Lose Yourself to the Abyss!

Since The Contest began, an extreme danger has lurked around every corner, ready to prey on those seeking a true challenge…
First, The Realm of Legends was created by the Collector, with the intention that no Summoner would pass through it. The days grew into months before the first Legend of The Contest was able to claim victory over the Realm. Now, this relic of the early days of The Contest plays its role as a test of strength against the one-armed Assassin.
Then, seeking to trivialize his brother’s accomplishment, The Grandmaster created the Labyrinth of Legends to test the skill of the Summoners of The Battlerealm. His determination to break the Summoner’s spirit was met by our Summoners determination to best the Grandmaster’s game.
Now, a dark presence, formerly unknown to all, has opened up their corner of the Battlerealm. Dare to delve into this pocket of despair and dread, where hope goes to die.
This is the new Everest of content in the game. With each addition such as Realm, Labyrinth, and now the Abyss, the intention is to create content that Summoners will grow into in the coming months and years, and not content that can be fully explored in an afternoon.
When Realm of Legends was introduced, it was several months before all of the secrets and tools were uncovered to beat it. This is our goal for The Abyss.
Like the Labyrinth, The Abyss has an extensive, twisting map, with multiple paths and a locked camera, preventing you from scouting ahead. Unlike Labyrinth’s 2 Global Buffs, Abyss has 7.
Bear in mind, Summoner, the “Mark of the Labyrinth” buff contained multiple smaller effects encapsulated in one single buff. The Abyss breaks all of these effects into different buffs to allow the space to better describe them.

Additionally, many of your encounters will introduce new abilities to Champions that you are not familiar with. Be sure to read up on these every time you come across an encounter.

Besides the standard Completion and Mastery rewards, the Abyss has 5 Abyssal Chests scattered throughout. Once claimed the chest will not respawn. Though these are rare, each one contains great treasures.

The first 20 to 100% explore the Abyss will receive a duped 6* Thanos (2x 6-Star Thanos).
The first 300 to 100% explore the Abyss will earn a Legends title.
The first 300 to 100% explore the Abyss will also receive a 5* Kang & a 6-Star Awakening Gem Crystal.
The first 300 will also get Legends points, as detailed in the Legends Leaderboard section below.
Yes, you read that correctly - first to Explore. Unlike our event quest Legends Runs, where the best times in a given window receive Legends titles and rewards, Abyss Legends are first-come, first-served.
We will be periodically (after the first few weeks, about once a month) checking to see who completed Abyss, review their play, and award Legends.
Abyss of Legends - Legends Points
#1 -300 Points
Top 20 - 250 Points
Top 100 - 100 Points
Top 200 - 75 Points
Top 300 - 50 Points
All those that make their way through the Abyss will be reviewed to ensure their legitimacy before any Legends prizes are awarded.
The Abyss does not deal in second chances, and will banish forever those who would attempt to break its rules.
The wait is almost over…
The long awaited, and fabled follow up, to the Labyrinth of Legends will be here on January 22nd at 10AM PST.
Heed these words, Summoner! The Abyss is not a challenge to be trifled with. We do not expect anyone to conquer the challenge any time soon. You will fail multiple times, but you can use those first attempts to acquaint yourself with the challenge ahead before you commit to taking on the darkness of The Abyss of Legends!
Since The Contest began, an extreme danger has lurked around every corner, ready to prey on those seeking a true challenge…
First, The Realm of Legends was created by the Collector, with the intention that no Summoner would pass through it. The days grew into months before the first Legend of The Contest was able to claim victory over the Realm. Now, this relic of the early days of The Contest plays its role as a test of strength against the one-armed Assassin.
Then, seeking to trivialize his brother’s accomplishment, The Grandmaster created the Labyrinth of Legends to test the skill of the Summoners of The Battlerealm. His determination to break the Summoner’s spirit was met by our Summoners determination to best the Grandmaster’s game.
Now, a dark presence, formerly unknown to all, has opened up their corner of the Battlerealm. Dare to delve into this pocket of despair and dread, where hope goes to die.
Welcome to The Abyss of Legends!
The Abyss of Legends is the hardest content ever seen in The Contest.This is the new Everest of content in the game. With each addition such as Realm, Labyrinth, and now the Abyss, the intention is to create content that Summoners will grow into in the coming months and years, and not content that can be fully explored in an afternoon.
When Realm of Legends was introduced, it was several months before all of the secrets and tools were uncovered to beat it. This is our goal for The Abyss.
Doesn’t sound so bad? I like your optimism. Shame it won’t do any good here.
Firstly, to enter the Abyss, you must have earned the Cavalier designation. If you have not yet been able to complete Act 6, Chapter 1, The Abyss is being locked away for your own safety.Like the Labyrinth, The Abyss has an extensive, twisting map, with multiple paths and a locked camera, preventing you from scouting ahead. Unlike Labyrinth’s 2 Global Buffs, Abyss has 7.
Bear in mind, Summoner, the “Mark of the Labyrinth” buff contained multiple smaller effects encapsulated in one single buff. The Abyss breaks all of these effects into different buffs to allow the space to better describe them.

