by not saying anything could be bad if they knew that it could have potentially harmful affects but went through with it anyway. Or like you said they don't have a clue how to deal with or handle this and it kinda proves that they need better testing because things like this shouldn't be happening.
They're in a dammed if you damned if you don't situation, but not saying anything seems like it's going to make this even worse with all that's going on and it's going to get worse.
What happens if someone's phone hurts them bad and breaks due to this game that will open up a whole nother can if worms.
It is always better to be open and honest, even in business, unless all they care about is CYA. You never want your customer to brood and grow angrier. It won’t end well. I have seen both methods always leads to better results and more respect.
100% for sure u get refunded for past purchases telling Apple support your phone is overheating due to the game along with the developer giving zero feedback
Just adding to the long list as a check in the block.
Have to recharge phone multiple times a day. Did arena yesterday after waking up. Did 20 three fight sets, and it drained my battery from 100% to 65%. That’s pretty regular for the last week plus. Have to play the game attached to a charger.
Even during that, my phone overheats and restarts two to four times an hour. Thanks for the fight recovery feature. Yes the only thing that keeps me from losing my streaks in arena.
If I’m not plugged in and my phone drops below 30%, the game starts to lag a lot. To the point where I have to stop playing completely.
There’s more but it’s been stated already in this thread.
Hey guys, I have been assuming this entire time (rightly so because of the heat) that phones are locking up and shutting down because of critical temperature. I don’t think that’s what’s going on. The heat is because they’re over taxing the processor (battery drain) to an extent that it does not have anything left to do anything else...
Evident by my post about CPU/memory usage.
I believe this is what is meant by memory leak??
It’s as though everything that you do continues to run. You do one arena, move onto the next but your CPU is still processing the arena that you’re done with. So it’s like every new thing that you do is just opening a new version of the game while still running the other. Over and over and over until your phone just doesn’t know what the hell else to do but shut down
If that makes sense? Again, this may be the very definition of memory leak. I’m not sure?
I’m pretty sure that v19 has enhanced a long standing bug, as well as a probable memory leak issue which would explain why the unresponsive controls/lag issues have been happening in prior releases. I. E. Parry/evade/blocks/specials not triggering when they should and random dashbacks mid combo. In previous releases it was occasional, but with v19 it’s much more apparent once the device heats up after a couple minutes.
@WiMak a memory leak is an error in the programming code that causes a certain set of instructions to be run over and over much more than it was intended to, which in turn takes up space in your devices ram as well as taxes the processor too much.
It’s probably not loading another instance of the entire game, it’s probably some small menial task that it constantly keeps opening new multiple threads to process due to a coding error.
@Zer0bits That would be more of an infinite loop vs memory leak. Memory leak would be that game allocates memory but doesn't release that memory for something else. So you keep filling memory and don't release it meaning there is no memory left to allocate and you go into virtual memory or a page file which is much slower to access. Basically there are no resources left to run the game except by slower processes. It could be a combination of both a memory leak as well as some looped function that is taxing the CPU. Only ppl that know that are the people looking at the source code. We can do our best guesses by looking at the resource managers but they don't give enough information to be truly helpful.
Ok, my patience is nearly over. I now want a statement of Kabam!
Your Product (v19.0) is destroying our devices / is maybe doing harm to people.
Kabam knows it, but is not doing anything to prevent their customers from any damage caused by the Issue of v19.0.
That is what i call „intentionally“. And that is, what Kabam makes responsible for any inconvenience
we (the players of their game) have because of the latest update v19.0
What do you @Kabam Miike@Kabam Zibiit@Kabam Vydious think about that?
@Chen@Zer0bits thank you for The info. It is KINDA what I thought it was. I didn’t actually think it was opening a new game it was just an analogy that helped me “visualize“ the problem :-)
I have VERY rudimentary coding knowledge but I do remember the memory allocation/release thing. How it can turn a very simple low energy app into a beast on resources
@Chen whoops ur right, sorry for the misinformation.
I’m not defending Kabams unresponsiveness by any means, but I would imagine that they have at least a month or so of programming source code changes to pour over to try to find the error(s) which could be why it’s taking so long.
