AW placement day pointless, please remove

The placement day waiting period is completely pointless, alliances should be able to have there defences already placed and mapped. When you have filled up all you slots and placed to you liking then enter the matchmaker and immediatly be put into attack phase. Also the previous war champ placements should be saved so if your choose you can immediatly re enter the matchmaker after your previous war is complete. A surrender option would also be appreciated but I can understand why there would be hesitation to allow that. More war is more units spent so I don't see why that isn't win win for everyone.
I believe the issue is waiting. So, patience. Lol.
Except for the fact that not all Allies are prepared, and are still learning. Not all Players are on at the same time of day to place their Champs. Once it's locked, it's locked, which is why we have time to readjust. It's also designed so that a limited number of Wars a week are possible. I can't see any logical reason to take away Placement Phase simply because we have to wait. It's patience.
As I explained throughout the thread, alliances would have as much or little time as needed to set the map. If you are happy with your layout and no one has left your alliance then the subsequent war you can just re submit the same map. As for my lack of patience I would prefer to play the game and not wait and the company is free to manipulate the amount of rewards you can potentially win per war or per week but I can't see the downside from the Kabam perspective having more players playing and spending than waiting and doing nothing. If you really wanted to see people go bananas spending you would include awakening gem shards in high tier also.
The OP isn't explaining it right.
He wants to change the ORDER that things happen.
The current order is find match up then set heroes then finally go to war. The set heroes step is 24 hours every time even if it takes the group only 5 minutes to set it up.
He wants the order to be set heroes, find match up then go to war.
By placing the set heroes as the first step in the process, this gives the alliance more flexibility at the expense of having a less predictable schedule.
For alliance that sets their line up quickly, they do not have to wait the current mandatory 24 hours. They can go to battle right away.
For those that are a bit slow, they can take as long as they want before they click the button to find a match up. Otherwise, once the 24 hours has run down in the current scheme, it would be too late for the slow alliances to place defenders.
Changing the order gives alliance more flexibility in setting their lineups BUT, the schedule is less predictable as there is no way anyone can predict how fast a group can fill the lineup. It can be like rounding up cats.
Yes it would be to the benefit of groups who are organized and active.
If members of an ally have placed their defenders with no plans for adjustment then they can get on with the war
If not they can wait
So people and timezones doesnt factor in
The only moment it becomes a factor is if other members have placed their champs and are ready when a select few havent placed due to timezones
LOL, we agree to disagree a lot. And I do agree that it's like the 1/2 timers inasmuch as it's the same nebulous "reasons" which are used to justify the longer timers. No doubt the entire War system was also designed around the placement phase. Also some finding themselves with more options would place undue pressure on international alliance players and it would be Very Detrimental lmao.
-The design limits the amount of Wars per cycle, which regulates an even progression for all Players. Not just withholds Rewards. If those learning could only do half that those ready immediately, the top would stay the top, and no one else would progress
-It allows Players to join in ample time to participate
-It allows Leaders and Officers to make changes to the placements
-It assists in preparation for organizing
-It gives people time to study the Nodes and learn how to place in order to optimize before Attack begins
-It allows Players to finish whatever they were doing with the Champs they've placed before they're locked in because not all Allies have an ample enough Roster to run everything
I'm sure people could dispute every reason that I provide because they don't want to wait 24 hours for Attack. Which is why I said I'm out. My view is that I can't support the idea of changing the design because some people want more Rewards at a faster pace. Other people depend on the system as it is now. Feel free to share your views but I've stated mine and I'm not debating an endless argument. Not being rude in saying that. I've just had these discussions before and it is one side stating against the other.
That's just my view.
And yes if you can do it everyday we will have to do it every day. That's how this always goes with events and high level alliances. The game is already busy enough for most people.
Also like others have said with international alliances need the time for placement.
Im glad someone seems to understand, basically the idea allows you to move at your alliances own pace and alleviate some of the repetitive war placement duties. The argument could always be made that some people need a break or don't want to war every day but I think the better alternative would be for these players to find alliances that better suit their goals. The full time players dont mind logging in for a few fight daily for war, they want as much rewarding content as they can get. Hoping this concept gains some steam as players are clamouring for more 5* shards and war is beneficial to the players and the company as it encourages spending.