New 19.0 update phone problems [Merged Threads]



  • SkymastrSkymastr Member Posts: 46
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi all! If you haven't seen it yet, please check out Adora's update from yesterday. We are definitely taking the situation seriously and are still working on the issue.

    Ad0ra_ wrote: »
    Hey everyone! Our testers spent time with our latest beta version over the weekend, and we are still working to use the data from this test to inform new options. While some testers saw some very promising improvements, others did not experience the same thing. We are using this feedback along with the data we gathered surrounding crashes and other issues to work on even further solutions.

    We don't yet know when the next update will be, but will continue to share more information as we work on this. We continue to dedicate a team of people to this issue, and want to re-emphasize how important it is to us to get this resolved.

    Other then “we dont know” there is no news mean while its Shame spend alot of real money that game and alot of time... start think about maybe its time to quit cause of its been **** last 15 day still nothing fix
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 891 ★★★★
    So they have "a team" hmm... Something this serious shouldn't call for all hands on deck?
  • Kludge77Kludge77 Member Posts: 51
    Day 14.
  • Kludge77Kludge77 Member Posts: 51
    I don't know how else to say this. That's a long time for a serious glitch to be allowed to continue. Most companies would just roll back the update.
  • KingJoey22KingJoey22 Member Posts: 1
    I know you guys have said solving the IOS overheating issue is top priority, just wondering if there is any timeline on when that might be. I can only play a single line through a quest or a couple arena rounds before I have to let phone cool down for 10 minutes. Certainly don’t want to forget about that after running a quest and jumping in alliance war to lose a fight before it starts due to phone overheating again!
  • WestthepestWestthepest Member Posts: 9
    If everyone just quit playin for the next week “while they’re working on it” they might get the hint. But United we stand divided we fall into Kabams crappy business practices.
  • crus_leon_crus_leon_ Member Posts: 1
    This is out of hand Kabam. Our devices are at risk and you still haven’t figured it out. It seems to be getting worse if anything. I’m unable to play longer than a few minutes before my phone heats up and becomes unresponsive. Come on get it together.
  • WiMakWiMak Member Posts: 359 ★★
    Fix it already! Or at least patch it so we can limp through…

    I understand this isn’t constructive but sometimes you need to lightly vent

    Thank you. That is all
  • ZamyZamy Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2018
    Halo kabam I have been playing this game for 2 years but you have spoiled it. I am not playing the event. I can’t play aq and war to fix the game quickly I lost every day daily crystal even I can not play new event.How you’re gonna compensate this you ruined everything 😏😏
  • WiMakWiMak Member Posts: 359 ★★
    These issues aren’t meta And you can’t adapt Play to not being able to play...
  • Ch1efsterCh1efster Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    This problem seems to be getting worse for me. I used to be able to play around 10 arena matches before my phone got too hot. Now it is heating up even faster. This needs to be taken care of soon!
  • DiscountjohnnyDiscountjohnny Member Posts: 18
    Ch1efster wrote: »
    This problem seems to be getting worse for me. I used to be able to play around 10 arena matches before my phone got too hot. Now it is heating up even faster. This needs to be taken care of soon!
    Ch1efster wrote: »
    This problem seems to be getting worse for me. I used to be able to play around 10 arena matches before my phone got too hot. Now it is heating up even faster. This needs to be taken care of soon!

    Question is, is it the game getting worse or is it your phone getting closer to frying? Just a thought.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    DrZola wrote: »
    I’m beginning to wonder if there is any amount of MCoC pixels that will make me say, “sure, this totally makes up for the past month.” It’s pretty close to the point of irreparability, if it isn’t there already.

