I want to say I won't, but I probably will. Idk, it really depends on the amount of six star shards they have or whether or not there is a lot of t5 basic.
Isnt there an offer Friday before it thats also worth grabbing? Think it was 5* vision they had last year, will you guys go for that or the cyber monday offer?
Seriously though... I might consider it if OG Vision is an offer because I've been wanting him for ages now. I'm just saving up my hard earned units atm
Typically I will never spend and outside of the refunded gifting badge I have never spent. If something was truly tempting and a bargain then maybe but usually nothing is at a reasonable cost that I need to me.
Likely not spending. Have 15k units to pick up the offer if it is worth it. Picked up a few on July 4th, got my prestige where I am happy with it. 6* shards are far from having value right now. Pool expanded too quickly and more likely than not to pull arena fodder.
I always spend on cyber Monday and July 4th. This year will be tough because t2 alpahs and t5 basics won't be enough. I really need a great deal on sig stones, or maybe a generic awakening gem. I get enough of the other stuff to not need to spend on them this time around.
Only if they’re really amazing. And I’m not talking about a 6* for $200. I’m talking about like a marvelous 6* for $100 (where there’s only great champs in it). Maybe if they do like a 6* rank up gem for $100 if you can choose your class. Since neither of these will probably happen I’ve spent enough.
With a 1k, 4k and 10k unit deals.
As well as a bunch of stuff added to the normal unit deals
Seriously though... I might consider it if OG Vision is an offer because I've been wanting him for ages now. I'm just saving up my hard earned units atm
It would be good if the deal includes tier 5 class catalyst.