Additionally, many of your encounters will introduce new abilities to Champions that you are not familiar with. Be sure to read up on these every time you come across an encounter.

Besides the standard Completion and Mastery rewards, the Abyss has 5 Abyssal Chests scattered throughout. Once claimed the chest will not respawn. Though these are rare, each one contains great treasures.

Legends of the Abyss
The first 20 to 100% explore the Abyss will receive a duped 6* Thanos (2x 6-Star Thanos).
The first 300 to 100% explore the Abyss will earn a Legends title.
The first 300 to 100% explore the Abyss will also receive a 5* Kang & a 6-Star Awakening Gem Crystal.
The first 300 will also get Legends points, as detailed in the Legends Leaderboard section below.
Yes, you read that correctly - first to Explore. Unlike our event quest Legends Runs, where the best times in a given window receive Legends titles and rewards, Abyss Legends are first-come, first-served.
We will be periodically (after the first few weeks, about once a month) checking to see who completed Abyss, review their play, and award Legends.
Abyss of Legends - Legends Points
#1 -300 Points
Top 20 - 250 Points
Top 100 - 100 Points
Top 200 - 75 Points
Top 300 - 50 Points
Our Vow
Let it be known, Summoner, that using any nefarious exploits, cheats, or other manners of manipulation will not be tolerated in The Abyss, and will be dealt with swiftly.All those that make their way through the Abyss will be reviewed to ensure their legitimacy before any Legends prizes are awarded.
The Abyss does not deal in second chances, and will banish forever those who would attempt to break its rules.
The wait is almost over…
The long awaited, and fabled follow up, to the Labyrinth of Legends will be here on January 22nd at 10AM PST.
Heed these words, Summoner! The Abyss is not a challenge to be trifled with. We do not expect anyone to conquer the challenge any time soon. You will fail multiple times, but you can use those first attempts to acquaint yourself with the challenge ahead before you commit to taking on the darkness of The Abyss of Legends!
Post edited by Kabam Miike on
So essentially, 85,000 damage cap throughout the abyss?
Also - please don’t “lock the map.”
This is genuinely the worst possible feature that has ever been present in this game.
We do not need to have a Legends Title in order to explore the quest, right? Any person that has the Cavalier title, and whether or not has the legend title, will be able to do it, right?
Also, am I seeing it right, there is no limber?
Does this evade is "turn-off"-able (like truestrike, coldsnap etc), unlike LOL evade?
Bye bye Aegon, SL and most likely G99
I'd really like to see perma bans for people piloting and using mercs
I mean beating an easy monthly for a legend tag really shouldnt hold the same title as this or top lol guys.