    Dr. Zola

    I'm right there with you. Absolutely no reason a company should allow this to go on for two weeks and more. I understand things happen but at this point there should be daily butt kissing, not to mention updates. Not sure what they put in the water at Kabam headquarters but it definitely doesn't teach them how to treat their customers or run a game. I mean they are literally pushing customers away right now and they seem bothered to answer questions.
  • MogwayLavendelMogwayLavendel Member Posts: 5
    the least they can do is extend the current antman quest, i havent been able to play it at all since i dont want my phone to be a useless's a thought that has been spoken a lot too...reverse the update! This all came with 19.0 no one had THAT much trouble with the previous one im sure people will understand if you do that..right now the game is unfair for people who cannot play
  • ZamyZamy Member Posts: 4
    I am facing I can’t play alliance quest my event just tell me what i do i my alliance facing problems because of your new update
  • InfinityM04InfinityM04 Member Posts: 118
    I'm pretty sure Kabam's pride is at an all time high. Otherwise they would've been like "Oh hey, this is actually taking longer than we thought to fix, lets roll back the update until we find a solution." But no, that's admitting that they can't do their job properly. I know whoever their Public Relations person is, is probably telling them to keep us in the dark because if they say too much it would hurt the companies image. But then again, not saying anything and not fixing the issue that is obviously pretty severe is hurting the companies image. TBH, it's hard to even play AQ events, because in the 5 moves you can already feel your phone starting to warm up more than usual.
  • KyrazmomKyrazmom Member Posts: 159
    Explain to us Kabam, why we should continue buying? Why we should continue playing? It's been over 2 weeks now and the game is still messed up and ruining people's batteries and hardware. You still refuse to anounce in game that your phone can overheat. There are a ton of open positions for your company. Word that a disgruntled employee sabatoged the game and you have no one left who can fix it. So pretty sure you are gonna lose thousands of players including those of us who spend asinine amounts of money to support this free game for everyone. And all the negative reviews won't replace those who leave. So you better offer something extremely good for those who have supported you all these years including when you controlled KOM, The Hobbit and other games. This is your flat out worst attempt in your time as a game maker. Even when I warned you about iOS 7 not working for beta users and you did nothing to the day iOS 7 actually launched and kicked every single iOS user out of the game, you fixed that problem that same day. But here we are over 2 weeks into LaLa land and it's still broke and Beta testing not helping. I foresee the end of Kabam soon!

    I haven’t spent a dime since this 19.0 fiasco. I used to buy at least one Odin a week. I’m in a retirement alliance now and since I can’t play like I used to there is no reason for me to spend.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    I guess they are stumped and don't want to tell us. Every day that goes by I wonder why I'm trying to play a game when the company doesn't care if we do or don't. The only thing keeping me coming back is all the time and effort I've already put into the game. It wouldn't be near as bad if Kabam acted like they cared about their customers. It's been over two weeks and we can count all the updates they've given on our fingers.. I'm not talking about compensation but just making an effort to communicate with the player base. All we are hearing is that it's a priority... whatever.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,966 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    DaMunk wrote: »
    I guess they are stumped and don't want to tell us. Every day that goes by I wonder why I'm trying to play a game when the company doesn't care if we do or don't. The only thing keeping me coming back is all the time and effort I've already put into the game. It wouldn't be near as bad if Kabam acted like they cared about their customers. It's been over two weeks and we can count all the updates they've given on our fingers.. I'm not talking about compensation but just making an effort to communicate with the player base. All we are hearing is that it's a priority... whatever.

    This. I don’t get it.

    I’ve made posts suggesting a daily update, even if it’s just “we aren’t any closer.” I’ve suggested at least a gentle warning about playing if your phone gets hot. I’ve suggested stopgap relief measures that would help players trying to play while the overheating, display issues and lag continue—not restitution, but just throwing the community a lifeline of stuff that costs them zero real dollars. I’ve posted and spoken directly with people.

    Result: Nothing. Nada. Zip.

    Does the team really care that much about the community and its experience in-game? Are there issues associated with this fix that require the team to limit comments to the bare minimum? I don’t know the answer. But I do know this: the update fiasco continues to drive loyal customers from the game.

    Dr. Zola
  • TKalTKal Member Posts: 534 ★★
    We can we have an update on this really urgent, long and serious issue ?
  • RockonRockon Member Posts: 271
    SMiller80 wrote: »
    I get that this is a big issue, and one you're trying hard to fix. I do. Phones overheating (Androids too!), gameplay all messed up, crashes...well, it goes on and on. You're trying to fix it. I get it.

