
πŸŽ‰ Return Of The Giveaway! πŸŽ‰



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    VineetkansaraVineetkansara Posts: 14 β˜…
    IGN : vineetkansara
    if i won would love 2GGC'S

    In this year for playing about 3 years cleared Ultron Act5 became cavalier find a platinum ally recently and got wrost luck in getting champions
    my six stars with so much of efforts for shards
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    PastorAmericaPastorAmerica Posts: 461 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    Ign: PastorAmerica
    Gift: 2GGC Thank you!

    This year I became uncollected. On my third ever UC arena crystal I opened a 5* Punisher! It was only my 6th 5* to date and was super exciting.
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    KeywarriorKeywarrior Posts: 21 β˜…
    IGN: kewarrior
    Prize: 2 GGC
    Best thing this year: It's actually my first year in the game and i just became Cavalier, surpassing the person who introduced me to the game. Was a great goal for me!
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    CainCain Posts: 559 β˜…β˜…
    IGN: well it’s in a weird text so I can’t type it and prob won’t get picked as a result

    Prizes: 1GGC and 1 L1 pot to cherish forever, plus the memory of winning.

    Best thing to happen. Pulling a 6* Doc OC from my 2nd cav crystal

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    FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Posts: 1,594 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: Mirirelind
    Gift: 2 GGCs (the potential rewards are way too good).

    The best part for me this year has been getting Uncollected and Act 5 completion, it was really fun and challenging. Thanks!
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    Capn_DanteCapn_Dante Posts: 565 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: Capn_Dante
    Prize: 2 ggcs

    This year I joined a new alliance which helped me push through uncollected and cavalier in a matter of months after being stagnant for almost a year. Recently, I created a second account to go back into my old long term alliance to give advice and help others push through as well.
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    theMercenarytheMercenary Posts: 643 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: ThemercenAry-~1

    Prize: 3 GGC or 2 carbo cores

    Pulled a 5* thing from grandmaster login crystal and explored all variants 1-2-3-4. All.
    Finished act 6.3 and 2 quests left for %100 act 6.2.
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    SolotrixSolotrix Posts: 64 β˜…
    IGN: Solotrix
    Item: 2 GGC

    Best thing this year was reaching uncollected
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    IvarTheBonelessIvarTheBoneless Posts: 1,265 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited December 2019
    IGN: LaGanjaMaan
    Prize: 2 GGC's

    Best things this year: pulled aegon, cap marvel movie, nick fury and did 100% variant 2. Got a r5 skill gem for aegon so I could use my cats for r5 CMM
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    Doctorwho13Doctorwho13 Posts: 597 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: DoctorWho13-1

    Gift: 2 GGC

    Got my favourite character Silver Surfer twice, as a 4 and a 5 (technically 3 times as I got a 3 as well)
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    Jwallace25Jwallace25 Posts: 481 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    edited December 2019
    I'm not entering because I feel there are others who need these resources more, but I just want to commend you on this. This is a really great idea! Props to you!
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    Hiug456Hiug456 Posts: 103 β˜…
    Item: 2 GGC
    For me the best thing that happened in game this year is was clearing lol for the first time.
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    Anish_108Anish_108 Posts: 131 β˜…
    IGN : Anish_108
    Gift : I would love to get 2 ggc's
    Best thing happened to me : Well I started the game just 6 months back. One fine day I decided to buy one of the unit offers of 300 units of mutant crystal.
    I waited for many days and that day I had terrible luck I tripped and got hurt that day so I just casually open that crystal and this amazing thing happed I pulled an 5* Iceman.
    It was crazy after looking at the droprate were just 0.5% and I managed to pull him.
    Anyways best of luck for your further content. CheersπŸ₯‚
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    AceLuffySaboAceLuffySabo Posts: 286 β˜…β˜…
    edited December 2019
    IGN: Ace Luffy Sabo
    Bundle: 2 GGC's

    Well, the best thing that happened to me this year is that I finally managed to not only complete but also explore a Variant mode (V4). I received a 4-5 Cosmic Rank Up Gem and I'm just waiting to pull someone great now (Medusa, Hyperion, Captain Marvel Movie, etc.). I'm usually rather unlucky with crystal pulls this year and just didn't manage to complete the previous Variants but this actually felt amazing and, more importantly, fun; of course being F2P doesn't help completing modes such as Variant, Labyrinth, etc.