Hopefully, forum admins can be much more transparent about their progress so far. I’m sure it would go a long way towards improving customer interaction.
iPhone 8+
IOS 11.4.1
Over heating after 5 minutes use, my battery health has gone from 98% to 89% in 2 days this is beyond bad and this needs to be fixed preferably now but I understand that it’s impossible as you don’t have all the facts this cannot wait until the next update otherwise I can’t imagine the threads saying kabam owe them a new phone because this update broke it
My phone is getting so, so hot and from what I hear an extremely large population of iPhones are suffering from this as well to the point we’re its play the game and loose your phone or stop and fall really behind/ let your alliance down. Version 18 was fine, no problems
iPhone 6s
Latest iOS
wifi or cellular
battery already replaced
While playing mcoc after 19.0 update:
-Phone gets super hot
-phone has some sort of black screen restart, doesn't appear to be a full restart, but pin
is required to log back into phone and game app has restarted
-lots more lag during fights
-some lag in other parts of game app not during fights, like returning to home screen
-game app draining battery faster
@Zer0bits no worries I'm sure I have it partially wrong as well...been a long time since I've thought about those types of things.
In reality they should shut the game down till a solution is found. This is a big problem for their user base. I'm sure there are a lot of ppl who are not even aware of the issue and keep playing but Kabam continues on with the game leaving AQ/AW open forcing ppl to have to play or lose status with their peers. If I wasn't running an alliance I wouldn't be playing.
AQ brackets are currently broken, coding is being shown in-game, etc. how much needs to be broken to say enough is enough?
Apple and Google should be pulling this game from their stores. Surprised Marvel hasn't heard the issue yet (didn't they get involved in the 12.0 release)?
My phone is getting so, so hot and from what I hear an extremely large population of iPhones are suffering from this as well to the point we’re its play the game and loose your phone or stop and fall really behind/ let your alliance down. Version 11 was fine, no problems
aside from it being a completely pointless game where if you didn't have switch you had nothing, sure
I can not play arena anymore, the game is falling all the time, my iPhone 7 has warmed up to the point where it needs to be thrown in the trash, my expenses increased in AW and AQ due to the game falling non-stop, all after the last update. What did kabam do ???? exactly, THEY DID NOTHING !!! but I had a loss of a new mobile device. thank you kabam, for every day more be so bad at your work. 2° pots, because they are deleting!
Lol. And they will revert your roster back to what it was then also because most the champs you probably have now, didn't exist in that version.
Edit: Oooh, now you edit title from going back to version 11 to version 18 to make our comments look stupid. Lol, makes more sense now than going back to 11 though.
We are officially losing members of our alliance over this issue due to phone damage and Apple gave them a refund on the 4th of July deal. You guys have the new season of alliance wars starting Wednesday and there doesn’t seem to be any progress. Chances are this update will run the game into the ground and most will move onto something new.
I think it would be best and safest to just not play this game on an apple device, you risk your health and safety as well as others. Just delete the app until its obvious it has been fixed, there have been reports that with app notifications turned on for the game also starting to cause the heating issue which means when it sits idle over night, there is a chance it can overheat which is very unsafe.
Yes it is very dangerous indeed, what disappointed me the most is that the kabam is doing nothing, does not seem to care, and we are subject to suffer the consequences.
I am part of a great alliance, and I have a commitment with everyone, I do not know what I can do, but I am thinking about stopping this game for the sake of it. a feather
I think Kabam is playing a dirty game here.
They have chosen to stay silent and abuse our patience knowing we have no other way.
I guess they will make a fix for overheating and AQ altogether and release it next week while take no response.
Side note: many Kabam employees have left and it seems they are in the process of recruiting a whole new team.
Not cool kabam
Not cool...😡
Left? Quit? Is there a news article or somesuch, can’t find anything, but that is intriguing!
People please lets not derailed from the real issue at stakes. People quit their jobs all the time and they also post numerous jobs opening. Simple biz
Exactly that's the thing we don't know which it is, not saying anything or saying something could damage them and by not saying anything could be bad if they knew that it could have potentially harmful affects but went through with it anyway.
Or like you said they don't have a clue how to deal with or handle this and it kinda proves that they need better testing because things like this shouldn't be happening.
They're in a dammed if you damned if you don't situation, but not saying anything seems like it's going to make this even worse with all that's going on and it's going to get worse.