    In the meantime, though, what about guys like me? I love the game. Genuinely. And despite all the mishaps over the years, I've stuck with it. I haven't played since the beginning, but it wasn't long after. I'm a little over 700k rating now, with a fairly decent lineup. I've been in an alliance for almost all of that time, and most of my alliance time has been with some of the same guys. I do arena, though I'm not a grinder. I do t4b arena and t1a arena most of the time, and grind about 4-5m in some other arena each cycle. So I'm putting up around 15m in arena a week. Some do a lot more, but I'm just trying to let you know what kind of player I am. I do every event quest, all difficulties (even easy, most of the time).

    Since the overheating issues, I have scaled back little by little. First, I drop arena. Then I had to leave my alliance. I'm barely playing at all now. So not only am I not playing the game, I'm losing out on thousands of shards, tons of rank-up materials and more. And it's been weeks.

    Why isn't Kabam sending out occasional gifts to make up for this? If I would count what I am losing every week this goes on, I don't know what the numbers would be exactly, but it's a minimum of...

    3 t1as
    2 t4bs
    5,000 5* shards
    2,000 4* shards
    A bunch of gold, battlechips and loyalty
    A couple thousand glory

    When you aren't sending out periodic gifts as this goes on and on, it feels like you don't care what we're losing NOW. Yes, we can wait. And wait. And wait. But what are we supposed to do in the meantime.

    I'm honestly not sure what I'll do if the game ever gets fixed. I hope I still want to play. Really, I do. But the longer this goes on without Kabam acknowledging all that we're losing along the way, the more hopeless I feel that anything will be done to make up for the time lost. At this point, what they send would have to be so outlandish that I can't imagine it showing up in my mailbox.

    I agree with that being the minimum, think we need energy refills plus act 4 and act 5 energy reduction costs for a month plus a few 5* reverse crystal spins as well. maybe a 5* r4 gem?
  • PetipoPetipo Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2018
    So what I can say is that I have the same problems.
    that means with my Nvidia k1 Android 7.0 W-lan the same problems arise.
    Story ..... 3 to 5 fights and the tab gets hot.
    However, nothing happens on my Samsung s8 + edge that I can do a lot of cleaning for a long time.
    But dear Kabamteam let us not wait any longer, if they have no update then at least send us resources and compensation for the past days.
    Post edited by Kabam Spice on
  • SMiller80SMiller80 Member Posts: 230 ★★

    I agree with that being the minimum, think we need energy refills plus act 4 and act 5 energy reduction costs for a month plus a few 5* reverse crystal spins as well. maybe a 5* r4 gem?[/quote]

    I think this is the minimum per week they are down. No point in energy refills until the fix. The fix gift is another conversation. I'm just thinking about all I'm losing as the weeks go by.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,966 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    SMiller80 wrote: »

    I think this is the minimum per week they are down. No point in energy refills until the fix. The fix gift is another conversation. I'm just thinking about all I'm losing as the weeks go by.

    With this being week 2, I would be surprised if this wasn’t a topic of discussion for the game team. For me and for others this month is a resource drain—I’ve run some quests but they have cost me, mostly because boosts had to expire to prevent phone from getting too hot and pots had to be used to compensate for the terrible frame rate and lag issues. Not a ton, but more than I would have if I could swipe effectively and the screen didn’t momentarily freeze on me in every fight.

    A little relief would be nice...

    Dr. Zola
  • Kludge77Kludge77 Member Posts: 51
    Day 15.
  • JTS4AUJTS4AU Member Posts: 2
    Help my fingerprints are melting away just trying to make it thru a path on the Lilly challenge ... super stoked I’m having to weigh the pros and cons ... are the resources for completion worth buying a new iPhone ... this is ridiculous
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,510 ★★★★★
    I still can't believe this is an issue, game needs to be rolled back to a working update until it can be fixed. My phone is reaching dangerous temperatures since update.
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