    Either way, thanks for hosting a giveaway for Christmas; I've never seen someone do that in the forums before.
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    Kurac_4Kurac_4 Posts: 13 β˜…
    IGN - Kurac_4
    2 GGC's would be awesome.

    This year was unexpectedly amazing, I started playing a 3 years ago and after 1 year, game became boring because I couldn't beat collector and I gave up. I started playing again last Christmas from then untill now I found a awesome alliance, beat collector, became cavalier, completed variant 3 and 4, and last week I ranked up 5* corvus to rank 5.

    Good luck to everyone and enjoy the holidays.
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    ThikasThikas Posts: 24 β˜…
    IGN: Thikaz
    If I win I would like 2 GGC’s.

    Greatest thing that has happened to me this year: opening three 5* crystals and getting Ghost, Havok and Void. Still shaking about that luck 3 months later.
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    IcsGrecIcsGrec Posts: 919 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: IcsGrec
    I'd love 2x GGC

    Best moment of the year: Ranking up my 5* Hyperion to Rank 5 (my first R5), which made completing content so much easier, and which eventually helped me push towards Cavalier.

    Good luck to everyone! :wink:
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    JonnySnowJonnySnow Posts: 117 β˜…

    Gift- 2 GGC

    Best thing this year- Is either pulling 5* Corvus before ever finishing Act4 (so becoming uncollected was a breeze) or Joining my Alliance. Shout out to CSK for excellent communication and teamwork this year!

    I genuinely think it's really cool you do something like this. The game needs more people like you! (not sucking up i swear lol)
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    AceHaywardAceHayward Posts: 37 β˜…
    Ign: Sergeant Squawk
    Prize: either the 2 ggc or the 1 ggc and 10 refills.
    I joined an alliance this year and have since earned 4x 6* champs and finally 5/65 x2 champs. Smashing it
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    JocohowJocohow Posts: 4 β˜…
    Happy Festivus

    IGN- Jocohow
    2 GGC's

    Getting Uncollected was great. Now I'd like to 100% Chapter 5

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    ThatOneMasterGamerThatOneMasterGamer Posts: 810 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: That1MasterGmr
    Prize: 2 GGC
    Best moment this year: Became Uncollected thanks to my boy Sabretooth
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    spiderknight616spiderknight616 Posts: 466 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN: spiderknight616
    I'd like the GGC + 2 Stony cores

    Best thing was becoming Uncollected with far less effort than I anticipated. I was expecting to use at least a half dozen revives. Got through with like two.
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    TheGrandM4sterTheGrandM4ster Posts: 42 β˜…
    IGN: Wgraves94
    2 Greater Gifting Crystals
    The best thing for me this year was to be able to go alliance-less and still being able to get through the content. I was able to complete every chapter so far in Act 6 as well as 100% every variant this year. Having no alliance is great for me as I can do more things outside of the game but still be able to play the game I enjoy.
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    MrSpoonMrSpoon Posts: 10 β˜…
    IGN - Mr. Spoon

    Gift - 2 GGCs

    The best thing that’s happened to be in game is either finally becoming Elders Bane which was such a task for me or getting my partner to join the game. Now we run an alliance together, I am Cavalier and everyone else in alliance are still on act 4 but it’s great being able to help them all get good rewards, advise them and of course play along side the misses!
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    Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Posts: 2,894 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN Sundance2099
    the two cores bundle, plz.

    Best things for me would be going from a mere 3 5*s to 10 and getting Aegon as one of them.
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    Priyansh7Priyansh7 Posts: 445 β˜…β˜…
    Would love to get 2 GGCs if I win

    The best thing happened to me this year was to open a 5 star Aegon(he is my 11th 5 star champ) and then duping him just 1 crystal after that(In this order : AEgon, The champion, AEgon awakened), I was beyond overwhelmed πŸ˜‚
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    Bat7Bat7 Posts: 16 β˜…
    IGN - Bat7

    Items - 2 GGC’s

    Best thing this year is am joined :wink: and became conqueror & also pull 5* thing & quake

    Thank you & love you 3000 times

    Merry Christmas :smile:
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    Bidzy7Bidzy7 Posts: 369 β˜…β˜…β˜…
    IGN - Bidz y7
    Prize 1 GGC and 10 Energy Refils

    Best In Game moment - getting the 1 Shot on the Nameless Thanos with Hyperion
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    Lvernon15Lvernon15 Posts: 11,596 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…

    Best thing this year was pulling 6* Corvus yesterday after pulling 6* cyclops a couple weeks before
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