What happens if someone's phone hurts them bad and breaks due to this game that will open up a whole nother can of worms.
It is always better to be open and honest, even in business, unless all they care about is CYA. You never want your customer to brood and grow angrier. It won’t end well.
IOS 11.4.1
Just adding to the long list as a check in the block.
Have to recharge phone multiple times a day. Did arena yesterday after waking up. Did 20 three fight sets, and it drained my battery from 100% to 65%. That’s pretty regular for the last week plus. Have to play the game attached to a charger.
Even during that, my phone overheats and restarts two to four times an hour. Thanks for the fight recovery feature. Yes the only thing that keeps me from losing my streaks in arena.
If I’m not plugged in and my phone drops below 30%, the game starts to lag a lot. To the point where I have to stop playing completely.
There’s more but it’s been stated already in this thread.
Both your iphone 5s and 7 had the problems since then? My iphone 6 has had the problem for a long time as well but Kabam has ignored that thread.
Yup both. Mostly the 5 but the 7 was experiencing some overheating as welljust not as bad.
Evident by my post about CPU/memory usage.
I believe this is what is meant by memory leak??
It’s as though everything that you do continues to run. You do one arena, move onto the next but your CPU is still processing the arena that you’re done with. So it’s like every new thing that you do is just opening a new version of the game while still running the other. Over and over and over until your phone just doesn’t know what the hell else to do but shut down
If that makes sense? Again, this may be the very definition of memory leak. I’m not sure?
It’s probably not loading another instance of the entire game, it’s probably some small menial task that it constantly keeps opening new multiple threads to process due to a coding error.
Iphone se
IOS 12.0
Occurs on wifi and 4g data.
Uk. Giffgaff
Your Product (v19.0) is destroying our devices / is maybe doing harm to people.
Kabam knows it, but is not doing anything to prevent their customers from any damage caused by the Issue of v19.0.
That is what i call „intentionally“. And that is, what Kabam makes responsible for any inconvenience
we (the players of their game) have because of the latest update v19.0
What do you @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious think about that?
I have VERY rudimentary coding knowledge but I do remember the memory allocation/release thing. How it can turn a very simple low energy app into a beast on resources
I’m not defending Kabams unresponsiveness by any means, but I would imagine that they have at least a month or so of programming source code changes to pour over to try to find the error(s) which could be why it’s taking so long.
Hopefully, forum admins can be much more transparent about their progress so far. I’m sure it would go a long way towards improving customer interaction.
IOS 11.4.1
Over heating after 5 minutes use, my battery health has gone from 98% to 89% in 2 days this is beyond bad and this needs to be fixed preferably now but I understand that it’s impossible as you don’t have all the facts this cannot wait until the next update otherwise I can’t imagine the threads saying kabam owe them a new phone because this update broke it
Latest iOS
wifi or cellular
battery already replaced
While playing mcoc after 19.0 update:
-Phone gets super hot
-phone has some sort of black screen restart, doesn't appear to be a full restart, but pin
is required to log back into phone and game app has restarted
-lots more lag during fights
-some lag in other parts of game app not during fights, like returning to home screen
-game app draining battery faster
In reality they should shut the game down till a solution is found. This is a big problem for their user base. I'm sure there are a lot of ppl who are not even aware of the issue and keep playing but Kabam continues on with the game leaving AQ/AW open forcing ppl to have to play or lose status with their peers. If I wasn't running an alliance I wouldn't be playing.
AQ brackets are currently broken, coding is being shown in-game, etc. how much needs to be broken to say enough is enough?
Apple and Google should be pulling this game from their stores. Surprised Marvel hasn't heard the issue yet (didn't they get involved in the 12.0 release)?
aside from it being a completely pointless game where if you didn't have switch you had nothing, sure
Edit: Oooh, now you edit title from going back to version 11 to version 18 to make our comments look stupid. Lol, makes more sense now than going back to 11 though.
Keep your phones safe everyone.
I am part of a great alliance, and I have a commitment with everyone, I do not know what I can do, but I am thinking about stopping this game for the sake of it. a feather
People please lets not derailed from the real issue at stakes. People quit their jobs all the time and they also post numerous jobs opening. Simple biz